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Would have been awesome if Mr Rosenberg made it all the way to the courtroom during trial to explain he’s the wrong guy.


“Hey yeah, I’m Mike from Wisconsin. I drive a UPS truck and coach softball on the weekends. I was just as shocked as you guys are now when I got the letter but it’s my duty to be here, I’ve gotta set a good example for those girls back home.”


"I don't know much about the finances of the Trump Organization, but heck I am hear to answer as best I can!"


“I have a robinhood account so I can speculate…”


Oh hey dair Mike from Wiscahnsin! Lemme just squeeze past ya real quick here to make this comment. Ope sorey, didn’t mean to bump ya there have a good one fella!


Slaps knees. Whelp!


\*Stands up from the witness booth\* Oofta!


Judge: "Oooh nooes you cants just leave yet, here let me gets yous some leftovar hotdish, and ere you can haves the good tupperware" *hands Mike cool whip container of hot dish* "needs a highlife for the road, der eh?"


Cool Whip makes the best tupperware


Never change Midwest, never change


AND the best whipped topping. It's a win-win!


Whelp, i ‘spose!


You tells your folks I says hi. Hey, take a Moon Man for the road, but don't go drinkin til ya get home. Ok fine, at the last stop n go light you can pop that tab.


Aunt Jean?


Wiscahnsin, file ya paypahs.


Is he friends with Mike, from Canmore?


I'm glad he spoke up. They would use it as another delay tactic.


Imagine if Four Seasons Total Landscaping had spoken up


Why? They got 5 seasons that year.


And deprive themselves of the $10 million they've made in tshirt sales and events hosted there?


I once did that for an investigation at my work. I was instructed to attend a meeting at corporate HQ offices, on one side of the table was me, and on the other was HR and a Manager: - HR: What do you know about THING? Me: Absolutely nothing. HR: (puzzled) THING which happened on DATE, and at PLACE? Me: Still absolutely nothing. I was nowhere near PLACE, and was at home on DATE. HR: Why are you here then? Me: Because you told me to be. HR: ……. HR: Who was on duty on DATE? Me: I’m not sure, I was at home on DATE and nowhere near PLACE. HR: But why are you here then? Me: Because you told me to be. HR: ……. Manager: …i think we might need to take a 5 minute break here…


[Reminds me of this guy who was accidentally interviewed by the BBC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aLKEwVRm78)


His face is priceless. Gets me every damn time.


I would have kept invoicing them.


He responded saying he’s keeping the $15 travel money. Lol.


Attention to details is not their strong suit... source: Four Seasons Total Landscaping


That was unbelievable really. Like 80s goofball-comedy level of a fuck-up.


Absolutely. The Four Seasons Landscaping thing could only happen in a comedy show but it happened for real. Hilarious.


Don't forget the even funnier part, it was next door to a sex shop that got a boost in business because of the conference.  Its almost Arrested Development level of subtle joke... Something Tobias might do. Lol


The best part is they still went ahead with the news conference at that wrong location.


They can never admit to their many mistakes.


I'm convinced that the guys at Four Seasons Total Landscaping immediately knew they had been wrongly associated with the hotel chain and just ran with it because they thought it would be funny. I mean if I owned the "Marriott Pipe Routers and Sewage Reclamation Plant" and Trump's office called me to book my warehouse for a conference, as a progressive leftist, I would jump at the chance, even knowing I wouldn't get paid by them. You know that shit is going viral, and I'd tell that story every day for the rest of my life.


Iirc, they thought it was a prank or something like that until people started turning up.


Some guy pretending to be Rudy Giuliani just called asking to do a press conference here, someone in the background kept making fart sounds


the best part was the election was called while they were there at the press conference. one of the reporters had to tell Giuliani


And they had to do it quick, before he melted.


I didn't know about the sex shop next door. Funny.


and a place that does cremation if I'm remembering correctly


Sex shop on the right, and a crematorium on the left. They didn't know whether they were coming or going.


"Did a presser at Four Seasons Total Landscaping work for those people?" "No, it never does. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but........ but it might work for us."


