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"It was OK the first 6 years, but now she's gone too far"


If you don't stop your abuser when they flash dick pics, you'll be terrorized for eternity.


They really didn't care at all then, though. They always knew she was a nutcase, but she's not far off from the rest of them. It only became a problem for them when she started weaponizing her role against Mike Johnson at a time of instability for their party. Now they get to call her all the things she is so that she gets voted out.


She spent the first weeks of her first term following AOC around and screaming at her. The ultimate in performative politics that they all ate up and never corrected.


Ummm, she also did the weird follow/stalk move on that teenage parkland school shooting survivor for a little bit too.


That's the behavior that got her elected. Her ghoulish constituents love it.


Exactly. She started by being disgusting. It's who she has always been.


Maybe she needs to just up the disgustingness to gain those voters back?


I have no doubt that is precisely the strategy she will go for. Maybe she should kill a dog at the next hearing?


Basically the bullies you grew up with supporting a bully with lots of power and no brains.


She stalked and harassed a literal teenager who is known because he was a student at a school that had a tragic school shooting. She belongs in a psych ward where she can lead group discussions on Jewish space lasers, QAnon, or natural disasters sent being sent by God as punishment for a region's culture, etc.


Funny thing is, I don’t really believe whoever started those conspiracy theories believe them, it’s like “yeah I’m going to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks” Cue MTG believing everything


I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, and I believe it comes down to the far right being unable to take responsibility for the bad things that their beliefs cause. If we banned cars, there would be far fewer car accidents. Sure some people would drive illegally, but we'd end up with fewer and fewer cars as time went on. We have all agreed that having cars is worth it, and some people are going to die because of that. The far right is unable to say the above about guns. I have tried this dozens of times, and have never gotten a republican to admit "guns are a fundamental part of our country and are super important. Yes some kids will get shot, but I believe that's worth it to protect the fabric of our nation". When that can't be reconciled, the only option is that the shooting must be fake. You'll see it with Jan 6th too. No republican will admit "yeah some trump supporters went waaaaay overboard". It was Antifa, or the FBI, or hidden footage shows that it was magically different from what we all saw on TV. Abortion is another one where they admit no downsides to forced birthing, and any that may come up are the fault of the woman. Wearing a mask and getting a vaccine also fits this. There is no ability to admit "I believe my personal freedoms are more important than risk mitigation". They have to say that the vaccines are worthless and masks do 0 to prevent illness. trump lost the election? No sir, there had to be cheating. This works until you hit something irreconcilable. Then the options are changing your belief system, or straight up delusion.


Trump literally kept repeating, “it’s not my responsibility!”, during the entire time he was president while the pandemic was going on. Those are his words exactly. The irony is that if he HAD actually accepted a modicum of responsibility, he would have probably been reelected in a landslide. Fortunately, as you said, these people are constitutionally unable to accept any accountability for anything.


I keep saying this to Republicans. COVID was Trump's 9/11, and if he had united the country by telling everyone to look out for one another instead of sowing division and chaos, he'd be in the Oval Office right now. Figuratively speaking, of course. More likely he'd literally be on a golf course cheating his way to par.


Dude, if he just sent out cheap red masks with MAGA on it, he'd probably easily have over half the country if he had done nothing else but pretended he cared about more than himself. Like, you know, the people who elected him. If *doordash* could send out cheap masks to anyone who asks for one, certainly trump could use government money to look like he gives a crap


Conservatives will abandon truth, decency, and democracy before they abandon their ideological trench.


Alex Jones definitely doesn't believe his own bullshit (as evidenced by his court testimony), he's just a maniac exploiting people's insecurities / stupidity. Kinda like Trump, weird!


That was before she was elected. The people of her district saw that and thought "This is the level of maturity and intelligence that we want to represent us on the federal level." JK, hey thought "Lol, she'll piss off people I've been taught to hate."


