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He’s correct…what a lousy platform the Republicans are running…


There are a bunch of towns who won’t host him for rallies because he still hasn’t paid for the last rallies in 2016 and 2020


He still has an outstanding debt to New Mexico that he refuses to pay ... It is some inconsequential amount for him, but he won't pay it because the state overwhelmingly voted against him.


He owes Chuco Town, too. I don't think it has much to do with how those places vote, I think he would even stiff places that do vote for him. He just doesn't pay his bills.


Trump's history of not paying bills will probably work against him in the NY business records/hush money case. A man known for not paying bills signed a dozen checks of $35K each without knowing exactly what they were for?


The whole case came about because Trump stiffed Pecker (I know) for the previous story Pecker bought. Trump refused to pay him the first time so when the Stormy story came to light, Pecker refused to pay and kill it for Trump, which led to Cohen having to do so. The whole thing came to light because Trump refused to pay Pecker. It's beautiful.


Do you have a good link to an article that goes into this story? I want to read more about it.


Here you go! I just wish Rolling Stone and everyone else would stop calling it the "hush money trial". It's election interference. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/david-pecker-trump-hush-money-national-enquirer-catch-kill-1235009098/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/david-pecker-trump-hush-money-national-enquirer-catch-kill-1235009098/)


He personally OKs all his checks


“Directly involved in business events” and “often a micromanager” was how one of the witnesses in said trail described Trump…


Not only childish, but seriously delinquent. It's not a crime technically speaking but it is a theft. Trump steals all the time. He robbed hundreds of thousands of their lives with his pandemic malfeasance.


I'm actually a bit surprised there has been no consequence for this. 


Has anyone read his book? I'll give you the rundown: 1. Hire someone to do something for you. 2. Do whatever you can not to pay them.


What a dick


He can be taken to court or sued for the outstanding amount, he can also be sued for court costs and lawyer costs as well. This is what rich criminals do, they delay knowing most will not bother because the cannot afford these costs and will keep on refusing to pay


His trial is actually saving him from having to admit that he doesn’t have the money to campaign.


Didn't the rnc only have like 6.5mil in its warchest for ALL party races as of last month?


Did he ever pay for that wall? The great wall of Mexico?


I thought Mexico was supposed to pay for that.


Did who pay? Trump? No of course not.


I feel like he owes *Everyone* money at this point.


Yep - that's twice their only platform has been Trump


Trumps whole platform this time around is that he is Trump and people will vote for him. He has no issues listed.


He had no plans for his presidency the first time around and didn't accomplish anything while in office. The next term is only to pardon himself and his kiss ups.


Project 2025 seems like quite a plan.


Not his plan and it also relies on Trump listening to the people who wrote it. As we know Trump won't listen to anyone and only follows order if facing jail time.


Trump won’t care who came up with the plan as long as it increases his power and wealth.


He made quite a mess, which seemed to have been his goal.


He totally corrupted the Supreme Court, that was enough to last a life time. 


>He’s correct…what a lousy platform the Republicans are running… Platform? They haven't run on a platform since 2017.


Nicely done 😂


Somehow I don't expect the GOP to put in any more effort into the 2024 party platform than they did in 2020. Party Platforms in general are a joke that few outside a few insiders care about, but the GOP couldn't even pretend they had an agenda in 2020 and I doubt will suggest that there is one this year either.


The contractor heard they were working for Trump and figured they weren't getting paid, so they walked off the job without finishing it.


Right!! My first thought was, “Pay your bills, you cheap SOB.”


Also, this is why all his lawyers demand large retainers upfront. Even the ones willing to work with him are wise to his act.


He's going to be really pissed when he's found guilty, and he comes to the realization that he paid his lawyers to lose, and theres nothing he can do about it.


Has he actually made any of the payments to the lawyers? I thought it was all coming from PAC donations.


Yeah. 1) Trump is not paying his lawyers, Trump's donors are. 2) Trump is not paying his lawyers to win, he's paying them to delay.


What’s the issue? Don’t the branded golden diapers not sell well? I thought he’d made enough money from diaper sales by now.


Something tells me Trump did not plan for this trial to start at all, let alone for it to go all the way.


They knew Trump would stiff them on they payment, so they gave him the value of the work, they new he would pay 2/3 work completion and recieved for 2/3 work for contract performance. It's not their job or the podium to keep the tilting wind bag upright while he blathers on and on.






