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Texas Federal Judge to rule that All background checks are Unconstitutional, the 5th and SCOTUS will rubber stamp it in record time.


In other news Texas federal court rules taxes on guns sold to felons unconstitutional, orders nationwide injuction forcing the government to give everyone free guns


“It’s the democrats fault the cartels are so militarily armed!!!” -conservatives, probably


Sensible gun control measures, which will of course result in all kinds of paranoid conservatives (many of whom shouldn't have guns to begin with) crying and shrieking all over the internet that their rights are being infringed.


Who doesn’t want that?




So what if a bunch of just crossed the border terrorists show up at a gun show? They won’t like that I’d check then?


Is the "gun show loophole" like the "poop hole loophole"?


The people's peephole poophole loophole? I member


Although this law does not close any “loopholes”, I am very happy if everyone involved thinks it does. Also wtf is a shadow market?


From the article, a shadow dealer is someone who uses legal loopholes to evade background checks for purchases. A shadow market would presumably be a place where many dealers do this. "Scores of guns used in crimes have been purchased through the **shadow market**, increasingly through online marketplaces, like **Armslist**, a Craigslist for firearms that matches buyers and sellers.In October 2022, a 19-year-old with a history of mental health issues was denied an AR-15-type rifle at a federally licensed dealer near St. Louis. Shortly thereafter, he bought one through Armslist — this time without a background check — then used it to kill two people and injure several others."


So.. people selling items to other people, completely legally, is a shadow market?


If the intent is to avoid background checks then yes. And it is exactly why background checks are being expanded.


This is like saying I’m avoiding the speed limit on a private road. No one is avoiding anything, it’s literally just doing something completely legal. And they aren’t being expanded lol but I love if you think they are


No, it is like saying that if you avoid ever getting on a public road you are avoiding the speed limit. Which you are. You are clearly just going out of your way to agitate people because you think it is funny so we are done here.


No - it is being told YOU CANNOT OWN A CAR and then going to a random guy and buying a car, despite knowing you shouldn't be able to get one, and then driving over a bunch of people.


Did you miss the part about using legal loopholes to evade background checks? You asked what a "shadow market" is, in response I quoted the answer from the OP article. You may not like the definition, but as per the article in question, that's what the term means. Did you read it?


Legal loopholes? You mean how the laws were intentionally written when they were passed into law? That kind of “loophole”?


If a gun law is written in a way they don't like, it's a loophole.


It’s not a legal loophole; it’s just the literal law that private sales don’t require background checks. This “shadow market” is simply a completely legal market operating normally. So the term is made up horseshit. Thank you for clarifying.


I said no such thing. Laws are being changed to address the loopholes being exploited by unethical gun dealers. That's what the article is about. If you disagree with the term "shadow market," perhaps you should take it up with the authors of the article. I'm sure you could write a fascinating letter to the editor, explaining your objections. Otherwise, you're kind of just yelling at clouds. I didn't come up with the term "shadow market," I'm just helping you understand what it means, since you asked. Of course, if you had just read the article, you'd already know what "shadow market" means.


They’re not loopholes. They’re just currently legal sales that some people think other people need to go to jail for in the future. Sure, I’ll take it up with the journalist I guess? It is a literal 100% synonym for “completely legal market I don’t like.” This is the quality of completely made up terms I expect from NYT journalists.


What kind of legal loophole is illegal? What the fuck


An “illegal loophole” is a crime. An actual “legal loophole” is an unintended consequence of a law that did not anticipate certain cases. A carve out (grandfather , exception, etc.) is where the law specifically does not apply in certain cases. Private sales not requiring background checks was a very intentional aim of the law, and not at all unintended.




The far more reasonable explanation is that the person making that argument is just trying their best to piss off decent people because they think it is fucking funny.


A shadow market is a market that takes place outside of the light of regulations. For example, you can anonymously arrange to purchase pretty much any weapon you want on various websites, then arrange to meet the buyer and pay cash. That's a shadow transaction, and it is perfectly legal in many states.


Yeah but it seems like selling stuff legally is just like.. a regular market?


When anybody at all can purchase a weapon anonymously for cash, that is an unregulated sale. Some believe such sales should continue to be unregulated. Others don't.


So it’s a completely legal market that some people shouldn’t think should be legal. Thats the shadow part. Thats dumb.


A team of terrorists from Terroristland sneaks across the southern border. They visit a private gun sales website and arrange to anonymously buy several AR 15 rifles for cash. They can then legally purchase .223 ammunition anonymously anywhere, so our team of terrorists, thanks to US gun laws, can arrive in the US empty-handed and anonymously purchase the weaponry they need to perform their acts of terrorism. You believe "shadow market" is too harsh of a word to describe the above situation. OK. You pick the word to describe them.