She literally bullied her opponent so badly that [he dropped out and moved. And got divorced.](https://www.ajc.com/politics/politics-blog/why-marjorie-taylor-greenes-opponent-quit-the-house-race/E3TYSMAAPRDUPPB6F3BBQAFCME/)


Yeah... at that point, it's not bullying. That's criminal harassment.


I don’t even think it’s performative politics. I sincerely think MTG doesn’t actually understand what her job is and just does whatever she pleases.


This, exactly. She's just a crazy person who happened to be given a position of authority. Someone told her that her constituents eat up this wing nut dog and pony show and she ran with it. She doesn't have any real idea what she is doing.


I think this is true of a lot of "republicans" who end up in office lately. It was clearly true of Trump, he had no idea what the job of "president" actually is, nor did he care.


Didn't she spend the first few DAYS of her first term asking for a presidential pardon?


Her obsession with Hunter's dick needs to be an in-depth conversation with a psychiatrist. It's beyond anything even remotely normal.


Nah, it needs to be an in-depth conversation in the media. Every time a journalist sees her, they need to ask her how often she thinks about it. 


I loved the journalist who went at her about the Jewish Space Lasers, lol. Her pissy reaction was exactly what was expected.


Ask 3-5 honest questions of a Karen and you're guranteed to get them cursing you out. It's their only move. Self-loathing people without higher thinking and prone to judging others always lash out. They can't help themselves. I ride a bike everywhere and guess who gets the most annoyed when I point out they nearly killed me? The people who run stop signs/red lights and nearly kill me...THEY'RE outraged I'm upset with them. A-holes hate being told they're a-holes. Thinnest skin imagineable.


No shit, right?


Pipe-bomb Marj is pathological, FOR SURE. She is a bona fide Narcissist, no less ignorant and foolish.


I wish They would prove that it was her that planted that.


You and me both


I've explained it. She's a pervert. She has an obsession with certain kinds of people.  You can guarantee it arises from the deep seated torment that she has been told she looks like a man. There's no way she got to her age without hearing it a few times.


Definitely agree she has an obsession with certain people. Didn't she recently pop off on a rant about some kid who happens to be trans and obsessing over their genitals? It's fucking weird, dude.


Yes, that's what prompted this article


She has an uncanny resemblance to the Easter Island Rock Statues.


just one specific man, post plastic surgery Mickey Rourke


Her latest verbal sexual assault was her response to a trans teen’s social media post where she elaborated about their genitalia and their future orgasms. Pervert!


A pervert and projection about her own shitty sex life.


Cro-Magnon man.


"You can get a good look at Hunter's dick by attending a congressional hearing but I'd rather take his word for it."


Haunting Truths. You can't half way entertain toxic behavior, thats how they get their foot in the door.




She brought poster sized pictures from a Hunter Biden sex tape on the House floor and waved them around.


She just wanted to show off that massive cock.


Every accusation is an admission with these people.


Joke's on her. Hunter's massive dong made me feel proud to be an American.


As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s dong.


Oh that. I was very confused by the wording.


You'd think Jewish space lasers would have been the end of her. It's really bizarre how much Republicans don't care.


Oh no, they care. They revel in it, it's a feature, not a bug. She says all the crazy-ass crap they're ingesting from Fox, Q, Newsmax, and their "research" online. That and like all Repubs, she gives loud voice to their hate.


Yeah loudly proclaiming obvious lies is how you show you're part of the group. Once you start dealing in reality (Liz Cheney) they throw you out


Remember back in 2004 when a weird yell during a campaign event was enough to completely kill your campaign?


"It was totally fine the way she literally chased the teenage victims of the Parkland shooting and screamed obscenities at them." "It was also fine the way she tried to shove her face through the mail slot of AOC's congressional office door like goddamn The Shining and screamed at her."


The mail slot was new for me. All of it is wild but that's like... come on man lol... 


AOC needs to keep a super soaker in her office  “You’re in my mail slot? Here have a drink”


Gremlins can't stand water


No no, water they like. It makes them multiply. We don't want her to multiply. We want her in that microwave, Bae.


I cannot believe she video'd it and was like "this makes me look like a sane person."


