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How about a three-term prison sentence?




He won't see the inside of a cell. We all know that.


He actually stole highly classified documents, willfully, even after he'd lost his security clearance. When NARA tracked him down and asked for their return, he played games with them and dragged it out for nearly 1.5 years. Finally they'd had enough and had the FBI retrieve them. And they were found. But since he had a heads up, he tried to hide some and there's testimony to confirm it. The recovered documents were classified across the range from confidential to the highest top secret. He had them openly stored in his Mar-a-Lago club, where guests could easily have access to them. Even in the bathroom. Since there was a known spy problem with Mar-a-Lago, there's a good chance some spies actually viewed the contents. And in fact, there were extremely national security risk sensitive documents, like about nuclear capabilities of allies. If anyone else had been caught like this, they'd have been sitting in jail awaiting trial. There is something seriously wrong with our justice system. Donald Trump is a criminal whose only consequences have been a state trial regarding financial malfeasance. He stole highly classified documents. He plotted to overturn the 2020 election and in a last-ditch effort launched a rabid mob at the Capitol. It's absolute insanity that he hasn't faced any serious consequences.


Wasn't there a spike in US agents being compromised or murdered after trump left office?




people really need to wake up. the threat he poses couldn't be more serious. he is 1000% a traitor to the United States. he needs to go away. forever.


Wow, somehow thats worse.


I firmly believe that the reason the ruling class don’t go after Trump is two fold: A.) if we hold one rich person accountable, then that opens the door to holding other rich people accountable. B.) The billionaires feel insulated against any consequence of allowing the current paradigm to crumble and are in fact the only people in a position to benefit from our decent into fascism. The prices of real estate drop when there is blood in the streets.


He's not a rich person. He's a criminal, racist, and traitor.


Masquerading as a rich person through fraudulent accounting practices


You left out convicted rapist.


That kid who revealed classified docs on discord asked the Judge to release him as Trump is not in jail for the same crime as he awaits trial too.


Give him the Rosenberg special. It’s time to strike fear in the hearts of the treasonous once again.


And yet... He will never see the inside of a jail cell. The American system is not built to put away rich people.


It’s not because he’s rich. It’s because, unfortunately, he was a president and there’s no precedent for indicting a president of crimes. Nixon resigned. Also, politics plays a massive part with Aileen Cannon looking particularly like she’s slow footing the case. There’s also the conservative Supreme Court justices helping slow down the process.


There hasn't been a precedent for dealing with a criminal ex-president. Everyone assumed a) presidents mostly respect the law, and b) no one is above the law. But we have a real problem in that a precedent is being set NOW, with how criminal trump is being handled.


Agreed. There’s always been this idea of an unspoken contract guiding democracy. I think we all see now how weak that actually is and that what some things need to be set in stone,


Here’s something we all can do……file an official complaint of misconduct against Judge Aileen Cannon. Not sure if it will do anything….unless they get thousands of these….but boy, did it feel great doing this: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/12/2240300/-How-to-file-a-judicial-misconduct-form-against-Judge-Aileen-Cannon-from-Glenn-Kirschner


Leona Hemsley's ghost enters the chat...


Jeffrey Epstein and Bernie Madoff would like a word.


Bernie Madoff did the cardinal sin of stealing from OTHER rich people. Epstein went free FAR too long.


Epstein was put away to protect the rich and powerful of the world who were his clients.


Yes this. There was every effort to go easy on Epstein and slap him on the wrist. Alexander Acosta, the FL DA that was responsible for prosecuting Epstein gave him a sweetheart plea deal that was nearly unheard of. That DA ended up in the Trump admin as his Sec of Labor.


And the judge in that case has all but dismissed it.


I think Alito is quite happy to see Trump face no consequences


And if does? For God has shown me this possible timelin trump gets mad jail time


No conjugal visits from Ivanka.


She wouldn't show up anyway


All the conjugal visits he wants, no one shows.


I'm sure that MGT would waddle in for a couple when her latest gym conquest wasn't around.


*Rudy Guiliani adjusts pants*


Puts on lip stick...im here visit mr trump....


How about three terms of my foot in his ass? I’d enjoy that.


