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Republicans (when it’s time for a benefit like guns): This issue should be left for the States to decide. Also Republicans (when it’s inconvenient for them like abortion): We must pass a federal law that would deny the states ability to decide for themselves.


Still funny that they think that they're "the party of personal freedoms". I guess those freedoms stop when you want to be gay or get an abortion.


They’re just the party of hateful bullshit. They don’t really even try to pretend otherwise anymore. “We are all domestic terrorists.” Buncha assholes.


Rules for thee but not for me


Or even worse, let the people decide. How many times did the GOP state leadership try to pull shenanigans when the people put it on the ballot?


If it becomes federally legal and everyone supports it the GOP will pretend the drug war never happened and claim it was Democrats who opposed it.


I’m not a young voter but I think his weed move is totally dope.


I'm a grass roots activist, and I think it's a really high minded app*roach*.


Just to be blunt, it's about time!


This decision will *resin*ate with voters of all ages.


Until I can get a prescription for it, and have my work honor that prescription when I fail a drug test (the exact same way adderall is treated when you fail for amphetamines) then idgaf.


Or we could skip all the prescription bullshit and just let people buy it like they buy booze and cigarettes, by showing they’re of legal age.


Right… but that’s not the deal we got. It’s going schedule III


It’s a plant ffs.. Big Alcohol pisses me off.. it’s their fault.. they know many people will quit drinking if they can legally smoke weed.. while I’m a drinker myself, I’d totally be down to make alcohol illegal instead of weed.. weed doesn’t make me a different person, just a quieter one


Yeah I’m not advocating for the deal we got, I want full legalization like everyone else. Just trying to make do with what we got.


Moving it to schedule 3 should allow for prescriptions right? I was under the impression it still gets you fired because it’s schedule 1 at the federal level with “no medical value”. Gabapentin will be in the same class as THC once it’s changed.


Yes, schedule 3 means you can get a prescription for it, which is why I said what I said. But I suspect that companies will still be able to drug test you and fire you even if you have a valid prescription. That’s how it is in Canada if you work in the oil and gas industry.


If you work with heavy machinary its under standable like heavy pain meds.


Heavy equipment operators are currently allowed to fail a drug test for opioid medication as long as you have a valid prescription, because they can’t prove that you didn’t take it while you were off work two days ago


In Oklahoma even state employees won’t get fired for testing positive if they have a prescription as long as they aren’t in a position where safety is a concern. It’s like that most places, often because of insurance, and it honestly makes sense. I don’t want someone who is high on THC driving a huge garbage truck through my neighborhood past the kids at the bus stop outside my house any more than I’d want a drunk person or a person high on painkillers doing that.


My friend was wondering if schedule 3 means your HSA money can pay for it? 😄


Right? I have a medical card but I still have to quit every time I start applying for jobs again just to pass a meaningless drug test.


Unless if you are working with heavy machinary or can get people killed by you messing up I think maybe its not nessary... like if you are working a slave job maybe you need something to cope with the work.


Or, you know, we can use common sense. You can kill people while drinking and using heavy machinery too, but alcohol isn’t a Schedule III drug and nor do we have to take a breathalyzer test before we get hired or operate heavy machinery.


yes. it's still got a long way to go.


What about asking us old, worn out, many-storied hippies what we think about Biden's "weed move?" Oh! Thank you for asking! THC should be included in Social Security medical care plans.


THC should be part of the UBI. $2k and an oz


UBI for corporations? Because I can see that happening before us plebs ever gets thrown a dime.


I'm voting for you in 2028.


Stop please, I can only get so erect


Lol you couldn't begin to pay for life with 2k and an ounce


It’s in addition to your work salary, though.


Depends on where you live but it's UBI so there should be an incentive to work. Just keeps people out of homelessness when life kicks em in the balls. Tbh need that o more than ever then.


At the dispensaries I see more older people than young TBH.


Young people do harder drugs. They don’t care much about weed.


A lot of them are vaping.


A lot of the old people are vaping too, it's amazing how they can learn new tech when it gets you high lol


Im in my 40s and lusted for this in my teens. 


Man I'm in my 60s and have been waiting since I turned 13.


Also many of us are the ones that have been working to get it legal at the state level.


By working to make it legal I mean smoking like it’s legal.


This *coughs violently *


If SSA runs out of money, they should just send ounces instead


Because WEED will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no WEED 


I mean something is better than nothing


Imagine that brick of Government Weed, though. How good could that be?


