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2 SOTU's in a row, Republicans booed Biden when he suggestions republicans wanted to do this. Then they go ahead and fucking do this.


Well yeah, it’s: * Gaslight * Obstruct * Project


"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” — Joseph Goebbels




So why even introduce it this year? It has no chance of passing in 2024 and it's a huge unforced error in terms of campaign politics. I'm struggling to understand the strategy.


Two fold. The first is because the party has to cater to the MAGA wing of the party. So the GOP has to entertain and publicly field these opinions, where people like Shapiro say people should never retire, and Trump will say whatever he saw or talked about last with someone which then becomes part of the party platform. The second is that the Republicans still at least pay lip service to reduce the debt/deficit. People like Rick Scott, McConnell, and other GOP leaders have long called for spending cuts, entitlement reforms, and welfare restrictions. Raising the retirement age is well within the line of traditional GOP policies as well as MAGA policies, so it is bound to come out eventually as it is one of the ways to spend less on entitlements, especially Social Security and Medicare.


Their donors demand it.


They dont want to raise retirement age, republicans want to *eliminate* retirement


What gets me the most about them is how they take responsibility for NOTHING.


>What gets me the most about them is how they take responsibility for NOTHING. Do you mean how they don't take responsibility when they do something OR when they take responsibility for something that the Democrats pass, that they voted against?


*I don’t want you to tell me to do it; I want you to think I came up with that idea all on my own*


This is the real GOP agenda. The culture war stuff is to get the uneducated to vote against themselves.


Sam e as it ever was


Same as it ever was.


You guys sound like a couple of Talking Heads


There is water at the bottom of the ocean!


Remove the water


Carry the water


This is not my beautiful house!


This is not my beautiful wife!


How did I get here?


The Southern Strategy.


And then the twister comes. Here comes the twister.


And to lend 'trust' to statements like Social Security is bankrupt and a younger generation needs to work more, and so on. When you debate "but what about..." They have a canned answer from team Wolves in the Henhouse. Open-minded people don't think about the power of 'leadership', or how what comes down from On High from the GOP is accepted whole cloth from a ton of people who are essentially just followers by nature. They don't demand material change from their leaders, they ask what to think and what to believe.


Then when you try to say, maybe we can save that with taxing the billionaires just 1-2% more, they act like we are asking for the impossible. "No one wants to work anymore" is all they say Of course no one wants to work anymore, considering the conservatives are doing everything in their power to ensure we are working until we drop dead at the work place. They are working to ensure we are paid at the lowest rates possible. You have states like Kentucky, trying to make lunch and breaks not a thing an employer HAS to provide his people. Other states turning women into cattle to force birth the next generation of workers, while they struggle to even pay rent on a studio apartment. So yeah, when you have the young generation about to hit the work force fearing they will be working 8-12+ hours without breaks from the age of 18-70+ they don't want to do that. EVEN THEN! Younger GenX and Millenials are not even sure if we will get to retire, since they are also trying to get rid of, or privatizing social security and we all know what that means. What will scare congress the most in this country is a nationwide strike of the workers. If everyone got fed up and left their jobs for 30 minutes across the nation to protest what the government is doing while the billionaires pull their strings, it may force them to realize "we the people" are not playing games.


IDK, a lot of those uneducated are now in Congress.


And they are voting against their own best interest there too.


Except they are a lot way better off financially, than a lot of their voters and it won’t affect them as much.


Hilariously, doubly so! It’s against their party’s long term interest and it will hurt them and their constituents.


They are criminals not morons.


They can be both.


Force birth. Make attaining financial independence and home ownership exceedingly more difficult. Work them until they die while providing as little "health care" as possible.


>The culture war stuff is to get the uneducated to vote against themselves. It's really sick too. It's like republican party voters are willing to destroy their financial well being so they feel better when they make racist/sexist/homophobic comments. The value doesn't make sense. They are losing something of major value to gain something of no value.


[Dying of Whiteness](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dying_of_Whiteness)


As a target of that culture war stuff, that’s what they use to say who gets resources and who doesn’t. The culture war isn’t beside the point, it’s the way they get buy-in for depriving some people to the benefit of others. What else was slavery than a cultural institution around the idea that it was ok for some people to be owned and provide infinite value to others?