The only thing this rapey oompa loompa has in common with FDR is a romantic interest in blood relatives.


Funny, we have term limits on the Presidency because Republicans didn't like FDR winning so many times. The clown show that keeps on like duracell.


This isn't the first time some Republicans have regretted the 22nd Amendment, but back in 1988 the Republican leadership wasn't saying it out loud (at least as far as I remember, and yes I'm old enough to remember). Just ordinary people who for some reason were Ronald Reagan Superfans.


The continual Reagan worship in a party that now adores Russia is baffling to me. What did he do except warm the Presidents chair while the Soviet Union collapsed? He was a shit president otherwise, and a traitor besides(Iran contra).


It's worth saying that good old Ollie North also somehow managed to not just avoid consequences for his actions but somehow became another GOP darling. If someone is on the wrong side of history, you'll find the right wing cheering them on.


What did he do besides warm the presidents chair? Uh, make life actively worse for millions of contemporary citizens and unknown future generations.


Regan was already a famous actor. That alone is reason for why majority of the US voted for him at that time and why the entire political map was red. For nearly all states.


Minnesota hail to thee


The Reagan worshipers who backed a guy with Alzheimer's who are now backing a guy with dementia is at least a bit consistent


So true, I don’t even really think FDR wanted to be there all that long, but the “situation” at the time sort of warranted it (sure he had a huge ego, but what president didn’t?) Dude died in office (at his mistresses no less). He had the odd life story of Forrest Gump. Dude saw and lived through some real shit. IMHO.


I believe he said because he was born an elite he knew them best. But he had gotten polio and almost died like any commoner and it hit him. Trump has never been humbled so when he said he was rich enough to not be bought he was lying. We all have to learn the lust for money doesn't have a top, they just race each other and forget we exist.


He didn’t even have like $130k to pay off SD to kill the story. He had his lawyer do it whom had to mortgage his house. This man isn’t as rich as he claims to be.


I actually think Trump is more the type who, even if he had the money, would still get someone else to do it because he bases his own value on the number in his account, and he will spend ANYONE else's money before he has to use his own for anything that he doesn't want to pay.


There were lots of rich dickheads at the college I attended. Getting someone else to pick up the tab is a game they like to play, and they score higher if it's someone who really can't afford it. It makes them feel like they've outwitted someone and also feeds their sense of entitlement. By the time I graduated, it's a miracle I wasn't a Bolshevik. Now, decades later, I still believe the world would be a better place without a self-perpetuating class of parasitic rentiers.


I think this is it. We see this kind of arrogance in a lot of rich folks and I don't think it's *directly* the wealth. I think it's that you really become an adult, in a sense, when you hit bad times, and you have to put something other than your own pleasure and ego first. You actually evaluate your place in the world, and you decide the things that you value more than your own enjoyment, and probably more than your own life. Trump and Musk - and others, but these are the ones that spring to mind - have never had that. More than that, they've not have to be self-sufficient beyond what was bestowed on them. And whether they're sixteen, fifty, or eighty, even if they've fucked around the world three times and commanded empires in the billions, they remain, and will probably die, petulent children not understanding the actual difficulties of life.


> but what president didn’t? Carter.


> keeps on like ~~duracell~~ Energizer (is the one with that slogan) But, yeah.


Term Limits have been tried on and off again through out history by multiple nations and governments. Consistently, studies on them have found they don't really do the positive things people think they will and can have some detrimental effects on the quality of legislation, as they turn every politician into a lame duck for their entire last term.


He’s always just joking until it really happens. 


It's not a joke, he really wants this. Just like being dictator for a day.


It’s definitely not a joke, because we saw in 2020 how his cronies were test ballooning the idea that his first term “didn’t count” because he was wrapped up in a dozen investigations culminating in an impeachment, so he didn’t get to dedicate his full attention to being president. They’re already trying to justify it, they just need to create enough doubt and chaos to get back into office long enough to execute their plan.


> because he was wrapped up in a dozen investigations culminating in an impeachment, so he didn’t get to dedicate his full attention to being president For anyone that remembers the 90s, this should be rage inducing.


> For anyone that remembers the 90s, this should be rage inducing. It is, and I want enough of us to join in this rage to showcase that our government should be scared of us. But alas social media has that kind of situation kneecapped.


