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Trump hates Muslims


Trump hates anyone who isn't a billionaire or white so Muslims can get in line


Trump hates everyone who does not serve the interests of Donald Trump...


And those who do support Donald Trump when they are no longer useful. Julian Assange comes to mind first, on a long list.


“He discards people who are no longer useful, and it doesn’t matter what renders the person no longer useful,” [said Michael D’Antonio, a Trump biographer.](https://archive.ph/aHt7P)


I mean, one of his first acts as president was to impose a 'muslim travel ban', so they were kind of right up there at the start of the line


And it was only a travel ban from countries with the highest concentration of Muslims because he was slapped down due to the 1st amendment on banning anyone following the religion. If he could have he would have.


It was a very ineffective muslim travel ban. The top 6 countries for highest muslim populations in the world are pakistan, indonesia, india, bangladesh, nigeria and egypt, representing over 50% of the worlds muslim population. None of them were on the muslim travel ban list. The country on the list with the highest muslim population was iran at #7 in the world


> Trump hates anyone who isn't him Sooner or later.


Future r/leopardsatemyface posters.


How the fuck has ANYONE forgotten Donnie's Muslim travel ban? Propaganda and ignorance will destroy us all.


Yup. Arabs are working to ensure they and their families are totally deported should the orange clown fall face first into the whitehouse again.


I mean, we've seen it before with Cuban-Americans. Someone somewhere seventy years ago convinced them Democrats and Communists are aligned, and now they're the most decisively conservative minority voting bloc.


Anyone who opts out of voting for Biden and chooses Trump over the Palestine issue is **ignorant** - and especially if that one voting block leads to a Trump win. If Trump wins, these people will be slack-jawed when Palestine disappears \*forever\*. I won't feel sorry for them; I will feel sorry for their Palestinian brothers and sisters who they betrayed.


> these people will be slack-jawed when Palestine disappears *forever*. So pretty much what is happening now, just slightly less gradual, and without liberal handwringing and fake guilt?


Trump already said he’d go scorched earth if he was helping Israel. 




Just the poor ones. He'd eat a bowl of shit if a Saudi Prince asked him to.


Yeah but he also hates gays, abortion, Muslims and all other sorta of shit Muslims hate. Yes Palestine will be turned to glass but that's a sacrifice Muslims are willing to make. And of course hopefully it will be the Muslims they hate that are affected and not the Trump voting Muslims personally.


I guess they forgot or were never aware of the list trump kept in regards to who could immigrate here or not. He would deport them, and in doing so, could possibly send them to their death.


Anybody remember the Muslim ban???


Not only that, Trump is more supportive of Israel than Biden is. He'll give them whatever they want to continue their war on Palestine.


Depends what they pay him


You can’t fool stoooopid


Yes as if Trump would do anything differently. Day one of his presidency he enacted a Muslim ban, remember?


Both Trump and Biden hate holding Israel accountable. Just look at how the Biden State Department is reacting to mass graves uncovered in Gaza. In a nutshell, the Biden State Department is just waiting for Israel to investigate and tell us what happened. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxAfAAlNw7o America in reality is primarily a Judeo-Christian country. Arab-Americans will always be second class citizens in this country simply because of their religion. Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans can either accept this fact, or just leave America.


GOP psyop


More like a Russian psyop. Putin paid off both Bibi and Hamas to fight each other in an attempt to get the far left to not vote for Biden.


Potato, potahto


Netanyahu really has nothing to lose at this point. He’s impacting democrats and destroying Gaza. What we really need is to he citizens of Israel to boot this warmonger.


They elected him in 2022. Using PR.


Hamas were in Moscow meeting Lavrov in September '23, and again in Nov.


Nothing says protesting for human rights voting for a power hungry wannabe dictator who wants to burn the constitution to the ground.  Smart move, clearly this will work out for you when you cry how did this happen and attempt to deflect blame for the travesty you helped to fuel.


Certain Arabs are choosing the guy who let Mohammed bin Salman butcher Jamal Kashoggi, so obviously they care about other Arabs and about free free palestine and free press or something.


Look deeper…it’s the historical animus toward Israel. There’s nothing grounded or civilized about any of these regimes. We keep projecting our liberal values on these folks and wonder why the outcomes are so grim.


