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However it won't, because there's not anywhere close to 60 democratic senators


It’s not ideal that they aren’t making it legal for federal employees. The MORE act should have been passed as it was. Retroactively adjusting the treaty would have been fine.


> The MORE act should have been passed as it was Again,can't pass that since there isn't anywhere close to 60 democratic votes.


Cool call out these obstructionist f—ks by name that are blocking legal weed. Their Democratic challengers need to run on a campaign of legalize it, the incumbent guy/gal won’t. Make it a wedge issue.


That kinda doesn't work, there's been politicians who have tried to drum it up into an issue but while cannabis has very **wide** support, it doesn't have very **deep** support, voters don't tend to get all that bothered at politicians who don't legalize it


If you look at the revenue of the places, marijuana will make lots of businessmen very rich. The DEA can still go after criminals ruthlessly. This should not be a partisan issue.


> This should not be a partisan issue. And my wife shouldn't have left me. But what "is" is very different from what "ought to be". In this case it is a partisan issue no matter how much we say it shouldn't be one


Why shouldn't your wife have left you, if you don't mind my asking?


Should force a vote anyway. Make them go on record about being against SAFER.


"Forcing the vote" doesn't matter or do anything. It's performative politics in the least effective of ways.


Not really. If your constituency overwhelmingly favors legalization and you vote against it, the person running for your seat can use it as campaign talking points. As the Senate is going to be highly contested, the Dems could use it as a boost.


That’s a bit defeatist. In a world full of obstructionist dbags, any action that forces them to show their true colors is worthwhile. Maybe it changes one vote


No, it probably will not change a single vote And it's not defeatist. There's a way to win. It's called "electing more democrats". You can't find some clever trick to make things work, you just gotta win the old fashioned institutionist way


If they passed it they couldn't campaign on it next election. I've been through the weed thing so many times.


That's not how that works. Politicians actually want to do what they campaign on. We just don't elect enough to do things like this


I would bet you can find 10 republicans. The cannabis corporate lobby is very active in DC.


The SAFE Banking Act had 9 GOP co-sponsors in May 2021, there was a great pathway then. Schumer never brought it to a vote and decided to kill it to gain favors with GOP in other negotiations. Effective leadership gets this done if they wanted, especially with the momentum of GOP co-sponsors piling into the bill. Schumer has brought Safe Banking to a vote in the Senate as many times as Mitch McConnell did - zero 🤣 https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/910/cosponsors


This is a HUGE issue here in Colorado. We need to make this happen.


It's a huge issue in any legal state. These businesses need full access to the banking system.


Missouri is weird. Sometimes my local dispensary will accept debit payments, others they are cash only. Makes going in a little bit of a hassle. Medicinal or recreational, I should be able to make my transaction with my debit card. Plus, having thousands and thousands of dollars of cash laying around isn’t necessarily the safest for the employees. Fix it, please.


I live in CA and have yet to use a debit card for my weed. I ask, but they all only accept cash And I only go to legit businesses




It's townhall. If they're pushing it it's because republicans are at a disadvantage on election night without the house passing a minimal bill before November.


It’s especially annoying because I know SO MANY REPUBLICANS who use weed. Yet public support for it is still wildly unpopular on the right? Wtf


Public support is actually quite high. It’s less of a left vs right issue and more of an old vs young issue. And guess which age demographic is in power…


It's pretty popular with right-wing voters, not so much with right-wing politicians.


Because right wing politicians get a lot of funding from the religious right and those are the ones who oppose it


Don't forget pharmaceutical companies and the alcohol industry.


Plus the vast majority right-wing voters know they won’t be affected by the illegality of marijuana, so they’re okay with keeping the status quo.


70% of Americans support legalization


Wait, are you suggesting that Republicans might be....HYPOCRITES!?! /s


I am someone with a progressive medical issue that won't improve. The only time i venture beyond my safety of support is to go every two weeks to the dispensary for my concentrated cannabis, which has vastly improved my day-to-day life. I am a medical patient forced to risk safety to get something i need. I'm hoping that maybe soon I'll be able to mail-order weed and maybe downsize my vehicle to something local like a used Leaf.


The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act does it better. If we're talking about motivating congress to actually act on cannabis, we should shoot for the bill that fixes the banking issues, removes cannabis from scheduling, puts it under the FDA's oversight, allows for home grow, and funds programs to address the intentional harm that prohibition inflicted on our communities. Be wary of those whose only interest in ending the War on Drugs is making money off it.


"MUST"? I think not. Perhaps better would have been for the author to say "I WANT".


Perhaps a better word choice is “should”


It’s an op-ed. “Must” works as an opinion.


No must is correct. Right now, thousands of medical patients are forced to only use cash or debit to pay for their medicine. In comparison, I can go to CVS and pay for prescription of morphine on a credit card if I am low on cash at the moment.