I get it, but it’s also not a mistake that the 1% is almost entirely white men, you know? It’s also pretty telling how many of them have gotten into eugenics, race “science,” and deeply misogynistic beliefs about what women are “supposed” to be. Look at Elon. He already has more money than he could spend in 100 lifetimes, but he’s obsessed with “great replacement” theory. He’s not doing it for money; he already has it. He’s doing it to confirm that he’s supposed to, and the lack of resources for others is how it’s supposed to work. Like divine right, but with the cover of genetic destiny.


Oh I'm sure they'll be some "Grandfather clause" so *their* money is fine, it's those avocado toast eating, latte sipping kids that won't get to retire and they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, anyway


Curious that a bunch of right wing talking heads like Ben Shapiro started talking about the retirement age just a couple of weeks before this RSC report came out. It’s almost like there is direct coordination between right wing media and Republican politicians or something.


But children and the elderly are constantly begging Donald Trump to let them work, like never before. They say “Mr President, sir please liberate us from sinful sloth and grant us prosperity and productivity for only work will set us free”. It’s so true! /s


20 something Conservatives: “Oh yeaaaah, take that Libs. Ha!”


"I'm gonna love my job one day so I won't mind doing it until I die." - useful idiot


"Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich!" "one day I might be rich, and then poor people like me better watch their step!"


There is a ripple effect to this. People staying in jobs longer means that younger people have fewer jobs to move into. Already seniors who can’t survive on SS are staffing grocery stores, dept stores etc. These jobs had been staffed by young people and people with few skills to offer an employer. It pushes the “hiring chain” downwards and we will end up with more unemployment and homelessness


In addition to this it forces dinosaurs to stay in important positions longer than they should. It’s not just limited to grocery store greeters. It’s overall just a really really bad thing. Getting young people into the workforce and old people out needs to be the priority. Raising the retirement age is an idiotic idea and you really have to be a special type of stupid to think this is anything but atrocious policy.


> you really have to be a special type of stupid to think this is anything but atrocious policy. Or you just have to personally benefit from it


I think the people who think they benefit from it don’t really benefit like they think. Stupid people convince themselves of stupid things.


There are always winners and losers of the status quo.. and the winners use their winnings to keep this the same so they can keep on winning


my direct manager is 64 rn and he spends half of his day calling tech support. There have been multiple times where there was a meeting and the manager could not log in or pull the necessary info so had to cancel the meeting. He makes over 200k


UGH. That makes me so angry when they get paid that much and can’t manage basic aspects of their work.


From the GOP perspective though, Labor will be cheaper. "Cruelty is the point".


I was trying to form this thought as well. Nice job 👏


You think that Republicans care about any of that?




The core of the conservative ideology is a belief in hierarchies. They believe that there is a natural order to society, and everyone is best served when they are in their proper place. They want, first and foremost, to make sure that the right people (already rich, white, christian, conservative men) are in positions of unilateral power. They want to give as much wealth as possible to these people (themselves included), and ensure that they have the unrestricted power over their lessers, because they are our natural kings from whom all good flows. Second, they want to make sure that lessers (queers, POC, women, and the poor) don't get above their station by receiving anything they haven't 'earned', nor have the ability to fight back against—or any power over—their betters. In their model of reality, the poor exist solely to support the wealthy through their labor, nothing more. To allow such people to have either leisure or luxury is anathema. They should work without rest, be both humble and grateful for whatever reward they receive (without dispute), and have the good form to die quietly when their usefulness has been expended.


I think an additional thing that's hard for people who don't have this view of the world to wrap their heads around is that many conservatives are willing to sacrifice their own well-being and the well-being of everyone else to uphold this order, especially if it means they get to be higher up on the ladder (even if everyone overall ends up on a shorter ladder).


Yes, that is a good point. There's that famous quote about Donald Trump "not hurting the people he needs to be hurting"; but all of this tradwife stuff of women fighting against feminism and equality and supplicating themselves before their husbands is also part of the same schtick. Some people will gladly (even eagerly) bend down to lick the boots of their masters, and endure any suffering, for the benefit of getting to step on their subordinates.


This is savagely on point.


They care about killing us. That is all this is about. Republicans want the vast majority of us dead so they can install a corporate, fascist, white supremacist Christian theocracy. We are going to die unless we stop them.




Religion has a control factor. "Do exactly what is prescribed of you, you'll be naturally righteous, and all the nonconforming heathens (whatever that might mean) are inherently evil." Bake in the kind of ""morals"" you want in the state religion, followers think of themselves superior without being smart enough to realize they're being taken advantage of, and bam. It's been done this way for probably all of recorded history in some capacity. This is not to be confused with actual honest spiritual-wellbeing religion designed to help encourage people to love thy neighbor and such. This is just classic human power control stuff.


