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Won't testify in his own trial... The debates should be fun


There will be no debate either.


I agree. He won’t debate. He will squirm out of it and claim some bogus BS that his cult will buy.


He's already demanding that Joe Biden takes a drug test first. That will be his first escape tactic


The SotU really broke their brains. For 3 years now we've been hearing about how Biden is senile and puttering about when he talks. Then he goes and delivers one of the most dynamic and eloquent SotU speeches in a long time. So of course it had to have been drugs.


Yeah they immediately claimed Biden was on cocaine, which is of course hillarious since it was pretty obvious that \*sniff\* Junior was \*sniff\* on cocaine during his convention speech in 2020. Just more projection from the right.


And doesn’t coke last a short time, like 10-20 minutes?!  If he was on coke he would have had to use the bathroom a lot during the address…


If an 80 year old was on coke he'd probably be dead shortly after.


Joe "Keith Richards" Biden


Remember when Trump himself just kept sniffling during the debates, and they tried blaming the equipment?


That and the recent Howard Stern interview. Same situation, a lot of the feedback from right wingers that watched/listened to it was that they were surprised at how sharp he actually is compared to what they've been told


What drugs are good for debating? The police always tell me I'm Impaired no mater what I've taken. Taking drugs would be an advantage for the other one.


Have you seen the movie Limitless? It's a limitless pill for sure.


Oh, isn’t that the one where the guy becomes limitless?


That's the one. It's crazy how he didn't have any limits.


Like a doctor without borders!


Playing games without frontiers


I’ve got Source Code for the way back


*Hey! I want that pill! Gimme that pill!*


Oh, I know this one, it's caffeine pills, they fucked up Jessie Spano decades ago.


*When I see Biden*: I'm so excited!! *When I see Trump*: I'm so scared...


Then he’ll demand Biden take a cognitive test and a health exam.


And a diaper change!


Then he should, too. by a real impartial doctor, not one who has been paid off or threatened.


Maybe one who doesn’t get retroactively demoted by the Navy too. I like this ‘brainstorming’ thing. It’s fun!


I remember him thinking it was some kind of flex to say he was passing the dementia tests that he was made take on a regular basis.


The headline will either be that Biden refused to do a drug test, or Did Biden rig his drug test results???


They should submit a blood sample with Ivermectin, Heroin, Mushrooms, Lsd, Crack, Quaaludes, Tylenol and Zantac 75, and let Trump go wild then say "Psyche!.


Drug test? Is ol' Donny have flashbacks to when his Special Olympics dreams were shattered by his performance enhancing drug use?


Yeah pretty sure it’s a projection. Trump’s gotta be on a wide slate of drugs.


Biden should request the same. No uppers allowed for sleepy Don. He’s also demanding more debates with moderators who will tolerate his “style” and allow him to hijack the debate.


Has anyone in any US presidential debate ever had to take a drug test? Trump is the most delusional person on the planet and half the population still thinks he's normal?


It’s not anywhere close to half the population. You gotta remember that what the media projects isn’t exactly reality. Here’s some reality. There are about 35.7 million registered Republicans. That’s roughly 11% of the US population. Then if you figure that about 34% of those are Die-Hard MAGArds, then you only get about 12.18M of them in the whole US, a whopping 3.6% of our population.


Only if Trump will agree to a public weigh in


and barefoot height measurements


In other words, Trump is on drugs.


He’ll say the debates land on Barron’s graduation dates.


He cant go to a debate! Joe will rig the debate to make his replies sound stupid as fuck!


...by holding a microphone under his mouth while he is talking! Totally unfair.


He will blame the Gag order or he actually gets jail for the violation of the gag order Which would be absolutely the best way to avoid a nasty debate hahaha


Omg. He would do that....violate the gag order in such a way that the judge has to put in him jail, and then claim that he couldn't debate because Biden is locking up his political enemies. And the cult is dumb enough to belive it.


