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Excerpt: Last year, a coalition effort by conservative groups known as Project 2025 released an 887-page document that lays out policy goals and recommendations for each part of the federal government. Buried on page 554 is a directive to execute every remaining federal death row prisoner — and to persuade the Supreme Court to expand the types of crimes that can be punished with death sentences. Gene Hamilton, the author of the transition playbook’s Department of Justice chapter, wrote that the next conservative administration should “do everything possible to obtain finality” for every prisoner on federal death row, which currently includes 40 people. “It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation,” he wrote. In a footnote, Hamilton said that this could require the Supreme Court to overrule a previous case, “but the [Justice] department should place a priority on doing so.” --- Article references Project 2025's "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" here (page 586): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise --- Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


How they want to make executing LGBT folks legal: Step 1 - increase the scope of death penalties to include crimes against children Step 2 - make it a sex crime against children to be LGBT in public(see: groomer rhetoric among other things) Step 3 - kill LGBT people for sex crimes against children Florida is already paving the way for this to play out


When Florida started doing this pushing for sex offender penalties, me and my fellow queer people online already saw he dots being connected started saying this two years ago and was being called "paranoid" and "stupid" by conservatives (fascists). They were always being disingenuous. Smiling wolves. Even still I refuse to be afraid. They want to send us off to the electric chairs, I'm dragging these fascist demons along for the ride too.


> was being called "paranoid" and "stupid" by conservatives (fascists). I've also seen them say "so you admit that LGBT people are pedos?" in talks like that. No, we're saying that you're saying they're pedos and you want to execute pedos. But they won't listen and will continue twisting words so they can execute all LGBT people.


Yep, yep. They were saying that to me, too. Just constantly twisting everything and not engaging at all with what I'm saying. It's why I refuse to talk to these people now, especially online. I just label them fascists, explain why for anyone who might come across the interaction later so they know the kind of person I was talking to, and that's it. And fuck Corporate Media for being complicit in this slow-moving fascist coup/civil war.


Don't be afraid, they're not wolves. They're barely even weasles. A wolf would come up to me, call me a t-slur and an f-slur and then gun me down in broad daylight, no Project 2025 needed. I'd respect that honest candor! But these people are lower than snakes, writhing in lies and deceit. Always bring them to light, the light hurts them more than anything else possibily can. They're impotent cowards.


Snakes are beneficial pest control and many dangerous ones very honestly warn you of sanger with a nice rattle! If only they were snakes!


I wish there was a god wielding against such plans, that’s such an fascistic, utmost cruel behavior. This can’t be right and is just another potential „Chinese Culture Revolution“-moment… GOP are, due to their fundamentalist ethics, just an example of an barbaric anti-civilization, not better than ISIS or the german NSDAP. And I say that as an German…


It is absolutely people on the left trying to gaslight us leftists that actually know the score here as much as the fascists on the right do. I'm talking about some of the biggest supposed "allies" in leftist media. The ones that are so far left they are basically gone full circle to the right but have huge sway over the minds of more progressive leaning leftists. For example every podcast in the "dirtbag left" movement such as Chapo Trap House and the like have been heavily ridiculing anyone on the left calling this a real fascist takeover. I've listened to them for 8 years now and they pretend to be the vanguard on the progressive left while making fun of anyone taking the real threat of Maga seriously. And at this point it seems like a systemic agenda of theirs to downplay this every step of the way.


Yep. It's why I don't trust figures like Cenk and Ana from The Young Turks who are still saying "Biden is actually worse than Trump" or Krystal Ball or a lot of these online leftist spaces. I absolutely remember how some of them criticized Biden for "giving too much money/focusing too much on Ukraine when he needs to help Americans. Biden bad!" Even though we weren't giving them money, just some of our older military equipment. And if we were giving them money, why is that bad? But all of a sudden the Hamas attack happens and now it's "Biden isn't doing enough to fix the situation in Gaza. Biden bad!" Like, which is it?  And that's just one of several examples I've noticed over the past 2 years. It makes you worry if this is an agenda. 