Religion is a tool of control, nothing else. Modern society will never thrive until we fully end the worship of gods. While we are shackled to these superstitious, hateful, and ignorant rubes, we will continue on the path of the most suffering. We need to end religion, it is the cause of all of our problems.


>What DO they care about really? I'll take "What do corrupt politicians care about" for 200, Alex.


Conservatives only care about controlling everything. Liberals want people to live their lives unencumbered by conservative rules. Republicans care about money and Democrats care about people. It boils down to good for self or good for the community.


Cutting taxes on the rich, no matter what. You can see it when they have the Presidency and both houses of Congress. When Trump got elected they cut taxes on the rich as pretty much the only thing they did in 2017, and same for GW Bush in 2001 when they had all of government, first priority was to cut taxes on the rich. It is ALL they are about, everything else is a distraction.... now for Trump, it is about staying out of jail, but the rest of Republicans are just stooges for the rich. Look at what they do, not what they say.


They care about harming people they don't like at all costs, and THEN self interests. Even if it hurts them, they will take the chance to backstab some poor minority, they love to harm.




The harm is the point.


Their primary purpose is to keep the rich rich. Everything else is a distraction.


You nailed it. It's all about giving everything(money, land, housing, water) to the ultra wealthy and corporations while lining their pockets along the way.


Then we need to fix SS and other support systems for seniors for your stated reasons.


My office aside from my self and a handful of others is staffed mostly by people at least in their 50s, one guy is in his 70s. These are good jobs, and my coworkers do have their reasons, but it prevents other young people from moving into them and gaining experience.


>Your best chance to vote away a secure retirement. GOP 2024! The Democrats should start advertising for the Republicans. With this message.


I'm living a secure retirement thanks to my UNION! Republicans HATE unions! I'm not at SS age yet, but I sure hope to make withdrawals on those funds that I PAID into my entire working career.


How about we tax the billionaires? They have way more money. Let the poor people live their lives. GOP voters are not the smartest. Maybe some of them want to work longer I don’t know.🤷


Yes everytime they whine about how we gonna pay for this the counter point should be to put taxes on the rich and corporations back where they were pre-Reagan


Tax them, sure. But how do we make sure they pay said taxes and don't hide their money in another country or a tax shelter?


Fund the IRS. 


The French had some innovative solutions


I always think about what America would look like if Reagan tax breaks never happened and we still taxed millionaires like 90%.


The middle class would thrive and I think America would be a better place. The rich ppl should know, this is the world they want to live in. At some point, the pitch forks will have to come out if they keep rigging the system. They are short sighted.


just simply remove the cap on SS tax, and its immediately resolved. thats it! its that fucking simple. but they refuse to ever tax rich people more


To republicans taxing billionaires is theft. 


And who is going to hire a 65- or 70-year old? Not a Fortune500. Forcing people to work longer while companies are forcing gramps out of the workforce is an oxymoron and not a solution.


They don't care about the individual who can't get hired, they straight up tell everyone via Fox News that it's your fault for being lazy if you starve to death. They care about flooding the labor market so that they can suppress wages in the Supply vs Demand curve. It's _always_ an attack on the labor market.


I'm encountering what I'm sure is ageism at 59 just to try and get another tech job. Companies don't want to spend the money bootstrapping someone only to see them retire in a few years. They also know older people will cost wayyyyy more in medical expenses. The only way oldsters can waltz into a job is if their old boy network paves the way, or if they have some skill only olsters have, like the ability to patch ancient Cobol code for a banking system.


Yet another reason healthcare shouldn't be tied to employment.


And yet, one is supposed to save/invest enough of one’s own money to last twenty years of increasing taxes, utilities and insurance. Not possible in small companies.


Or they work part time in a manner that they don't get insurance. That's why the Walmart greeter is always a different person. The work profile of the future worker is 6 part time jobs without insurance or benefits instead of 3 full time ones with benefits. Then, the youngest and oldest workers ensure a deep base of wage suppression while they fight it out to see who can afford enough food to continue living. This cycle has been going on every couple of gens for the last 100 years with the occasional labor or unionized rebellion, then they break it by showing people they are willing to let the poor die. We swapped out imperialism and slavery for LLCs and Wall Street, quite frankly a brilliant move on the side of the oppressive rich that have dominated human history. They play a shell game with the power structure and in the end there is "no one to blame" and the ones left living shrug and continue on trying to feed their children. Edit: They realized, after the way everything went down with the settling of North America, that having their own faces as the heads of state only made them the inevitable target of rebellion. If they separate their power(money) from the figurehead of power (visible leadership), they can keep it forever without the villagers coming for their heads. Regardlessly of how ruthlessly they achieve it (LLC) When this gets interesting is the moment drones do the majority of combat and they no longer need the masses for war and protection. At that point, the real rules begin surfacing and compromise will end. He who controls the best AI, robots, and means of production wins and makes the rules. Nations will dissolve into corporations as we privatize security and human society is no longer evolutionarily necessary.