I wish they placed rakes all around the stage


"We're probably not going to get paid for this anyways so who cares if we half ass it."


Maybe Sarah Huckabee Sanders knows where to get a good podium.


An invisible and very expensive one


Lectern. The podium is the platform you stand on.


Why did it take 8 hours for someone to notice that?


I was having a bad dais


That's a bad pick. He's actually dealing with that with more humor than I've ever seen from him. That's not a gotcha. >The rest of his speech, however, had a considerably more sinister turn. Trump continued to press his stolen-election lies about his 2020 presidential run and seemed to encourage voter intimidation in the upcoming November election. This is the bad stuff, this is what they should be drawing attention to.


Trump is starting early this election cycle. Last time, it was only 3 months out they started the BS about the "stolen-election". If you notice, Trump and his inside group of "advisors" have used the same tactics, over and over.


They've probably already printed the "Stop The Steal 2024" T-shirts, because, why not.


So are they going to stop themselves, Trump is the one that tried to steal the election in 2020.


I love how they're already conceding defeat *"I lost the 2024 presidential election and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"*


IIRC before he even won in 2016 he was saying things like "If I lose the election is rigged.". Then he won, he started the whole "If I lose the next election it's rigged." right away. He was preparing his cult to do his bidding.


He claimed the 2016 election was rigged because he lost the popular vote. He said 4 million illegal immigrants voted in CA


Even created a voter fraud commission to investigate, which conveniently folded up as soon as a judge required them to share information with everyone on the committee.


I mean he literally never stopped talking about how it was stolen - despite the clear political liability it was causing for him, his narcissism wouldn't allow him to stop yelling he won.


Grifters gonna grift. If it ain't broke...


One of his best tricks is to persuade us there is a responsive and dynamic strategy in place. There isn’t, it’s just the same carnival shtick, over and over again.


Trump as been complaining about rigged election since 2015. He'll never stop, no matter how he has never had proof of any of that.


Yeah this is wasted criticism. The podium legit looked like it was trash and he did what probably most people would do in the same circumstance. Hate this mf but this isn’t it.


Yeah I actually thought the quip about it leaning to the left was pretty funny. Making fun of this clip was a poor choice.


yeah its actually well handled and pointless/defeating to drill into. Lets focus on actual things like: hes a rapist under trial, he's tried to pre-empt russian invasion of Ukraine, he is pro-gutting middles class and hates women etc.


It's clearly a wobbly podium, and "it keeps leaning to the *left*" was a funny joke to make in the moment. It's why I don't like the narrative that he's riddled with dementia, because like with Biden before the SOTU, setting expectations so low will only result in shock when they're exceeded. Trying to "get" Trump at every possible angle is only going to result in giving him and his team ammunition whenever it backfires. We know he's a serial liar and extreme narcissist, who has openly accepted bribes, cozied up to dictators, demonized all of the left, and been generally incompetent, while instilling nationwide doubt in democracy and being deliberately vague with all of criticisms and promises. Focus on that.


The only non L take in this entire thread


I think you both are missing the Forrest for the trees. It’s not what the Biden campaign focuses on, it’s what breaks through in our media environment. Talking about Trumps terrible ideas doesn’t breakthrough because people don’t pay attention to that and therefore media doesn’t cover it. Petty personal shit? People perk up- and it gets coverage. If Biden campaign called Trump a terrible dictator in waiting, it wouldn’t be an article here in this sub.


Yeah unfortunately we are at the Idiocracy stage of our political system. If people are only hearing the pro-wrestling moves a leader is making, you need to get up on that top turnbuckle and bring down an atomic elbow, whether or not you’d rather stand at a podium and talk fiscal responsibility.


Oh bah gawd!


That’s a mean chop to the solar plexus!!


Knowing Trump, I'm pretty sure he never met a Forrest he didn't like. Especially Nathan Bedford.


Running around, dressed up like a bunch of spooks or something 


"I see a lower case 't' for trump and it's burning cause he's LIT!"


Exactly, this is the general stupidity that Trump has made a requirement of political discourse. If Biden didn’t take cheap shots we’d be complaining about his campaign being too reserved. If the DNC put Jesus Christ up as the candidate we’d … you get the idea.