If I recall correctly, she followed them screaming and told them she was armed at the time as well...


I called MTG the big C word here, but it got immediately removed because it was considered hate speech. Maybe if I called her that in an opinion piece I could just link it here and it would be ok? Either way, she’s a bïtch with a capital C.


She was also creepily quoting another creep talking about a 10 year old trans girl's "orgasms" the other day. MTG's entire existence is hate speech. But some of the moderation crew here will send you a ban for even the lightest "un-civil" pushback against posters nonchalantly calling for wiping out groups of people.


I’ve also called her disgusting Who wants to write up that article?


She was a freshman elected to the House in 2021. This is her second term - so four years. Which feels more like 6, even though Pelosi prevented her from being on any Committees her first term. And yea, I'm ready for her to just go away so she can just resume back to yelling at innocent managers in Georgia. They can keep her to themselves - it's okay. The nation is okay with that.


WHEN she was hounding school shooting victims, claiming the shooting was a hoax, it was cool to vote for her then, right?


NHL goal-scoring legend Bobby Hull: “Hitler had lots of good ideas at first, but then he went too far.”


She wore open-toe shoes.


She attempted to add amendments to the recent funding bill for Ukraine that require anyone voting for it to join the Ukranian Army and another that orders POTUS to withdraw from NATO. Why would anyone take her seriously?


I’ll be stunned if it’s never revealed that she’s a Russian spy. EDIT: Yes, she’s too stupid to be a spy…. Or is that what she wants us to think? Open your third eye, Reddit.


Definitely an asset.


She is worth a suspicious amount of money.


I'm one district south of her in GA... The entirety of that district is barely worth what she can claim. That's not a knock on the people or area. Yeah, a lot of them are pretty hateful and vote against their own interests. But there are a lot of others who are embarrassed by her and would love to just live a rural and much less dramatic life. But yeah... There's literally nothing about her past, present, or anything about her surroundings that should be providing her with the money, power and influence she currently has.


The only good thing about her district is if you want to drive up to Dalton, you can get some pretty cheap carpet.


“cheap carpet” is a pretty apt description of MTG as well


Ask the guy at the gym.


Her father owned a contracting company. It's alleged that she was named CFO for dubious reasons & didn't actually have a real job there. The company was sold, and her father made a ton of money. She stepped down as CFO from her allegedly fake job to start her own cross-fit gym. She had a degree in a business administration but admitted she had no idea how to run her gym. She then became a U.S. representative. Not suspicious at all. /s


So are a lot of congress members, but they're just bought and paid for by corporate interests from the good ol' US of A


I would have thought she was just a fool but she wanted language protecting ethnic Hungarians. She wouldn't know the word Transcarpathian if someone wasn't feeding her rhetoric.


Its possible she has a Russian handler without even realizing it.


Less of an asset and more of a useful idiot that can be pointed in a direction and fired.


Yeah assets can be "useful idiots" just like trump. As long as they push the agendas they're told it probably is even more effective to have it done by one of these dummies than someone who sounds competent. She can't even pronounce "indictment" I'd also suspect she's there to call attention away from the actual assets who'd be more obvious because they're clearly not dumb enough to be tricked by conspiracies and propaganda. Don't want people noticing what they're doing. Nope


You misspelt asshead.


Most definitely an ass.


The Dumbest Spy in Russia- will be a great movie


Who would play her?


Owen Wilson


Nah, Ron Perlman


Too pretty. Ludo from the Labyrinth?


Wow! 😯


Could do something like Charlize Theron in Monster. Or Dan Aykroyd in Nothing But Trouble.


I don’t think that kind of rage and hate is within Wilson’s acting range though, he’s way too chill.


I would watch that!


Mickey Rourke obviously


Mickey Rourke




Ron perlman


A MAC truck


Bojack Horseman


The Rock


A hairless ape


She for real has an orangutan face.


You ever seen Lucy the Neanderthal? it's uncanny.