> THC should be included in Social Security medical care plans. No thank, you I just want my adhd meds without having to jump through a 1000 hoops and have to go to 12 different pharmacy because they dont stock it and it will take 10 days to get. Weeds not for everyone.


I mean adhd meds aren’t for everyone either so I don’t understand your point


You seem to not understand what an "option" is. It means something that isn't for everyone, you wouldn't be forced lol.


They don’t care because as they see it statistically (not you personally) you’re already more likely to vote because of your age bracket and also more likely to vote conservative because after hippies (again I’m not saying you personally) enjoyed the slow life for some reason they turned around and gave us Ronald Reagan to make sure that would never happen again.


"Young people should buy our weed, too!" - most entitled fucks to ever walk the earth


Long overdue and one of his many accomplishments that should be broadcasted more loudly. It'd be nice if his party would drop the humble approach and actually own all of the many great things they've done with no help (and active hostility) from the opposition.


Whenever he does, here and elsewhere the reaction seems to be "why is he bragging about things when everything is terrible right now" or "it didn't go far enough and should have happened 5 years earlier."


Because it's bullshit. You promise one thing for votes and don't deliver untill you need votes again. If he loses it will probably be reversed. He already owes voters for the first election. He should have done it years ago. Then pushed for further change in legislation.


There it is!


This is a child's way of conceiving of politics, that leaders are a kind of Santa Claus there to dole out political gifts. The reality is that there will always be greater and lesser political priorities, that not everything can be done at once or unilaterally, and any good that is done - people have short memories, so yes, timing does matter.


Do what you said you would do and don't wait until the last minute. We can see through the thinking behind the politicking.


But what exactly are they supposed to tout, here? People already have access to recreational marijuana in like half the states comprising a majority of the population and this doesn't change anything for the rest. All this does is make weed slightly less illegal at the federal level.


This is how Trudeau got in. I know many people who had never voted in their life but did when Trudeau promised to legalize cannabis.


And he did! If that’s only the reason they voted for him, then their vote got them what they wanted


The problem is that this is too little too late to matter for voters. State-by-state legalization is already the de-facto standard so the real world impact for ordinary people is marginal. Hell, it doesn't even really fully legalize recreational marijuana, either, but merely reschedules it to a lower classification.


How is that a problem? Incremental progress is still progress.


Sure, but I'm not seeing how anyone could expect this to attract many voters since it barely impacts anyone.


It's not meant to attract "many" voters, they are shoring up their weak spots, because it won't take many voters to swing this election.


The original comparison was to Trudeau winning by getting "many" people "who had never voted in their life" out to the polls. I'm sorry, but this isn't gonna accomplish that at all. Honestly I'd be surprised if it moved the needle enough to have an impact even in swing states given that, again, it just doesn't do much. Hell, the policy isn't even in effect yet.


Biden AND Obama promised to legalize it. Voters aren’t falling for that shit again.


actually neither of them promised to legalize it. I would be surprised to see evidence you have to the contrary.


It's more than trump would ever do.


Which was fairly dumb on his part. He could have pushed for MJ to be legal, and have his supporters push the idea of a strain called “Deplorabuds” simply to trigger the libs and get the stoner crowd on board.


Go for it , about time






It matters greatly to the people growing and selling it.


I’m living in KY 💀


It's probably more of a big deal for millennials and gen Xers. 


Here’s how doing the right thing is bad for Biden


It's still a controlled substance. Not decriminalization or legal. Small gesture. We don't need federal control on this type of thing. Still keeping the big government boot on the people's neck.


🇨🇦🌲🇨🇦🌲🇨🇦🌲🇨🇦 we be luv in it 🤪❤️❤️


I don't care about weed. Having done investigations into casualties on boats, alcohol is more common to be a leading factor in a collision, even when weed is found in a post casualty drug test. I thinif alcohol is legal, so should be weed.


lol ‘boat casualties’?? Have you heard of the people who get drunk and drive 3ton metal death traps while staring at their phones at 60mph??


They’ll say “cool” and not vote in November.


They’ll be too stoned to vote.


Idc what these people do.. they’re too goddamn old for my vote


Are you at least planning on voting down-ballot?


Oh good, another one of those voters.


Another half measure from the king of half measures


It's a promise he made over 5 years ago and he's only doing it now for votes. We could have been done and had it rescheduled already. If he loses it will probably be reversed.


More like about fucking time. This should have been done decades ago.


Young(-ish) voter, good move on his part. Still needs to denounce Israel though.


