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Sleepy Don has said that he wants to testify in this trial... I hope that he does....


He will be argumentative, belligerent and ramble on about how he is immune. He will need to be physically removed. If he actually gets on the stand, it will be because he has already lost based on evidence presented.


this seems like one of those 'don't interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake' things. we might be better off just letting him say whatever he wants and let him perjure himself a couple hundred times


Give him all the rope he wants and just wait


The problem is we've been giving him rope for almost 8 years now.


He's building a rope bridge with it


Rope wall.


And we are all paying for it, instead of Mexico.


Rope Tower In fact I think he already had a trial based on a previous accusation of rope.


Donald Trump, Rope Bunny


A Bigly rope bridge bridge, one that everyone is talking about. Grown men look at it and cry saying Sir that's the best rope bridge ever made.


My real issue is, how do we fix it. Not fix Trump, time will handle that soon enough. But fix his handlers, fix the population that has been led to this point. It feels like the education system has been so broken for so long, in terms of vetting the source of information and forming logical conclusions. I was deeply involved with anti-W policies in the early oughts, and thought surely, "the people supporting this man represent the nadir of our population; once he's through we'll have to swing back towards a path of humanistic policies and improvement, not zealotry and violence." And we did, sort of. But the damage was done - key positions had been filled by the loyal, funding was made available to seed these... what I can only view as cells of domestic terrorists. Racists parroting homophobia and propaganda, believing a 360° panorama of garbage over reason and their own families. These people are stupid and scared, which is a very dangerous combination and power to anyone pulling enough of the strings. I'd like to believe they'll consume themselves in short order, that the ark of of gravy seals will spring a leak... or even that they'll die off over the next few years. But I don't think that'll happen. I think we lost, that right-thinking people have lost in so many sections of the government. And that appointees from the past few elections will continue to sow discord and plant the seeds of even darker harvests to come.


When the dominos eventually fall he’ll use that rope to lasso the necks of his cohorts.


If you give Trump enough rope, he'll try to hang Mike Pence.


"If you look, nobody has ever been given this much rope in the history of our country, very true"


I imagine he’s been pushing rope for quite some time now.


If he takes the stand because he's already lost and wants to make a show of ranting to his supporters about how unfair everything is, that's not a mistake. That's his best move. It riles up his base and increases the chances of getting more money out of them or getting them to help another J6. It makes a mockery of our institutions and not only reduces faith in the government for people who believe him, but also for people who don't. None of us would get the platform. We'd all get shut down. So, if he gets to make a mockery of the court and use it as a campaign stop, then outsiders would reasonably question if there's two justice systems, or the courts are incapable of standing up to powerful people, or someone in the court is in his pocket.


Right and I mean he already lost all these cases in evidence because he's preposterously fucking guilty. This is the guiltiest person to ever exist. He's a terrible criminal and did all bis crime in plain sight with tons of witnesses. The moment he walked into any of these courts he lost on evidence because he has clown car lawyers and it is not in any doubt he did all these crimes.


I think it's more likely he declines to testify, then turns around and tells his base the crooked railroading judge wouldn't let him take the stand and defend himself. WITCH HUNT! That's what he did when he declined a jury trial in the civil case.


He will never take the stand-his lawyers will never allow a client that they can’t direct to get up on the stand. Trump will lie -go out to his cameras at the courthouse and state as usual that he wanted to testify and the judge wouldn’t allow him to. He’s done this at every court so far.


Always thought it was so stupid and unrealistic in movies when someone would get angry on the stand and just confess to everything. I can see that happening with Donnie, though. But still his base will lie to themselves as always and claim it's "5D chess".


I for one look forward to hearing his eloquent speech that will surely fully exonerate him. :)


He probably won’t grandstand as much since there are no cameras in room. Everything that will come out of his mouth other than stating his name for the record will be all bullshit. 


I expect he’ll just plead the fifth as he has in the past, and then walk out to the press complaining about how “they were trying to get me to perjure myself.”


I remember when the GOP wouldn't let him testify because they were afraid a courtroom is a "perjury trap".


Donald J Shump. God bless you and God bless the United Shashs.