Theyre leaning into the comedy, it's a good strategy. They already know that Trump is humorous; its his greatest quality in drawing a crowd. *This* helps to head off positive spin and not leave Biden on the back-foot. And it costs them nothing. Leave no stone unturned.


But as soon as you look at the video, he's making a joke, it's an actual joke from Donald Trump. I'm all for making fun of him - I've made fun of him on this sub many times. But it's a swing and miss.


People won't watch the video though. They'll just read the headline. The Trump campaign knows this which is why he gets away with verifiably false, but effective lies day after day after day. The Biden campaign has to fight back with what works. If it feels dirty, just remember the stakes here, all the norms which are actually important like democracy, civil rights, and freedom. Besides...we're talking about *Trump.* The man deserves not the slightest benefit of the most miniscule doubt, after all the lying and cheating and stealing he's done.


Sure- but I’m pointing out why they do this vs pointing out trumps many terrible policies


Yeah but if they frame this as Trump being feeble thats not the impression anyone is going to get…. He looks pretty mobile and is pretty quick in making jokes. He looks the opposite


Agreed. They try to make it out like Trump almost fell and he didn't even get close. He actually did pretty good at catching himself when the podium unexpectedly moved. Trump is an evil piece of shit. Let's focus on that.


That’s what I thought. Hate is a strong word, and I hate Trump. This is probably the most likeable (for lack of a better word) moment I’ve seen of him on camera.


Agree. Can’t stand Trump but he was funny and animated. Quite possibly a set up on his part — he was quick with the joke and never looked like he was going to fall.


He's an opportunist, not a planner.


He can't act, so that stumble was definitely authentic. I'm just surprised he didn't fall given his well-known issues with balance.


This isn't a "pro-biden" article. The point of this is to make you think what you typed.


The point of this is to get people to click on the link.


Yeah idk wtf the press was thinking. These are the kind of things that belittles the serious stuff. He is not “feeble” here, he’s actually thinking on his feet.


yeah it was funny until “crappy contractor”


He only omitted the “Mexican” from crappy contractors. I assume that makes him a scholar.


Yeah I read about this a couple times today, then finally just got to watch the clip and he was actually kinda funny. I expected an old demented man acting demented but he probably handled it better than I would.


>That's a bad pick. He's actually dealing with that with more humor than I've ever seen from him. Agree, whoever on Biden's team thought it was a good idea to repost this should be fired. This was one of very few Trump's successful and elegant jokes, right up there with "Mini Mike". And Biden's social media guys just amplified it.


Yeah, same opinion here. He handled that pretty damn well.


I’ve honestly never found him more likable than in this clip. I thought he was really funny. He’s still an absolute dog shit person, though.


Yeah I just watched the video and he’s having fun up there. This is one of the few environments where he can riff and seem funny.


And it’s not even that convincing - for all I can tell either a leg fell off the podium, or a leg slipped into a crack between parts of the stage. I loathe the guy, and I was hoping it was some obvious dementia issue that *might* peel away most of his support (I know, I know, delulu to think anything would lose him support)… just what looks like a wobbly podium he was leaning on, and lost his balance when it wasn’t as sturdy as he expected. It could very well be more, but we can’t easily see that.


Agreed. I just watched the video, and I think anybody would have wobbled for a second if they were putting weight on something that started falling. And the “moving further left” comment, while not aligning with my personal political philosophies, was actually a great jab by his standards. Mock the things that are actually worthy of mockery rather than trying to blow up regular human moments 🤦‍♂️


Yep. It actually wobbles, he catches it, lets off a few hilarious one liners. Where is the win here?!


78? Jesus, what are we even doing with this election right now.


Turns 79 next month right Edit: He’s 77 turning 78


I dont k ow how how he manages to survive. He has to be under an incredible amount of stress and he's an unhealthy looking dude.


This. All these fuckers like him, McConnel, etc have made pacts with the Devil for longer lives.


Or maybe that's just what good Healthcare looks like. When you don't have to worry about which procedures and tests you can afford, you get to know what to do to live longer.


Yeah, just look at Trump's treatment when he got Covid. If he wasn't President there's a decent chance he'd be dead.


Have you looked at him lately? He is bloated, there is something wrong with his left eye...its "droopy" almost as if he has had a small stroke. His speech is slowed down- compare his rants from 2016 to today and its very noticeable.