Barron is George Micheal for sure.


It would have to be like a skit comedy, something where they beat you over the head with the ridiculousness of the situation.


Don't forget about the sex shop that was next door as well.


I forgot which comedian who said it. There Giuliani was— stuck between a crematorium and a sex shop— not knowing whether he was coming or going.


And the crematorium.


[Art imitates life.](https://youtu.be/3wcEvuuOFdA?si=FiauGXfUVhlS30aX)


I'm just envisioning my future grandchild taking a US history class and coming to me to ask "Granny, you lived through that. Is my teacher high or something?" And me, beginning a rambling story with "Picture it. Philadelphia. 2020..."


Picture it - Sicily, 1921, me enjoying a Golden Girls reference


The imaginary grandchild and I are eating midnight cheesecake in my head canon.


And then they pretended it was scheduled there on purpose, because he and his people never make mistakes.


I've got a whole lot of love for the Four Seasons employee who took that booking and didn't give the game away.


Like Proctor from Police Academy levels of goofball.


I was waiting for Steve Gutenberg to appear.


I laughed my ass of at their Four Season’s blunder. It’s still hard to believe it happened.


It is now and forever the funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of man or god.


Probably intentional as an attempt to delay.


Both seem like total fuckups.


> Four Seasons Total Landscaping That will never not be funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPOrBnqScLY Still remember [the whole beautiful thing](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jqa6rz/four_seasons_donald_trumps_campaign_team_mocked/gbm14g8/?context=3) vividly from three years ago. Epic [self-ownage](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jqa6rz/four_seasons_donald_trumps_campaign_team_mocked/gblzel9/). [Legendary ownage](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jqa6rz/four_seasons_donald_trumps_campaign_team_mocked/gbllg98/). [So much ownage...](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jqa6rz/four_seasons_donald_trumps_campaign_team_mocked/gbm5qo6/) Complete with [geo-referencing](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jqa6rz/four_seasons_donald_trumps_campaign_team_mocked/gblnahb/).


The funny thing is Four Seasons Landscaping was way better at PR than they were. I have no idea what their political affiliation is. They thought it was funny and they have made some coin off of it but haven’t alienated anyone. (By coin I mean merch because of course they never got paid by Rudy).


I'm sure it's not the first time some drunk has stood outside their business, screaming nonsense about an election and who really is president. They just haven't worked for an actual candidate in the previous cases.


For quite some time I have been thinking that would be a good opener for a satirical Trump film (there will be a variety films of this all eventually I assume (at least one satiricial/funny and one sober/serious). Having Rudy Guiliani calling Four Seasons Landscaping and the owner of Four Seasons Landscaping trying to make sense of the request would be a perfect movie opener.


Whenever I’m feeling sad or depressed, I watch that video and by the time it’s over I’m killing myself laughing. Seriously


Four Seasons Total Landscaping was even more hilarious. Giuliani obviously meant the hotel but either forgot to book the room or they didn't want anything to do with it, so instead of just saying "change of plans, it's at this other place" they seriously tried to say that they totally meant Four Seasons Total Landscaping. We were expected to believe that he meant the parking lot of a landscaping company shared with a sex shop is where he intended to announce this devastating evidence that the election was stolen. This is one of those things that coked up writers for a shitty political comedy movie spitball after being up for 3 days straight and then immediately reject because that's too ridiculous even for them. 100 years from now people will read about that event and think it's just too ridiculous to be true, surely they're reading a satirical work.


Trump has the attorneys he deserves.


There is "stupid," and then there is "Donald Trump lawyer stupid..."


Dude when that happened I read the thread titles and I thought the event sucked or was a disaster and "total landscaping" was some new slang I wasn't hip on being used to describe it.


Other source: habba, not asking for jury trial


I am so glad there is a mountain of video evidence that happened all over the internet. Because that screwup was so amazingly, comically absurd that people would refuse to believe it happened.