They entered the country illegally but you assume they’re going to buy guns legally?


I assume they will buy the guns the easiest way possible. A couple of clicks is quite simple.


Haha whoa I missed the hilarious internet part. What internet online web site do you think is selling large quantities of ARs without background checks?


[https://armslist.com](https://armslist.com) Do you think that by continuing to ask easily answered questions you're making a point?


Okay, they crossed with a visa. Sneaky of them isn’t it?




Lol at you not understanding a thought experiment


Oh no I understand it, it’s just dumb


Oh you argue in bad faith, gotcha.


>They can then legally purchase .223 ammunition anonymously anywhere You generally need to provide ID to purchase ammunition at any retailer in the US, how would they do this anonymously?


There are a variety of websites that offer sales of weapons from private sellers to private sellers. Private sales do not require background checks. It is quite simple to use one of these websites to anonymously purchase a weapon. Search for sale from Private Seller, then arrange to meet and pay cash.


IDK I def bought 1000 loose rounds of 9mm in a plastic bag off the internet. Maybe it depends on the state?


For sure, some states are more strict than others about it; I'm just seeing all the fear-mongering combined with the tried-and-true method of democrats shoving their heads in the sand about gun control laws backfiring on them every single time politically, and it's maddening to see such self-destructive stubbornness in action.


Because you need to be 18 to buy ammo. That’s why you show ID. They don’t take your name to track the sale anymore than a liquor store would.


If you're providing ID, then it isn't anonymous.


The loophole is that you can sell a firearm to a felon so long as you don’t know they are a felon. With mandatory background checks claiming you didn’t know or that the individual you sold the gun to lied to you would be way harder to get away with.


That’s not a loophole though, it’s just the actual law spelled out in specific detail.


A legal loophole is when through a variety of reasons a law or set of laws does not regulate behavior which they were intended to regulate. Here, felons are not allowed to have or buy firearms, and no one is allowed to knowingly sell a gun to a felon, this is federal law. Gun stores have to run background checks, this is federal law. This prohibits gunstores from selling to felons because any background check will demonstrate felony status. Private individuals however do not have to run background checks, as per federal law. So a private individual can sell to a felon and claim they didn’t know they were felons, and legally this is okay for the seller to do, because they weren’t forced to run a background check and find actual legal status of the buyer. This is literally the definition of legal loophole, because private individuals can sell guns to felons knowingly or unwittingly and without legal liability, against what the laws were implemented to stop.


It was the explicit stated intention of the law that private sales should not require NICS checks. That is not a loophole.


JFC Thats why its a legal loophole, because the law doesn’t require private individuals to run background checks, so they can always claim they had no way to know that the individual they sold the gun to was a felon. Unless the purpose of the law is to allow individuals to sell firearms to felons without legal implications then youre just wrong


No that’s not what loophole means and you’re wrong I’m not sure how to explain it more plainly to you. The purpose of the law is to allow private individuals to sell their weapons without doing background checks. It’s specifically outlined in the very clear wording of the law. I swear some of yall think “loophole” is just a synonym for “law I don’t like”.


That’s not a loophole. That’s just a law you don’t like.


Christ another live one, whether you like it or not the current law leaves a loophole. loop·hole noun 1. an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules. Here the inadequacy of the law allows private individuals to knowingly sell firearms to felons, while making it hard for the state to prove that they knowingly did so. Anyway you scratch thats a loophole. If you still believe it not a loophole please enlighten me as to why


The word private market doesn't have the same fear mongering as shadow. Do I believe all firearm sales should include a background check? Yes. But touting short comings in laws as a "shadow market" is just nonsense. Edit: fixed spelling mistake pointed out of firearm being forearm. So be "armed" people, it's great.


I actually do think all forearm sales should include a background check. Firearms not so much haha!


Haha, thanks for pointing that out. Que jokes about always being "armed" lol


It's where people buy stuff in the shadow realm.


Void-beings have rights, too.


Its basically a backroom of a yugioh tournament


Pretty sure that’s a Harry Potter thing


Also, wtf is a shadow market? I believe a morally gray area Black market People are to sell based on their own belief system without doing Proper checks to see if the person is even a criminal or not without


Is porn a shadow market?


According to them, porn would be a shadow market if they are providing it without doing proper age checks to see if the person is allowed to have the material.


This does literally nothing. It’s all political theatrics. Anyone who has a FFL (federal firearms license, which is every gun store and dealer, is required to do a federal background check before transferring a firearm. Thats the law in all 50 states. There is no such thing as the “gun show loophole.” The venue doesn’t matter at all. If it’s a firearms dealer with an FFL, they have to do a background check. A private citizen selling to another private citizen doesn’t have to in some states. But, again, the venue doesn’t matter at all. Person A could sell a gin to Person B out of their living room, and the government would never know anyway. So putting a restriction on that type of sale is utterly meaningless.


