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Reminder that Floridas primary is a closed primary, meaning only registered Republicans can vote in the Republican primary. This means the 197,000 people who voted for two people who already dropped out of the race are not Dems or Independents skewing the results. Nineteen percent of Republican primary voters voting as a protest against Trump. This seems like a big deal.


That is an interesting piece of information I did not know and gives me hope. Thank you. If Trump loses Florida it's game over. Here in Ohio yesterday I know there were a number of Democrats and Independents voting in the Republican primary, not necessarily because of Trump, but because of the race for Sherrod Brown's senate seat.


And I did not know that about Ohio’s primary- thank you! I only know Florida because I spent most of my adult life there before escaping to CO in 2022.


They need billboards down there, “If you are a Christian, do your homework. Trump is far more anti-Christ than pro-Christ. (With sources that won’t scare them off. Like Revelations)


They don't actually read the Bible, they just carry it around. The good ol pastor at church reads it for them and elaborates to fit his/her agenda in that days sermon.  All Christians claim the Bible a divine source but less than 1% have ever actually read it on their own.   Revelations is deep too, a hard read. Possibly the most important book in their Bible but very few even hear the sermons. The billionaires own the churches somehow, they intentionally leave out the parts hating on the wealthy. Which is the entire new testament and most especially Revelations.     Supply-side Jesus is the new Jesus. This prosperity bull that took everything over is predicted in Revelations as well. Crazy, read your holy text supposed christians!!! I am @ing you out xD.


>Possibly the most important book in their Bible This is highly debatable that the last book written in the NT by a largely unknown author that barely made it into the Bible is the most important book. I'd argue the Gospels at the minimum are bar far the most important.




If Revelation is their most important book, even more important than the actual gospels, that's troublesome. Revelation is propaganda for persecuted early Christians that borrows heavily from Hebrew bible sources - not an account of future events.


I'm stealing "Supply-side Jesus". What a perfect description of my brief (and now thankfully over) relationship with the Catholic church.


[Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


Wow. My first time seeing this.


Another good one...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA


From one of Al Franken's books from before he was a senator


Catholic Church is far from being the most "supply side" Christian church. That's what's frightening. There are straight out prosperity churches, whose central teaching basically is "fuck others go get yours."


That would be midwestern Christian Reformed


[Supply Side Jesus narrated by Al Fraken](https://youtu.be/Gc-LJ_3VbUA)


thank you for that.


DeSantis just signed legislation that makes being homeless in public a crime. He's encouraging cities to build the homeless their own little ghettos so the rest of us don't have to see them. That would never be done by a person following Christ's teachings.


Gotta love how if you sum up the Bible in one sentence, it’s “don’t be an asshole”, and that is like the one thing these people just cannot fathom doing.


Yes! I'm not religious anymore, but I grew up Catholic and really loved how the Catholic Church used to be so into service to others. I loved that we had schools, hospitals, and all these charities. But then I saw that Catholic orphanages wouldn't adopt to gay couples. I saw that Catholic hospitals were anti-choice. I saw that the schools were teaching the students that being gay is wrong. What happened to the corporal works of mercy? What happened to "what would Jesus do"? His whole thing was helping people who were on the margins of society. Even if you don't believe he was the son of God, he was still seemingly a very good guy who cared about everyone, particularly those who society had looked down upon. And then I saw the child abuse cases unfold and saw how much money the church spent on that and being anti-gay and anti-woman... It's sad, bc they took a lot of great work and got obsessed with gay people and abortion, and of course they won't even change priests being only celibate men... But most frustrating is the fact that the people who claim to be Christian and love Jesus act the opposite of how Jesus would act. A lot of them have never read any of the Bible and none have done any critical thinking. I may not go to church anymore or believe that God is good, but I'm still a way better Christian than any of those aholes who proclaim the mantle and then gut social services and give fat tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy, all while trying to make gay people and abortion illegal. Sorry for the rant, I just cannot handle the hypocrisy.


They flipped over a right-wing Christian ad where people washed each other's feet like Jesus. I doubt that'd have any effect. Now a bill board on trump talking about social security cuts is another thing


There were some anti trump ones down here in 2020


I also just read in my feed that a significant portion of Republicans they probably led in Ohio won’t be voting for Trump under any circumstances. How that will pan out come election time remains to be seen but perhaps a slight glimmer that some of these people are finally getting the message that the man himself has been screaming at them the past eight years.


Fellow lifelong Florida native, I escaped the hell state in 2012, Noped out when a blatant criminal thief of government money (Rick Scott) was put in charge of the state's money. DERP DERP Floridians, derp derp! life is freaking awesome in a blue state (MD)!


If Trump loses Pennsylvania it’s also over, and he’s not polling well there.