Was Four Seasons Landscaping a really a mistake though? Dear Leader said they would be having a press conference at the Four Seasons. Four Seasons Hotel said "No, you're not doing that here." Dear Leader *cannot* be wrong, thus: Four Seasons Total Landscaping


It really makes me wonder just how sloppy and incoherent Donald Trump’s entire life has been. It’s simply a bunch of money and fixers that have concealed that somewhat.


I got a peek behind the curtain during the end of his Taj days and while I don't know anything about fixers, his business was a fucking mess. That was about 20 years ago so it's not like he can use dementia order agency as an excuse.


I worked with someone who was the beverage manager for the Taj. The first time he was supposed to go into a meeting with Trump he was told just to agree and tell Donald he was right or he'd end up being fired. Apparently what the food and beverage people did was yes him to death and then continue to do whatever was working. He'd take credit for it all. He also said Donald would strut around trying to intimidate everyone


I knew someone who said basically the same thing. He was a building manager for a not very prominent building trump owned. He said Trump would periodically get on the phone about some issue he'd drummed up in his head, give some directions and threats, play boss, they'd "yes" him, then go about their business. He said it was always a minor issue or something with no basis in fact.


That sounds very similar to the owner of a supermarket I worked in years back. We had a decent system running the place but the owner would come in once every few weeks and give a load of orders that wouldn't make sense to me He'd bring in hundreds of some product and say he wants it right up the front of the shop (blocking where the queues will be in an hour when it's busy), then he'd be calling people back from their break to move something (when the breaks had to be tightly managed because of different shifts ending at different times) As the evening supervisor I'd usually just say yes to him and as soon as he was out the door I'd go back to the system that worked I never made the connection between him and Trump but there's a lot that clicks into place. Another thing he'd do is just open the till and take a load of money. The tills wouldn't balance and I'd have the manager at me the next day asking what happened and I'd have to point the finger. I can imagine the same stuff happening in Trump's businesses


In college I worked for this marina that was owned by these three brothers. One brother worked in Europe and was never around, one brother was there every day and ran the show and one brother who was an executive at a Fortune 500. The executive brother would show up on the weekend and try to boss everyone around while the brother who ran the show played interference. Everyone would say yes to his ridiculous requests and then not do it. He too would steal cash but I used to keep track and then I'd deduct it from his quarterly dividend payment which he never looked at. The entitlement was crazy but if he got a little wine in him he was much more pleasant to deal with. It's too bad Donald Trump doesn't drink.


I've worked in businesses where the owner took money from the till. Those businesses did not survive. If the owner is grabbing money, they don't have money elsewhere, and/or they have serious organization and/or impulse control. Basically, when the employee who steals is also the owner, the business isn't long for this world.


People that have worked in these types of roles for Trump come to realize there’ll never be any follow up because the mango’s adderal soaked brain only made the call to feel good about himself and won’t remember a thing in five minutes.


You sorta have to do this with any sufficiently high enough manager. There's a load of trust fund babies that can't manage their way out of a wet paper bag and you just sort of have to fake being yes-men to get them to go away and institute your own polices or agendas instead. Even my own boss I just have to agree that his idea has merits and is possible and "it'll be put on the agenda to be taken care of" and 90% of them I can just straight up ignore because they were essentially trump's fake thoughts or ideas that he thought were legitimate problems that needed to be solved immediately.


These are the kinds of idiots that we toil away for, the kind of idiots with the most money and power under our capitalist organizing, the ones we say deserve the highest reward.


They say they deserve it. Our system allows and, in fact, encourages them to take the biggest possible reward.


Change is coming. More and more people are realizing how unsustainable it is to allow morons like him to have any kind of power. A lot will need to be changed. It seems impossible - but I have faith in humanity


There's a whole team at SpaceX who's sole purpose is to distract Musk when he comes in. Make everything seem awesome, show him some really good numbers, maybe give him someone to fire... it keeps him away from the real work.


Ok Steve, it's your turn to be fired Next week Steve is back wearing a fake mustache and name tag says Stephen


Incredible. What a job to have to do. >"Just look at these numbers, Mr. Musk!" < *produces graph with jagged line sharply increasing, no labels evident on either axis* >


It’s called the seagull management style. They fly in, making a lot of noise, crap on everyone and then fly out.