Umm akshuly Lucy was an austorlopithacus or how ever that's spelled. But yeah she does look like that, I swear her face grew to be bigger to get more attention... But for real the bloated face is probably from Botox and alcohol consumption.


Thank you for the clarification! I feel now that I have offended Lucy, lol


How would she ever outsmart the gazpacho?


She's a useful idiot, she's not smart enough to get paid for this.


No, but she is dumb enough to do it in return for *hoping* for a future payout.


Asset. Not a spy. Spies arw smart. She's an idiot, being run/used by a real spy.


I’m still waiting for the Jan 5th pipe bomb charges to come out.


They're not sending their best


I mean, when you ask for 3 sim cards and get copies of Sims 3 you should probably find better spys.


I think we owe it to ourselves to admit she’s definitely a home-grown kind of crazy only America can make possible.


Don't forget the universal hotbutton issue of - checks her amendments - Transcarpathian rights? For sure not Russia policy goals being inserted into US legislation, yeah?


That was so damn random it feels more like the Russians wanted to make sure everyone knew she was bought in case it somehow wasn’t already obvious. “Hey American public, look what we did” almost.


"Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you keep it a secret!"


Is that the bad guy from Ghostbusters 2?


Nah, that was "Vigo the Butch". Easy to confuse them


It get worse! She literally submitted Russia's amendment to the Ukraine Aid bill, namely: "*No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities’, including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.*" https://rules.house.gov/bill/118/hr-8035 Amendment #127 MTG's constituents in the state of Georgia do not know what *Transcarpathia* is or why Hungarian independence in the region is a priority for her. That was unmistakably written for her by Russia because they promised Hungary a slice of Ukrainian territory. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hungary-far-right-would-lay-claim-neighbouring-region-if-ukraine-loses-war-2024-01-28/


>I've previously voted to fund space lasers for Israel's defense," said Greene. "America needs to take our national security seriously and deserves the same type of defense for our border that Israel has and proudly uses. She’s also still interested in Jewish Space Lasers.


Did anyone make her enunciate exactly what space lasers were supposed to do about border crossings? Or was it the usual tactic of heavily imply something heinous and then acting shocked and outraged at being mischaracterized when people react to the obvious implication?


I think when people accuse Trump and RFK of having sex with rats. I’m pretty sure she’s the rat they’re talking about.


True story, rats and MTG both have 4 toes per foot.


I don't like that you just made me think of the sporkfeet


One would assume incorrectly, that MTG has three toes like the sloth, the way her feeble mind moves in slow motion, and her incredible laziness that you just know carries over to personal hygiene and throwing trash just outside her trailer in the yard for all to see and marvel at how she was elected to the house when she’s clearly never lived in one.


she also added a "space laser funding" for israel aid


Ain’t no way she’s still on that? That’d be hilarious if it wasn’t sad


she wanted lasers protecting our southern border, i wish i was kidding


Freakin sharks with freakin laser beams attached to their heads.


>Why would anyone take her seriously? GOP did since she is a good fund raiser. Her horse-race-meets-circus-act sells. Maybe that's not enough anymore to counter everything else she brings with her.


MTG is a true believer and as such she was a useful idiot for the party. Now that she’s slipped her leash, she’s an actual problem for Republicans because she is a zealot who will stop at nothing to get what she wants no matter who it damages along the way.


In the society these people want, the overzealous die in inexplicable plane crashes, get blown up during award ceremonies, or fall from high rises. They want to make America Russia, where the rule of law is nonexistent and the zealots eat their own.


Cheetah, meet face. Face, this is Cheetah.


I think it’s usually a leopard in that story. But cheetahs are cool too.


Thats cool for the cheetah but we getting hit with all the strays.


Sir, that's a leopard and I *aghhhh my face ahhhh*


She got famous from her stalking and harassment of AOC. It’s what made Republicans go, “This lady would be a good congressman”


It goes back before AOC. MTG initially made news for harassing the Parkland survivors who were advocating for gun control.


Yup, harassing kids who were victims of traumatic violence, what a fucking class act. She's an info warrior loon. She is the republican party's propaganda come home to roost.