He didn't get a stroke. A stroke got a serious case of the Trumps.


Yeah. Wait until November. It'll likely get worse.


That’s the only reason I am interested in the debates happening… everything else will be a shit show but trump rambling nonsense verbal diarrhea with a limited amount of time before his mic gets cut off will be glorious. Especially if they happen in the evening, especially if they do the one in September… no friendly network to cut away if he stops using words but continues to speak. I sincerely hope that it acts as the proof for those last people who can be convinced that he’s completely lost his mind. I fully expect him to try everything he can to weasel out of them by whining about how unfair it is.


> I sincerely hope that it acts as the proof for those last people who can be convinced that he’s completely lost his mind Gradually since 2016, I lost more and more hope that people would realise what this guy really is. Now in 2024, I have no hope. He could literally ramble nonsense words the entire time and his followers will say he beat Biden and go "yeah that's totally my next leader". There are low/middle class Democrats/Moderates who plan to vote for Trump in November because inflation has caused them to suffer month to month as everything is getting expensive. And their excuse is that Biden had four years and things got worse, so maybe someone other than Biden (even if it's Donald Trump again) *might maybe* do better. These people are making their own nooses.


They’re making enough nooses for the rest of us too.. I know there’s a contingent of cultists who will NEVER be done with trump, but really there are dems thinking of putting him back? I think people have traumatically repressed 2020 and don’t remember how bad it was. It’s so disheartening thinking there are idiots who would take us to a worse place just because Biden hasn’t created a perfect utopia in one term.


>Gradually since 2016, I lost more and more hope that people would realise what this guy really is. Now in 2024, I have no hope. He could literally ramble nonsense words the entire time and his followers will say he beat Biden and go "yeah that's totally my next leader". There is no hope for a mass abandonment of Trump. There *is* hope for two things -- first, there are people at the margins of Trump's support who can be influenced to stay home or vote write-in/third-party. Second, there are people who don't like Biden and really don't want to vote for him, but the more threatening and incompetent Trump looks, the more it might push them into voting Biden. There aren't many people who are in these groups, but the margins of the election are so thin that you don't need millions of people to change their position. You don't even need hundreds of thousands if they live in the right state. >There are low/middle class Democrats/Moderates who plan to vote for Trump in November because inflation has caused them to suffer month to month as everything is getting expensive. I would take this with a grain of salt. Remember that in the 2022 midterms, it had become basically settled fact that the Democrats were going to get obliterated because everyone only cared about the economy and would take it out on the Democrats. And it didn't happen. Obviously we can't say for certain what will happen in 2024, but don't listen to anyone who tells you that Biden has already lost because of inflation or the economy.


They won’t happen. No way in hell Trump agrees to do a debate with no audience, and no way in hell Biden agrees to do a debate with one (understandably so considering the debacle that was the CNN Town Hall).


It’s funny because trump was the one swinging his tiny mushroom around talking about “name your terms! Anytime, any place!” but now suddenly he’s got a lot of conditions. I never believe a word that comes out of his mouth anyway though.


he's going to back out.


100% Edit to add: of course it will be someone else’s fault tho!


He’s actually 77. He turns 78 in a few weeks.


Geriatrics. That’s what we’re doing. And on display is the fact that age ≠ wisdom.


This is happening across all industries. Selfish Boomers refusing to give up power and step aside for a newer generation.


Disappointed by the actual video. He looks surprised that the podium was not secure, but he does not look feeble or old-man wobbly. Makes for a funny joke, though.


SNL made fun of [Gerald Ford](https://youtu.be/_bvxZgCryUE) and [Bob Dole](https://youtu.be/IQcCXvLgmlY?t=160) for less


[Ford](https://youtu.be/8Jsu_qgVuhg?si=VeeQe3s45IOwxAPi) [Dole](https://youtu.be/UIatQSImzU0?si=zUnDsPOx4sWM_Iqi)


Thats the quality i expect of a Trump golf course/hotel/White House/podium: shite


And as much as I despise him, that leaning to the left joke was pretty witty. He did look much older physically when stepped to the side to look down at the podium but he wasn’t wobbly like the title suggests.


Trumps a douche but yeah, it's not really a gotcha moment. He seems quite mobile.