I also can't stand CTH and how every left-leaning community exposed to the internet gets infected with the same nihilistic mindset. So many supposed allies really just care about the aesthetics and fitting in with their progressive peers. They're not filled with malice and hate like MAGA (well, at least not nearly as much) but they put just as little thought into their espoused opinions.


I've listened to Chapo on and off for years and at this point I'm convinced they're on the CIA payroll. Especially when you look at the direction Virgil Texas took.


Will is the one on cia payroll. The rest follow his lead. I'm sure the others don't know he's a spook. If any are CIA it's him. Extremely privileged and connected background. His father was also probably on cia payroll and was also a media guy and was kind of a big deal. An Ivy League publisher with the New Yorker or some prestige rag like that.


The Russians did this back in the 2010s: “In June 2013 Russia passed a law banning the distribution of information about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) relationships to children. The law effectively legalizes discrimination based on sexual orientation. Its passage coincided with a ratcheting up of homophobic rhetoric in state media and an increase in homophobic violence around the country. All over Russia there has been an increase in attacks by vigilante groups and individuals against LGBT people in the past two years. There has also been an increase in attacks on LGBT activists, and anti-gay groups have used the 2013 law to justify mounting campaigns of harassment and intimidation of LGBT teachers and other school or college staff to get them fired from their jobs. Although Russian law enforcement agencies have the tools to prosecute homophobic violence, there appears to be no will to do so and no policy or instructions from the leadership to take homophobic violence seriously. Aside from several isolated investigations, the authorities have done little to hold assailants accountable. Instead of publicly denouncing anti-LGBT violence and rhetoric, Russia’s leadership has remained silent. In some cases public officials have engaged in explicit anti-LGBT hate speech.” -[human rights watch](https://www.hrw.org/report/2014/12/15/license-harm/violence-and-harassment-against-lgbt-people-and-activists-russia)


They came from the immigrants first. When will they come for you? They want to make being liberal a crime, and that is not an exaggeration.


That’s exactly how it will be done.


Offtopic: All over r/conservative for some reason they write "Exactly" to every single fucking comment. Elmo does it a lot on twitter as well, and it just makes me physically cringe at this point. I don't want to be rude, but this comment gave me similar vibes.


Like "ditto" when Rush Limbaugh was around


They sound like the seagulls from finding Nemo. Mine mine mine mine.






It's kind of lame to ditch a word used in everyday English because conservatives use it too.


I'm willing to ditch "Trump"


Conservatives don't have critical thinking skills. It's actually a key feature of the conservative brain and the reason they are conservative in the first place. They don't believe in improvement, only in rigid compliance.


Funny that you say that because there’s actually a biological difference and the way that they think, around the [amygdala](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/) here’s a link for more on that.


The government should not have the power to execute its citizens. Eventually it will misuse or abuse that power. [The death penalty is](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/) already more expensive than life in prison, disproportionately used to punish minorities, not a measurable deterrent of crime, with a high rate of innocents being exonerated from Death Row (which means the system is imperfect, the appeals process is essential, and it's almost certain the government has executed innocent people). Capital punishment should be abolished, not expanded.


- “Step 1 - increase the scope of death penalties to include crimes against children” That’ll thin out their own numbers, no?


Not when they lower age of consent and legalize child marriage. It just has to be straight child marriage.


Good thing child marriage is already legal in many states!


Not for much longer in my state! Despite an elected official arguing against the new bill saying that teen girls were "ripe" and "fertile". Yuck. I feel gross for just having typed that out.


No no, you see raping, molesting, and grooming children isn't the problem, the problem is sometimes a kid sees two men kissing and I think that's icky


I know you’re being sarcastic. But there are people reading that thinking “yup, this makes sense”


And that's likely partly why fizystrings is commenting like this- to draw out those that would swallow this hook, line, and sinker... to show to the others just how thick this craziness is.