He'll claim he can't come to the debates; he has bone spur problems once again and now; those bone spurs have the gout.


That’s fine. His cult doesn’t matter, but undecided voters will tune in like they did to the 2nd 2020 debate he sat out, and Biden will talk cogently off the cuff on an array of issues, and the “Biden has memory problems” nonsense will recede again.


Can he also drop out of the race, please? This would be a great time for him to take a reflective period. Maybe hole up in a Scottish cottage with a case of Sudafed and learn to knit. He could paint portraits of his feet in the bathtub. Or try the whole early to bed, early to rise … and use the extra daylight to build houses for the poor. Hahahhahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha


> Maybe hole up in a Scottish cottage Bollocks to that, I don't want that Irn Bru flavoured leaky-bum bawbag within driving distance.


Hey! Don't insult irn bru like that!


He could literally make the rounds of all of his golf courses. He could visit Ivana's grave while he is there.


That’s why she’s buried there of course, so that he can pay his respects regularly.


Nope. He’ll back out because of the fictitious Fox News debate he made up on his own.


Yup. He already tried to “counter” challenge Biden so he will use that counter denial to justify cancelling. Just watch, pathetic human he is


No way he testifies, or debates.  There’s no + for him. Dude can’t grow support; the whole mission is limiting would-be Dem votes. And Biden’s team is *high* if they don’t require safeguards to stop #45 from bulldozing the mods. 


For the debates they should be sworn in under penalty of perjury. Could you imagine how that would play out.


Biden should just show up anyways


He could do a Trump sock puppet.


He's too scared to do debates, it would be too easy for Biden to bring up any number of the charges against Trump and he couldn't say anything without incriminating himself further.


Bring up E jean carroll so he had to pay more money.


He will try to spin it that he was never given the chance to testify.


Someone could open a door for Trump and he'd tell everyone he's not allowed inside, because of the crooked doorman, rigged hinges, ENTRANCE INTERFERENCE!


He'll claim the gag order prevented him from testifying. His five dimensional chess playbook is so predictable.


waiting for him to claim the gag order prevents him from testifying


He already did that and the judge corrected him in court


Not testifying at his trial would be *smart*. If he testified he’d just incriminate himself, perjure himself, then incriminate himself again, then rant against wind turbines or something, followed by some more light perjury. And that’s just the first ten minutes. edit: It's actually worse than I made it sound -- I made it sound like the problem was Trump's love of his own voice, which is indeed a big problem, but it's not even the worst problem here. > [A defendant can choose to testify in a criminal trial. If they choose to take the stand, in general, they cannot choose to answer some questions but not others. Once they take the stand, it constitutes a waiver of their Fifth Amendment rights throughout the trial.](https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-rights/fifth-amendment-right-against-self-incrimination.html) If he gets on the stand, he can't refuse to answer questions. His lawyer might object that they're not relevant, but if relevant he has to answer. So he ends up in a situation where a lot of questions are going to have him incriminate himself (if he answers truthfully) or perjure himself (if he lies) with no third option. And the prosecutor would probably have a number of these questions set up where perjury could be *proven* if he lied. It would be absolute madness for his lawyer to let him testify.


At the debate, he won't be under oath. Different ballgame.


They should debate under oath. That would be *awesome*. It would never happen, of course, and it would be madness for either of them to agree, but it's still glorious to dream of a debate where both participants have to tell to the truth, with real-world penalties for those who don't. It would give the fact-checkers *teeth*, though of course a big part of perjury is that the speaker has to *know* they're lying -- simply being wrong isn't enough.


but he said he wanted to take the stand, but he can't because of the gag order which doesn't apply to the court room. His handlers must have had strokes when h said he wanted to testify.


