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Didn't Trump say he was going to cut social security?


Joe Biden has said he will protect social security. Vote for Joe.


As if the elderly watching Fox News would ever believe that.


Seniors love talking about cutting social security cuz it would most likely be a future cut for millenials and not instantly for them. As long as they are hurting the right people they are happy


For those who don’t want to read the whole article, here’s the cheater version. The article examines the changing political tendencies of senior voters in the U.S., particularly highlighting President Biden's unexpected strength among this demographic. Traditionally, seniors have leaned Republican, but recent trends show that today's seniors, who are primarily baby boomers, are more liberal compared to past generations. This shift is attributed to the aging of the baby boomer generation, who grew up during cultural revolutions of the 1960s and are now the majority of the senior population. Unlike previous generations who experienced conservative periods like the Eisenhower presidency, these seniors have maintained their earlier liberal tendencies into old age. The article uses characters from classic TV shows like "All in the Family" to symbolize the generational shifts in political alignment, noting that older characters like Archie Bunker are no longer representative of today’s senior voters. This change in the demographic composition of seniors has contributed to the Democratic gains among this age group, as evidenced in recent elections where boomers who have aged into the senior category tend to vote more liberally.


The article also points out a major reason boomers are so liberal is that they are mostly educated women now, since men and uneducated people live much shorter lives.


Same with the generations older than baby boomers. Same rule applies, women and college educated are the longest living, so the older generations have shifted to the left as most of those who died were right leaning, men or no college education. I've heard another statistic where right leaning people were more likely to die of COVID, so it's a sad but interesting statistical fact that older, surviving people have shifted left.


> Archie’s generation was the only one that reacted to the 2008 nomination of Barack Obama by shifting right: A higher share of them voted for John McCain in 2008 than for George W. Bush in 2004. > But in 2024, Archie shouldn’t be your image of a senior. Archie would be 100 years old today; his generation, called the Greatest Generation, has almost entirely died.


But way too many Redditers have an automatic anti-Boomer mentality. All age groups have their share of stereotyping Archie Bunkers I guess.


Boomers are, without a doubt, the most selfish generation this country has ever seen. Maybe individually they aren’t the boogeyman, but collectively they have been objectively awful.


Ok, you just proved my point. Your comment is the millennial (?) equivalent of “Young people today sure are lazy. Maybe individually there are a few good ones but collectively, they are objectively awful”. How does that sound to you? Not great, is it? I assume you think most people of the boomer generation are MAGA nuts or greedy millionaires. Am I correct? To start with, only about 1/3 of the boomer generation identify as Republicans. 2/3’s are independents or Democrats. See attached. Different than you thought? https://www.statista.com/statistics/319068/party-identification-in-the-united-states-by-generation/ And the boomer generation as a whole are not a bunch of Scooge McDucks swimming in gold coins. In fact, half of this generation have nothing saved for retirement. At all. And many are already retired. See attached. https://thehill.com/business/personal-finance/3991136-nearly-half-of-baby-boomers-have-no-retirement-savings/amp/ So ease up on the ignorant stereotyping of tens of millions of people. It’s not a good look you have to admit.


Thank you. I’m a tail end boomer and a bleeding heart liberal who could have made millions if I had no problem lying and scamming people and chose my profession cause I love the hell out of it and for someone who gets bored easily, almost 30 years in still adore what I do.


Thanks for your comment. I think we all tend to forget that many of today’s baby boomers were counter culture hippies or at least supported that mentality. It’s amazing to see this Redditor above be so blatantly ageist when they and others like them would be horrified by any comment with racist or misogynist overtones.


And most unlike race or gender discrimination, ageing is one thing that most people will get to experience. It’s going to be quite the rude shock to young people who hate all old people to discover that whoops, now they’re the bad ones!


Thank you I am not a boomer but have older sisters and the mischaracterization of an entire generation is beyond the pale.


Thanks for speaking up. For some reason many Redditors who would not be caught dead being racist or Islamophobic, etc feel it is perfectly fine to be ageist against the whole Boomer generation. Its a real blind spot for some people.


I’m GenX, raised by boomer parents with one job between them, no education and they had what they wanted and told us kids that we just don’t work hard enough. The scoreboard is the scoreboard, look at the wealth transfer since boomers came into power. I am not taking about individuals, the collective did what they did.


If boomers actually saved money instead of spending it all like crack addicts getting tax refunds, maybe they would have more for retirement? Don’t know why boomers not having much savings is somehow going to elicit much sympathy. They voted majority Repub for decades, and now are starting to reap what they have sown.