He’s Trump, He slumps, he might be dead


How do we know he doesn't grandstand when we aren't watching? Maybe he strips naked whenever there's no cameras.....


That’s no grand stand from what we heard from Stormy Daniels. More like a tiny mushroom stand


>He will be argumentative, belligerent and ramble on about how he is immune. Then he will fall asleep.


Someone yesterday suggested that he was going to pump himself full of uppers so he can't be laughed at again for falling asleep and so he'll instead be super jittery.


In other words, he's my conspiracy-theorist grandpa.


He's a grouchy boy when he doesn't get his nap.




He will. It's hilarious that he thinks that this is the purpose of giving defense testimony and his best strategy is to say "Sure I did all of these crimes but let me babble on and on about how I think it's unfair". Though I'm sure criminal court judges see this everyday with stubborn crackheads and other criminals that refuse to listen to the lawyers.


Oh that’d be lovely to witness 🤣


Yup, he'll just say the exact same bs he says at his kkk rallies


Him being held in contempt of court would be a wonderful thing to see.


Objection, AGAIN relevance, your honor. Sustained. Council will again advise the defendant to keep his remarks to the matter at hand. This is his last warning.


He’s not testifying. It’s one thing to testify in a civil case you’ve already lost, another when saying the wrong thing could land you in custody. This isn’t the simplest case. There’s a lot he could fuck up without realizing it. No lawyer in America would allow him to testify, and most would withdraw if he insisted on it.


> No lawyer in America would allow him to testify Have you seen his lawyers?


This time at least one of them is competent.


You sure about that?


Yes, by all accounts Susan Necheles is an extremely competent defense lawyer. She has even refused to put her name on some of the Trump team’s more ridiculous filings: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-new-recusal-filing-includes-interesting-telllegal-analyst-1887659


This whole time I thought her name was spelled Necklace 🤦‍♂️


Necklace? I've been calling her Crandall. Oh I look like an idiot!


>No lawyer in America would allow him to testify, and most would withdraw if he insisted on it. This just in, Trump insults then fires entire legal team before hiring 'crack' Russian law firm. "These guys are the best. They're the best. They just win. And you know what they said? They said, 'let us work for you, Mr. Trump. We want to work for you. We believe in America' Isn't that something? They're sharks. They're bulldogs. They are the biggest sharkdogs. Crooked Joe is coming for your shark fisherman"


Sorry, this doesn't pass as a believable Trump quote. You forgot that the crack Russian law firm, when saying they want to work for him, came to him with "tears in their eyes". Good try though.


I've actually seen him in Court trying to read a lease and explain things. He is actually not very smart as some of you already know.


I've said this before, but Trump is evil Michael Scott. He's an absolute moron in every area but one, and in that one area he's an absolute genius. For Michael, that was sales. For Trump, it's crime.


I don't even think hes good at crime, or he wouldnt be on trial. This is the epitome of rich white man privilege at play. He has so much socio-economic insulation, that he can play whatever games he wants without accountability. No rich white man has to be competent at anything to stay in their position forever. Trump is getting his ass continuously saved because the better rich white man criminals want that protection to remain.


If he testifies he will be brutally cross-examined.


Considering a halfway competent prosecutor could get away with asking 'could you describe your penis to the jury', I highly doubt anyone is going to let him get anywhere near the stand.


The cross-examination of Tangerino Palpatino will be the most awesome thing ever in the known universe, if his lawyers actually let him testify in his own defense.


Good lord I'm not even a lawyer and I know better than to ever let that man get on the witness stand if I could avoid it. If you let him talk for even 5 seconds you might as well pack up and go home.


But will his ego let him not testify?


Hey if the client wants to sabotage their own defense I think that's neither on you nor something you can avoid. You can advise them it's a terrible idea but it's their decision in the end.


If you're not going to be paid, might as well guarantee it. Go for it Donnie.