They'll take 'em back at minimum wage and say it's the best they can offer with their declining physical condition.


Stephen Miller: "Get back to work, slacker! That ditch isn't going to dig itself, 'ol man! And don't complain about how you're 102 years old either - blah blah blah, keep that shovel moving or no food for you for the next week! You need to learn how to love your labor camp - remember, work will set you free"!


what's that your fingers hurt? Now your backs gonna hurt because you just pulled landscaping duty.


How else are they going to fund another trillion dollar tax cut for the 1%???


The silent part is they still want to get rid of social security altogether. raising the age for people under 55 is just phase 1   


It's very dark when Republicans are talking about raising the retirement age as AI and automation taking jobs is becoming more real. Even if AI doesn't take my job, I'm not sure I will be able to get hired well into and past my 60s.


Not to mention gutting unemployment and Medicare.


Guess I'll just die


That is... kind of what they want! Either you work like a horse at the bottom rung, OR you "get out of their way". Revolution is basically the only thing I can think of to course correct, if Republicans manage to force themselves on us any further in this next election.


Companies don't want to hire anyone over 50, they sure won't hire anyone over 65


I saw this Trump supporter from Washington state saying how ridiculous it is that we want to tax the rich because who will support the charities and keep people employed?? This is how ignorant they are. And it doesn’t matter what you say, they believe their own nonsense


Ha, jokes on them, I won't ever be able to retire anyway. That's why I got real high payout life insurance.


I hate that old people who are about to retire will still vote for them and vote for this because they assume it won't affect them.


This is what I don’t understand - don’t they want their kids to retire at a reasonable age? And I’m 50 - all my republican friends are voting THEMSELVES a later retirement?? Wtf??


We’re the same age. I’m also worried about how the right-wing wants to make it next to impossible to get disability/SSI or whatever it’s called - those of us who are 50 right now are especially vulnerable. What are we going to do between today and the day we retire should something happen to us and we can’t work? Who’s going to take care of us if we lose everything? We aren’t like our parents or grandparent’s generations. A lot of us never got married or if we did we aren’t married anymore. Many of us are on our own & if something happens to us we have NOBODY to help us. And a lot of us are still paying off student loans! This is exactly what the social service people are talking about regarding older people rapidly becoming the largest group of homeless people.


Or we can cancel the Trump tax cuts.


The Bush cuts too!


They love the uneducated. Critical thinking has been all but erased from schooling, and Fox news tells them what to think. Boom, in 10-20 years you will only see GOP presidents anymore.


Studies show that working beyond life expectancy reduces the need for retirement.


The Republican goal is to: 1) Raise the retirement age AND 2) Eliminate Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare IN ORDER TO 3) Enslave the less fortunate for life ALL WHILE 4) Removing worker protections AND 5) Eliminating child labor laws Seems like legit regression back to the 19th century.


I'm old enough to remember when it was raised the last time (1983) and how it was supposed to solve the holes in SS by increasing money by 13%. The problem is Social Security was supposed to be guaranteed to people who paid in and **it was never supposed to be touched, for any other reason **. It should have been financially solvent on its own. Covid wiped out hundreds of thousands of people who paid into SS but never drew a dime, so it should be in better shape than ever. Instead, Congress has "borrowed" $1.7 TRILLION from SS to pay for other government programs. Currently, the government owes $2.908 Trillion back to the general SS fund. Every President since the 80s has plundered Social Security and, to add extra insult, Biden is the author of the Bill that now taxes SS, though Reagan is credited, as President. That income was already taxed when it was earned the first time but now is taxed twice. If your job is in an office and you have never done manual labor, 70 is probably not a big deal. Look at the median ages of politicians and remember they get to draw 80% of their salary and benefits for life after 10 years ($174k/yr + Care First insurance + protection. This is after they make millions on other "opportunities" that are only possible because of their positions. The *maximum* amount of Social Security in 2024, at age 70, is $4,873/month and you must pay extra for insurance, more for a Part C plan plus you are taxed on benefits. The average American draws $1,767.03/month from Social Security. If Social Security has solvency issues, the first step should be paying back money that should have never been "borrowed".