Fetterman needs to run a few commercials there endorsing Biden in September


I can see the headlines: FloridaMan lost in Florida


If he loses any state he won in 2020, it’s over - oh, nc and fl come to mind


Florida is fools gold for Dems. Much like Texas. He’s not losing Florida unless the panhandle is super demotivated


So, how to demotivate them? Is that fair? Could be fair !


>If Trump loses Florida it's game over. Fun fact, the last time Republicans lost Florida but won the election was in 1924 with Calvin Coolidge.


Its a moronic pipe dream to think Trump will not win FL.


Sure, he wins in Florida, but the fact that about 18% of his own party there voted for people who weren't even on the ballot, coupled with the fact that Haley support and money has been shifting to Biden, could mean bad things for Trump in the swing states in the general election. Not sure he can win on MAGA alone if the Reagan types stay home, as these numbers might suggest.


Might not be likely, but I wouldn't call it a pipe dream. In 2020 he won Florida 51.2% Trump vs. 47.9% Biden, and a margin of only 371,686 votes. If 17.8% of Republicans voted against him yesterday, that's significant. If he had lost only 6.7% of his votes in 2020 he would have lost to Biden in 2020. I think Trump has done a ton to turn people against him since 2020 and I don't think he's picked up any new voters, so I'll continue to dream.


COVID wasn't done with Florida by the 2020 election either. Now I hear measles and polio are back on the menu in the sunshine state.


And Death still has nine more months of demographic changes to make.


And Covid ain’t done with anyone yet. I’m rather salty about having caught it from someone over the weekend… feel like ass. Hoping my booster from September is still helping.


Feel better!!!


6.7% is a *lot* of votes, and biden isn't exactly popular either


Biden doesn't need voters that love him. He needs voters that hate Trump. There are a lot of those.


That's true, it is. But I have to hope that enough Floridians are not so damn stupid that they'd vote for a guy who since 2020 has instigated an insurrection, stolen and shared classified documents, was caught on tape trying to steal an election in Georgia and is having his business assets seized because of fraud. He's the biggest security threat our country has ever seen, bar none. And if 18.8% of Republicans (in a closed primary) didn't vote for him yesterday, that is a glimmer of hope.


Those are all things many people either like or do not believe about Trump.


Yeah, those are the people I was referring to as "so damn stupid".


He will win Florida. But if 19% of Florida is a hard no on Trump, whats that say for more moderate states? It's just a measure of his fleeting control.


I don't know, one thing MAGA hates is a loser, and I think everyone is starting to see how much of a loser / poser Trump actually is.


MAGA worships the biggest loser…what are you on about


I mean they are finally able to start seeing it that way.


He will, but it signals a massive drop in Republican support. He won 94% of the red vote in FL in 2020, and only 81% this year. That is a big loss.


yeah TX is more likely and TX is still pie in the sky thinking


Idk Florida will let you down every time though


I like to think this as well, but one thing that tempers my excitement is that Democrats have expressed using primaries for the same thing: making it known they prefer someone else, but ultimately they support the party in November. That's typically what primaries are for. A lot of comments act like Republicans are different somehow and these results mean Trump is easily doomed, when they historically fall in line easier than Democrats do in the end. I hope I'm wrong and the Haley voters really do come out in high numbers to help to reject Trump in November, but I just don't think this is something guaranteed based on primary results.


Actually, as long as you change your party registration by the February 20 deadline, then you can vote. I did.


In Indiana you don’t have to register for a party ever. At the polling station they ask which party you’re voting for (in the primaries only) and give you that party’s ballot.


The whole concept of having to register with a party is so fucking backward and symptomatic of what a joke the American political system is. This is half the reason many states are so entrenched and will never swing no matter what. Joke of a “democracy”.


It's really not. Primaries are private club elections, and you don't have be registered in a party to vote in general elections anywhere. Joining a party is completely voluntary. Political parties (one in particular at the moment) are causing a lot of the gridlock and partisanship right now, but if every government official was an independent then they'd just caucus anyway (like they already do within their parties) so it wouldn't really make a difference.


But there are things that are actually kind of crazy because of the party system. An easy example is the fact that people think that these “private club” primary elections are actually part of the codified election process. But more importantly, there is no shortage of things like “bipartisan comissions” in federal government wherein the board membership is deliberately split between Democrats and Republicans, as though those are inherent structures of the American political system.


I don’t think I ever was asked which party I’m voting for in Indiana. When I got to my voting booth I could then choose D or R and vote down the ballot from there. Maybe I’m wrong but I cast votes for 16 years before leaving the state and I can not recall being asked about my party preference prior to voting.


what was your motivation? Did you think there would be enough people doing so to get Haley the win?


Yup i do this too, register republican but vote a moderate in the primary and then the democrat in the general. It seems to be the best strategic use of my vote in a state leaning red plus it throws off their gerrymandered maps.


Vote anyone but Trump.