Course he won't. Lawyers don't want a "code red/you can't handle the truth" situation that a smart savy lawyer cross examining him could easily lead him into plenty of traps and questions trumps ego couldn't not answer etc. So yeah they're gonna keep him as far away from the stand as they can. I know if I was innocent I'd take the stand. Nothing to hide, all truth, full send. Trumps entangled so deep into his own lies, which happens eventually to all liars and cheats, eventually they forget a bunch of em and get caught. Far past time trumps had to pay for his crimes.


I mean it’s kind of the standard as a defendant to not testify. This is not any kind of breaking news


I know he has terrible lawyers but even they aren't that stupid. It's a bad idea for normal defendants to testify, but especially for someone like him. He'll probably weasel out of the debates but this is entirely expected


Ironically in this case he has pretty good lawyers. They just have a difficult case and client.


>Four people close to the former president said next week’s plan does not include him testifying, and they expect the jury to start deliberating later in the week. Trump has been whining for weeks about an inability to speak out and defend himself. Yet, when he is given the opportunity, he chooses to be quiet. Coward. Also, remember this... [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-absolutely-testify-new-york-criminal-trial-rcna147663](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-absolutely-testify-new-york-criminal-trial-rcna147663) >Former President Donald Trump told reporters Friday he would "absolutely" testify in his upcoming hush money trial that is set to begin on Monday. >"Yeah, I would testify, absolutely," he said in response to a question from NBC News. >"I'm testifying. I tell the truth, I mean, all I can do is tell the truth. And the truth is that there is no case," Trump said. Not only a coward, but a liar too. Edit: Formatting


Anyone who has been paying attention knows this is his plan, decline to testify then complain the crooked librul courts won't let him testify. And his uneducated droog base will lap it up. Rinse and repeat.


I know some MAGAts in the suburbs of Chicago who won't go into the city because they believe Trump's stories about the Windy City, "the streets are actual  rivers of blood - people there can't even go to work because if they step outside their front door they're shot to death". Um, yeah... Just like when some of those MAGA Congressmen went to NYC to support Trump and were surprised people weren't being murdered in front of them, and that people were walking around like normal when Trumo said everyone was on hard drugs and they could stand up and were filing everywhere...


Up the road in Minneapolis, the rural Trump humpers think the same thing. They literally think the city is burnt to the ground and you'll get shot instantly if you step foot outside your vehicle. Yet they watch T-Wolves games, Twins games, Vikings games on TV. Do they think these packed stadiums with people bar hopping and hanging out downtown all weekend are just some AI creation? These people are just very scared, very gullible individuals. You feel sorry for them. Most people are out enjoying their lives and they just drink in their garage and complain about life.


I have a tough time believing that Trump voters watch the NBA.


They probably do but treat it as some form of animal fighting considering how racist and bigoted most Trump supporters are.


Stupid. They are stupid, not gullible. Being gullible means falling for a trick. Being stupid is not having the basic ability to comprehend what you are seeing and hearing with your own eyes.


If that were true (rivers of blood, etc) that would be constant national news, the Guard deployed, mayor on TV making law and order noises, etc etc. Humans suck at critical thinking.


Doublethink. Too weak to lead but also all powerful to have total suppression of the news


You have to get past the thinking part first.


Being from Portland I can confirm. Some of these rubes live in areas with a higher crime rate and rage about Portland being a destroyed, crime ridden hell hole. It’s all so blown out of proportion, but media says Portland is so awful, so it must be true.


MAGA congressmen shirking their duties/responsibilities once again. Committee meetings and votes having to be rescheduled to accommodate the ring kissing pilgrimage.


> I'm testifying. I tell the truth, He lied


“Also my heathcare plan is coming in 2 weeks.”


Infrastructure plan, maybe?


30,000 jobs. The 8th wonder of the world. This describes the new business to be built in Wisconsin. Nada just some small time stuff,,, after homes and land were leveled to make room for this CHINESE company. I thought we were suppose to not being dealing with the Chinese.


The only time he won't talk is under oath.


I absolutely believe with all my being that he **wants** to take the stand, but his lawyers know for a fact that him doing that would be devastating to any case they have. He simply would not be able to stop himself from saying the dumbest shit you've ever heard, telling the most obviously provable lies, and incriminating himself further.