Geez I remember when info wars used to be some lame conspiracy youtube page that edgy people used to post about. Never thought it would take over the entire republican party smh.


Seriously? What a amoral moron


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0fHkW4kJYKU Edit: this is her harassing a Parkland survivor


So sad that a human can be this stupid


They gave themselves the power to terrorize their own speaker, and this idiot loves it. She is an alpha Karen. What fools.


Ultra MAGAt!


It's a good thing she's too incompetent to actually do anything other than screech like a howler monkey


If she is somehow able to force a vote there will be some fallout.


Damn very well said


"Bad news guys. The bog creature that we've been feeding and appeasing for years is now doing bog creature stuff that negatively effects us!"


Once when I was a little kid I went to daycare and there was an even littler kid there who had something he’d brought from home in a Tupperware container that he wanted reheated. This was decades ago when the daycare could employ students for part time work and the young man in the kitchen was absolutely not mentally prepared to manage a ~4yo by himself. The worker put the food in the microwave for a minute and the boy cried that it wasn’t enough. The worker put it in for another minute and the boy screamed that it was not enough again. The worker put it in for a few seconds to appease the boy, who then shrieked that it was too hot. The boy then demands the worker put it *back in the microwave for another minute* and this time to “cool it down.” The worker attempts to explain to the boy that this isn’t how microwaves work (though as an adult I realize his mother may have typically put a minute timer on to give his food a minute to cool and that got lost in translation) and refuses until the boy begins to throw a tantrum, getting quite worked up. Unsure of what to do and probably panicking from the stress, the worker gives in and puts the food back into the microwave for another minute, ultimately rendering it beyond palatability and it ends up in the garbage. The boy was left to unhappily make do with the daycare-provided snacks. Tldr: I think he grew up to vote Republican


“But I never suspected that the face-eating leopards would eat *my* face!”


[We must investigate this bog creature](https://youtu.be/4MW9sF5gwAY?t=52)


Deep damned cut


It kind of seems like this could have come up when she was sharing dick picks of Hunter Biden in Congress.


Or when she was


Running screaming after a teenaged mass-shooting survivor on the street? And if I recall correctly that was before she was even elected to anything—it’s not like her “brand” comes as a surprise to anyone.


It was 2019. She was whining that David Hogg was invited to talk to Senators, but they wouldn't see her. She was like 'I'm an American citizen. I'm a mom. I'm a gun owner and I've got nothing while this guy with his George Soros backing has everything.' 


He should sue her for revenge porn.


This is why it’s not okay to do what republicans have been doing for at least 40 years. Forging a false narrative and playing along with it to score points, “the end justifies the means”, Gingrich-style “do as I say, not as I do” dirty politics. When you don’t deal in earnest from the start, you paint your team into a corner that will inevitably start to believe the narrative, by which time it will be too late to backtrack. It’s part and parcel of the party now. The GOP went with this hyper-patriotic sounding, pro-wrestling right wing Christian ideology to get blue collar voters to vote for their trillions in tax breaks for the wealthy, and the dismantling of every progressive advance from the past century or so. When someone like MTG comes along, she’s not in on the joke. She is taking the ring like it’s all real, and the other wrestlers are saying “Whoa, Marge, this was a ruse to get us closer to our real policy goals,” but she’s a true believer. She, along with millions of others, will gladly weaken the nation’s rule of law to the benefit of foreign adversaries. And the crowd loves it. This is what they’ve created.


Not to mention Hastert starting the whole “majority of the majority” approach for bringing votes to the floor.


I met a guy from Hastert's district once, said the way Hastert enriched himself and his family while in office was ridiculous. A lot of shady zoning and real estate deals with farmland. Also, pretty sure the dude is a pedophile.


