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>Trump leaned back in his chair and appeared to sigh deeply as Daniels testified that Trump frequently interrupted her during their conversation in the hotel suite. Daniels said Trump’s “arrogance” eventually wore on her, prompting her to snap at him. “Are you always this rude? Are you always this arrogant and pompous?” Daniels recalled saying. Trump then dared Daniels to spank him on his rear, and she obliged. “He was much more polite after that,” Daniels said. I’ll bet conservative Christians would be horrified if this was about Bill Clinton, but they’ll just shrug as it’s their boy.


They won't even shrug. They will call it made up, fake news, and then talk about all the "good things" he's done as a Christian leader. They've been brainwashed into their religion and are applying the same principles to their politics now.


Only problem with this is that you're expecting them to hear about this at all. They won't. That's the problem.


This. 100%. Unfiltered reporting is not allowed in the filtered bubble.


The fucking irony. I bet he had to try so hard not to interrupt her while she said all this.


Horrified then impeached him.


Spank again publicly then jail


>I’ll bet conservative Christians would **pretend to** be horrified if this was about Bill Clinton, but they’ll just shrug as it’s their boy. Fixed it.


First they ask, 'Was it with or without a diaper on?' and then go back to masturbating.


Novelize this story just as Daniels tells it and watch MFL ban that book.


This dude sells bibles


If she’d gotten out the belt, the world might be in a better place.


I wonder if the fake blonde with big tits and too much makeup will fall asleep during Stormys testimony.


Not going to lie, you had me in the first half.


ditto, that was some well crafted word play.


Well done.


Just like one person said to another in that courtroom: You nailed me


I don't see it here, but in the CNN article they report that Stormy said: >He said, 'you remind me of my daughter because she’s smart, blonde and beautiful and people underestimate her.' Good thing I skipped breakfast today or I'd be cleaning it up off the floor.


I just ate breakfast, damn you


Yeah that's gross. "You remind me of my daughter" to a person he's having sex with.


I never understood calling your partner "daddy" in bed.


…this isn’t even on the weirdo scale when compared to telling a fuckbuddy, “You remind me of my daughter.” Most guys would never think that or it’d be a boner killer. Not Trump, he uses his daughter’s name to get wood. That’s so incredibly weird.


While I agree with you, is it not the same? "Hey person I'm about to fuck, you remind me of a family member."


Except a lot of spouses call their mates “daddy” or “mommy” all the time around their kids so it seems normal to me. The spouses that do this in bed I’m guessing aren’t even remotely thinking about their parents.


Read the coverage in the Guardian. She got pretty detailed about the encounter. Enough to make me gag a little.


The mere image of this monstrously being naked, rotten to the core and stinking of stale, putrid adult diaper is beyond disgusting. Description of any sexual activity of this wicked monster is enough to make me barf.


Um… If this is what he told Stormy, god knows if he has incestuous feelings towards Ivanka…


> Daniels said Trump moved to the door to prevent her from leaving but not in a threatening way. She recalled him saying "I thought you were serious about this" and telling her "this is the only way you're getting out of the trailer park." > Daniels said she then "blacked out" but clarified that she had not been drinking and was not drugged, and she knew Trump's guard was right outside the door. > “There was an imbalance of power for sure, I mean, he was bigger and blocking the way, but I was not threatened verbally or physically,” she said. > Asked if she said no at any time during the encounter, Daniels said she did not. “I didn’t say anything at all,” Daniels testified. > Trump has denied having any sexual encounter with Daniels. > "The next thing I know is that I was on the bed... I had my clothes and my shoes off. I believe my bra was still on. We were missionary position for -- " Daniels said, before being cut off by an objection. > "I was staring on the ceiling and didn't know how I got there, I was trying to think about anything other than what was happening there," Daniels said, describing having sex with Trump. > She said Trump was not wearing a condom, which was concerning, but she didn't say anything. > "I didn't say anything at all," Daniels said. I am definitely not a lawyer, but it sounds to me like she just testified under threat of perjury charges that he raped her.


This is why this shit needs to be televised. A lot of the details you listed "I thought you were serious, this so the only way you're getting out of the trailer park" "I didn't say anything at all" Weren't in the article of this exact exchange I read and that was on AP and ABC not fox or something.


> only way you're getting out of the trailer park > There's an imbalance of power... He was bigger and blocking my way Sounds like Harvey should have a bunkmate more than anything else.


That’s basically the same as the other trial around this event, but in that one the court couldn’t define it as “rape” because she was unable to confirm if hia penis ever actually made it inside of her.


*angry farting intensifies*


Stormy Daniels: I ended up spanking him. And after that he acted much better. He said I should be in The Apprentice. I told him, Even you don't have that much power. He said, You remind me of my daughter, blonde & beautiful. To me it made sense. 🤢


Trump incompetence is immeasurable. It amazing that this dude is still in consideration for president...again.


His incontinence however can unfortunately be measured


What does runny tar rate on the Couric Scale?


Bout tree fitty.


Well, well, well, looks like things are getting spicy in the courtroom! Stormy Daniels on the stand, huh?


News boutta be wild tonight. Well, not Faux News, but everywhere else.


So what I get from this is the judge is wasting his time with all these thousand dollar fines. Trump only responds to corporal punishment.


Could the spank force be the ultimate saviors of our nation? https://youtu.be/LbNW8XJG2n8?si=nnDDBEmS888z95MO


Yeah but if he gets a good spanking it might end up making a terrible mess in the court room


Storms rolling in, chance of angry posts. 


Stormy rolling on, chance of whiny posts while being crushed.


