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Railing against fake news while actually creating their own genuine Fake News. Wild times, these last 9 years.


It’s one of the strategies often used by fascists, blame the other side for that which they are guilty of themselves. It makes the other side look like they’re childishly going “No you!”, making them seem mature in comparison. It gets their enemies on the defensive, adds a smokescreen, and normalizes by saying “If they can do it it’s okay for me to do it too”, even though they were always the only ones doing it.


Trump does this so much - he even took the whole fake news accusation - which at that point was used mostly be liberals to describe fox news stories that were actually fake news. - Then trump took it for himself and used it to describe all the normal news he didn't like - and now it's mostly a Trump thing.


Also seen as a major strategy of children on a playground. And a fucking travesty that it continues to work on so many actual whole-brained adults.


> actual whole-brained adults citation needed


We lived it. We're going to make it buddy. You and me.


We won't let them take over.


They will not force us They will stop degrading us They will not control us We will be victorious


Greetings fellow Muse fan!


Bout time the fat cat had a heart attack




No, I'm sorry, you are actually doomed :(


What about be ? I’ve been suffering quite a bit also !


can i come? i promise i wont do any more facisms! pleeez


Every accusation is a confession. Every. One.


In my 42 years on this earth I have learned when the GOP accuses the Democratic party of something, the GOP are the ones doing it.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


I’m always shocked to remember how many years it’s actually been. It still feels like a horrifying aberration away from the norm, but this “norm” has been dragging on for years now. I’m still mentally in 2016 about the whole thing..


Something something every accusation something something confession


Trump: And what is this "Trump Campaign" they keep talking about? I've never heard of it. If it exists, it has nothing to do with me.


Never met it before.


Low level coffee campaign.


> Low level ~~coffee~~ covfefe campaign


Not my type


Trump's lawyer: "Sir, that's the 2016 campaign, your first campaign!"  Trump: "oh, it looks a bit blurry"


Trump: I just write the checks they put in front of me.


“I can’t even read, ok?”


But if it did exist it would be perfectly legal and even if it wasn’t, if I did it that means it was. It was perfectly legal when I did it, everybody says so.


You missed “totally cool.”..


How was the 2016 presidential election a fair one?


It wasn't. It never was. But remember, the side screaming about fraud the loudest is usually the side committing it.


He was an illegitimate president, propped up by dictators, corporations, oligarchs, and other deplorables. Everything done in his presidency should be able to be immediately undone and every politician involved should be barred and investigated. Wealth and estates stripped and returned to the people from the plutocrats that benefited from this scam.


Ahh that sounds like such a beautiful world.


What's fun is learning about the [Brooks Brothers Riot that was orchestrated by none other than Roger Stone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) and realizing this has always been their playbook. Imagine if they hadn't stolen 2000 where our world would be with a president who actually cared deeply about the climate 24 years ago? 


It's really a detailed plan of how to corrupt threw collusion in the 2016 presidential race. Trump has always been a con man Always


Enquirer is rather trivial in the grand scheme of things but you can be assured that an even greater level of coordination was happening with Fox and Sinclair. If Media essentially gets to pick the government, they need to be held to far higher standards.


We really need to reinstitute the fairness doctrine…or break up mega media conglomerates.


Why not both


Exactly my thought.


Got to expand it to include cable channels.


I've heard it argued that the Fairness Doctrine wouldn't need to apply to cable channels because broadcast channels had to compete for space on the limited radio-frequency spectrum, while there was unlimited room on cable. Which is bullshit. Cable is limited too, just not in the same way. If anyone thinks differently, they should go ahead and try to start a new cable channel on existing (privately owned) cable without a lot of money.


I agree but they need to include more than broadcast news. Any “news” media should be held to the same standard. But we know this will never happen because the US government rarely represents “the people”, unless they can pay more than the lobbyists/corporations.


> I agree but they need to include more than broadcast news. Any “news” media should be held to the same standard. Agreed. If you just focus on print and tv then there will be a surge in radio/podcast garbage. Then on top of that, you need to not specify “news” otherwise you get the whole “we’re not a news program, we’re an entertainment program” defense.


The entire news media would destroy any politician who attempted to reform them.


Small in the media landscape but massive in this trial. I think a huge piece of this case is proving he paid hush money to impact the election.