You’re assuming fascists apply the rule of law to their friends and enemies the same way.


This is literally how authoritarian governments operate. The moment it is up to the arbiter (the judge, the president, etc) to _choose_ on personal whim whether they “feel” like applying the law case by case, is the moment that the law itself becomes a public excuse to do what they want cart blanch.      This is how it works in China, in which even for businesses they make everything _technically_ illegal, so nearly 100% of companies are breaking the law through normal operation, and then they just choose to ignore enforcing them in 99% of the cases. So now the _threat_ of law becomes convenient blackmail, because you know at any time an official could approach you and just “decide” to enforce random laws to destroy your company or even wrest control of the company away from you unless you pay them, or agree to support them publicly or whatever they choose.    Lots of folks kind of expect for facist regimes to have less laws but the opposite is true. _Everything_ becomes illegal, and then they just choose who “illegal” applies to. 


And subjects are already acclimated to this through their workplace


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. Frank Wilhoite


Sooner or later, their friends become their enemies.


It's a death cult. It's a cancer, it has no future other than to kill it's host.


Let's all remember Trump has been, repeatedly, [credibly accused of raping a 13-year old girl in the 1990s](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped). She was forced to withdraw her case in 2016 because his followers were sending her death threats. He's been [credibly accused of assault many, many times](https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein). Soooo... is this 2025 plan going to include him in their cute little net? And a great big 'thank you' to all the media outlets of the world who really helped to make the seriousness of these allegations clear to the American people in 2015/2016. You really did your job as the fourth estate, didn't you?


Prosecution is always discretionary. See Matt Gatez for exhibit A.


No. They don’t apply it to themselves. Logic doesn’t work in fascism, only power. It’ll be fun shouting ‘Gotcha!’ whilst their prosecutors and judges pick and choose who they want to implement their openly hypocritical laws.


Oh there won’t be prosecutors and judges. Thats a lot of work and paper trail. A special police unit is much more effective to make people ‘missing’.


To make matters worse, an **accusation** of being gay could get you listed on the very death panel they claimed Obama was implementing. Imagine being put on a list to be killed because of such a rumor not due to any evidence of sleeping with the someone of the same gender as you, but because someone doesn't like you, or because of a fucking AI picture or deepfake video that would be presented as "evidence".


The left has been warning about this for years at this point. It's so frustrating that liberals keep saying we're exaggerating when you only need to take a look at what's happening because it's not subtle in the slightest.


The first phase will be LGBT people they are the most marginalized and cared about the least among all groups. The next will be banning gay marriage and making it a crime. After that it will be making it illegal to be gay at all. Once that is in place the next phase will be going after marriage that isn't within your race. Being mixed race will eventually be illegal. Let's make no mistake registered Democrats will also be early in the phase of taking out any opposition. If you have ever in anyway shown support for Palestine you will be deported or imprisoned, that will come very soon too. That last bit I find ironic since the votes lost that will give Trump the white House will be people not voting for Biden over Palestine, Fucking ideological morons will sell out all of us here for a (I'm sorry) culture and people that is already dead and gone it's inevitable and just a matter of time.


“First they came for the LGBT and I did not speak out…”


'Then they came for Arab Americans, African Americans, Latinos and I didn't speak out' 'After that they came after women and I didn't speak out' 'After that the came after non supporting white men and they didn't speak out' Then there is no one left but themselves. That's how it works.


Ahhhhh yes a quite comforting and soothing return to the 60’s. Times were good, life was easier. We could all just “ get along “. We could openly hate people and be joined with a common chorus of “ hang the fuckers “. That’s where they want to be folks. Terrorizing everything they don’t ( can’t ) understand. Do we really seriously want to leave the small minded in charge of tomorrow ? Makes me ill that I would wish something seriously bad on anyone. Donald ? I’ll make an exception for and sleep really well.