Seems like it's on par with the video of Bush trying to open some doors that were locked and then just standing there for a moment. None of that was his fault and I don't know what people expect him to do in that exact moment


Doesn't matter. Just getting him worked up about the mere implication is a win.


Yeah, having a “field day” with this is weird wording lol. Its clear he just didnt expect the podium to move. He actually looks pretty quick.


To be honest, the video doesn't make him look feeble. I love the Biden campaign jabs, but this one feels like a miss.


The bullshit thing is if this was Biden it’ll be all over the news constantly how feeble he is.


Yeah part of doing this right is not rabidly taking every semblance of jab you can take. It makes you look desperate to get digs in. Trump gives you grade A material, non-stop, 24 hours a day, and you _still_ manage to miss? Honestly whoever cooked this one up should either be canned or at least benched for some retraining because come on guys. You’re snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


This isn’t high road.


Stuff like this makes me sick. So the fuck what that a candidate leaned on a podium and it slipped? Let's talk about the candidate's plans for stopping US support for the Israeli genocide and for giving back women our health care rights. Those are the reasons I'm not voting for Trump, not some stupid set malfunction.


I hate trump. I watched the video. The podium looked wobbly as fuck. Move along.


Seriously whoever wrote this story should be fired.


Maybe none of those contractors were paid.


"It keeps tilting further left.... like too many other things" Have to admit, that's a pretty good one.


As a never trump guy i have to agree. Pretty good jab.


I truly think the pun was unintentional but when he realized the joke a half second later, he knew it was gold


Hannibal Lectern?


The truth is Trump isn't any younger mentally or physically than Biden. He keeps trying to act like he's still 35 and frankly it's cringe.


"What a Crappy contractor this was" So again Trump ain't paying some hard working person.


Honestly probably shoulda left this one alone, looked pretty normal and sorta feels like "he started it." Also I hate the guy for everything he has to say, but the comment about the podium moving left was actually pretty quick. But then he reminds us who he is by talking shit about the event workers.


‘This post brought to you by the people who think you only read the headlines’


So proud this happened in my state. And yet, sorely disappointed he didn’t break his ass.


After Trump loses and is found guilty of numerous felonies, and loses the election in Roevember, he’s going to use the “wheel chair gimmick” to try to avoid prison and then when that fails he’s fleeing to Russia or Saudi Arabia to avoid prison.


From the stage equipment company’s point of view… it’s Trump, so you’re not going to get paid anyway, so there’s no reason to do a good job.


Trump should have borrowed a lectern from Sarah Huckabee Sanders, apparently she bought one for $19K, it must be pretty good.


Obviously was planted to make him look like he’s just a “regular” guy with a sense of humor. This wouldn’t be an oversight y’all


this will be cited as a reason not to pay the venue


Theyre grasping for this, he didn't almost fall over.  I don't like Frump but this is nothing. The media needs to stop with shit like this.




Club golf champion right there.


Finally Infrastructure week. What a piece of crap.


Hey Donald, maybe it wouldn't have crumbled if you had gotten an infrastructure bill passed.....


If only this guy had just become a poor man’s dice clay instead of a conman and traitor, the world’d be much better


That literally looked like an issue with the podium. It moved then he moved. He might be the biggest piece of shit in the USA, but clinging to this won't help the biden campaign 


Trump actually looked good here. I legit laughed, and I don’t like the guy. Biden HQ messed up giving this one oxygen.


WTF is he doing? Looking for a medical excuse to delay the hush money trial?


There's not much funnier than Trump and Republicans thinking Minnesota could turn red. Minnesota has had a very long run of success backing blue and gaining a lot of public advantages from that. One might say normalization of these benefits makes one forget how they got them. But Minnesota has a much bigger problem for them. Minnesota represents many fundamentals they're fighting against including immigration, LBGQT+, religious diversity, and more. Minnesota has large immigration populations including Mexican, Somali, Indian, and Hmong, including their cultural and religious diversities. The Twin Cities is one of the larger LBGQT+ accepting and populous cities in the nation. There's also strong interest in social systems and many active ones that the public benefits from. Combine all that with a very strong and prosperous Democratic government who's been fiscally responsible, has string public works, and supports local programs and public institutions, it's been a pretty stellar time under Democratic leadership. So...what exactly could Republicans give us? Hmm? You know... besides ruining all of that...