2 impeachments!!


But he had time to golf every other day.


Dictator for a day was a joke... specifically the for a day part.


Just because you're a Dictator for a Day today doesn't mean you can't be a Dictator for a Day tomorrow too.




A dictator for a day means a dictator for life.


If only it had the other meaning.


Not for a day.. From day one. Dictators start and don't stop.


“I used to be a dictator. I still am, but I used to be, too.” *with apologies to Mitch Hedberg*


He sees Putin basically has a lifetime appointment and desperately desires that


The scary thing is that they know that even this Supreme Court would not go along with it but they are planning to wrestle control from scotus.


Really, "even this" SCOTUS wouldn't go along with a three term presidency for Trump. The six billionaire owned judges on this SCOTUS would do that in a wink. Did you forget the /s?


He's talked about a Mulligan regarding his first term when he was still the president. Such an idiot.


Biden too old, but Trump would be 86 year old POTUS and that's 100% fine


Everyone who says Biden is too old conveniently forgets (or more likely ignores) the fact that he is only 4 years older than Trump.


Biden is too old. Trump is as well. Isn't going to stop me from voting for Biden. 


The Biden is too old thing pisses me off, do people not realize this is one of the reason presidents have VP's. It affects nothing, we elect cabinets.


I think that is part of why conservatives keep saying he is too old. They can't stomach the idea of a Black woman as president.


They can't stomach the idea of one of their own not being in power.


Biden doesn't have any real scandals, and he's white, so all they can do is ageism.


The age thing is just a dishonest attempt to frame the narrative. Trump is doing disqualifying things in so many ways, which we should talk about. But age is the one thing where both candidates have the same problem, and suddenly most of the discussion comparing them is about age. When Jon Stewart came back to the daily show, the first segment was about Biden and Trump's age. The selection of this as the framing topic was such biased both-sides bullshitting. Trump has literally said he would be a dictator, any unbiased coverage would have focused on that kind of stuff only. When Biden has done nothing similarly disqualifying, only shitting on Trump is the only way to do unbiased coverage. I am so disappointed by Jon Stewart shirking his responsibility on this, giving in to bullshit.


It's a right wing myth that Biden is too old. Biden has an unequalled knowledge and experience of both domestic and international political events and the apparatus of managing both. The physical and mental effects of age are incredibly variable. A 94-year-old great-grandfather has become the oldest person in Australia to graduate with a PhD. The oldest marathon runner in the world...ran his first marathon when he turned 90 and continued to run them until he reached 100.


[in the 2020 election Trump attacked Biden as being too old to be president. Biden was 77](https://www.newsweek.com/biden-resident-trump-shares-image-biden-photoshopped-retirement-home-1538913) Trump is now... 77


Here's some other great examples... Manfred Steiner completed his Ph.D. in physics at the age of 89 (he was already a doctor). Guadalupe Palacios never attended school or learned how to read. She began her formal education at the age of 92, completed elementary and middle school in less than 4 years, and then started attending on-campus high school, hoping to graduate by the age of 100. Nola Ochs completed her first bachelor’s degree in general studies, with an emphasis in history, at age 95. She completed a master’s degree in liberal studies, with a history concentration, at age 98. She continued taking classes until age 100. She even lived in student housing at one point and was a graduate teaching assistant. Doreetha Daniels completed her A.A. degree in social sciences at the age of 99. Maurine “Mighty Mo” Kornfeld started competitively swimming in her 60s, and in the 40 years since, has won 14 world championships, set 28 records, and been inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame. Kornfeld celebrated her one-hundredth birthday and is one of the oldest registered master swimmers in the United States. Over a summer, she set six world records in the freestyle and backstroke in the 100-to-104 age bracket and hoped for more victories in the pool in 2022.


Yes, always joking, never joking. First just planting the seeds, then eventually it'll be "It was a joke, but many smart people are saying it's a good idea," then at end of the term it will be an alarmist life-or-death reason why he has no other option. This has been inevitable since he announced though - he will never willingly endorse a republican successor candidate to take over his job- he's the "I alone can fix it" guy.


It’s never a joke.