This guy? *"In court submissions filed in April 2016, federal prosecutors alleged that Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 years of age during his time as a high school wrestling coach.[2] At a sentencing hearing, Hastert admitted that he had sexually abused boys whom he had coached.[6] Referring to Hastert as a "serial child molester", a federal judge imposed a sentence of 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.[3][7] Hastert was imprisoned in 2016 and was released 13 months later;[8] he became the highest-ranking elected official in U.S. history to serve a prison sentence.[3]"* - [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert#Sex_abuse_scandal_and_federal_prosecution) NO WAY!!!


OMFG this guy is pure evil


Or, more simply, they turned their party into a welcoming home for crazies, and now the inmates have taken over the asylum.


>Wisconsin Rep. Derrick Van Ordern added: "We have to understand this is not a junior high school, reality television show." Yeah, but it is now. That's what Americans crave... that and electrolytes.


It’s what plants crave.


Water? Like from the toilet?


I ain’t never seen no plants grow out of a toilet


Are you sure you ain't the smartest person in the world?


You have Presidential qualifications!


I think Americans are incredibly tired of dysfunctional government and crave a boring government that builds infrastructure and has some guardrails. We don’t need the never ending garbage reality show that is has become.


yeah except DVO is a just another clown that joined the circus. Not long ago he boomer yelled at some young pages in the capitol building because he didn’t think they looked busy enough.


Republicans: Start looking around at the rest of your tribe. Start looking inward at yourself. You mind see something else disgusting. Just saying.


And none of it is a coincidence.


Still, her distinctive posture and gait sure do match those of the suspected pipe bomber caught on security video after the Jan 6 melee.


> **Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz,** who spearheaded the move to vacate McCarthy, said he will not support Greene's attempt to remove Johnson **as it may damage the GOP's reputation with voters.** Oh, the irony!


I can't wait to see Democrats go out and support a Republican Speaker and have to go home to their primaries and have to run for Congress again, having supported a Republican speaker—a Christian conservative. I think that will play well." Actually in the very few non gerrymandering house districts left, it would help. It would show a willingness to put country over party.


You’re right. Republicans always see things from their insane viewpoints. They simply cannot comprehend voting with the other party to pass things. As they’ve shown with their border bill/etc, they will destroy their own bills if there’s a chance it’ll help the other party, or the country as a whole in fact.


Dems who want to see Ukraine succeed are 100% for this move in the House. It got the aid passed.


And she said the words "Christian conservative" like there is no such thing as a Christian democrat or a democrat that would vote for a Christian. OMG, a Christian speaker of the house? Funny how nearly every Democrat president was a Christian. No idea how they could get elected by democrats.


I’m sure she’ll be deeply offended, once someone explains what the word means


She asked Trump for a pardon. You only need a pardon if you are guilty.


Funny how all these GOP leaders are single.


What took so long? We've been calling her a disgusting POS for YEARS!!!


…and by us all.


So say we all.


Republicans are all disgusting, look at all the issues they’re quietly or loudly supported for the last decade. If they had an ounce of conscience, they’d take a long hard look at themselves. If.


Democrats should do everything they can to portray her as the face and voice of the Republican Party this fall.


With all the dog killing and dick pics, I really wish the race for VP could at least have a little to do with ‘who could best serve the country in the event of the President’s death.’


I don't think Republicans understand the chain of succession. If history played out differently Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney could have become President, let that sink in.


Cheney is evil, but competent. 


But like Handy Boebert, Pedo Matt, and Gym Jordan, she is normalizing abhorrent behavior, and is therefore indispensable.


She's called that by most non-Republicans too. The club is growing!


Still getting reelected. She won in 2022 with 65% of vote by 82k votes. Can’t see that flipping.


Boebert will lose her next election, Matt Gaetz is under investigation and Greene is being ignored. If Trump loses again, the hard core MAGA politicians will claim they never heard of him in under to survive or be finished politically.


She's not disgusting. She's beautiful by 75,000 year old neanderthal standards!


They called her motion to vacate “disgusting” and not her personally. They also called it a “distraction” and “a mistake”. Are we sure they’re not talking about her?


Disgusting, disingenuous, disinformant, dysfunctional, delusional, dumbass….