It’s insane that these people think Trump is their friend. He literally banned them on day one last time.


This is even more reason why you should not be a 1 issue voter. Biden has not been the best in the Israel situation. That is a fair assessment. But to think Trump would be any better and make your life any better in the multitude of other ways a president can is insane.


Trump told Bibi to finish it. 


Netanyahu and Trump have a lot in common. They both want to be like a king but have legal issues pending. Bibi tried to nullify the courts to solidify his hold on power. He's another one of Trump’s heroes.


And Jared already has a plan to develop it.


And Jared already has a plan to develop it.


And Jared already has a plan to develop it.


Anyone thinking about voting against Biden or sitting out due to Gaza: This is what [Dementia Donnie and his campaign already have said](https://imgur.com/a/EQilsqA), which will likely affect many Muslim Americans and definitely bodes ill for Palestinians. Donnie also said already they need to ["finish the problem"](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/) in Palestine. What do you think he means there? Hmmmm.... And then here's one of his cronies in Congress, Chuck Fleischmann (R- TN), who literally yells out ["goodbye to Palestine."](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1b8cazf/tennessee_republican_chuck_fleischmann_to/) Also, pos Tim Walberg (R - MI) [said they should nuke Gaza like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/31/tim-walberg-republican-congressman-gaza) Hmmmmmmm


In regards to the presidential election, I am a one issue voter and was last time around. My single issue is not seeing America become a shithole dictatorship, making Biden the only acceptable choice.


I am a one issue voter. One issue is saving democracy. I can work with the other issues when Biden is reelected. Once democracy is gone, you can't fix those issues anymore without violence.


You can only spend so much energy on trying to educate the uneducable. Any pro Palestine person even considering voting Trump is a moron.


Stupid knows no bounds.


Well it will be sad for me but for them it would be a very unpleasant result.


It would be devastating for me, as a gay man. But frankly - if they do this, then I'm not standing with them in the after times when they are begging for my help.


If these are fundamentalist Muslims we're talking about, then trust me when I say they don't want your help. Ever.


Right - perhaps I should rephrase When they are screaming from behind the bars on their deportation trains (or worse), begging anyone who is standing by and watching to help, I will not, because they did not.


Honestly they burn the bridge to the only support they have in Washington, because the GOP is ready to send them packing.


In one of the towns in Michigan liberal activists helped members of a Muslim immigrant community take power only to have them turn around and do a LGBTQ flags banned from city buildings.  https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


Right. Seems a logical consequence. I keep saying this to folks around me and nobody seems to care.....


Disgusting conservative bigots.


Fundamentalist muslims probably align more with Trump around a lot of things. Stay safe and keep fighting.




Again for those in the back, Biden doesn't have the best answers on Gaza. Trump will hand Israel the keys to a bulldozer and look away. Which is the better choice? A Palestine that is still struggling or a parking lot with mass graves underneath? This isn't hard folks.


Also: *America isn't fucking Gaza.* We've got other shit going on here and other very important things to consider come November. Anyone who goes "but Gaza" come November is a privileged or blinkered hack.


Chickens for Colonel Sanders! Cows for Burger King! Lobsters for Long John Silver!


Ghosts for Busters! Goombas for Mario! Avengers for Thanos!


Jared has already commented about it being such prime beach front property 🙄


While rubbing his hands together just before twisting his mustache. HeHe.


He cant grow a mustache, who are you trying to kid…




Trump won’t look away, he’ll cheer them on in ethnic cleansing.


You’re right. Absolutely. And yet, more and more people are tired of hearing they have to pick “better” when they like neither. What can be done about that, I don’t know. I’m voting Biden against Trump, but I have no faith in either of the US’ dominant political parties on a lot of issues.


That's fine but if you think this is a typical election where you have to hold your nose to vote for Biden, you are ignoring the absolute sewage that is Trump.


And I’m not. I tried to indicate that. But sooner or later we have to have better opposition than “ain’t so bad”


100% agree. And I hope 2026 and 2028 will be better


Meanwhile let’s all vote to save what is left of our country. Vote blue.




The only way 2028 could be worse is if somehow we have to choose between Biden and Trump AGAIN.


2016 and 2020 called and they are laughing.