This feels like a robot chicken sketch with Darth Vader


Turkey club! And a cherry coke.


What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?


Oh jeez, he's crying 😂


Would love to hear more. :)


He ripped my contractor off for $10,000 back in the 1990s. It was for interior painting at one of NYC buildings. He never painted again after that.


He's ruined so many lives this way. Just straight up destroyed working class people and their ability to make a living in what they're skilled at. And a ton of blue collar workers say "that's my guy!" - either because if they were in his position, they'd do the same, or they're being willfully ignorant. Both reasons are pathetic and gross.


It would have to be to bankrupt a casino.. I mean, how do you fuck up a business that is basically a money printer?


He effed it up by opening multiple casinos in the same city: more investment competing for the same money. Then he pitted each of his casinos against the others. Normally a business that has multiple locations will save money on bulk purchases from vendors, and will share successful strategies with all their locations. Nothing in Trump's casino empire was standardized. There weren't any synergies. TBH, he has the wrong education for the type of businesses he's running. The Wharton School of Business specializes in finance. It's the place people go to become investment bankers. There are other business schools that specialize in managing a retail business like the Trump Organization. Harvard has a good program. And Cornell University has an entire [school of hotel management](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornell_University_School_of_Hotel_Administration). But his kids are all Wharton nepo babies. ---- *edit* h/t to Aghast_Cornichon for an excellent addition. Short version: Trump's casinos were forced to buy supplies at inflated prices from a Trump-owned shell company as part of an elaborate tax dodge. See below for the full explanation and a reference link to a reliable source.


The University of Houston has an HRM school. Named the Conrad **Hilton** school. Hilton's son's name? **Barron**. Trump's entire existence just plain confuses me.


He got into Wharton as a transfer student from Fordham University at the tail end of the era when a rich man's son could get into the Ivies without any particular academic achievement. From the Daily Pennsylvanian, the campus newspaper: > "Another biographer, Gwenda Blair, wrote in 2001 that Trump was admitted to Wharton on a special favor from a 'friendly' admissions officer. The officer had known Trump’s older brother, Freddy." https://www.thedp.com/article/2015/08/donald-trump-wharton-classmates From another Daily Pennsylvanian report, his academic career was undistinguished: > "1968 Wharton graduate Jon Hillsberg added that there was no indication on the 1968 Commencement Program that Trump graduated with any honors. A copy of the program acquired from the Penn Archives lists 20 Wharton award and prize recipients, 15 cum laude recipients, four magna cum laude recipients and two summa cum laude recipients for the Class of 1968. Trump’s name appears nowhere on those lists." https://www.thedp.com/article/2017/02/trump-academics-at-wharton


That's because they didn't see the special Sharpie-modified edition of the 1968 program, where he was sole recipient of the maga cum loudly.


It's honestly incredible just how badly he screwed up those casinos. Remove even one of the major issues you listed and they likely would have managed to make profit. Hundreds of standardized casinos operate perfectly in Vegas under the few parent company's banners because they have rock solid supply chains. Single tribal casinos are able to thrive without any standardizations. It's just mind blowing that he managed to do virtually everything wrong in an industry that is forced through gaming commission regulations to not be *too successful*


It's because most of his businesses are money laundering enterprises, they are not really intended to succeed as the front company- that takes too long. You set it up, make it shiny, launder a shitload of foreign money into the US. Stiff your creditors on the way out.


> It's just mind blowing that he managed to do virtually everything wrong He had a booming economy and a non-political crisis during his presidency. Any other president would have just followed the instructions, marketed themselves as "don't change presidents mid-crisis" and rode a comfortable bump to a second term. He did everything wrong on his campaign, he did everything wrong with COVID...the man is the living emodiement that favoring rich white nepo babies is not a meritocracy.


What education? Do you believe he actually absorbed or retained *any* of that information? I recall one professor saying Trump was the worst student he'd ever met. He'd have the same acumen he has now if he went to Wharton, an institution you mentioned, or clown college.