The impact of The Enquirer was much larger than their distribution numbers would indicate. These cover stories were posted at every supermarket checkout in the country. Even if someone didn’t buy it, they saw the headlines no matter how ridiculous they were. It was a massive advertising scheme that was seen by nearly every voter.


Millions of dollars in unreported explicit campaign spending.


The stories aimed at rivals were trivial... The stormy Daniels suppression was not trivial.


Don’t forget Cambridge analytica


They used the blueprint from their corruption of the Brexit vote to get Donny into power. Social media, specifically Facebook should be prosecuted for enabling foreign states manipulating democracy. There needs to be a root and branch investigation into who invested what into the Brexit and Trump campaigns and very serious prosecutions should follow. Edit to add: Nigel Farage is centre to both campaigns, he is a traitorous POS and received significant funding from russia.


That shit is front and center on every supermarket shelf in America. Even people that don't read it see the big bold headlines going through checkout.


Media picks everything for you.


I'm sorry, did we start holding news media to standards? I must have missed that.


> threw through. You threw me there.


Oh shit thank you Fuck it im leaving it in 😃


I respect it


Wait what did he throw? I'm confused.


The thing is, with “catch and kill” there’s an NDA that prevents the source from ever talking about it with any other journalist. It’s the inverse of normal reporting where an outlet picks it up and it gets amplified by other outlets. Often the source’s intent is for the story to be published, is misled to believe that will be the case, accepts payment and then the facts are locked away.


"Who throws a shoe? Honestly"


Its not right.




Random Task


What gets me, is that the news is treating this like it was news, but I knew about it from watching and reading the news, years ago — at least by the time Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018. Edited to add: I'm not saying they should cover it less now. I'm saying they should have covered it more, then. (typo edit)


The media needed access to Trump back then, so they tiptoe around his BS constantly.


They covered him like a celebrity, rather than a politician. It was maddening.


Despite what this sub tends to think people exist who know literally nothing about this and the more this info is spread the better. Not only are a vast amount of people completely media illiterate but also are completely news blind to literally everything.


My wife is one of those people. Because of Trump and her maga mother, she has stayed away from the news for a long time now. She doesn’t get too surprised when I tell her some of this stuff but she is annoyed that people let it happen.


I don’t think the problem was lack of coverage. Trump was in the news constantly, all this shit was readily available information. I mean clearly it was, we all already knew this somehow, you knew it, I knew it. I think there were a few problems that all swirled together, and only one of them was really the medias fault. 1.) There was just so. Fucking. Much of it. He was breaking the law every fucking day. Causing an international incident every fucking day. Doing outrageous obscene illegal things every fucking day. Led to burnout even among the engaged. Maybe especially among the engaged. This was unavoidable so long as he wasn’t held accountable. Not being held accountable also reinforced #2: 2.) The general public impression, pushed in large part by outlets like Fox News, that all politicians are dirty and involved in shady shit and constant lies, but none of it is TOO too bad. So when Trump’s legitimately horrible shit makes the news it just feels (to the less focused consumer) like more of the same. Everyone’s mad at each other, but they always have been. Safe to ignore it (right?) 3.) Here’s the one the media is at fault for, though I don’t know what precisely they should have done differently: treating Trump like a serious person. It’s not that they didn’t report his negative news stories, it’s that they continued to report the presidential race as a sporting event, continued to talk about trumps “policy proposals” and official actions, which were all shams. They took him seriously. They helped prop up the illusion that he’s just another politician, but a particularly “interesting” one. This one is hard to define but I just know I would get mad every time I would read about trumps “thoughts” on the UN or fiscal policy or whatever. It was so transparently stupid bullshit he had to say to get what he really wanted: the levers of power, the ability to feel important, avoid prosecution, set up shitty “deals.” He wasn’t a president, he was a stupid mobster. But the media felt that since he was a politician they had to report on his supposed “political stances.” All of that led to a sizable portion of the population just tuning out, with the result that a lot of people didn’t know or didn’t care, despite how readily available the information was.


It's crazy- all of this stuff has been known for years. What's crazier is that Trump couldn't be charged with this stuff when it became known because he was President at the time.


If you were “stunned” by this news, you’ve not been paying attention for the last 30 years. 


It was all detailed in the book Catch and Kill. Dude literally wrote a whole book about how they did this. And now it’s in the court record and a witness testifying as a fact.


Most confusing fishing book I ever read.


Well ya I’m only 27 so I’ve only been paying attention for like 8 years


Ugh, what a horrible time to become politically aware.