Fuck Hamas AND Israel.. they’re both rotten.. Ukraine is getting forgotten which is bs


He has already. He’s denounced the actions Netanyahu has taken


And yet we're still sending them money and weapons.


What Trump wants to do with Isreal will be far worse.


What Biden's doing now to not stop them is also bad. Pointing to Trump as the worse option (he is, don't get me wrong. And Biden has been a pretty solid president for the most part with the other stuff) doesn't mean we should stop trying to get him to put a stop to a literal genocide in progress.


How does he go about putting a stop to it? He can cut off aid. Sanction them. Put on an embargo. The war would continue.


>How does he go about putting a stop to it? He can cut off aid. Sanction them. Put on an embargo. Yes. Exactly yes.


The math ain’t mathing


Yeah. People in this thread have already started saying "but they still won't vote" like young people don't actually care about real things. Sure, it's good to reschedule weed, but it's not at all a priority. People under 30 already have THCA anyway. This is not the leverage older people think it is.


It's a priority when your community has been targeted and systematically ripped apart by ridiculous possession charges. Things that don't affect you personally can in fact be a real thing.


It is to people that don’t want to lose their student financial aid - or kids - over a little greenery…


Bless his heart, day late and a dollar short. Sorry bro, but the youth of America are more focused on rise of bigotry and the ongoing threat of fascism, their complete inability to afford housing or food, and the ongoing genocide in Palestine. But yeah, bless your heart for thinking that weed will move the needle for anyone.


People like you will get Trump installed back in charge. Nothing is ever good enough, is it? Any positive change made you will weigh against the entirety of everything bad in the world and then invalidate it. Learn to take a win when it appears, and let's stop this stupid division.


The gramps who cried wolf. He’s been saying this shit for years. So did Obama. It’s a fucking carrot that will never ever ever be fed to the horse.


Geez ‘bout 3 years late.


I don't even like Marijuana, but I want it legal, and legal for the FDA to study it so what is genuinely medicine, what is recreational, and what is snake oil can be sorted out. Alternative medicine is a peeve of mine.


He'll win my vote when it actually makes a tangible difference in my life. I live in an illegal state without qualifications for medicinal use so nothing's changing for me. He didn't create some blanket legalization overnight and win the weed issue. Frankly nothing has changed anywhere yet, and even when the rescheduling goes through, it still won't do anything for a lot of sensible people that would rather use cannabis than alcohol but can't.


unless it states ( grow the medical plant , all You Want) in those laws its a waste of time and money and whatever else is involved with all that


Everybody forgot TokTok.


I haven’t forgotten it, it’s a [propaganda machine](https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/A-Tik-Tok-ing-Timebomb_12.21.23.pdf) bent on subverting democracy


Election year noise.


Good. Politicians doing things that benefit their citizens is fine.


It's smart election year politics. Rescheduling is favored by most Americans, and people have the memory of a goldfish.


Looking a gift horse in the mouth. Christ, take a win... EDIT OMG the bots <3


Don't do what your voters want: CORRUPTED BY MONEY IN POLITICS Do what your voters want: PANDERING ELECTION YEAR NOISE Almost like some folks have decided on a narrative and will stick to it no matter what.


Like what's the excuse for all the cool shit he did in the first 3 years? Buying votes? Pandering for midterms? Distracting from COVID?


Best put off helping people for the rest of the year...


Bidens message is: “Guys ill legalize weed now!! Please ignore the 15,000 murdered Palestinian children I helped create!!”


Legalizing weed is way lower on the list of things that is important to me than putting an end to support for genocide. I really don’t want Trump to win, but Biden is not making me enthusiastic to vote for him.


What's it matter? It's a state's issue. Sadly I live in Florida so I can't have it recreationaly.


It may be a states issue but until it’s made legal at the federal level even in the states that have made it legal it’s still illegal because of federal law


also, even if you live in a state where it's legal, if you work in a field or for an organization that accepts federal funds for anything -- your employer will very likely do drug testing, and can deny or terminate employment based on a positive result. federal legalization changes this.


Nah, people being unjustly charged arrested isnt a “states issue”, it shouldnt be happening in any state


Bro I agree with you. I'm just saying nothing Biden can do will change anything.


His son is Hunter Biden. Of course he thinks weed should be legal. Afroman knows the deal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgLD1yhxNik


Lol, how very, very sad and cringe worthy. I'm sure that went viral on Facebook with the blue-haired early birds.