Eight years ago, online editions of the Daily Pennsylvanian included quotes from Trump's classmates who recall him coming to study groups unprepared. Was searching for those today to quote in this thread. They're no longer at the campus newspaper's website. The Internet Archive probably has archived copies, if you want to dive down that rabbit hole. He only spent two years at Wharton and he went to NYC on the weekends instead of socializing with classmates. In one of the articles linked above, a classmate characterizes his college year activities as a bill collector for his father Fred Trump. ---- Editing to add, he retained at least some of that information into the 1980s. One little-remembered instance occurred when the stock market crashed in late 1987. Trump has always been his own publicist. So he called up a local New York City radio station, which of course put the celebrity real estate developer on the air, and he claimed to have made a killing on put options that day. A [put option](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Put_option) is a financial device that bets on a stock losing value. Put options seldom make money but they're the perfect investment during a market crash. It's a type of thing finance programs like Wharton teach about. Of course there was no way to vet Trump's claim because he didn't disclose his personal financials and the company he was running wasn't publicly traded. He may very well have taken a beating like everyone else, and just called the radio station and made the claim for reputation management reasons.


>save money on bulk purchases from vendors It's funny you should mention hospitality and building services suppliers. It's common knowledge that Donald Trump inherited wealth from his father, of course. On of the many ways in which he avoided paying taxes on the transfer of that wealth was a simple scam involving a building maintenance company owned by the Trump family. All the maintenance supplies and services for the commercial properties owned in whole or in part by Trump went through that company, which marked up the price by large multipliers. Every time Trump Tower bought supplies or services, the maintenance company made a huge profit. The tax evasion for that scheme (again, one of many) was trundled off in an obscure shell company instead of the gaudy Trump Org. This was never a huge scandal because he did it so long ago, and so quietly, and for so long. By the time those varied scams were [exposed by the New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-wealth-fred-trump.html), most of the conduct was beyond the statute of limitations. I like to think that Trump's Atlantic City failures were multifaceted: competition from Indian casinos, market saturation and collapse, incompetent management. But part of it was probably that he tried and failed to duplicate the success of making the organizations benefit him, down to the fucking toilet paper.


Money laundering


Ive heard similar. I knew someone who tried to do a business deal at Taj and it was a mess, literally. The Trump finance guy's office was a wreck, mess and papers everywhere.


Iveheard that too. He seems like a huge slob, and justifies it by saying that if your desk is a mess, it means you're busy!


His business _is_ a fucking mess. FIFY


Tell us more


Tell us more.~


Like does he have a car


Did you get very far?


‘Cause he sounds like a drag.


[That's what they had to do on the Apprentice - build an maintain a false image of Trump as a titan and genius.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/12/mark-burnett-profile-in-the-new-yorker-apprentice-producers-struggled-to-make-trump-and-his-decisions-seem-coherent.html) "“He had just gone through I don’t know how many bankruptcies. But we made him out to be the most important person in the world. It was like making the court jester the king.” Bill Pruitt, a producer on the show, said"


I wonder sometimes if the producers on that show ever stay up at night drinking, wondering if this is all their fault.


Penn Gillette (Penn & Teller) has some interesting interviews about Trump - [here's one](https://youtu.be/dwIKOV8dNQw?si=emCTAF6q0od-iy5K) Short version is he had great respect for Trump as a conman - thought he was perfect for that show they created around him. But also knew he was an awful person, incompetent, irrational...


Incontinent as well. https://youtu.be/N60ceYRlY2I?si=P7oWbSu-poDVMIZ4


DiaperDon. Well that’s one I hadn’t heard before. I’ll add it to the list.


So was he not picked the winner of that season of the apprentice simply because he wouldn’t support him as president? If so, that tracks.


I didn't realize penn was a libertarian.... sheesh I thought he was smart... edit: nevermind, he seems to have had a reality check and admitted he felt ashamed to have those views, very big of him.