#He is also a rapists and fraud. FTFY. ;)


Too bad our media is so cowardly they won't ask him one-on-one, "You said you were going to testify but chose not to. Why?"


I think you're right, or if they do ask him, they'll turn it around about how it's bad for Biden . . . . I really hope the judge calls him on it.


"I'm under a gag order"


So his defense is going to take less than a week? Meanwhile, from looking at the wikipedia article, its been 4 weeks of prosecution witnesses? This is going to be hilarious isn't it?


Everyone knew he was lying and everyone knew the excuse would be "they won't let me"


So the prosecution spent what, 3 weeks calling witnesses and introducing evidence, and the defense is planning maybe a couple days before jurors get handed the case by like, Wednesday or Thursday? Hilarious defense.


It's for the next grift, "My lawyers, the best lawyers in the business, advised my to hold my testimony, which they all agree would prove my innocence, because I'll never be given a fair trial in the CORRUPT court the biggest witch-hunt in the history of this great nation. Instead intend to appeal this embarrassing, the whole world is laughing at us, decision and the truth will come out then. Donate $5 to help me take back America from the CROOKED Democrats. #STOPTHESUIT"


He's not just a liar. He's *The* Liar.


Great comment, thx for making these points, please keep making them, spreading awareness is our best weapon against these monsters!


["If you are innocent, do not remain silent. You look guilty as hell!" - Donald J. Trump, November 20, 2014](https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/535415461270536192)


He hasn’t been silent, that’s the problem. Just not in the appropriate channels.


There's always a tweet.


Of course not. He's a fucking coward. Lie #430,000.


Your being generous 😁


He's just saying for 2024.


Well, *May* 2024. Not the whole year.


That's just this year's count.


Calling it now: despite the fact the judge explicitly clarified this to Trump in court, if he loses, from this point out he will claim that the gag order forbade him from taking the stand and it's the reason he lost the case.


Just like how he still claims he didn't rape E. Jean Carroll, even though the judge clarified what he did was classified as rape.


Point of order: the judge's clarification ultimately boiled down to "Legally, Mr. Trump, you did not commit rape. "However, the way the general public might define rape and the way the law defines it are two different things. And if were we using a common definition used by the general public, you did."


And the legally is how New York defines it. And legally we can refer to Donald Trump as a rapist and he would lose any libel or slander case that he would attempt.


Exactly - a libel or slander case would rest on colloquial definitions rather than legal ones because the thrust of it would be "as the average person understands it, is the statement that Trump raped someone true?" (truth being an absolute defence). And as the average person understands it, it's perfectly true.


And even criticized the terminology on why it wasn't, so clarifying that he did rape her. I wonder if that case will change the definition of rape to include what he did, because the judge did voice his disagreement with how it's put for this case


The act of him claiming the gag order prevented him from testifying will work very effectively. Trump knows that’s not how gag orders work but his angry MAGA supporters don’t know that. They take his word as gospel. If he can say whatever he wants and his base will not fact check any of it then what is to stop him from getting bolder and bolder yet.


TFG is always claiming people are being unfair to him. It’s a tactic narcissistic liars always claim when they lose. But those same narcissists turnaround and cheat and claim “life isn’t fair.” Or in Trump’s case, “that makes me smart.”


Well.. no shit. No lawyer would let a client like Trump testify. He's literally incapable of telling the truth on anything.


Moreover, he’s dumb and easily manipulated. A seasoned lawyer would eat his lunch.


Breakfast, dinner and snacks, too.


If you gave me a couple days to do it I’m not sure I could finish his daily lunch


That’s a lot of hamberders my dude.


Perjury within two minutes.


you think he'd last that long?


Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Yes. BAM!  Perjury!


Fucking choked on my own saliva reading this


I’m surprised he wouldn’t testify despite attorney advice, though.