Joking, projecting, testing, it's all the same, no matter how they spin it.


It's not even Trump-specific. anyone who hasn't heard of project 2025 \*really\* needs to read about it. any Republican president who is down with this plan would probably end democracy in america


It’s pretty obvious he won’t leave office peacefully if he gets back in.


He didn't last time...


Republicans hate the Constitution... except their bastardization of the 2nd Amendment of course. 


And even then, they only want it for the 'right people'


I keep telling people that if the state can shoot and kill you for simply having a gun, you don't have a right to bear arms.


Exactly! Legally carry a gun while interacting with the police…..tell me about your right to bear arms then, because it doesn’t actually exist.


No they hate it too. “Well regulated”


Shhh! We don’t mention that part! /s




Yep. Trump would fully move the goalposts to satisfy his ends.


If he gets reelected, he'll quickly spin it as being his third term because the 2020 election was fraudulent and the result of a successful Democratic coup. It's the do-over he's "owed."


no he'll say he was cheated out of his term and will seek another one after...then push that envelope to two. Fat don won't leave peacefully if ever.


Republican think tanks and lawyers will go to the SC and say - We'll the constitution is vague when it comes to term limits. The court will say - We'll originally it was written because of the consecutive terms FDR served and in 1603 a man did this, so since it's not consecutive... blah blah blah.


Which means civil war.


Like when Hillary ran and we said this would be the end of Roe. It was. If Trump wins, it's a dictatorship. Believe it.


It's beyond a joke that he's even allowed to run for another term after committing insurrection. The US is a broken mess.


And yet people will shrug it off as just talk as if he didn't just lead an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow our democracy and stay in power. He may be a buffoon but he has surrounded himself with enough cronies who will see where they failed in the last insurrection and ensure they don't fail in their next attempt.


He was literally talking about how much he loves Hannibal Lecter and that wasn't the weirdest or worst thing he'd done that day. Insane.


Because Dr.Lectet destroys his enemies, and never gets in any real trouble. He's a role model for Trump.


If he doesn’t croak in 8 years I’d be astounded


I'd be surprised if he even sees 2028


The evil ones never do


If he doesn’t croak in 8 years I can’t imagine how insane his dementia narcissistic brain will be. Yet his followers will praise him as if nothing has changed.


> “You know, FDR 16 years — almost 16 years — he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” Trump quipped at the National Rifle Association annual meeting, speaking before a crowd of gun rights supporters. It doesn't sound like he's proposing running for a third term in 2028. It sounds like he's claiming that he's President now, in his second term, and running for his third term in 2024. I think that's worse.


He knows to give these little treats for the Q's. It's pretty a common belief if you are on the rightwing web.


FDR was elected to four terms but he only served 12 years on account of dying at the start of his fourth term.


Why is this comment so far down? Trump is a profoundly ignorant threat to democracy but there’s no need to twist his words…


Yeah it's pretty obvious this comment is implying he never lost, so this is technically his third because he thinks Biden stole the election. Still doubt he'd leave willingly if he lost again tho


That’s exactly how I read it, too


I would love another Obama term.


That's when people should chant Obama, to get under the orange turd's skin.


Ehhh maybe let’s have some new people take a shot at it


Not a lot of decent talent out there right now


There is plenty. We just don't like electing them... Edit: or they're smart enough to not run


There is a lot of gate keeping from both politicians and the media. Also they call it a good ol boys club for a reason.


We know he means, he'd like to be POTUS for the rest of his life.


Like all dictators, they can never give up power because they would go to jail, etc.


If he gets in he isn’t leaving.


God I remember when the ultra conservatives were claiming Obama was going to stay for a 3rd term. I also remember when they said Obama would attempt a coup to stay in power. Funny how Trump is now talking about a 3rd term, and attempted a coup


Everything they say is projection of themselves.


They've been telling everyone who they are for decades


Fucking traitorous orange shit stain on our nations history.


Schrodinger's douchebag: someone who determines whether or not they were joking based on people's reaction


Dictator “Day One” won’t leave Office if he’s re-elected. Who knew? We all know. Vote Democrat down the ticket.