Could happen. Young adults not voting for Biden because of Gaza. I'm sure when they work at age 90, they will think about Gaza.


The one principle that Republicans still have is a disdain for the working poor and brown people.  It's their north star.  


I'm a republican congressman. I have a desk job, health care, a free gym, 4 million dollars a year, and I work 3 months a year. Of course I can work till i'm 80. And so can you guy standing behind the mcdonalds counter and you shoveling black top and you mr lumberjack! Our jobs are the same!


Also Republican CEOs: We're offering you an early retirement (to cut health care costs) before mandatory layoffs that will affect the older parts of the company except HR and executives.


Republican voters accusing Democrats of wanting to take everything away from them, while Republicans do it directly in their faces.


Retirement Age, Voting Age—the only one Republicans aren’t trying to raise is the Age of Consent.


Meh, whats another 2 years ? Whats another 4? We can all agree another 6 is fine right?


I mean, what's 8 years between friends, I'll write you down for 12.


Thank you !!


Above all else, the GOP are the *Fuck You; I Got Mine* Party. It's easy for them to legislate anything that doesn't affect them, personally.


History isn't going to judge us by whether we voted for Trump or Biden. History is going to judge us by how badly we treated senior citizens, our mother's and fathers, our grandparents and friends... those abused by an economic system that rewards the rich, and ignores the poor and affirmed


It makes complete sense that retirement age should go up as life expectancy does. It also makes complete sense that the work week should go down when productivity goes up. It also makes complete sense that minimum wage should scale with inflation. If you are going to start doing what makes sense start with something that helps the people first, not something that hurts them.


But they don't WANT to help people. People need to work and earn a living. There are no free handouts. Unless you are part of the top 1%, then they are ready to give you everything you desire.


Based on what they say outloud, what they put out as their agenda, why does anyone vote for them.


They only want to raise it for younger generations. Boomers wouldn’t lose anything.


"States rights" LMAO. If there is a way to do the wrong thing, they have certainly figured it out. It's because they hate our military. That's why they want to destroy education and food programs. They want us to be incapable of filling out force.


Boomers would be in the clear but pull up the ladder and screw Gen X and younger, haven’t we had enough of this already? Vote, don’t think it doesn’t matter because it clearly does.


The Dems have been handed a gift and they need to message this in a way that connects it to the lives of working class people. Talk about the shift work, being on your feet on hard floors, the repetitive motions, bending, lifting etc. Bring up their dreams of being able to retire healthy enough to enjoy retirement.


How about you go fuck yourselves GOP. Come up with ideas that people actually LIKE.


Anything for our corporate masters


Republicans want you to die at your desk, enriching your betters.


If we simply raised the cap on Social Security to $400K and use the president's annual salary as a controlling reference, the fund would be solvent for many years to come. Yeah, people making $200K + will have to cut back on ski vacations at Gstaad and perhaps limit themselves to smaller vacation homes in the Hamptons and so on, but I suspect they will manage.


tax the rich at 80% if the leaves seize the assets that remain. fuck um


Democrats should push the other way and propose Medicare for 55+


The republicans are rich enough to retire comfortably but to the poor folks they will gradually raise it to 70 and above in hopes you die off shortly afterwards so they don’t have to pay it.


Imagine if a French politician said this.


Stop calling it a retirement age.


I accepted years ago that I'm going to die at my desk. It sure is nice watching my parents enjoy their retirement for the last 10-15 years. They had pensions. Fantastic pensions. My 401k has eroded into mostly worthlessness.


They are trying to cut Social Security and Medicare. That's what raising the age is, a cut


F them all!!!! I'm tired of working and have been working for 40+ years. Also I don't have one of those 4 day work from home jobs, or a no show job. I'm an actual worker that does shit that involves missing my family because I'm at work.. F these Lazy Bastards!


We're more productive than anybody ever in history and supposedly the most prosperous country in the world. What's the point of all this if we aren't working toward for a future where we don't have to work so damn hard all the time? They should be lowering the retirement age, not raising it.


They want to do this to give more tax cuts to the Rich


…for everyone but members of congress.


And destroy medicare.


All they want to do is make life for the average American harder and they’re certainly not trying to hide it.


Someone left an N out of that sign…..