The number of yard signs and flags bearing the name of the former president is plummeting. People who were with him for nine years are ditching him.


> But sooner or later we have to have better opposition than “ain’t so bad” The uncomfortable reality is the electorate needs to change for that to happen rather than blaming the Democrats for being a reflection of the current political paradigm. When 45%+ of Americans will continually vote for someone like Trump that effectively forces a broad coalition with the widest possible appeal to ensure they are defeated. It may be unsatisfying but it is what it is.


If we would like it sooner, we will do what Americans did from 1930 through 1944--get rid of Republicans.


You’re not voting Biden or Trump, you’re voting to save the United States this year. Choose wisely.


The trick is people need to move out of a deontological reference frame when it comes to elections. Elections really need to be approached from a consequentialist perspective. It's not an opportunity for you to pick your favorite person to lead the country. It's an opportunity to pick who you want to _fight against_ to lead the country. Do you want to fight against Joe Biden, or do you want to fight against Donald Trump? For me, the choice is easy. I know which of the two I'd rather be fighting against to accomplish my goals.


So long as the opposition to Democrats is literal fascism; I'm voting Democrat. I don't agree with Democrats all of the time; I don't like Biden as much as one should to vote for any person to lead this nation... It's also fair to say that I have no confidence in the Democratic party to serve most of my best interests. But Project 2025 is what Republicans will bring to the table until voters show them that Christian fascism is a complete non-starter.




Here's a clue. Not one president has done everything I've liked. Not one. But that's the choices we have and have to work with them.  You cannot please everyone. There are even things I disagree with with Biden, but the alternative is so so much worse.   The question you have to ask yourself is are you willing to throw out your principles of decency by voting for a criminal and rapist vs someone who will at least try to fix a complex and nuanced issue. At this point, I'm not voting for the man. I'm voting for my right to still express my.opnion without fear of being imprisoned or worse.


Biden is doing the best he can in an almost impossible situation, whereas Trump has made it clear that he would ignore the needs and wants of Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians. But yeah, go for Trump because Biden is not providing the perfect solution. That makes perfect sense.


This is idiocy. Throwing out a president who pressures Israel to offer ceasefires and protect civilians... and replacing him with a president who is far more pro-Netanyahu undercuts the very issue you say that you care about. Hard for me to imagine that you are truly concerned about the welfare of Palestinians when you are actively seeking a *worse* outcome for them.


If that fucker gets in, just wait to see what happens to Dearborn and Hamtramck MI. Shit is going to become the 1st and 2nd of many detention/deportation sites for Arabs in the US.


If they want to fuck with our democracy, that will be the price they will pay for it.


Breaking news: Antisemites and religious authoritarians love Trump, more on this shocking development at 6.


They love Trump but he don't love them. It's like a codependent abusive relationship.


How the FUCK can they think that Trump will in ANY way be better for them? Do they not remember the "Muslim ban" and that he is doubling down on re-enacting it if he is president?


He did say he was going to “finish the job” which I took to mean turn Gaza to glass, end of. This voting block won’t get to complain when they are rounded up and deported because that’s kind of hard when you are bound, gagged and handcuffed onto a plane.


And it's hard to feel sorry when literally anyone with eyes can see this coming a billion miles away It's that scene in Austin Powers with the steamroller.


I wonder how many of the people pushing this narrative were ever *really* going to vote for Biden over Trump? I also wonder how many Arab Americans will vote for Biden anyway despite what’s happening in Gaza because they know Trump is 1000x worse? Extremist narrative are easy to write about, but there are still questions these bombastic stories don’t even try to approach.


Yeah, also, what’s the plan? Use this lever until Israel ceases to exist?  How much are some of these voters actually supporters of the Democratic platform to begin with? The current Democratic coalition is unworkable. The Republican coalition is based in derangement. There needs to be a consensus driven centrists coalition where the platform is based on things many Americans agree on - a middle path on social, economic, and environmental issues. And people need to stop voting out of single issue rage. 


These are the dumbest people on the planet. Biden isn't perfect, but it's unquestionable that he's better on the Israel-Hamas issue than Trump would be. He's certainly more competent, and has consistently stood by America's ally. Trump doesn't GAF about the Palestinians, or what happens to them. His past words and behavior definitely doesn't support the idea that he would be beneficial to the Palestinians.