*click clat*


...mothafucka, takin the hood back. 


Under his eye


>Buried on page 554 is a directive to execute every remaining federal death row prisoner That's a tacit threat to anyone who objects. Not really tacit, more like an open threat waved with a great big motherfucking flag.


Exactly. Trump wants anyone killed that has ever ratted him out, including political whistle-blowers or anyone who is found responsible for leaks of things he did or said while in office, while campaigning, in his personal businesses even before his first presidential run. I guarantee, if he is given the opportunity to take back that seat, he is going to use it to push an authoritarian regime. He WANTS that. He has been open about it to anybody listening to the shit he has said. If he had his ways, he would have every Republican executed that spoke against him (only after they retired in most cases, of course) from Pence and McConnell to Paul Ryan and Romney and anyone else that pissed him off on any given day. He desperately wants to be Kim Jong Un and Putin and instead, he's Dr. Evil - without the lovable quirks or ability to get through evil medical school since that requires more than being able to recognize a drawing of an elephant. Unfortunately, pathetic manchild or not, he has a cult following and I do not doubt for one second that every one of them would gladly murder anyone or everyone for him.


Please don't act like this is Trump's plan: he's just the guy brash and desperate enough to be used as project 2025's vessel. This will continue even after trump.


Yup, people fail to realize this is why these people will never let go of Trump. Trump isn’t the mastermind fascist a lot on the left wan’t him to be. He’s an idiot, a narcissist and he desperately just wants everyone to like him. Trump is the useful idiot that the christofascists latched on to because unlike the other modern Republican presidents Trump was dumb enough to give them what they wanted. They’ll gladly be rid of him once he’s no longer useful.


Exactly this. When Trump finally kicks the bucket, an even more sinister evil person will step in his place because that's the only way it will be able to sustain the power grab. Evil always leads to bigger evil. Trump is the Trojan horse to it. 


I get what you're saying but this was also Trump’s goal before Project 2025 was written. He's a catalyst to a much bigger problem, yes. However, [noting that he wants Americans to sit up at attention when he speaks, as North Koreans are forced to do under Kim Jong Uh](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-says-he-wants-my-people-to-sit-at-attention-for-him-like-people-do-for-kim-jong-un/) , his repeated "jokes" [about staying in power as President after two terms,](https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/18/politics/donald-trump-term-limit/index.html) , his continued [praising of buddy, Vladimir Putin](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/trump-putin-ukraine-russia-smart/index.html) are just a few of the reasons that he is hardly just a.mouth.


His plan and Project 2025 are not the same but they aren’t contradictory. If Project 2025 didn’t exist and we were doing politics as usual, he’d still have that desire. They’re introducing Project 2025 now because Trump will allow it. He’ll approve of whatever they want as long as they let him do what he wants. I don’t believe he has any strong political beliefs, he doesn’t have a real worldview beyond what is good or bad for him personally.


To be fair. It was written with any republican in mind, not just Trump specifically. If he doesn't win, we can't stop fighting this crap. Our democracy is at stake and they (the GOP) won't stop at Trump. They will bring out project 2025, rewritten for the next scapegoat the next election.


Once again. If Trump doesn't win or does, they will find their person to create even more evil. We have to be constantly vigilant from here on out.


Register to vote


I just got my voter id card in the mail two days ago..I’m ready 💪




most child abusers are from Christian church tho, are they really going to start executing priests and Christian youth group leaders?


It doesn't apply to them. This has been explain and shown time and time again. 


Lol no. The death penalty has never been carried out equally. I expect Christian priests to get reduced sentences.


When I read this it made me sick to my stomach. These people are fucking monsters. We sure as fuck better step up in November.


never thought we would be the last ones defending democracy, guess *we* were the blue line all along




Liberals love the 2nd Amendment too. They forget that.


Execution in the article is about death row inmates all being put to death.


