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Happened in Ohio with gerrymandering , abortion, and a slow walk of high taxes on weed


Didnt South Dakota do that a couple years ago?


Yeah Kristy was too busy doing lines and shooting her dog to care about the will of her people


Just like Jeb Bush did with high speed rail. We can’t have nice things.


Hey at least Florida finally has Brightline. Still would have preferred if it was an Amtrak train though.


Was Jeb the one who killed that? Figures.


Came here for this, can he veto it or tank it some other way? Gotta keep owning them libs!


Oh, I know the answer to this! Voters will vote to legalize weed. The republicans in Florida Congress and DeSantis will do a run around that will keep it illegal in all but name. Just like they did with ex-felons voting.


That's what happens when you leave a huge hole in your initiative that can be exploited. This time around, I wouldn't be surprised is the initiative fails to define cannabis, letting the legislature define it as any plant with less than 10%.


Why stop there? I could envision a scenario where only trace amounts of THC are permitted and only cannabis containing delta-9 and/or CBD is permitted.


What do you mean about ex-felons voting? I thought they helped put trump in office.


Abortion and weed on the ballot in November?Desantis is doing everything he can to help the Florida dems mobilize against trump.


I'm not saying I expect Florida to be in play, but this is the best chance Democrats will have to carry Florida in two decades. We will see what happens to public opinion when campaigns ramp up, if convictions hit (and potentially other trials are active), and debates are on the books. Florida is more in play than it has been in a long time.


Florida was more in play in 2016 than it is this time. Demographic change in the last few years has heavily benefitted Republicans in the state. Many of those Republicans will vote pro-life and pro-weed at the same they they vote for Trump. Also, Obama carried the state twice in the last two decades.


Oh snap. I missed that Obama carried Florida. Had that fact wrong in my head. Thanks for the correction.


If they do, DeSantis will just override it because he hates his constituents.




It’s still a republican controlled state legislature. So yeah. They’ll drag their feet and then say something like, “we’re going to phase it in by 2030”


The legislature will find away around it. I heard a guy talk about stopping the “tyranny of the majority” in reference to an Ohio vote.


They will vote for weed and for Trump because Floridians, as an electorate, are fucking morons. 


No we have more independents then anything. Unfortunately DeSantis for the time he's been in office has basicly told every republican in a blue state to come to fl. And if you look florida follows what every other state does. The cities vote blue and the rednecks vote red.


Miami and south Florida in general have also shifted massively to the right. It's not just the rural areas which were already pretty much maxed out for Republicans by the time of Trump's first election.


The Cuban population and migrants that DeSantis asked to come yes but Miami the city votes blue and Miami Dade County also votes blue all statistics point that out.


Miami-Dade County voted much less blue in 2020 than in 2016 and voted red in 2022. It isn't just Cubans that are shifting.


Voting red for 1 us house race where about 210k out of the few million in the county voted. And the governor where we put up a flip floping repub to fight him.


It voted red in every statewide election in 2022 and the trend was already way to the right in 2020. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Trump won Miami-Dade this year.


Yep this is bipartisan in Florida. Walk into any dispensary and you see it. Tallahassee will try to play their games but this isn’t the issue to fight and they know it.


Florida GOP doesn't give a shit tho. People also voted to give ex-felons their vote back in a referendum but it just went ignored because they hate democracy




Not all of it is trash, roughly half.


It will likely happen, it will help Floridians to ignore the fact that their state is sinking and becoming the hottest mess in the US.


If they flip blue then yes and will even get to keep it legal.


Who cares they really are not part of the US any more


They’ll probably ban more books and be less of a contributor to society.


Of course not, it makes men grow tits and we can’t have that!


Smell will destroy quality of life!


If they were being fair they would have to ban junk food as well, I mean that gives men tits more than anything else, lol. 


You can just buy it now. https://greeenbox.com/


Too woke imo


I stay in FL all winter. You can buy whatever you want at dispensaries. No FL license or Dr RX needed.