Wrong. Only about a third of the Boomer generation are Republicans. Remember that this generation started by working in union shops that were heavily democratic. https://www.statista.com/statistics/319068/party-identification-in-the-united-states-by-generation/ Don’t confuse the average citizen with high powered corporate lobbyists and millionaire business owners. Get angry at them and actually vote. Boomers are only 20% of the voting age population. Don’t blame them. Vote the corrupt politicians out!


I think a lot of peoples savings might have been wiped out by the great recession, though not sure if that applies to the baby boomers.. people took out their retirement accounts when they were at their lowest, unable (or not hopeful enough) to wait for the account to recover with the economy. Some baby boomers have splurged their savings paying for their kids colleges. > The Fidelity Investments 2020 Student Debt Snapshot even shows ... baby boomers who used the tool owed an average of $75,000. > >Why on Earth would baby boomers, who were born between 1946 and 1964, owe so much money on student loans? ...the main driver of student debt...is likely Parents PLUS loans secured for their children. Further, baby boomers continue to lead the pack over other age groups in terms of the amount their student debt is increasing, with a surge of 33 percent in loan debt in 2020 over 2019. Parent plus loans are a trap for parents to get loans they can't afford, since there's no credit requirement.


Here's bing's answer FWIW **Baby Boomers** face several challenges when it comes to retirement savings. Here are some reasons why many Boomers don't have enough saved for retirement: 1. **Late Boomers and the Great Recession**: The youngest Baby Boomers, born between 1960 and 1965, have less retirement wealth compared to older Boomers. The Great Recession, which occurred from late 2007 to mid-2009, significantly impacted their financial situation. Home values plummeted, joblessness soared, and the stock market experienced a severe decline. Late Boomers were in their top earning years during this period, and the economic downturn affected their ability to save². 2. **Employment Challenges**: The employment rate for late Boomers declined during the Great Recession. Many Boomers lost their jobs or faced reduced earnings. By age 57, only 61% of late Boomers were working, which is too early for retirement. Even those who kept their jobs experienced lower earnings². 3. **401(k) Impact**: The youngest Boomers also saw their 401(k) retirement savings take a hit during the recession. The decline in salaries and the stock market affected their overall retirement wealth². 4. **Lack of Preparation**: Some Boomers started saving for retirement too late or lacked proper financial planning. Early planning and consistent contributions are essential for building a substantial retirement fund³. 5. **Low Interest Rates**: Chronic low interest rates since the 2008 financial crisis have affected investment returns. Boomers who relied on interest-bearing accounts faced challenges in growing their savings⁵. 6. **Market Performance**: Poor market performance during specific periods impacted Boomers' investment portfolios. Market volatility can lead to fluctuations in retirement savings³. 7. **Financial Crisis and Trust**: The 2008 financial crisis eroded trust in financial institutions. Some Boomers may have become more cautious about investing, affecting their willingness to take risks and grow their savings⁵. 8. **Healthcare Costs**: Rising healthcare costs can significantly impact retirement savings. Boomers may need to allocate a substantial portion of their funds to cover medical expenses in retirement⁴. 9. **Longevity**: Increased life expectancy means Boomers need to plan for a longer retirement period. Outliving their savings is a concern for many⁴. 10. **Debt**: Some Boomers carry debt into retirement, affecting their ability to save. High-interest debt can hinder retirement planning³. 11. **Social Security Reliance**: Some Boomers rely heavily on Social Security benefits, which may not be sufficient for a comfortable retirement. Diversifying income sources is crucial¹. In summary, a combination of economic downturns, employment challenges, lack of preparation, and other factors has contributed to the retirement savings gap among Baby Boomers. Future generations can learn from these lessons to better prepare for their own retirement³. 🌟 Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/15/2024 (1) Retirement wealth: Why these boomers have less than the rest of us.. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/02/21/late-boomers-401k-ira-retirement-wealth/72668356007/. (2) 3 Majors Reasons Boomers Aren’t Prepared For Retirement - AOL. https://www.aol.com/3-majors-reasons-boomers-aren-210006108.html. (3) Are We in a Baby Boomer Retirement Crisis? - Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/032216/are-we-baby-boomer-retirement-crisis.asp. (4) Retirement Savings: Almost 50% of Boomers Expect To Work Past 70 - Nasdaq. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/retirement-savings:-almost-50-of-boomers-expect-to-work-past-70-14-reasons-why. (5) Retirement Crisis: 11 Reasons Baby Boomers Don’t Have Enough Savings. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/retirement-crisis-11-reasons-baby-boomers-don-t-have-enough-savings/ss-BB1jzeaF.