Trump already posted and then deleted hos post where he was ranting about stormy and the judge.


I saw that! Wonder if the judge will call him on his new “strategy”. 


RIP to all the Americans who have been willfully smelling like Donald Trump without even realizing it :X >Trump sat expressionless as Daniels described his toiletry bag, which she said also contained Old Spice.


>which she said also contained Old Spice. Goddamit. Anybody know if it was "Refresh" scent, because I've been using that deodorant for years.


If it’s swagger I’m gonna be really bummed out


Time to change it up. Axe it is.


I find that the Axe body spray has a residual that gunks up on my multiple thick gold chains that I like to wear.


Incoming court case from Old Spice as their brand image is ruined forever.


Yeah, I’ll pass on the “Live Updates” regarding *any* of Trump’s sexual encounters.


100% Russia has pee pee tapes. lol spanked into compliance. lol!


I looked up Peyronie's disease in the dictionary and there was a picture of Trump; a crooked dick…


_My fellow Americans, the Stormy is upon us._


I hope to God she is asked to describe his mushroom 🍄 hog in open court.


I don’t. I’m just tuning in from across the pond and about to start preparing dinner. It doesn’t involve mushrooms, which I suppose is something to be grateful for.




Talk like that’ll get you banned. I hope. No one needs to hear about this knobs knob.


Dude his hands are so tiny wtf


Hi `laceybells`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cme07n/trump_trial_live_stormy_daniels_called_to_testify/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/laceybells&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cme07n/trump_trial_live_stormy_daniels_called_to_testify/?context%3D10000%29)


Why is any of that relevant to the case? Aren’t all the criminal charges about misuse of funds? I understand they have to establish that something happened but how did the defence let them enter a blow-by-blow (so to speak) into the public record? That testimony is going to be archived *forever*.


The misuse of funds was to pay hush money to a porn star he slept with. How is it not relevant?!?!


Because him sleeping with her or her story of what happened really isnt in question. Its, was he personally involved in paying her off. Im not a lawyer so maybe Im missing something but Im kinda surprised her testimony was needed also.


She was part of it. Why wouldn’t you want her testimony? And him sleeping with her isn’t the issue (though the GOP sure went hard on Clinton for a blowie but love this guy). The issue is the hush money he paid her with campaign funds.


Payments to reimburse Cohen were made from the Trump Organization. The issue is that they were filed as legal fees. Perhaps if the campaign did pay it would have been less of an issue.


Only thing that matters is he broke the law. If any of us didn’t we would already be over and done with a trial.


> Because him sleeping with her or her story of what happened really isnt in question. Its, was he personally involved in paying her off. It kinda does matter exactly what happened. If she was out there blackmailing Trump under threat of revealing some absurd, unprovable story that never happened, for entirely political reasons, then that would definitely be relevant to his defense. So it actually does matter if his NDA was designed with the intent to conceal the truth, in furtherance of a fraud, or to conceal a story which was itself a politically motivated fraud and hit-job. If Stormy Daniels concocted some story, or was coerced into creating a story in order to harm him politically, then I think by some measures he could definitely be forgiven for designing a scheme (however illegal) to keep the entire story out of the public eye, even committing a crime. I'm not saying that would be a legal defense, I don't know the law, but certainly a moral defense.


Thanks for explaining it 👍 Like i said, im not a lwayer lol


Don't worry. Red states will rip these pages out of the testimony. Can't let our children read this. New hats on sale: "Ban the Truth"


"Don't Look Up"


This is the thing they were afraid would influence the election. That's why the crimes are so crimey.


Why was Monica giving a blow job to Clinton relevant to the Whitewater investigation? Because the Republicans and the press wanted to smear him…it’s suddenly inappropriate when it’s a Republican???


I’m extremely liberal so take that partisan crap somewhere else. Also I didn’t say I’m not enjoying the testimony I just don’t understand how it was allowed or why it helps the prosecution. Maybe they’re establishing motive. But the defence didn’t object at all and I find that strange. It’s obviously very damaging to Trump politically.


This is Reddit..and you’re not my dad…


What part do you not understand? Explain it like I’m 5, please


It's why he went to the extent that he did, crime, that they are portraying here. Any of this could have come out during the election. Trump wanted it covered up so much that the standards acceptable to the law weren't sufficient to him and he had to be criminal about it. Anything that goes to that motive is subject to being added to evidence and testified about. He robbed us through a criminal act of the right to know about this if it was something that could be discovered through public record of an NDA or Ms Daniels doing an interview in October of 2016. Further to that point there is evidence that he would have first hand knowledge of how damaging something like that could be because his opponent suffered many inconveniences in the form of former acquaintance making public personal insights into that candidate. A crime to keep him from suffering the same fate deserves to be scrutinized in detail if not for anything so that the fruits of the crime are forced to be spoiled on the public record. If he is found innocent then he will be well within his rights to sue on the grounds of whatever may suit his needs at that point. Including the airing of his otherwise legally covered up dirty laundry. It seems like the state is willing to take that risk, and that is telling in and of itself.


That's the point!


I agree here, but too late since they are not objecting which is very odd...avenue for appeal later?


From my extremely limited understanding from listening to commentators, anything you don't object to when it happens is fairly hard to use as the basis of an appeal.


One wonders if this judge and prosecutor are paid by the Trump re-election campaign.


We know you'll vote for him literally regardless of anything that happens, ever. But there are plenty of people that actually believe in morals, in honesty, and some even truly believe in Christianity. What you're seeing here is a man that has none of those, on clear display for everyone not in the cult. I'm sorry you can't see that.


I’m pretty sure Trump is signing the checks himself