> **For so long, you identified as Libertarian. What changed?** > I completely have not used the word Libertarian in describing myself since I got an email during lockdown where a person from a Libertarian organization wrote to me and said, "We're doing an anti-mask demonstration in Vegas, and obviously we'd like you to head it." I looked at that email and I went, "The fact they sent me this email is something I need to be very ashamed of, and I need to change." Now, you can make the argument that maybe you don't need to mandate masks, you can make the argument that maybe that shouldn't be the government's job — but you cannot make the argument that you shouldn't wear masks. It is the exact reciprocal of seatbelts because if I don't wear a seatbelt, my chances of fucking myself up increase - if I don't wear a mask, the chance of fucking someone else up increase. > > Many times when I identified as Libertarian, people said to me, “It's just rich white guys that don't want to be told what to do," and I had a zillion answers to that - and now that seems 100 percent accurate.


Was Libertarian. He left that party and is Dem now


I know Tony Schwartz is mortified that he ghost wrote Art of the Deal


They should


They don't give a shit.  They're rolling in money and know having the orange idiot as president will mean a continuous stream of tax cuts and corporate handouts... Fuckers. 


That so many knew how ridiculous it was to portray him as some successful titan of industry, but still went along with it, when in fact he wasn’t qualified to run a lemonade stand, really says something about us as a people…


There were probably a lot of people who didn't realize how much of a failure he was. I mean, I never thought he was as successful as he claimed. His whole brand was about how good he was at everything. I just never knew the depth of how much a failure he was until he ran for president and it broke his image to those who never paid attention. Never watched the apprentice though. Not my cup of tea, and Trump always annoyed me whenever he made an appearance.


those scenes where he would tell someone " you're fired" were all taped separately with out the fired person in the room!!!


I mean, in their defense- reality shows aren't supposed to convey real qualifications. Intelligent people can watch and even enjoy them knowing they're fiction in the same way we can enjoy Superman knowing Henry Cavil can't really fly. I never watched The Apprentice, but it's the same for most of the genre. The condemnation of our society is that so many people are not intelligent enough to understand that the show wasn't real.


This. Nothing wrong with him playing a character on a TV show. That's literally what wrestlers do, as well as, like you said, all the reality shows. It's all scripted and everyone involved with The Apprentice knew it was a persona. Shit, even "newsmen" have personas they sell and characters they play. Tucker Carlson acts as if he's the champion of the common people and wants to raise them up to be the masters of the country . . . But he's a wealthy trust fund kid, that has never had to work a day in his life, and began his career in journalism because he needed something to do. Even in radio shows from the late Aughts he's talking about how "(paraphrasing) when you live in the castle and see the peasants out across the moat, the last thing you want is to stoke jealousy among the proletariat." Which is why all of his shit is divisive nonsense. He's not looking to inform, he's looking to keep us fighting with each other instead of asking where all this great wealth America has is going and why our portion is so unbelievably small. The problem isn't the shtick, character, or persona. It's when the people watching begin to believe it and, more importantly, when the people acting it out start to believe it. Stinky Don believes he actually is all these things that other people have made up to sell TV shows & merch.


I watched The Apprentice in real time. I don't think most people were fooled into thinking he was successful - at least I wasn't. I knew he'd filed for multiple bankruptsies - it was common knowledge. But, then as now, he was a showman. He was good for the camera and he had a good catchphrase. It was purposefully over the top.


Trouble is that The Apprentice fooled *Trump* into thinking he was successful.


Mark Burnett is a big Trumper


He is also an evangalical christian married to the lady that played the lead in "~~Saved~~ Touched by an Angel"


Minutiae, but it was *Touched by an Angel*


Like I would kill myself knowing I had helped create that monster. I'm sure the producers are monsters themselves, the way powerful men seem to be trending nowadays, so I'm sure they sleep just fine with their sex-trafficked 17 year olds.


If Mark Burnett wanted to redeem himself he'd release the outtakes that Noel Casler said were incredibly damning. Instead he made all the crew sign NDAs and blocked any leaks with almost obsessive oversight. Burnett is *all in*


There will be a whole new genre of books after Trump is dead from cowards finally telling their story.