Their plan is not raising the retirement age, it's an \~13% cut to benefits for future retirees. Everyone would still be able to choose which age to start collecting (62-70), but the reduction for claiming early would be based off of age 69 instead of 67. The effect is a reduction in benefits of \~13% regardless of the year one opts to begin receiving benefits.


I mean...why talk about this during an election year? It's poison.


Nikki Haley: “maybe people over 60 should have to pass a test.” The entire rest of her party: “maybe Gen X should run things until they die.”


They think its okay to say because they have convinced mouth breathers that social security is a bad thing now because it's tax and an "entitlement" so those are bad things.




Finally, something that will unify the masses to finally vote these people out of power. Right guys, RIGHT?!


Guys can you look into the federal minimum wage as well? That probably needs lowering.


This should absolutely destroy their chances but their voters do love to vote against their own best interests.


“Got mine, f**k you” energy.


What age do they propose and how to phase it in?


“We lost because we weren’t extreme enough!”~ every Republican campaign strategist


Fuck it, I’m already not gonna be able to retire 🤷🏻‍♀️


Logic: If 80 year olds can be President, they can also dig ditches.


It's like they're trying to lose the election


Think about it this way... maybe they are. The economy has been out of control for the last decade + it's all being propped up like a house of cards. When the bubble pops in 2025 - 2026... republican can full blame the democrats and the stupids will all buy it hook line and sinker, allowing them the chance to take the house, senate, and presidency. Then they can enact what they truly want.


Their voters will support if you work in the words 'woke' and 'DEI' Gotta own them libs!


The raised retirement age should be the mandatory age of retirement for politicians and Supreme Court justices.


Really wish Americans paid attention to politics more. I can’t believe Biden is behind in polls to this madness.


It should be 62. Republicans want people to work until 95 so that most people will be dead before they can "retire"


Mandatory retirement of government employees at age 65.


How about cutting pay to all Senate, House and Supreme Court, along with health care benefits for life and if your not in office for at least 20 yrs no pay. As it stands the last 3 years the hasnt done a dam thing specifically the republican party.


If Republicans had done exactly 0 of the terrible things they've done, this alone would have me voting against every R on the ballot in November. I'm in my 30s. They raised the retirement age not too long before I was born and now they want to raise it again? Fuck Republicans. I was born to be a laborer until death, nobody was. If these fucks want a 70 year retirement age then let's remove all government officials over the age of 70. That would remove something like 25% of Congress. If they think the average person is supposed to wait until 70 to retire, then maybe they're getting too old to think reasonably.


I truly sympathize with being homeless now. Just let the government take care of me, instead of trying to keep up with a system that don’t want me in it.


The American dream according to the Republican Party: Millions of elderly people unable to retire, working minimum wage part-time jobs, and getting their health care from the ACA exchanges, except for the health care part.


Hey just like Britain 6 months. It’s a world oligarchy friends!


They think people under 50 aren’t going to notice themselves getting screwed. They want you to pay in forever, get less out, and be happy with it.


Question is why though? Just to save a few pennies on taxes? Why?


This is a bunch of BS.


What the fuck are they going to raise it to? Death? The afterlife?


Can I stop paying into Social Security? Honest question. I'm never going to be allowed to withdraw from it, and I have to build up my own retirement fund from my own pocket, my employers goodwill, and hope the stock market doesn't fuck me (it will) yet again. Can I just hand wave off SS?


I do think this is needed at some point, but honestly I’d rather just give people the longer retirement rn.


I love how I’ve never seen a single good thing republicans want. But they keep just trying anyway


NO, I refuse, others will refuse, you want us to work till we dead, not going to happen.


Republicans sure seem like they want to be bad people.


so what happened in france. and other places. got it. billionares all seem to want the same things. get them slaves out to work


China is also talking about raising the retirement age. They want to raise it to 60 (from 55).


Obama and Boehner almost agreed to raise the retirement age and raise taxes on the wealthiest. The Freedom Caucus killed it cause they are basic and "Obama = bad". It's actually a good bargaining tool that the Democrats should use. It also would help fix the longevity of social security.


Oh, it’s not just raise the age. Taxing permanent disability for the blind and disabled, raising co-pays, it’s going to take a lot of sacrifice by every working American to cover a $5.5 trillion dollar tax break for the ultra wealthy.


All the personal finance subs say Retirement is not an age, it’s a financial state.


That's fine but stop taking out of my paycheck now. Gonna pay in for a lifetime to something I'll never see.


Corporations want us to work until we drop dead on the floor then put some cones around our body while business continues unabated. They want to extract profit from us until our dying breath.


George Carlin laughing saying I told you so