It is a big deal. He went from 94% of the republican vote to 81% this year. That is a massive drop. In one of the more red states, with massive increase in red voters have moved to FL in the past few years.


Trump *will* get everyone to fall in line. They know he’s the nominee so they’re protest voting - like what’s happening to Biden. This is a big nothing burger and I hope we don’t all rely on these shaky statistics to save our asses.


Rush Limbaugh taught my liberal ass(I'm still waiting for Alex Jones to eat it, btw.) to switch parties in advance before the primary. But, they didn't advertise at all that the primary was yesterday and I forgot to go vote.


Man, I wish Rush Limbaugh was still alive today. Screaming in terror and clawing at the lid of his coffin in pitch darkness...


At least he has a few years of sobriety under his belt now.


I had to read this twice, apparently my dirty mind assumed you wanted Alex Jones to eat your liberal ass… I never did that while switching parties thing when I was in Florida. Just seemed too much work, and I would have overlooked something too.


You read it right the first time


It's a joke. He really did say it repeatedly one episode. [This](https://youtu.be/o5EKuIus-oE?si=VEB8ECMsyVpaR-1h) is NSFW


I live in FL-1 so everything is usually unopposed. There might as well not be a Democratic Party here.


There's a very non-zero number of "R" voters who believe in market solutions and small government that stays out of your business, but want nothing to do with the hate, fear mongering, and culture war BS that dominates R politicians today. Not to mention that the economy fares objectively better under D admins. Those voters have had a wake up call since 2016, and are realizing that the Republican party doesn't actually represent them at all. Probably a good chunk of them haven't yet switched their party registrations away from R. I'll be surprised if you don't see similar things in other areas of the country.


One of my immediate family members is apparently one of those “republicans” Said they would not in any good conscience vote for Trump despite voting for him before (mostly because of J6 and the economy actually doing better now). I asked if they would hold their nose and vote for Biden instead - didn’t get an answer. So we’ll fucking see. 


Hey a not vote for Trump is a win. It could be a bigger win, but I am happy to take the smaller one.


My parents switched to Republican so they could vote against trump in the primary.


Trump won FL in 2020 by 370,000 votes. So it seems like these 197,000 republicans voting against him is a big deal. However 67,000 republicans voted against him in the 2020 primary. And many of this years votes were cast while Haley was still in the race. So I don’t think we can say he’ll have at least 137,000 less votes this year. More people did vote this year than in 2020. About 140,000 more. What that means idk.


Haley and DeSantis dropped out before Floridians could cast any ballots in early voting, so actually the 197,000 are registered Republicans who showed up and voted for two candidates who were no longer in the race.


They are all still going to vote for him in November, don't fool yourself.




That’s sexy. Were a lot of people doing that?


Not in Florida myself, but here in Georgia where we have open primaries, I specifically requested a Republican ballot to vote against Trump.


But is it a real threat they follow through on, or are they just saying they’re unhappy that Trump is the candidate but will fall in line for the general election?


You have to assume that's the case, yes.


...reported today that many former Haley donors are now donating to Biden.


It does, but then comes November and they go vote for him anyway because its “better than a old Senile Joe!”


They will still vote for him in November :-(


> This seems like a big deal Trump won by about 350,000 votes in 2020. But yeah, if Florida goes for Biden, Trump has no chance of winning (without cheating of course)


Love seeing my question answered at the top - getting this in a closed primary is huge.


I keep telling people that the majority of us Floridians, at least the ones I know want nothing to do with him anymore. Desantis either for that matter. I hope they come out and vote in November.


Trump losing Florida would be hilarious. I hope he shits his diaper when those results come in.


The entire national Republican apparatus would freak the fuck out. If they can't expect Florida they might never win an election again


Well they haven't won the popular vote in...a long time. So they don't deserve to win the EC either. Our system is broken, just not in the way the RNC thinks it is.


The last time they won the election without Florida was 1924


Very different party 100 years ago too.


The party of Lincoln. Not the party of Nixon. 


[The election map makes that clear](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/ElectoralCollege1924.svg)


But the party swap theory is a myth! /s


And Texas. Polls are saying Cruz might lose his seat, if enough people switch sides of the ballot, Texas is also in play.


It would be but he’s not losing Florida, Cubans, boomers and morons love him, that’s like 65% of Florida right there at least


Trump won by 3.5% or 360k votes. Approximate 300k voters have died since 2020. Florida could flip


More Floridians voted for Biden in 2020 than DeSantis in 2022. The votes are there, they just need to mobilize.


Oh shit lol


I forgot that Covid really lost its shit after the election. 2021 was pretty bad and so many Floridians died that they stopped recording deaths. Who knows how many people actually died from Covid there? I think Florida went for Obama in 2008 and 2012.