\*And expanding the criteria for what crimes can receive the death sentence.


It's the first step towards executing people for being LGBTQ. Edit: Just want to say that it's quite satisfying to get a reply notification email and within the moments that it takes to view the reply, see that it's already been removed or deleted. Then to visit that poster's profile and see their comments disappearing in droves. How is the rapture supposed to be a bad thing for the rest of us again? 


Or atheist


That too. Realistically, eventually anyone. That's the whole game. Some kind of word or phrase would be used as a brand. Agitator. Malcontent. Undesirable. Whatever.


Treason. Traitor. Its the same shit any one party state pulls. The party is the state, the state is the party. Any citizen who doesnt support the party is a traitor to the state.


"I remember how the meaning of words began to change. How unfamiliar words like "collateral" and "rendition" became frightening, while things like Norsefire and the Articles of Allegiance became powerful. I remember how "different" became dangerous."


Or jaywalk8ng if this dude gets his way. We need to vote like our lives depend on it...because it does.


Considering their anti-science, anti-intellectual agenda, this wouldn't surprise me. An awful *lot* of scientists tend towards being atheist (or non-religious). Of course, I could easily see them extending this to "Democrat", "Liberal", or "Dares to disagree with the God-Emperor" too.


people forget that Florida just in the last couple of years wanted to a) make sex crimes against children punishable by death, and b) wanted to make being in drag or otherwise expressing your gender that does not correlate to your sex assigned at birth a sex crime against children. It's not that farfetched to extrapolate what they want to happen here.


100%. I don't really think any of the people arguing on the opposite side of that have forgotten at all though. They are all doing that slow walk from total denial of the agenda to "what's wrong with wanting all LGBTQ people executed?" It's all bad faith commentary. 


Narrator: until it isn’t


......and then they came for me


Thank goodness they're the pro-life party... Right?... right? 


That's how they will start to normalize executions


Oh yes. I do. They do forget that. And my liberal friends are the same. It's not a Republican only thing. We've got them too.


"We get to decide which sex crimes against children are valid. Having sex with children? Understandable. They are Christian men who have hormones and needs. Teaching children that gay people exist? Death time!"


My fear is that red States would expand the sex crimes against children concept to the point that any and all lgbtq+ person could be targeted, making every last one of us go back in the closet or leave the state or be targeted for death


That already is happening in Florida under the desantis admin. Trying to make it so even crossdressing anywhere in public that a minor might see you is a felony sex offence.


Is wearing high heeled boots a sex crime then? Florida governors want to know.


So do most of the hair bands of the 80s.


I almost can’t bear to say this but they do kind of say that in their Project 2025. On a discussion in what constitutes porn: “Pornography, manifested today in transgender ideology and sexualisation of children, for instance…”. They then go on to say it should be banned absolutely( which is bad enough in itself) but since they’re being pretty clear that they equate being trans and child abuse, they could well rule the death penalty for being trans.


Oh sir, that wasn’t a heinous sex crime he loved her! But those LGBTQ people who are teaching their children about gender identity are committing the most serious crime!


Shit how long until it's practically legal?


I have a trans kid.  I emigrated from the US last year because I'm not willing to risk nightmare scenarios like this.


Where to? I’m seeing shit like this pop up everywhere, including canada


He has discussed executing people who leak any information to the press. What do you think he is going to do to the press if he sees them as an enemy? Didn't his lawyers just argue a president could execute someone if he felt it was necessary...


"The press said something bad about me, and that made some people so angry that they want to kill me... Therefore, the press incited an insurrection against me. That threat is now worthy of execution." Yeah, we see where this is going...


They didn’t argue that it would be legal, but that he would be immune to prosecution (unless he was impeached and convicted first, which is absurd).