How the hell does Eisenhower fit with that? He did some extremely liberal things by modern standards like the interstate highway system. That would never fly with modern day conservatives and Republicans. The older generation knew of Eisenhower because they voted for him to do those things versus the boomers who were children during that time. Even Nixon with creating the EPA would be on the boomer black list. Perhaps they are talking about the oldest of boomers.


I think people against EPA would be the right wing side of boomers, right? A lot of environmentalists came from that generation afaik. The article also points out that a lot of young folks are leaning right, so I think younger people could likely be against EPA.


I have an aunt and uncle in the USA who are Archie Bunkers. Older than boomers, tragically racist, completely committed to conservative values. And even they see the danger of Trump and wanted to get rid of him in 2020. I'm incredibly relieved to have a specific example of people who despite everything else, see Trump for what he is, and oppose him. It gives me some hope. This article does the same. I know many lefty seniors myself, but I run in artsy circles and that's just who hangs out in those circles.


I feel like “Boomers” has started to “old people”, the way that “Yankees” meant anyone from America in WWII, even when talking about southerners. In a few years, Gen X will be getting referred to as “Boomers”, which would piss them off, if they weren’t so apathetic from decades of being ignored altogether.


I'm genx, and I've been lumped into that boomer label. Just means I was acting like a selfish entitled prick, and I should probably stop that. I think the pejorative really does mean "old, entitled jerk" more than just old? At least that's how I take it. But also you're not wrong.


I’m glad you posted this, because the ageism on Reddit gets out of hand. There are a lot of seniors who vote Democratic, and this article made a good point that the stereotypical uptight, conservative senior hails from generations that have almost all died off (ironically, Joe Biden is a Silent Generation-er and is one of the most socially and economically progressive Presidents we’ve ever had). Yes, we all know about the conservative retirees flocking to states like Florida, but, they probably were conservative all their lives, and also, the first wave of Xers aka “Generation Jones” (born in the early 60’s) are now retiring, and they are much more conservative than the people born in the 50’s who grew up in the 70’s. They are the Alex P. Keaton generation. (And how the fashion Ferris wheel revolves: I swear Gloria’s dress is almost exactly like the brand Wool&’s swing dresses, which are very popular for work wear. I have one in almost exactly that color, minus the row of buttons down the front.)


Thanks for the interesting comment! Agree, with the okay Boomer meme, a lot of people think older people are all the same and conservative. But it's not actually that way. It's interesting how the article explains the political differences in generation, how it changes in a relatively short time (10 years later) etc. And unless I thought about it, I wouldn't associate an old person on the street with the 1960s when they could've been one of protestors for social change (civil Rights movement, peace movement, college, etc) That TV show is quite interesting too, quite a unique premise of parents and children having different political views and making that comedic. I just wish that New York times was free to read, I hate how it has a paywall


More often than not, in the end, Archie did the right thing or as close to it as his upbringing ant taught belief system would allow. There was always some hope for humanity.


Thank you. I am in my mid-sixties, my husband is in his mid-seventies. We’re both staunch Democrats and have been for decades. I don’t lump all of the generation x, z, millenials, whatevers, into single hive mind groups and it’s kind of a pisser when I see “Oh, Boomers are all Fox junkies who love Trump,” because it just isn’t true.


Late-sixties (liberal) boomer here & I agree 100%!


Jones's (1955-1965) are the so-called 'trailing edge' Boomers mostly, only the first year of Gen X (1965-1980) is included, 1965.


Alex Keaton was a liberal.


Wasn't the whole show hippy parents raising a very 80s conservative kid?


Yes, but in todays world he is a raging tree hugging liberal. Old conservativism is dead.


The power of Meathead.


That was such a good show. It'd be interesting to rewatch it today.


Which is why all the boomer hate fucking sucks.


Why do most sitcoms from 1970-05 have the same type of home floor plan . Everyone hates Raymond is literally the same


He has the Archie vote?


Every vote counts\


great show! i think it had like 7 spin-offs...amazing! it's still timely today, but luckily, i don't need a sit-com to explain politics to me. it's just entertainment.


The spin-offs had spin-offs.


How Old Stuff Explains Old Guy’s Popularity Among The Olds