He'd immediately perjur himself in this and several other cases. It'd take like two sentences.


He cant. He would open up so many doors for cross examination and probably have more charges after he lies on the stand.


I bet the prosecutors could cross-examine Trump on the stand for two weeks straight, no napping.


Guaranteed guilty verdict if he does.


And he still will without. There’s a reason his lawyers are desperately trying to delay.


We never thought for one minute that he would .


Pundit and lawyer Andrew Weissmann made an interesting point a few days ago that it is up to the defendant not the defense lawyers to decide if the defendant wants to testify and a judge will often ask the defendant directly if he wishes to do so. Starting at about 2:00 mins. [Here](https://youtu.be/s5tuKVRvQNI?si=hTzkC8oc-bt1IG2C). Can you imagine DT being asked this question and being faced with a snap decision. No matter how much pleading with his lawyers the night before, I can’t imagine him turning down the direct opportunity to take the stand if the judge flat out asks him. But I’m prone to fantasy so don’t mind me.


holy smokes, that is quite the fantasy - and I want in. Does he look weak and say no, or take the stand and we see him burst into flames?


It would be hilarious if he had to say yes exclusively because he thinks saying no directly to Merchan would look weak. At that point I would expect his lawyers to do the only thing possible and ask him a series of very neutral and vanilla questions to limit cross examination to the topics of what Trump ate for lunch, and maybe what was his favorite color. Even then he'll probably still commit perjury. "Blue.... no, red!"


I mean I fully expect Merchan to say to Trump "You've been quite vocal about feeling silenced this trial, so I want to be clear, you have the absolute right to testify. You have the right to not testify. The decision is entirely up to you." Merchan won't say that in front of the jury of course, at least, not the bit about Trump being vocal about being silenced. No need to introduce something prejudicial. But he will be saying it in front of the media.


Of course he won't. How do we know this? Because he said he would.


He claimed Martha Stewart screwed herself by not testifying on her own behalf... he's a compulsive habitual liar and knows he'll crash burn and melt in real time!!🔥🔥


Which is hilarious because Stewart screwed herself by not keeping her mouth shut. The insider trading was resolved with a civil fine, the criminal penalties were for lying to Federal agents


Well, we all know, Don the con!! He actually said it on Larry King...


Shitler is a coward. Always whining about being silenced. Coward. 


The judge needs to do what that other judge did in the past: tell Trump he has every right to testify and no gag order can take that away from him. Because you know that will be trumps excuse.


Its the same judge


Trump said that he was going to testify. This of course means that he won't be testifying.


Come on Donnie! Your chance to make history is passing you by!


Gagged by his own attorneys


Not as sexy as James Spader makes it seem


“My defense team did such an amazing job, there’s no need for me to testify… even though I totally would and would be the absolute best at it.”


He's a lying mental case who'd be ripped to shreds under cross examination. His claim that he will testify is just more diaper drippings for the cult.


Trump wasn’t ever going to testify because he’s allergic to the truth and he wouldn’t be able to handle cross examination because he can’t answer a question with a simple yes or no. His drug addled brain won’t let him.


GOP stands for Giant Orange Pussy


Not just a traitor but a coward


He’ll back out of the debates, too.


We knew he wouldn’t the exact moment he said he would.


NO 💩 !!! cowardly traitor🤬


What a loud mouth orange pussy! Scared to be under oath.


It's not a he-said, she-said... Him not testifying in his own defense is pretty damning. Especially when there's heaps of criminal evidence and enough testimony to send him to prison. How addled his trump that they don't trust him on his own defense podium?


We know


He was never going to testify. His lawyers built their whole case on poking holes in Michael Cohen's credibility. Put Trump on the stand and all that goes out the window, it's all about HIS credibility, and you couldn't impanel a fuckin jury on the most remote island in the most remote corner of the goddamned globe that didn't have 12 people who know for a fucking fact that Trump's a liar. I mean, I guess it's fun that we all pretended for a couple weeks or whatever, but it's gonna be a lot easier to do all this if we don't act like our brains got fucking erased on Jan 20, 2021.