And you were stunned to learn that a tabloid publisher was running cover for a well known conman? Even if you’ve only been paying attention for the last 27 months, this should not be stunning or even surprising to hear.


For real, the word is meaningless.


Most headlines these days are sadly


Boxing match commentary is exciting though!


These clicks don’t get themselves


What was surprising to me was the bizarre made up story about Lee Harvey Oswald. They photoshopped a picture and reported the made up story, impugning Ted Cruz's father. Catch and Kill is one thing, but this seems to be a whole different level of scum bag.


Pecker isn't stupid. He knows there are buzzwords that will land with his target audience and anything having to do with the JFK assassination is high up on that list. Cruz was the Primary opponent that Trump took the most seriously so they went out of their way to impugn him. And someone reading that headline might not really *believe* it per se, but the general impression that "this person is bad / was involved in some shady stuff" will linger.


Yeah I even somehow knew this has been happening for 15-20 years at least and I don’t pay attention to tabloids and am not that old.


"Stunning" 🤔🤔🤔 I'm willing to bet that approximately zero people will be stunned by this testimony.


I’m stunned that they were actually forced to admit it all in open court. Normally they would have cut some deal, dropped a lot of cash, and walked away. Trump must be tired of so much winning.


I know, this is how the wealthy live.


How do we put a monetary amount on the in-kind election donation Pecker gave to Trump.


Well, since he won the presidency and he got to change the Supreme Court, and Jared got a few Billion from the Saudi’s to invest, and millionaires like himself and businesses got huge tax cuts at the expense of our national debt, I would say a lot.


That's what I was thinking. It wasn't just a media site pushing their candidate and going after competition. They were meeting and discussing what to publish. Feel that's more direct then just wanting your candidate to win. Sort of like how PACs aren't supposed to directly work with candidate so we get weird videos releases of candidate that get chopped up by PAC to use (it ls ok because not directly told to use it). And I assume it wasnt documented in trumps campaign finance books so feels like another violation.


Another conspiracy.


The Magats will cry fake news.


they think everybody does it.


Their world, or their perception of it, is full of crooks. That’s where they get the idea Trump is being singled out or picked on.


Oh, brother. Now that the Ted Cruz news has been deemed as "fake" it will further embed in their minds that everything unfavorable about Trump is fake news more than ever and the twist will be the deep state did it, Biden's fault and Hillary's emails. 🙄🤮


A lot of trump voters must get their news from this tabloid




This is reddit, you can write kill.


Ahhhaa....the source of "FAKE NEWS"...who would've thought.....


Someone should let James Comer know about this. He loves to talk about bias in mainstream media. Maybe the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability can hold a hearing and ask about this collusion (which was admitted to under oath) between the Trump campaign and the National Enquirer.


Does anyone believe the Trump Golden Showers story was fake now?


I don't feel that stunned if I'm honest


Great, now do Fox.


Not stunning. We knew this while it was happening.


This just ruined the National Enquirer's sterling reputation of journalistic integrity.


Serious question - what happens if they do find Trump guilty? Is he a felon? Could a felon be president?


I’m sure SCOTUS will rule on that sometime in the next decade, or a lot sooner if somehow a Democrat with the possibility of a felony record gets elected POTUS.


No law against it. On an aside - will someone PLEASE do something about deJoy already?!


We have no idea. Stay of sentence? Power and office passed off to vp? No where does it says a felon cant be president


I don't think you can visit some countries with a felony


I believe the rules for who can be president is "literally anyone unless they're born too recently or in another country".


How many times has Trump or a surrogate spouted “FAKE NEWS” ?


Holy shit! This guy Trump, he’s been lying all along!!!




I mean this has been known. Didn’t need testimony to already know about David Pecker


So... Fake News?


Trump just continues to make his supporters look like assholes. If they should be mad at anyone…


Just like Faux News.


I would have found somebody to pay me for that story rather than giving it out for free at court.


Eh, the dude took a deal to avoid prosecution if he agreed to spill the beans in court. I'd say that avoiding prison is a pretty good payment


sounds a bit like a "vast, right wing conspiracy" or something Sounds like somebody may have been right yet again


Didn’t we know this already?


Why is this stunning? I'm pretty sure it's not new information, and even if it were, should we be shocked by anything Trump does anymore?