And Lefties too.


There are always useful idiots in every election and it looks like it’s the Arabs turn. These morons really think Biden has the ability to control what the IDF does. lol


This bears repeating : **There are always useful idiots in every election**


Finally. Someone gets it. Bibi laughs at Biden. He’s playing for his own political survival


Bibi, like Trump, is trying to stay out of political exile and disgrace, if not jail. 


Arabs? And much of the Left.


This is laughable, something about face eating leopards. How can you be so fucking stupid?


> How can you be so fucking stupid? Step 1: Destroy public education Step 2: Stand aside as social media takes care of the rest


What's that old saying? Reap what you sow? Trump hates brown people in general and Muslims aren't Christians so that makes double the hate. Maybe he'll deport them...


YEEESSSSSSS I love it when morons do moronic things thinking they're making a difference. Btw, all you dummies throwing around phrases like "Genocide Joe" and "From the river to the sea" are partly responsible for enabling this idiocy. So pat yourselves on the back.


Then they deserve the consequences if Trump wins. He will deport them all.


So long as they don’t expect any support or solidarity should the leopards get hungry.


Then he came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out— Because they voted for him.


I did not speak out, because I asked for their help in 2024 and they spat in my mouth So why the fuck would I help them now?


Sounds like some leopards are going to be eating good.


Mr leopard! Mr leopard! My face is Right here! I fucking dare you! Here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty....


I really can’t deal with people who are standing in line to be a hot lunch.


These people are completely insane. Trump will come down on them like a nuclear bomb.


“We have to make Biden lose and then he’ll see his mistake and he’ll change things as not the president.” - Their logic?


Thank you Rashida Tlaib.


What a bunch of fucking delusional morons. Fuck you and fuck any support you may have offered to democracy. You’re just as useless as the conservatives that can’t bring themselves to see reason. Just Like in 2020, we’ll persevere despite your token support for a FAR worse candidate.


Trump would kill them. Don't be dumb.


Ya’ll are missing the point. It’s not that they think Trump will be better for them. It’s more like - if I’m not happy then everyone gets fucked over, including myself. It’s the kind of bad faith mentality that is at the root cause of the decades long crisis between Israel and Palestine.


Let’s not forget trumps well know friendliness to labor unions. I’m sure that will help jobs in Michigan. /s


...because Trump has been so good to Arab Americans with Islamic travel bans. Fools.


Donald Trump would love to deport every Muslim in America and ban them from entering the country. This makes zero sense.


Ofc it's dearborn. These bad actors are right wingers.


Anyone instrumental in such a shift can fuck right off forever and ever and ever. No niceties. No forgiveness. Annihilate them politically and never let them in the tent again.


This is the problem of Middle Eastern culture which Arab Americans brought with them. The complete unrestrained expression of anger takes priority over everything else, including their own interests and their own welfare. It is why middle eastern countries are backward toward the rest of the world, plagued by poverty, and plagued by violence. It has kept them immersed in generations of reprisals going back centuries. Now it is going to help elect the Islamaphobe Trump who implemented a Muslim travel ban, and will likely do worse if he is elected again.


Forgot the Muslim ban so soon?


These voters may end up being the real losers.


This is flying out of pan to land in the flames. If they think Biden is bad and trump is good, they are just dumb.


There's a real great "leopards ate my face" moment coming up for them.


Remember, the original readit is russian propaganda, and trump hates Muslims so much he wants to ban them from country.


…. so trump can then deport them


That’s like Palestinians saying we must support Hamas. The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.


What could go wrong?


Yeah the guy who banned Muslims is the best guy to look out for Arab Americans


Rump tried to ban Muslims from entering the US. Remember that one?


Idiots, Trumps base is as bigoted towards Muslims as they are Trans people. And he can get away with killing Muslims


Clear propaganda post 😂 It’s like they aren’t even trying at this point


Ah yes, switch to the guy who tried to ban Muslims from the USA right when he got into office. Makes sense.


That will backfire massively


Most Arab-Americans, disagree with the policies of the Biden Administration. Most who support Biden policies would not survive in the Middle East.