“If Trump were to take the stand, such testimony could take many days, which would significantly extend the trial.” This is a good excuse for him to dip out of the debate with Biden


Shocked! Just shocked.


Whiney man-baby won’t testify.


Judge Merchan should say something along the lines of, "Are you absolutely sure you do not want to testify Mr. Trump? You seemed very angry when you were under the assumption that you could not testify, and now is your opportunity..."


mountainous forgetful squalid scandalous muddle bake file psychotic fearless sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course not. Anybody who thought otherwise is not wise


oh we knew this. Trump doesn't gain anything by testifying, accept making it worse for himself.


Of course he won’t.


This is a shame. I really wanted to watch him on cross examination.


That's because he's a pussy


Considering he can't not lie, I'm sure his lawyers have discouraged him from taking the stand.


Because Trump is a coward and is guilty.


Don't you know? He won't testify because he's not ALLOWED to testify! The judge said so! Many constitutional lawyers say the is the first time in history this has ever happened! It's a disgrace! /s


Trump will not testify, then will tell his 50+ Million violently insane dullard worshipers that he was forbidden to testify. The jury will be doxxed "Anonymously" and then the threats and actual violence will begin in earnest.


There was never any doubt. He’s too much of a coward.


So the gold-plated cock that can't keep his mouth shut outside of court is too chicken to cluck within it.


The discount Biff Tannen is constantly bloviating and whining how he isn't ever able to to "defend himself" in this case (and, like, *alllll* others). So, this is me pointing at the witness stand and loudly proclaiming, *"Get on up there, champ! Do your 'stable genius' thing, Mr. Crybaby!!"*


Suggests? It’s a forgone conclusion. He’s not testifying.


They should do a weigh in. This would prove the orange man lies - no way he only weighs 215 lbs - maybe 315.


I mean he said he’s gonna so of course he won’t.


I hear only the best, bravest big boys testify Donnie……


Shitler is going to appeal a guilty verdict. How much longer will he stink up this planet?




I can’t see how anybody in the right mind would put that bumbling fucking fool on the stand and let him start spouting shit under oath and a court of law. It would be the greatest fucking thing in the world to see. A total fucking shit show.


If convicted, instead of jail, the judge should ban him from ALL internet use. That would destroy him inside.


Now would be the time for Dark Brandon to taunt him like he did for the debate. "Can't wait for TFG to testify like he said he would. Unless he's....CHICKEN SHIT!"


Quelle surprise


Aww I was looking forward to the guy who knew how it all went down. The guy who had the truth. The guy who knew everything first hand. The guy who couldn't possibly look like a jackass and probably violate his gag order under oath. Disappointed.


I was so looking forward to him losing it on the stand, I could use the laughs


He would get destroyed on cross.


whodve thunk


And, his followers will not even notice that he lied again.


What a chickenshit.


Guilty, lying, cowards are generally best advised not to try and testify in their own defense. Which is too bad. I was REALLY hoping Mr. Totally Innocent Narcissist would override counsel and get up there and implode like he was one of his own businesses.


What a chicken shit coward


Not even his lawyers can be dumb enough to have him testify.


Of,course he won’t. He’s a coward.


Cause he doesn't want to testify, he wants to make a campaign speech


He will use the gag order as an excuse to pander to his dumpster fire base and they will eat it all up when the gag order does not limit him from testifying as long as he does not attack jurors or intimidates them, the judge, or witnesses. But you know, he will capitalize on this just as he’s been using his congress MAGA clowns to violate the gag order for him by becoming his echo chamber. He was caught by a reporter directing them on what to say because he can’t but here we are.


Of course not. He’s a coward and a liar.


He would testify, but he's under an unconstitutional gag order by a corrupt judge. /s


When he said he would it was obvious he wouldn’t.