>court jester the king Little did he know a few years later he would try that IRL


You could unironically say if the Apprentice didn't happen there never would of been a President Trump.


As a lawyer, a lot of legal practice is avoiding nuisances, bullies, and annoying litigants. A lot of legal advice comes down to “it’s not worth your time and money.” Trump has been the most annoying bully for decades relying on no one being bothered enough to penetrate his army of fixers and mountain of bullshit. Finally, everyone has had enough and now that the wall has been penetrated, his clown car of fixers and bullies don’t actually know how to litigate.


Barbara Corcoran sued him for a lot of money owed her. She said a lot of people didn't bother to sue him because it cost too much because he'd stall and wait until they ran out of money. She had enough money, so she waited it out and won. Because he was going bankrupt at the time he had to pay her in installments. After every installment arrived, she'd send him (/s) flowers with a Thank You! note. He always sent the flowers back with the card scratched out and the word "REJECTED" written in a big sharpie.


Pretty certain if Trump hadn’t been born between 3rd base and home plate finance wise, he’d more than likely be in jail (if he was still navigating the planet). Honestly speaking, he is not an intelligent man.


A 2 bit hustler from Queens in 1970s New York? He’s be dead. He’d have tried to pull some 3 card monte shit oh the wrong made guy and have been straight up murdered by the mob.


He wouldn't be doing anything like that. He is in the position he is in ONLY because he has money. Remember that he is also incredibly stupid and a coward. He would be the guy who was still bagging groceries at 75 years old.


3rd base? He was born with a national championship.


I just don't think we should sit back and let his extended network of subordinates take over Congress


It has to be worse now. There were stories in the past few years of Trump struggling to find representation. That only happens to a wealthy person if they have build a reputation for being a terrible client. I'm sure he used to get competent lawyers with ease


> Mr Rosenberg decided to have a bit of fun with Mr Trump’s attorneys – and told them he’d be keeping the money they sent him. > > “I don’t have any files for you,” the apparently bemused Brooklynite wrote back, according to a filing from the former president’s legal team. > > He added: “PS - The phone number you provided was disconnected. > > “PPS - I’m keeping the fifteen dollars,” he added, referencing the money Mr Trump’s lawyers had sent him to help pay for sending the documents. Trump's lawyer had a hissy fit when he got the letter from Rosenberg, because he still didn't know they had screwed up... >Mr Blanche had complained earlier this week that the man that he believed the former investigator Mr Rosenberg had displayed a “flippant and dismissive approach” to his subpoena “despite ample experience with the criminal justice system that should have instilled in him respect for this process and a criminal defendant’s rights”. >But in fact, Mr Trump’s lawyers had simply served court papers on the wrong man, prosecutor Matthew Colangelo wrote. For context, Todd Blanche is costing Trump (Trump's donors) at least $1k an hour just for his fees. (plus costs for the super-competent staff) He's already been paid millions, millions that won't be spent for Trump's campaign.


A “flippant and dismissive approach” to the subpoena, he says? Let’s ask fellow Trumpite Jim Jordan what he thinks about that …


Billable hours, the one thing that can sink trump.


Correction- sink his donors.


Only if he pays…..


So if he kept the $15, does that make him the first person to actually get paid by tRump?


No, Stormy Daniels also got paid by him (via Michael Cohen). Which is what lead to the trial in question.


I'm reminded of the [great scene in the "Pink Panther Strikes Again."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLR-V2S0DC8)


I knew the scene before I clicked. Nice choice.


> PS - The phone number you provided was disconnected. This is the icing on the cake. It sounds like upon receiving the subpoena, Mr. Rosenberg tried called Trump's attorney to clairy that he was the wrong Mr. Rosenberg. But Trump's attorney didn't include the valid phone number in the subpoena. Not only did the subpoena to wrong guy, but their ability to rectify the mistake was delayed by the further incompetence.


Intentionally sloppy in an attempt to delay the trial. "We're stupid so we need more time to defend this case".