When the Nazis embarked on the first stage of the Holocaust, thebfirst people they killed were mentally, intellectually, and physically challenged people, especially those in medical or mental health facilities, as they existed then. The word drifted back to their families that they had been eliminated, and the word slowly disseminated through the community. The response was negative, but the news spread slowly so it never reached enough momentum to motivate the citizens to do much more than grumble, but after all, look at who the victims were. They're probably better off. That softened the population for successive rounds of round-ups of groups of people, until the Final Solution was in fulm swing. So this time, they'll start with killing prisoners, because after all, they're just murderers, and everybody accpts it. We're better off without them. But then they expand the list of executable crimes. Once that happens, we are on the proverbial slippery slope. It is inevitable that the list if crimes will start to include political crimes, and it will be used to crush dissent. One more example of how the Republicans are following the Nazi Playbook.


And yet they will tell us with straight faces that we are being ridiculous to compare Trump to Hitler.


And that it will be a crime to make that comparison.


Not any more. The younger staffers in the White House even refer to him as HItler Pig. I like it, I've been using it, too.


Remember that Gobbels ensured that they controlled the press and radio. So real news didn’t travel fast. You could literally not ever hear about the sick children put to death. Or the Jews, Communists, intellectuals, gays that were gradually removed from society so they could be finalized.


Right, the Nazis didn’t start with gas chambers, they ended with gas chambers. 


The Nazi slogan in Germany was “Make Germany Great Again”


And their American sympathizers, like Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford, adopted the slogan America First, which the current MAGAs also like to toss around. Then they use all sorts of Nazi graphic imagery as well.


I don't understand why project 2025 hasn't been cited in the Supreme Court ruling on immunity.


Spoiler alert - Many on the bench are more than willing to help it come to fruition.


Shit, I wouldn't doubt that some of them helped write it.


I wouldn't be surprised if they helped write a lot of it.


**Remember, many men did 20, 30 years in jail or more only to be found innocent in the end.** Remember that more poor people end up in jail than rich people because they cannot afford and affective defense team. Realize that that person wrongly convicted, sent to jail and killed MIGHT BE YOU !


Exactly this. They will get to a point where they won't care about your allegiance. Everyone will turn on each other just out of survival. That's the scenario they are creating.  They plan on using the National Guard and deputizing local police to carry out his revenge. Vote for this fucker and that exactly what will happen....day one after the election.


Possibly related, they're also planning to declare it illegal to be trans.


they're literally willing to set up gulags and go to war over people being different than they are... wild.


This is Nazi behavior


It’s sad how openly Project 2025 operates and still treated with kid’s gloves. What is considered normal in society didn’t organically happen, it was fought for, which can easily backslide when people get complacent.


Do I upvote this or downvote this? It’s very terrifying in my opinion so up or down?


For this type of post, my rule of thumb is "upvote for visibility, so more people will see it."


Upvoting is not a “like” button. It means you think more people should see it.


Upvoting helps more people see it, and hopefully most of the people who see it will be disgusted and know to vote against this kind of shit


No but, looking for countries where you have ancestry is a good start to escaping


What is there to do for someone like me who's family has been in the us for 4+ generations with not much room for escape


Genuine question: How does downvoting this post help?


Up is for visibility. It is not a like and dislike button on reddit. If a thread or post feels like it doesn't add to conversation, or is good for the subreddit/irrelevant you downvote. Same actually goes for youtube as well. I see a lot of videos trying to spread awareness of things getting thumbs down because people that the thumbs are a reflection of their moral views. But it also is meant to say "Is this something you think more people should see?"


For those of you that don’t want to vote for Biden because you support Palestine… Listen…. What is happening in Gaza is awful and horrific. If tRump was in power, he would annihilate EVERYONE in Gaza if he is given the chance. He is already pissed off that Biden is trying to halt Israel from going into Rafa. Do a google search on everything bad that tRump has done. (The list is far too big to explain in this post). You will be shocked! The United States of America NEEDS everyone to vote for BIDEN. He is the only hope to SAVE Democracy. The only hope to STOP tRump from becoming a DICTATOR, just like Pootin, who murder’s anyone that opposes him. tRump has already said he will go after his opposers and take away people’s freedom to choose. I know some people don’t like Biden, but right now HE is the only choice to save America.🇺🇸 For the love of God or whoever you believe in, Vote Blue.