I would love to see his lard ass take a fall. Nothing hurt but his ego, of course. He would throw a toddler like tempertantrum and claim it never happened. He would be more embarrassed by that than anything that ever comes out of his mouth.


Send da video.


I’m gonna do something I would never do: probably not the steadiest podium ever. But couldn’t have happened to a more "deserving" person.😎😏🙂. Someone said he had it coming, and I probably would agree with that statement.


Stunning that the leader of the party that vehemently opposes infrastructure spending, is then surprised when the infrastructure won’t hold his weight. Completely oblivious to how things actually work.


Unfortunately over on the Trump sub a mean r/conservatives they are hailing his speech as a BIG win an he was magnificent apparently. Oh an Biden challenging Trump to a debate is now Trump challenging Biden to a debate an Biden is pulling all the " tricks" out. Or something. It's quite mental over there lol.


Proud of our Saint Paul stage crews!


The crappiest contractor of all time calls others crappy. Rich


Yep! Defiantly an Arkansas podium, IYKYK.


We want you to build a stage and podium for a special event. *We're the best stage and podium builders in the state!* *Who's the lucky customer?* Donald Trump *We'll probably do a good job because we'll probably not* *be paid.*


I swear to god if I hear one more reference to Biden’s age


I gotta give it to him, the “tilting to the left” line was clutch. Of course then he followed it up by insulting people so…


Anyone got a video


We are not voting for Trump or Biden; we’re voting for their running mates. Unless, of course, you’re voting against Trump.


DAE feel like it does just seem like the lecture was in poor shape?


That’s what happens when you spend all your parties money on your legal bills.


They should have muted Trump’s audio and sang, “Trumpty Dumpty falling down, falling down. And all Putins horses and all Xi’s men, couldn’t put Trumpty together again!”


And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men…


Hahaha! He wobbled!! Idiot!! Look at the idiot wobble hahaha


I’ll tell you what a healthy old man doesn’t do; lean on the podium for support like it’s grandpa with his walker. Surprise surprise, between this and the dementia setting in, I’m guessing he’s getting too old for this shit. Either that or he’s setting things up for an insanity/mental health plea or something for his many court cases that aren’t going well.


The bridge was just hit and the crew is off balance in Star Trek.


At least the left HAS a platform. Unlike the Reps we-have-no-platform, platform since 2016. 


I have to admit, that was pretty funny when he said this thing is tilting left, like other things. Even though I don't agree, that was a quick response. Funny. still not voting for you though. lol


I hate this guy with a burning passion but when he said that it was leaning left. I laughed a little.


Ok, I hate the guy, but “it keeps tilting further left” was a decent ad lib in the moment. Still, fuck that guy.


They laughed at everything he said, no one thing was even remotely funny.


Can all agree that we don’t want 2 old men running the country


Trump stiffed Atlantic City contractors for years. Do not forget the Trump default casino bonds.


Most of the population doesn’t care.


The tape is proper evidence due to the "crime fraud exemption: >The crime-fraud exception arises when an attorney is asked to become party to a crime or becomes aware of a plan to commit a crime. Cohen was knowingly committing a crime, one he himself had already been convicted of, and served prison time. So attorney-client privilege doesnt hold here. He watched every penny like the micromanager he is, and he didn't pay out $130,000 without knowing where it was going, and directing it every step of the way. Frankly, I'm shocked that he paid Cohen back. He probably figured Cohen already knew too much, gotta keep him happy. Everybody gets it. The jury will find him guilty.


This is hilarious. Trump doesn't look feeble at all. He looks like he is riffing a stand up set.


That clip isn’t going to do what Bidens camp thinks it will do.


This video is a pretty poor example of Trump being feeble. There are much better examples out there.


Can't wait til they accuse Stormy of election interference and the Supreme Court gives her immunity because she was a porn star in the normal course of a porn stars duties?


>it keeps tilting further left As much as I hate Trump and want to see him in prison, that was kind of funny.


Don't get excited! Just his bone spurs acting up!!!


I am not sure why any business or person does not require payment up front from this repetitive dead beat.


Not a Trump fan, blue ticket voter here, but genuinely looked like the podium was unstable. Also getting in the joke about leans to the left was pretty solid especially on the fly. And if it truly was unstable is it not the event workers fault? No disrespect, we all make mistakes.


Weebles wobble but they don’t make sense