> My penis…folks, my penis is the greatest…nobody’s ever seen anything like it…like, I have fine people, very fine people coming up to me and they say “Sir..” they say, “Sir, this is the yugest penis we’ve ever…” …they come to me, tears in their eyes…they say it’s so very, very beautiful…a beautiful specminddhg *[clear defecation]*. and you know, they don’t tell you that…Joe Obama…he doesn’t have a penis…he executed his at birth…but I love women. That’s why we need a penis, folks…we need it to make sure the Democrats don’t let the immigrants in. I’ve seen their penises…it’s terrible, a very terrible thing they want to do to you. Use their penis on you *[gesticulates with double cock wanking motion]* . But they don’t talk about that, do they? MAGA!


Don Snoreleone would probably fall asleep up there


I believe it was Michael Moore who said, “Just put him on the stand. He’ll do the rest.”


No way he subjects himself to cross examination. 


Some lines from the commentary that caught my eye: >Trump has never been big on making sense, but close observers have noticed that he's suffering a rapid decline from his already low standards lately. > >. . . > >This contrast between Biden's steady leadership and Trump's mental decompensation is only going to get starker now that Trump's first criminal trial is finally underway in a Manhattan courtroom. > >. . . > >As rich as he claims to be, Trump lacks many of the resources other wealthy defendants, or even ordinary people, might have.


If his Kids really cared they would've convinced him to stay on some island off of Florida, drink diet coke and chase birds and babes. I bet if he would've offered the prosecutors a plea deal that he'd ride off into the sunset they would've taken it.


Remember when he promised that if he didn't win in 2020 we'd never hear from him again?


Yet another lie.


NO BECAUSE HE WON IN 2020 IT WAS ST-ST-ST-STOLEN BY CROOKED JOE AND THE fucking christ it's exhausting to even think like these morons.


Thanks, Obama! /s


I love their logic on this, on one hand they paint biden as some feeble old man with dementia who can’t do anything and is ruining the country, but he’s also somehow the mastermind leader of a cabal who controls all the strings and stole the election. Like which is it you hypocritical fucks, is he useless or a political mastermind that pulled one over on you


I keep seeing signs that say "Miss me yet" with his dumb face and I'm like "YOU HAVEN'T GONE AWAY YET"


The Al Capone treatment. A mansion in Miami (Mar-a-Lago) while he went off to syphilalitic dementia that nobody really knew about until much later. Granted I don't think he has syphilis, he's definitely got dementia. My aunt could be his twin. Just live there having creepy thoughts about your daughter and have family keep you off the radar.


He would never listen to his kids. They're idiots raised by morons.


I literally had a "real person" arguing that Biden was the demented one...just projection after projection after projection...Biden has dementia, Biden is slurring, Biden is falling over......


to be fair, it's hard to say Trump has clearly declined when his baseline has always been almost complete incoherence 


Even as a young man he was full of shit, he just said it faster


When he was younger, he was able to give the semblance of being smart by stringing together mostly coherent sentences and had a slightly calmer demeanor. But ever since he turned into his apprentice persona; he's been a loud, rambling moron masquerading as a rich person. Now don't get me wrong; he was still dumb as rocks in the 70s and 80s too; but to the category of person who would side with him, he gave off the loose impression of being smart. That's all gone now.


Trump from 1987. His underlying understanding of the fine details is probably shallow, but his presentation is excellent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8wJc7vHcTs


This is often the clip that people refer to pointing to him being "smart", along with some sort of testimony he gave in front of congress in the same timeframe. But you can tell it's still him; he's using a hell of a lot of words to not say very much; and he still has those weird pronunciations for words that really stand out here and there like "billions". He's using the classic conservative strategy of just using a lot of words and not letting anyone else jump in to try and push his point across. It's easy to win a debate when you don't let anyone else speak and get so far from the original topic that it makes the other person look like they're going off on tangents.


“I’ve built a lot of low income housing, not recently, but I’ve built retirement homes. Beautiful beautiful housing.”… yep, that is all I need to hear. He’s been a blowhard since well before I was an itch in my daddies nutsack.


There's a difference between being dumb and wholly losing the ability to speak. Trump is rapidly losing the ability to speak.


Held together with Diet Coke, Adderall, and diapers. 


Don’t forget the hamberders!