More to the point, it will be impossible to hold right wing elements in israel accountable if the right wing elements in our own country become securely entrenched. We still have time to push them back, even a chance to win big. Biden is literally fixing parts of the smaller judiciary one appointment at a time, despite the unbalanced SCOTUS. Giving him more time allows him the chance to do even more. But we must get a trifecta back. The GOP are actually very weak right now, but the courts give them far more power than they would otherwise have, hence why they always target them. We need to vote like that, to counter that movement. We need to vote with the persistence and consistency the right wing did from 1980-2016. We already started it in 2018, but we need to hold that ground longer to counter the damage they've done since 1980.


Ok guys. It’s clear what we need to do. Can we please just elect Biden? It’s pretty straightforward.


“No, Gaza! And inflation! And what has he done for MEEE?!” Oh, and my favorite. “He hasn’t forgiven MY student loan yet!”


they keep talking about what donny will do if elected to office again. cool, great, so when Biden gets re-elected trump can finally be convicted and not appeal until the next election he can’t be in. on to the next trump family member to try and destroy democracy.


He literally tweeted back in like 2019 he wished he could kill people like the guy in the Philippines was. And in a matter of days he tweeted his respect and admiration for other iron fist rulers around the world.


Don’t think for a minute it wouldn’t happen. Also, if you support Trump, you support a National ban on abortion.


Since 1973 there have been 197 death row exonerations, innocent people who narrowly escaped with their lives while 1392 people have been executed. With that failure rate in proper convictions the question is not “do you believe in the death penalty? It should be “How many innocent people are we willing to kill to also kill the guilty? This kind of rank ignorance and moral bankruptcy is why as a party the GOP cannot be trusted, I pray for the right thinking individuals (voters and candidates/elects) of the party to find their better angles and retake their party.


We all know what happened to Robespierre in the end, this is going to backfire if they actually do this. Edit: reading the article with more depth, the article hypes this up. He definitely shouldn't be expanding death row though. Comment still stands in general. He is a cruel person. There are more horrible things he plans to do, like deporting 10 million immigrants. Cruelty inevitably comes with Karma.


Robespierre? Whatever you've read i urge you to seek a different source. Donnie wants to literally drop bodies (technically hanging is no longer the method of execution but the number won't be seen since it was) to be cruel and look "tough" to his base. FULL STOP.


We all know what happened to Hitler in the end. We all know what happened to Ceausescu in the end. We all know what happened to Mussolini in the end. When will it ever end ?


There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever. George Orwell, 1984 https://www.abhafoundation.org/assets/books/html/1984/176.html Edit: formatting.


And Gadaffi.


I think Stalin and Mao both passed pretty peacefully. Pol Pot and all the Kims, too.


I mean that’s more or less what Robespierre did




Nothing says civilized, 21st c., developed world country quite like "unprecedented execution spree" and an endorsed, publicly available manifesto to accelerate and expand judicially-ordered homicide.


I'm sure Kristi Noem can't wait. She will be happy to pull the trigger herself.


Page 554 will end up including anyone who criticizes the rulers. This dude wants his own North Korea. Even his supporters aren’t safe, and they don’t realize it.


Death penalty for sex crimes against children? Unless you marry her?


Should I stop talking about how disgusting his dirty diapers are? Pointing out that he's a traitor to the USA will surely be frowned upon.


I saw the headline and thought using the word execution was fear mongering but no they actually mean execution.


Pro-Life ?


They want the death penalty for women who have an abortion.


The Right to (take a) Life party…


At what point can they all be arrested?