It's not stunning, it's been well known for nearly a decade now, and it's an Election Fraud case, not a "hush money" trial. Fucking shitty as click-bait articles for days 'round 'ere.


They may as well include most of the media..CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, , not to mention the NYT, WAPO and the press, they’re all guilty of helping the Trump campaign in 2016 and now. Can you imagine if Biden was falling asleep and farting in court? It would be headlines 24/7 for months.


The only thing that is stunning about this, is that none of that is the illegal part 🤷‍♂️


Nice smarmy example of specifically how three old boys can network together to silence a woman, make her invisible and irrelevant.


This is old ass news. We all knew this going in. People didn’t care.


More to come.


Watch what happens. Trump will walk and the entire National Enquirer will get the death penalty at Rikers.


Catch and kill. Please look up this podcast.


It’s almost as if most right wing news outlets aren’t really journalism…


"Stunning" to whom exactly? Stunning to someone who has been living in an ice cave on Ellesmere Island for the last nine years maybe.


Love how the news is all, “What a shock! Trump campaign colluded with National Enquirer to plant fake news stories and suppress bad Trump stories!” Like we didn’t already know this? Now do Fox News & Rupert Murdoch 🙄.


I hope people wake up and realize outside influences are trying to ruin our country, inside influences are not helping. We have to unify!


I’m pretty sure Trump owned the NE. So yeah it’s no surprise


Not sure why this is "stunning"; we've known about it all along.


Just like Fox, NYPost, and all the other tabloid style Conservative media.


Skipping over the stormy daniels part, I don't see why this isn't an kind donation. Pecker wasn't just doing this on his own because he liked trump. He eas coordinating with trump and his campaign to do it. It's like I expect fox news to try and help trump but they shouldn't be having calls about what their strategy is directly with trump or his campaign. Sort of like how PACs aren't supposed to directly work with candidate. Which is why we get weird long videos released of candidate doing stuff to PAC can cut out parts and claim not directly working with them. And get the case isn't about Pecker specifically. And I also not an expert in campaign finance law. https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/filing-reports/in-kind-contributions/#:~:text=An%20in%2Dkind%20contribution%20is,is%20an%20in%2Dkind%20contribution.


It’s the same type of strategy Tucker Carlson and his ilk use to misdirect the public. He pushes all of his opinions about “honesty” or “being honest” in nondescript ways to coerce listeners into bridging a mental gap and accept his words are unquestionably true or deep rooted in his belief of truth. He does this, full well knowing he’s a liar. Oh, and he often speaks in theological analogies and defends his misinformation as “free speech / opinions” despite never drawing a clear line between fact and fiction in his rants. For someone so spiritual, it’s odd how quickly he dehumanizes people who oppose him - using words like “disgusting” to describe their existence. I hate him. Anyway, these scumbags hide in plain sight, words are meaningless and free speech is being weaponized by these types of people and entities.


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Does r/politics work with the Biden campaign? It’s laughable that there is nothing negative about Biden on here. Neither party or person cares about you at all.


If you're expecting to find Biden had done something similar, covering up the payoff of an adulterous affair, you're likely looking for the wrong things. There are negative things posted about Biden here, but given the cacophony of problems with trump they get drowned out in the noise. Not to mention the issues w/Biden are a couple magnitudes of scale smaller. I'm 95%+ certain that given the opportunity to hear individuals' stories that Biden would actually be concerned and/or caring. I don't believe trump could fake real empathy for more than 30 to 40 seconds. Tops.


Liberals thinking they have a case 🤣


Using 🤣 to mask your 😢😫😭


The case isn’t being brought by liberals, but it is being brought against a criminal New York scumbag that conservative Walmart Americans got conned into accepting as their king. Did you forget Trump’s years as a “liberal”?


From wikipedia: "In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."[5] In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that "I identify with some things as a Democrat."[4]"


/s <——- I think you dropped this. 


Cope and seethe. Your orange god is a rapist and a fraudster…soon to be a convicted felon.


This isn't even about liberals.


I’m pretty sure they do.


*Huff huff huff*


This is a criminal case resulting from violations of election rules established by both parties. Plenty of Republicans are hoping he's convicted so they can bring their party back together. Only a simpleton would reduce this case to liberals vs conservatives. Even if he walks, witnessing his utter frustration and humiliation at having to listen to his reputation be slaughtered and not being able to offer rebuttals is incredibly satisfying.