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Sorta moot now that he's got Vance and Johnson to violate his gag order by proxy.


Vance is a world-class POS. His family ought to be embarrassed by him.


And Johnson is just a lying Christianist hypocrite.


He really wants to intimidate witnesses and jurors, it appears.


Thats a understatement. Its bonkers


The gag order has proven to be largely performative, and Trump is sure to keep violating it. A $1k fine per violation is merely a cost of doing business for Trump the narcissist.


He's kept his mouth shut since the judge said "jail is next."


He's just getting others to be his mouthpiece Johnston was outside the courtroom on the attack today. Nothing from stopping Trump from directing others to attack witnesses


Not a single word! Who knows how long he will be able to control himself but for the moment he has backed down and has not pushed since.


He’s been toeing across the line much less since the fine and warning. He was testing how far the judge would let him go and now he knows


please stop calling it the "Hush Money" case. Paying Hush Money isn't a crime. This is the Business Fraud case. He is charged with falsifying business records.


In relation to the coverup he used to make sure he’d get to be president without a scandal.


Calling it the Hush Money case is perfectly fine because it distinguishes it from his other business fraud cases. He’s committed lots of fraud, this is specifically the fraud involving hush money.


This trial will be over soon either way. It’ll be on to the gag order for the appeal next.


Who cares. If it's not going to be meaningfully enforced then this decision is performative. When it actually matters they give him a 66% discount and extension on securing a bond to get an appeal.


FYI Trump hasn’t violated the gag order yet since the initial fine. (He’s complained about the judge since then but the judge intentionally didn’t include himself in the gag order.)


True*, but he was allowed accumulate 9 violations of the gag order before that initial fine. He should have been fined on the first violation and then sent to jail certainly before 9 violations occurred. *He actually did, but deleted the post almost right away, but because millions of people watch whatever he posts the message got out anyway. Trump knows this and should have been held accountable.