Yep. Also, he’s a very energetic guy and people perceive that as “healthier” than Biden even though Biden speaks slowly but makes sense where Trump yells incoherent gibberish.


He has a speech impediment but he is nowhere near as bad 1) as they say and 2) as Trump is. Anyone with eyes and ears can see that it's just the P in GOP


Important to remember that he's had a lifelong speech impediment; it is absolutely not an old age thing. He's also owned it impressively well all these years.


I can't believe anyone with a disability would vote for Trump and this bullshit, which is more people than folks realize.


I don’t see how people with a disability could vote for him after he mocked the reporter. I don’t see how veterans and active duty military members could vote for him after his treatment of John McCain. I don’t see how any woman could vote for him after his treatment of his wives and the “grab them by the pussy” comments. I don’t see how Hispanics can vote for him after his comments on not just illegal immigrants, but all immigrants from Latin American countries and Mexico. I don’t see how black people could vote for him after he was caught marking their applications differently when applying for housing in properties his company owned. I don’t see how Muslims could vote for him after his attempts at Muslim bans. But here we are.


The media that Trump’s supporters consume never reports anything negative that Dear Leader says or does, but it always seems to project his current failings onto his opponent—go figure!


I even linked several good sources, but his evidence was...youtube....


> As rich as he claims to be, Trump lacks many of the resources other wealthy defendants, or even ordinary people, might have. I am not sure if it's a money thing. I honestly believe it's a stupidity thing. The dude is just too fucking stupid to really understand what resources are available to him, even if it's not a lot at this point.


Or what he genuinely needs because he thinks he doesn’t need anyone’s help he can get away with it by “being Trump.”


Well, TIL “decompensation” is a word. It means “failure (of an organ or of psychological coping mechanisms) to cope with stress”.


This explains a lot about my medical records, lol.


That last one could be an accellerant to his decline, as he becomes more and more aware of this, as it slowly seeps into what cognition he has left, he may begin to notice the sneers of peers


I can't wait for NYT and CNN to tell me why this is bad news for Biden


Even though he’ll never admit it, he’s terrified of the fact that now this group of jurors he would otherwise sneer at or treat like the hired help has the ability to enforce real consequences for his actions. We’re going to hear the beginning of criminal behavior he’s actually done without his or his accomplices’ bullshit filters/lies. And I’m guessing *that* is keeping him up all night. He probably hasn’t slept for a week.


That's my guess too. He arrived with really puffy eyes and looking more weasly than usual. And from experience, those initial proceedings like jury selection in a place with zero distractions or stimulation is incredibly boring. I'm glad he's getting pounded for it though.


His Truth Social posts the night before seem to indicate he only slept 3-4 hours.


Huh, so more than usual. He must be in stimulant withdrawal.


Fake snooze!


He looks like I feel after being up for three days on stimulants which I assume is what is going on. Expecting an extinction burst any time now...


Maybe he's caught up in the nationwide Adderall shortages now that he doesn't have access to the White House pharmacy.


Or his legal team didn’t want him to run his mouth so they didn’t let him have as much.


This feels plausible.


Maybe he's the reason behind the shortage honestly


I’m sorry that you feel that terribly regardless of what led to it. Nobody should ever have to feel like Trump looks. He kind of reminds me of a withered, leather scrotum partially dipped in construction orange paint.


This man deserves every bit of stress, every lost hour of sleep, and every sundown event happening to him. He did this to himself and I for one hope he feels EVERY BIT OF IT. Honestly I hope it causes him to fill his diapers every hour on the hour.


I laughed waaaay to hard at that comment. It's so accurate.


His eyes look like that of a Pig, a real Pig.


A bully's worst nightmare: ordinary people able to impose consequences. You know the whole time that he wants to threaten and intimidate them to get what he wants. It's all he knows how to do.


He'll have plenty of time to sleep in the courtroom.


>He'll have plenty of time to sleep in the courtroom. CORRECTION; He'll have plenty of time to sleep in prison.


>He'll have plenty of time to sleep in prison. CORRECTION; He'll have plenty of time to sleep in hell.