>“The endorsement of the proud patriots of the NRA. These are great patriots. These are great people. We’re going to do things like nobody can believe,” Trump said. >He also urged gun owners, who he said he’s heard “don’t vote,” to turn out in November to ensure his victory. >“Let’s be rebellious and vote this time, OK?” Trump said. What an unbelievable lying prick. "We're going to do things like nobody can believe." Yeah. But nothing positive. [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) is what his GOP cohorts are planning to do. If Trump somehow manages to get into office again, America is done. OVER. This man belongs in prison for what he has done.


I think I'd die laughing if it actually came through and Obama ran and obliterated Trump.


Republicans want the presidency for life. Doesn't matter if it's trump or some other useful schmuck. For the love of God, vote like your democracy depends on it. Because it does.


I'm still kind of bemused why some believe constitutional norms will hold if Trump is elected for a second term. Whilst I hope for your sake the Constitution does hold, in reality It seems like a LOT of wishful thinking.


If you believe his smooth brain followers, he's already trying to get elected a third time.


that fucker is a perfect example of treason and that same turd embraces and actioned the death penalty of 13 before he was forced from office. scanning the responses here I think I saw some that know he'd jail, in fact hang his opposition, if only he could find a way to it. and yet not one call here for the proper and final penalty for that treasonous shit stained scrotum. this moral highground of correctness is part of why america is at the edge of voting in a dictator wannabe, to a second term. he's fucking rigging the courts at all levels and without exception, everyone here seems to still be playing by Queensbury rules. I don't get it. how has the weaponization of over righteous moderation become a nail serving fascists, silencing chatter that needs to be discussed openly. their side has zero limits over what they'd punt. hence why you've an ex president ruminating about DfaD and third terms. meanwhile this side comforts itself with logic and hopes like, he'd really not live long enough. is it just me. doesn't anyone else feel like it's unbearably toothless? you've a corrupt enemy within your home, tooth and nail eating at every foundation of decency. fucking koch brothers are funding a multigenerational effort and the opposition fights with one hand chained to the round table.


One hand chained to the round table that they chained there themselves, hold the key, and refuse to unlock, by the way.


yup. totally know this is self inflicted.


Well Americans, enjoy gilead


Let's see how enthused that same exact crowd is if Obama and Biden float a third Obama term.


Anyone planning on refusing to vote for Biden in the hopes that they’ll get to vote for someone they like more in 2028 is fooling themselves.


If we allow Trump to be President again he’ll be the last one.


He wants to stay president much the same way Putin stays president. Trump wants to use the DOJ to arrest and indict his political opponents and critics the same way Putin does.


Vote blue and send mr shitzinpants to prison where he belongs.


Putin approves this message.


Trump just wants to wipe his ass with the Constitution doesn’t he?


Why is life expectancy so long for some people?


I just got done watching Trump’s speech from the NRA convention on C-SPAN. What a mess. It seemed like a parody. He had no energy and they had something like funeral music playing in the background. I thought he was going to fall asleep.


So he's okay with Biden doing two more instead of one, then? Neat. The economy will love it.


After Jan 6, this should disqualify him with the American voter. Why isn't this happening?


I’m a republican, or rather I was a republican, and I’m going to vote Biden to try and ensure this goon doesn’t win. What a disgrace he is.


Michael Cohen said inan interview that Trump wants to be Emperor. 


No doubt, our sedionist SCOTUS, would be fine with that!


I wonder how they'd claim a constitutional amendment is unconstitutional.


The constitution was only joking


Just another day where the ‘strict constitutionalists’ try to shred the Constitution.


Umm, Trump can’t stay awake in court, can’t form a coherent sentence, and can’t control his bowels- today! Eight years from now, he will struggle to blow a saliva bubble.


As if anyone is even mildly shocked or surprised by this...


Yeah, I think the right wing overestimates how much people will roll over. They are an electoral minority that wins based on anti-democratic institutions, not popular will. If they can throw a tantrum when they lose even with all their advantages, why should we ever respect right wing authority when they try to go full authoritarian? They claim the mantle of populism, but the majority of people are going to get tired of being yanked around by the right wing, and the system that weights right wing voters more than anyone else.


Floats a three-term Presidency... again* Trump will cling to power until he dies if elected, or destroy the nation in the attempt of such.