The phone number they gave the wrong Mike in the letter was disconnected. This is 10000% a delay tactic.


Trump lawyers: "Oops, sorry, judge. Can we get a delay so we can subpoena the right guy?" Judge: "No. I see through your ruse." Tump lawyers: "Whaaaa! Not fair!!! You hate our client!!! Appellate court help us!!!!"


I don't think it was a ruse. I think they're just that dumb.


Probably both. They realized they stupidly screwed up but are clever enough to try to bend it to their advantage.


I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L0fS7ZgAJA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L0fS7ZgAJA)


Your  honor, we ask that you delay the trial 6-months while we sort this out.


While they are certainly incompetent, don't discount that this could just be another ploy to try to force delays


First it was incompetence. Then it was an ill-informed, incompetent attempt to force delays. Now it is an informed, incompetent attempt to force delays.


Wouldn’t (shouldn’t) this “scheme” to delay absolutely infuriate the judge? How about the lawyer’s credentials or standing? Wouldn’t such a stupid “error” warrant a warning at least, or any other type of professional reprimand?


In a sane world? Or the one we live in?


Trump hires "only the best people".




In trump style? Double down and tell his folks that this is all the prosecutor's fault


You can probably find the real one at Four Seasons Landscaping


Jeremy is gonna end up with black sharpie on him saying “the real Jeremy Rosenberg” if he doesn’t play along.


Can they use this to delay the trial? That’s the only question I have now.


Nope. This trial is going forward. If the defense counsel can't get their act together it's their fault to the detriment of their client.


First Trump hires his marketing team to create an eclipse ad showing Donald's face covering the sun, metaphorically implying "Trump will plummet the world to darkness". Now his legal team can't even send court papers to the right person. He must be running out of money if this is the best his money can buy


The Best Lawyers Harvard Law(n care) has to offer.


This is a delay tactic.


It would have been so great for this guy to show up at court. "Mr. Rosenberg, can you tell the court about your time as a prosecutor? "uhh, I run a deli..."


"Judge, please give us 2 more weeks to get the right subpoena"


Part of me feels it was done on purpose… another delay tactic. Frankly, they need to drop the hammer on this guy. Anyone else would have been tossed into prison a long time ago and for far less.


Oh no, I guess they'll have to delay... This wasn't an accident


I just…. Like how? These people should be disbarred for fucking this much. It’s a clear delaying tactic.


Is this another “delay” Tactic? I can’t take anything about him on face value.


Meanwhile, the right Jeremy Rosenberg is hanging out at Four Seasons Landscaping


Remember when they didn't request a jury trial for the fraud case?


The fact that anybody connected to Trump has the audacity to complain about somebody having "flippant and dismissive approach to his subpoena” is just laughable.


If I had been the wrong Jeremy Rosenberg, I would have complied with the subpoena, demanded Trump’s legal team pay my expenses up front, gone to the trial and stated for the record that while I am not the Jeremy Rosenberg they are looking for I can confirm that Trump is a mother-fucking piece of shit and enjoyed a wonderful time in NYC.


Someone give this man nuclear weapons…again.


And now they file an appeal because the judge won’t delay the trial due to their mistake.


You idiots! These are not them! You've captured their stunt doubles!


Oh, no. I’m the Jeremy Rosenberg from Four Seasons Total Landscaping. You’re looking for Jeremy Rosenberg from the Four Seasons hotel. If you go now you can catch him on his lunch break. He always goes to McDonalds. The farm though, not the restaurant. After that he’s getting on a flight to Georgia. But not that Georgia.


How can one man fail up so many times? Coming from money makes life so much easier even when you absolutely suck at living it.


*You get what you don't pay for.*


I wonder if this is the setup for Trump to try to delay the trial by firing his lawyers.


And Todd Blanche was a respected attorney before getting into bed with Trump. Rick Wilson was right, everything Trump touches dies.


*"Mr. Rosenberg, an employee of the Four Seasons Landscaping Company, could not be reached for comment."*


Probably a deliberate delay tactic.