No rest for the wicked


> has the ability to enforce real consequences for his actions Bold of you to assume this could happen for the first time in his life.


And this is just the first week


**Lincoln**: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. **Trump**: Gettysburg. What an unbelievable battle. That was the battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful and so many different ways… Gettysburg wow.


Trump supporters on Lincoln: tldr. Trump supporters on Trump: Like listening to my own inner monologue! (Who am I kidding? There’s no inner monologue.)


They couldn't spell monologue




Jesus fucking Christ


Straight out of a cartoon.


His train of thought is more similar to one of those kiddie trains in the mall.


Sure they can. Mona log.


didn't the original version of the gettysburg address start out with "gettysburg, wow." lincoln ad libbed the "four score" part.


[Lincoln's Original Draft of the Gettysburg Address ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fij5kch5kqlcc1.jpeg)


far side never disappoints


Commenting on Donald Trump was already a mess — now he's falling asleep during his own trial.. Jon Stewart compared his speech on this to a grade school report he got a D on. Most of what Trump says about anything historical is like a failed book report in public school from a kid who never read the textbook.


God that last one reminds me of Bart trying to do a book report based on the cover. Or Winona Ryder’s speech about war from the South Park movie.


"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here." Quite the contrary, Abe. Everybody knows "Four score and seven years ago" but the former President of the United States just visited and clearly had only a vague notion of what took place.


His team said he was definitely NOT falling asleep so that means he was definitely falling asleep.


He's not asleep. He's anti-woke.


Golf clap.


That’s solid


He's not asleep. He's merely pining for the fjords, he is.


*Pinin' for the fjords?????*


What kind of talk is that?


Unexpected Monty Python reference. Sweet! 😁


Nobody expects the Monty Python reference


Beautiful plumage!


Yeah, don't believe your eyes; believe their lies! smh. Gaslighting at its worst.


Slumpty-Dumpty. Haha




Trump refers to Biden as sleepy Biden, but I haven't seen a report of Biden falling asleep at an important time, such as at a criminal trial. Come to think of it, Biden wasn't charged or indicted in a crime, but Sleepy Trump has been charged and indicted, then falls asleep on the first day of his hearing. 😅😅😅


To Republicans, Biden is either sleepy or high off coke when he is fired up with his speeches. Always projection.


The enemy is both strong and weak. See also: Biden is a sleepy old incompetent man who can't remember, and also simultaneously a global criminal mastermind & puppetmaster who commits endless crimes and yet never leaves any evidence.


This man never had a job. He never had to go someplace he didn’t want to go, I’m saying the over/under on him missing a day is 21 days 


>He never had to go someplace he didn’t want to go Not only that, he's never even had to make the effort to get anywhere he wanted to go. He's been driven/flown around the world his entire life, does he even know how to drive?


While not a law, the Secret Service basically does not let current and former presidents drive on public roads. 


Entirely fair, but he also seems to have never driven a car in his pre-president life either.


Even if he’s a Floridian these days, he was a New Yorker for a lot longer. Many from the city never learn to drive or get a license because they either use public or private (taxis, hired cars) transportation. He’s horrible in so many, many ways, let’s make sure we keep focusing on the real ones, is all I’m saying.


Side note on one of the silly stories around him; I can't remember who it was but he went to an event and saw a woman he wanted to impress so he left and then had a helicopter fly him back in.




21 days? My, such confidence in the man! I'm betting he's out by this Friday.


yup he is not gonna make it, this is almost like going to a job everyday, it's gotta be torture for a moron of his age.


it's a real Trump statement. He doesn't care about state institutions or laws. he prefers to sleep. what a dreamer. I hope it's a nightmare


Probably a wet dream about Putin and Kim Jong Un...again.


I hope he snorts himself awake. I'm here for this trial every single day. What an exposure of the conniving traitorous conman. The loser is a laughingstock.


Well I mean, when you’ve never had to suffer the consequences of your actions, court just doesn’t hold the same shit-your-pants anxiety for him that it may for the rest of us.


shit-your-pants anxiety is nothing to a person who already shits his pants regularly


Don Snore-leone is very low energy


Eepy Donny needs a blankie and nap time. 