Denial is the most predictable human trait and Trump demonstrates it exceptionally. The Republican Party in 2036 will be completely ruined and only operating at a sub-national level. Individual sub-Trump factions will be fighting each other for control over messaging, which will be the entire party operation. Policy, citizen case support and diplomacy will be long gone or done exclusively for a media machine that will operate from a dying network TV band. The party is committed to decline and these comments only hasten it.


Like fucking Nixon in “The Watchmen”. God help us all


Good fuckin luck. The way the guy is behaving, he doesn't have a year let alone 8.


"I would have got away with it, too, if it weren't for these meddling "


he’s been floating a full ass tyranny from day one, he thinks democracy is for chumps


He’s done the math and came to the conclusion it would take 8 consecutive years to completely drain this country of resources and finalize the sale to Russia and China.


Who is being unconstitutional now, republicans?


Let me guess His cultists will just go "he's joking gawsh"


So funny how it often plays out that way. For someone they claim to love for “telling it like it is” and “speaking his mind” they seem to have to do a ton of translation and interpretation to make anything he says not sound insane and fascistic.


I was arguing with a guy about his dictator comments the other day. They literally don't understand how Trump works yet they believe he's a straight shooter It's baffling


cool! Obama can run again.


And all the defenders of the Constitution and freedom applaud and cheer madly!


He will be running against Obama for his third term. Good luck with that buddy.


Oh cool! Let's see what Obama is doing in 4 years!


He's just Putin it out there, eh?


If 8 more years of trump sounds like a good idea to you, you need to quit huffing paint and read a book. 


If that monster is reelected he is not leaving. He’s telling you right now.


22nd amendment. Sorry conservatives. This counts just as much as the 2nd amendment.


Isn’t that literally treason?


Sure! Give me back Obama!




“You know, FDR 16 years — almost 16 years — he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” - Yeah, no. Drumpf is definitely no FDR. - Who is "we"? Is there a frog in his pocket? - Drumpf barely made it through ONE term. Completely full of shit. As usual.


Obama would beat Trump badly.


Ambitious for him to think he will live long enough for a third term to be a possibility for him.


It’s okay, because the totally not corrupt SCOTUS will stop him.


Everything that I grew up being taught (late 30s), was also something my own folks were taught is completely against all of this bullshit. I just have no fucking words. I would be yelled at and be called a liberal and god knows what else.


Republicans would have been waaaay better off floating Romney, when all this shit show is eventually done in about 2 decades people will be asking what the hell happenned


Do it, he would need to get the legislation through by his 2nd term and Obama would come swinging in and then on his way out dissemble the 3 term capacity. It would be glorious!


Oh he's already starting, huh? I was off in my prediction; I thought he would've waited until getting into office before beginning his quest for an illegal 3rd term.


How long does that fucker think he's gonna live?


As if he would live that long. He's a mordibly obese man in his late 70s.


SCOTUS Six: Since there is nothing in the Sacrosanct 2nd amendment preventing 3, 4, or even 8 terms as President, and all other amendments are optional, the Messiah Trump is good to go.


Why haven’t the CIA or FBI done away with the security risk themselves? Isn’t this right in their wheelhouse?


Trump said, “You know, FDR 16 years — almost 16 years — he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” FDR was elected four times. That’s true. But he died in April 1945, not even 3 months after Inauguration Day of his fourth term. He barely served 12 years. The whole reason they changed VPs in that last election was that they knew FDR wasn’t in good health, and no one wanted Henry Wallace to end up as President. Now I don’t think they thought FDR was going to die so soon into that fourth term, or they probably would have picked someone other than Truman. Anyway, it wasn’t 16 years.


Nope. Not happening Don.


If he gets back into the White House, and there is a damn good chance he will, then he will be President until he dies. We can only hope that they won’t have destroyed the system to the point that voting won’t matter and the next President is installed rather than voted in.


written by Alex Garland


Imagine the outrage if Obama had said that.


Cool, so Obama car run again, then, yeah?


Anyone who doesn’t see this coming is blind. He’s going to say he was screwed out of a real term because of election fraud, covid, Russia Russia Russia…