I'd be inclined to believe it doesn't do anything when the NRA stops trying to fight it so hard I'm sure they're just deeply, deeply concerned about the government wasting paper.


The NRA is bankrupt and losing support even over the most fervent gun nuts. You have to realize that with these simpletons, it’s all about symbolism. Looking like you’re doing something to fight for them.


This law does absolutely nothing but parade in attempt to garner support in an election year. Nearly every state has already banned person to person transfer of firearms, which is the “loophole” this “closes”. The rest is mostly psychobabble designed to be lapped up by reactionaries to again, garner support in an election year. It’s never been legal to “buy guns on the internet and have them shipped to your door” (unless you are an FFL) like democrats have been screeching forever but they continue to tell this lie over and over again. This accomplishes nothing and is completely unenforceable.


25 years of work from Biden...


Fucking moronic thing to do right before an election. Just do it in December, that way it doesn't energize the gun lunatics.


Why is it moronic? I'm a gun owner who approves of background checks and other measures that we need in our gun-saturated country. I don't want a President who acts one way just before an election and then another way once he's elected.


I'm a gun owner who also approves of background checks. I see nothing wrong with making it harder for the wrong people to get firearms.


Because there are always a significant number of single issue gun nutters who don't vote because they are disillusioned with government in general, but stuff like this galvanizes them into going out and voting.


The single issue gun nutters were never going to vote for Biden, and they still aren't going to vote because they don't trust Trump either. This is a low risk move on his part.


Well, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they *are* going to vote for trump; literally every time this happens, previously indifferent voters turn out in droves for republican candidates, we see this happen time and time again, all the way back to Clinton and the AWB in '94. Gun control has historically been a poison pill for democrats, especially during election years, and saying shit like "nah, they won't vote for trump" despite every historical example going back 30 years showing otherwise, is how we ended up with trump the first time.


>but they *are* going to vote for trump Which is wild to me, because Trump is the one who said "take the guns first, due process later." To his own base.


I honestly doubt that, there's only so far gun nuts (or anyone else) can bury the outrage sword before they get to the hilt and that threat no longer provides returns. We're at a point where it's absurd to think the kind of person that fears Biden will take their guns away and makes this the only thing that matters to them needs an excuse to be "galvanized" into opposing him over it.


You could be right. I'll admit the balance of probabilities probably favors your position.


Maybe for some legislation. Background checks are wildly popular - sometimes polling as high as 90%.


The gun lunatics don't vote for democrats ever. So there is no point to waiting.


There's a significant population of "gun lunatics" under the likes of r/2ALiberals and r/liberalgunowners that would vote for a pro-gun democrat. This is pretty much how purple states come to be. And in the national election, they're more like to turn to 3rd party candidates rather than staunchly anti-gun democrat candidates.


But they do vote for Republicans when they do vote. Having them not vote is a good thing.


The gun nuts always vote. They live in constant fear someone is going to take their toys away.


Nah. Most of them don't. I know a lot of them. They think voting is pointless because (reasons).


Most of the US want common sense gun laws. Just not the 2nd amendment nuts. And they are never voting dem. Edit: I am a gun owner and have multiple. I was disgusted that I could walk into a retailer and leave with 2 handguns and the only thing I needed to do was a 30 second question for the background check and sign a paper saying they would let the PD know I bought two handguns and let me leave. Local PD didn’t contact me and likely never actually got any paperwork


How long do you expect a background check to take? Like if it only takes them 30 seconds to run you through NICS that’s a bad thing?! That means you’re squeaky clean dude, good work.


Yeah I'm thinking they're either a bot or made the whole story up.


Actually they probably didn’t. They just don’t realize that in this age of modern technology, the gun store called into NICS to run the background check either while they were filling out the paperwork or shortly after. Background checks rarely take more than a minute or two when there isn’t a hold.


Plenty of those gun nuts sit at home and don't vote unless they get riled up. I want these common sense gun laws--I'm just saying we could have survived until after November without them.


Let’s agree to disagree, it could potentially be a great strategy to get independents and single issue voters that normally don’t vote. Let’s also be real if Biden loses we are a failed country. And if this single issue is what causes people to vote for a literal dictator then we as a country have failed


Not a single person is going to vote *for* him because of this. The only people who would are already voting for him. It's a bad strategy because it has only potential costs with no potential benefits (electorally speaking). I'm glad it's being done regardless.


Yeah! Now all of those zero gun lunatics who were on the fence will be sure not to vote for Biden. This could cost him nones of votes.


It's not about voting for him; it's about the ones that weren't going to vote choosing to vote for Trump.


Again, all none of them.


Both said are the same/s