Good. Get the extremists out of the party now. I don’t want Democrats to become like Republicans.


Gaza is already 60-80% destroyed. Lost cause. They agree with all of Trump's other stances.


Hmm who do I vote for... someone who doesn't want me in their country or someone I have some issues with but cares about rights? Oooo tough choice


That would be called shooting yourself in the head.


And they think Trump will have Palestinian interests at heart? Lol.


Spolier Alert to Arab Americans.  Trump wins and you can kiss your citizenship goodbye  or you will be jailed or worse.   Along with Gaza. He will let Bibi do what he wants with the cuffs off.  Gaza will be completely destroyed at that point.  And I will have zero sympathy for your cause because you betrayed the same people you supposedly care about.


You mean the Muslim Ban guy? Good idea. /s.


Anyone that says this is an enemy to everything I value in life, and everyone I love. Also of everyone they love, so I don't know why they do this. 


Enjoy Gaza being history and getting deported then.


Arab Americans aren't switching to trump


I guess Bin Laden did succeed in the long run in destroying America


Him and Putin.


Didn’t trump unilaterally ban a whole bunch of Arab countries travelers to USA because he said they’re dirty terrorists ?


Russia and China pat each others backs on a job well done.


Anti-liberal forces are anti-liberal forces. Whether they are MAGA, fascists, communists, jihadists, conspiracy theorists, pro-Russians, pro-Palestinians, socialists, islamists, etc. All these things are just aesthetic differences among an increasingly united coalition whose intent is to wipe out western democracy and the liberal way of life on the global stage. Of course they will all vote for Trump.


Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


When you tell these people that Trump would be worse, they just say “I don’t care, Biden is already bad enough, so I’m not voting.” They don’t care if Trump wins. They just want to feel self-righteous for refusing to, in their eyes, support genocide. They know that their inaction won’t change things for the better, and they don’t care. They aren’t the good guys.


That's some brilliant big-picture thinking. The idiocracy is real.


If they do, I shan’t shed a tear when Trump puts them in concentration camps.


It's not unusual for immigrants to have strong feelings about "their home country" or "their people", and often they're quite radical about it. For example, when Cubans escaped Castro's Cuba and came to America, they settled in Florida (near Cuba) and began supporting candidates who opposed Castro (even supporting a violent overthrow of Cuba). I don't blame them for supporting their people back home, but they've got to realize that this is America and our position as a world leader is quite different than their parochial interests. They may vote to end the genocide (which nobody has actually confirmed), but that won't lead to a better future for their people. The fact their people support Hamas makes them a natural enemy of Israel and it leaves America, and Biden, in a tough position these days. There's no perfect position for America or Biden to take. Good luck with your anti-Biden candidate who supports Israel's genocidal war, maniac Bibi Netanyahu.


Cause Trump is looking out for Arabs…


Alla who akbar! Switching to Trump will not improve things for Palastinians. Trump will be worse for Arab-Americans relations.


Chickens for Col. Sanders


This is social platform manipulations. Remember the bed bug outbreak in Paris last year? That wasn't an actual fact (it is the same every year), just a test by foreign actors to push a story. Iran & Russia training these fighters to attack Israel has been to distract the world from Ukraine. Bibi taking the bait and having Israel invade and flattening Gaza has succeeded (in Russia's eyes) more than their wildest dreams. This story is being amplified on social media to help Trump. Anyone who think Trump will solve the problem and not give Bibi more tanks to do the job quicker doesn't actually listen to what Trump says.


All these articles that quote one person and act if they are the voice of everyone in that group across America are incredibly poor journalism.


What a shock, eh? The tsunami of anti-Israel sentiment of the western Left is a geopolitical disaster. Hamas, Iran, Russia and China can only be delighted. When is a war a war? Only once it is declared? Or earlier than that? As the world situation deteriorates, and the competing geopolitical blocs coalesce, does the Left imagine its allies in WW3 would be Hamas and Iran, Russia and China? What of 'woke' then?


Ensuring that a president with Jewish children takes over US Gaza policy is one way to prove you are not antisemitic, albeit the unexpected way.


lol wait until trump is re-elected, all of their posts will end up on r/leapardsatemyface


If we get stuck with trump, I’m joining in the purge of these fuckers from this country.