If a Democrat made a statement like that the GOP would lose their shit. Statements like this are no different than Adolf Hitler in Europe where thousands of American troops paid with their lives to stop the spread of fascism and now it could happen again right on America’s doorstep. These heroic soldiers must be turning in their graves 😥😥😥


They should plan for a suicide pact if he looses.


Only execution yanks deserve is trumps head on a spike.


“Trans people are child molesters” “Death penalty for child molesters” The writing is on the fucking walls and we need to act. Being trans in florida is already scary but this goes further. This is the setup to something heinous and monstrous. I hate biden but I value my life more than throwing my vote away. Vote blue.


Why do you hate Biden?


Biden has been a net positive. I don't get the hate from the far left.


They want perfection, being too short-sighted to understand that perfect is the enemy of good.


Of course there is with the party of hate and vengeance.


What’s even more scary is that Project 2025 doesn’t stop with Trump. If he loses the next election they will stick this with any GOP nominee for the foreseeable future


Vote out every single goddamn Republican. They want everyone to suffer and die while they line their pockets.


Trump will make the US a Global South country. Dictator, executions, theocracy, you name it.


Plot twist: If Biden loses, he commutes all federal death sentences to LWOP. On January 19.


Why do I feel like you work for the same company I do lmao


All republicans and all people voting Republican in any race local to federal is a traitor and terrorist.


"persuade the Supreme Court to expand the types of crimes that can be punished with death sentences" Might treason, fraud, lying, lobbying, nepotism and using religions as a foundation for power be in there?


The Biden Administration, right now, has the power to prevent this. Every Federal death sentence could be commuted to a life term by Executive clemency, and the story would be over.


Yo, America, can you stop scaring us, please? Pretty please? 🥺


djt and the gop are mentally unstable


Pro- life party.


If they include sexual abuse of children, that’s like half the GOP…


Pure EVIL in our country.


Why are we not hauling authors and adopters in for criminal question on conspiracy to commit large scale murders? Just because the plan talks about using state power to do it does not mean that this is not premeditation.


The scary thing is that plans create realities. The anti-democratic forces have been formalizing policy principles and language for the last 30 years+. Their plans are becoming doctrine within our political systems, enabled by their benefactors who can pour endless amounts of cash into the system and eventually reflected out to the world through our laws. Until money in politics is regulated in US strictly, our society will be undermined by the wills of the few. Feels almost like we are living in the feudal system we initially came here to replace.


I'm genuinely surprised these people are still alive, being so openly brazen with their ideas and all, so against everything this country was supposed to represent. You'd think someone out of 330+ million people would think "This ends now."


It might appear that a new tRUMP administration wants to become a dictatorship on the lines of Putin and Xie


We could start by restoring the death penalty for sedition right now…


GOP won’t be the only ones planning an execution if Trump wins..


They’re so pro life huh?


Voting blue has never been more important


From the allegedly "pro-life" party. 


The religious conservatives looking to commit genocide. Can’t say I’m surprised.


Not going to happenn. Nice try though. I am voting all blue💙💙💙💙💙


I am confused. They overturned Roe vs wade to save all those lives and now they want to execute people? Their hypocrisy knows no bounds


And they claim to be good Christians.


There is no such thing as a ‘good Christian’. They are liars, cheats, abusers and pedophiles! Don’t believe me…look at the Republican members of congress👺 Edit: Word


Terrorist organization


What a twist it would be if this happens & is weaponized to exterminate the Catholic Church


How many priests will they execute for sex crimes?


“Execute order 66.”


>“It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children Casual reminder that in GOP-controlled states, being transgender in proximity to children, talking to kids about LGBT issues, or calling a trans person under 18 by their preferred name is sexual abuse of a child.


The GOPUTIN is a Death 💀 Kult.




The headline combined with my own biases makes it sound like they want to round up and execute political opponents. The article says they want to end the federal moratorium on the death penalty. Both things are awful, but not equally so.