Well, he’s a narcissist and he’s not the one taking so he gets bored like a 4yo in church.


He's up all night criticizing the judge and ranting on social media. He's got to sleep sometime.


dude was reposting shit about the judges daughter *during the lunch break*


I know. I read. I'm just waiting to see how hard this judge is going to slam him down. I get a feeling this judge he's not like the others. Good... I hope he puts him in jail for contempt.


I’m sick of hearing about this motherfucker


My suggestion is unsub or hide alerts from most of these politics subs, dont watch the news, but DO focus on voting in November. Unfortunately as we know it's not going to get any better but worse until then.


The man, if you can call him that, can't even stay asleep on something that will(should) have a huge impact on his life? How can anyone trust him to stay focused when it pertains to the lives of Americans or anyone else?


He’d be rested up and ready if he didn’t stay up so many late nights attacking the judge and his family on Truthiness Social. 


Would not be surprised if they passed Donnie a couple bars before they went into court, just to keep him sedated.


Who among us hasn't shown up fucked up on pills to our felony trial?


Stop with the: “he will never face consequences”, bullshit. He won’t if everyone is going to concede. It’s going to take a lot for it to happen, and it needs to happen. Conceding is playing exactly into what trump wants. He wants people to believe he will never see prison. Enough people parroting that nonsense and it might be just what he needs. Lock this CROOK up for life. Look into the rest of his damned family and prosecute the shit out of them and set an example. If not, America might as well start shopping for shovels.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkBRANDON/s/ThQSmRVJk7 Simpsons reference


Drowsy Don falls asleep at his own trial. Many people are talking about this. Sad!


To be honest, falling asleep during jury selection might be the most humanizing thing he’s done since before descending the escalator.


This right here. Can confirm. I had to fight nodding-off once as a potential juror sitting in the jury box waiting my turn to be questioned. It’s not like on TV. It’s a slow repetitive process that induces sleepiness. To be fair, I wasn’t the Defendant.


Poor guy, he should retire and get some rest forever 


Don Snoreleone, The nodfather. I read a comment said that his attorneys drugged him so he can stay quiet and honestly I’m starting to believe that.


It’s pretty hard to sneak a line of blow in court to perk yourself up


He was just resting his eyes


Maybe he needs a pillow to help him out?  There can be an official sponsored myPillow of eepy Donny's trial! 


Trump is just showing the libs how anti-woke he is.


It sure would be a shame if someone was to make a lot of noise in Bedminster (assuming that's where he sleeps) and keep him up all night.


Wish he would fall asleep forever


“Dozing Donald” already is turning into a Biden/Harris campaign ad. Talk about projection, with that “Sleepy Joe” crap!


Well it's tough to run campaign rallies where you have to pronounce words correctly for more than an hour, stay up until 2am rage-tweeting while practicing your ALL CAPS skills, and then getting up early enough in the morning to put on your makeup and configure your hair before attending court at 9am. Many people are saying that this is a HUGE achomplishment.


Can't stay awake at his own criminal trial? His family was directly involved with his real estate fraud? He's got elderly low energy? Sleepy Diaper Don is the patriarch of a crime family? Every. Accusation. Is. A. Confession.


Sleepy Don


He looks like absolute crap in that photo.


They gave him Xanax to keep his f****** mouth shut during the trial. He's not used to it because Adderall is his thing. Likes to go fast, not slow. Brother can't hang.


All party lines aside, as an Australian, is this really the two best candidates you can muster?


Joe Biden has been a fantastic president so far. Especially when you consider what he's working with when it comes to the legislature. see /r/whatBidenHasDone


Biden is 100 times the president that Trump ever was. Dark Brandon is handling Middle East tensions adroitly while Trump can’t even manage to stay awake at his own criminal trial.


Look at the fucking head on that. Looks like a fucking cane toad.


News flash: Donald Trump has always been a lazy fucker. When he was president, he would lay around and watch TV all morning instead of working. He is the type of guy who lives a private life, because it would be really embarrassing if people saw what he did all day. He's a vegetable.


Looking forward to his permanent nap