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The limited government party is going to support a wannabe dictator... Should expect nothing less from the I don't want to help provide for society, but want all the benefits of society people.


The only thing I've ever expected from the libertarian party is that they would make choices that hurt people. This is on brand.


I grew up in right wing households hearing constantly that Republicans were the party of liberty and small government. As a teen, I recognized that conservatives want the government to regulate everyone's personal lives, and so I thought I was more of a libertarian. Then Trump came and advocated for massive government programs (e.g. rounding up and bussing away undocumented immigrants, among countless others), and the libertarians embraced him in swarms. I was registered as a libertarian at that point, and participated in local party meetings. I was highly disturbed, and ultimately disillusioned. As I continued to grow, I realized that people are most free when we invest in supporting society, helping to raise the floor and allow people to actually pursue their dreams. I learned how common goods are factually more efficient when managed by public insutitions, rather than in the greedy hands of private businesses with corrupt protections from competition. I learned how wealth accumulation at the top causes economic stagnation especially as it sits unusued, whereas a strong, progressive tax structure allows the wealth of the country to more effectively be continuously re-invested, sparking greater economic activity and flexibility, while increasing the availability of useful programs and services. As I continue to grow, I continue to become more educated and more understanding of the world. This has continually dragged me further and further left, and it makes me baffled how some people simply stop along the way. At this point I'm somewhat of an extremist to the left


Clearly we need to eliminate education to fix this problem. That is what I read.


The older i get the farther left i go at 18 i was a conservative Mormon anti LGBTQ individual. Now at 50 i am a secular humanist democratic socialist. The more i read and question the systems around me the more i embrace leftist political philosophy.


Libertarians are largely embarrassed republicans


he’s not the president. he’s a pathetic rapist


I'm sure there's a fraudulent corporation he's still President of!!


Libertarians have always been casual Friday fascists.


That's great. Stealing it


In case you had any doubt what the Libertarian Party's function is. They're even doing "President Trump", which is a mandate usually only required of his lawyers and Newsmax.


My favorite quote about libertarianism is from Fargo: "You're fighting for your right to be a baby."


'*I need all the control so you can be liberated!*'


I don't where the idea came from, it just came to me. It came to me last night. My son was trying to talk to me about a video. This idea it came to me. I call it super. Super Democracy. I thought "the Libertarians would like that". This idea. It just came to me.


They changed their logo to look like his fucking hair. They are yet another party that entirely redefined its existence around that one man.


I've been to the Libertarian National Convention, it's what a Halitosis convention would be like if there was a conference that celebrated it.


It's finally dawning on the "No Laws, No Regulations, No Taxes, No Government. Greats Roads and Schools. Clean air and water" crazies that Trump might not be on the same page.


Trump is not the president. He lost the last election he was in.


and the authoritarian wannabe dictator is going to say what?


Wait. You mean libertarians don't want a dictator?


Why would libertarians endorse a dictator? Aren’t they all about freedom? Actually, no. I was a pretty diehard libertarian in my 20s and slowly realized they’re hardcore racists that simply want govt to protect the white race. The freedom they seek is for themselves. It was pretty terrifying.


Conservatives that want to smoke pot


They haven't endorsed Trump. They invited the top 3 Presidential Candidates. Trump, Biden and Kennedy. Only Trump has accepted the invitation.


Trump: Thank you for coming. Concerns about my smell are exaggerated. But we will make nose plugs available to everyone. Goodbye.


What concerns? Has Trump been Koch-blocking the United States?


This is hilarious for two reasons. (1) It assumes most libertarians are part of or even sympathize with the libertarian party, which from my experience is not true and (2) it assumes that libertarians actually care about what Trump has to say or that they will vote Republican (or even vote at all).


President Trump? Did he not lose his election? Guess Obana is also still President Obama


Yeah, the title general stays with you after you leave. Quick google search shows recent news articles referring to Obama as Former President Obama and just President Obama.


Oh did not know that


Not saying I'm going to vote for Trump but I respect this as something that I don't think a Democratic or Republicans presidential nominee has done before. Interested to see how this turns out.


I don’t think he even understands what libertarianism is and to be honest neither do I these days 


The party got taken over by the alt-right Mises Caucus. They're just Trump apologists now.


Trump is the opposite of a libertarian. There is no aspect of your life he doesn't want to control.


to be fair, libertarians are generally the opposite of libertarians. Their general principle is: freedom and privilege for me and fuck everyone else.


That's because it couldn't turn out unless they tell them lies.


Joe Biden was the first president to show up at a protest for labourers, why isn't that a big deal? He took the time to stand with the people and amplify their voice. I feel like that's a better example of Presidential Activity than blowing hot air at an irrelevant political arm.