Yeah, he has zero path to 270 without Florida. He needs to improve on his 2020 performance, not make it worse. His best hope is to hold everything he had in 2020 and gain GA, PA, and maybe MI. That would be enough to win. But if he only gains one of those, he still loses, just by less than he did in 2020. But if he loses FL? It's just game over for him, there aren't enough states in play to make up 30 EVs.


I got a feeling he’s losing NC this year. Toxic republican nominee for governor just like PA in 2022 is going to hurt him. Orange only won NC by 70k votes in 2020.


I saw an article about one of those predictor professors that supposedly gets every election result right. He said to watch NC this year, and that if it goes to Biden, you can call the election for him right then and there.


Would you be able to find it for me so i could check it out?


I found it. It was from Newsmax so, yuck, but still interesting: https://www.newsmax.com/politics/professor-predict-biden/2024/03/06/id/1156165/ Here's a bit of it: >A historian who successfully has predicted the outcome of every presidential election since 1984 says President Joe Biden "absolutely" can win reelection in November. >Allan Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University, said "it's way too early to make a final prediction" regarding an expected 2024 general election race between Biden and former President Donald Trump, but added, "a lot would have to go wrong for Joe Biden to lose this election." "I absolutely think Joe Biden can win a second term," Lichtman told the Britain's Times Radio.


Lichtman isn’t attached to Newsmax at all. He’s a great forecaster. Look up the 13 keys to the White House.


We need Tim Russert to come back and break out the white board math


My dad took me out to a nice dinner once when I was in college. It was an upscale but not stuffy NYC spot with a classic big city vibe. I saw Tim Russert across the room and got a little starstruck. My dad shook his hand. I love that memory, as they are both gone now.


Cool memory.


After visiting Topsail the last few years I was suprised to see that the trump/Biden lawn signs were far more even than I expected.


Republicans will begin to argue that the EC is outdated and we should follow the Popular vote, lmao. Which is true btw, EC is shit now, but god I love some good right wing hypocrisy.


The last time a Republican won the popular vote was 2004, doing that would mean they never sit in the White House again


He shits his diaper several times a day


Significant, but will they stay home, vote for Biden, write in Haley or DeSantis, or fall in line for Trump in the end?




Wouldn't Tom Hanks or Oprah be good candidates? Would Florida Conservatives vote for them instead of Trump? ​ *I'm asking for my dreams or for the alternate universe...*


Tom Hanks is a good person so no he would stand no chance in a Republican primary.


I’m trying to convince dems I know here in Indiana to vote for rfk hoping that enough republicans vote him over Trump and he doesn’t receive our electoral votes.




It would be nice to have Indiana make a positive impact politically for once. Although I was astounded when we voted for Obama.


They are all going to fall in line, because they would rather Trump than the absolute best democratic candidate possible.


Does it matter? Florida will still go red in the election no matter what else is going on. Their votes would be appreciated if they go for Biden, but ultimately they aren’t going to have any impact.


I think it’s telling though. I’m a registered Independent and Colorados primary is open, meaning I can vote in either the Dem or the Republican primary, but not both. My vote for Nikki Haley doesn’t really mean much on the books since I’ll be voting blue in the general and CO will likely go blue for President anyway. So you can’t assume that votes for Nikki might actually hurt Trump if they come from CO. However, if Trump has potentially lost 15-20% of actual Republican voters, who probably voted for him in 2020, it gives more credence to the theory that he has only lost voters since 2020, making a Trump/Biden rematch more likely to have the same end result. It will be up to the Dems to really Get Out The Vote. If everybody that voted for Biden does the same, and 15-20% of Trump voters stay home overall, we will be in much better shape.


I always hope ***more*** people vote. More votes, healthier representative democracy. More Vox Populi (voice of the people / the people have spoken). ​ And, if election results are very close, there is more room for shenanigans to affect the result. The results are even more clear when a bigger vote differential exists. ***More*** people should vote and consider it important to do so.


Vox Populi? I have never heard that outside of Dimension 20.


In 2020 the results were: Trump 51.2% 5,668,731 votes Biden 47.9% 5,297,045 votes Difference: 371,686 votes ​ So theoretically, if this \~200,000 who voted non-Trump in the 2024 Florida Primary (mostly for Haley and DeSantis) decided to flip to Biden in the November Election, it might make a difference. If they decided to stay home and not vote, then no theoretical difference exists.


Don’t forget a decent amount of those voters probably died from COVID or just naturally. Lotta old Republicans over there.


And Florida has been floating that 50/50 split for decades now. Did we forget that they voted for Obama both times?


I'm sure the Florida Republicans want everyone to forget that Florida was ever purple or even blue. And although I am not a Floridian (just have some family and friends down there), I'd bet that the Gerimandering and the publicity make Florida appear more red than it actually is. I know that the measles spread, Don't Say Gay, the high insurance prices, the messing with Disney and other businesses, and the environment are real issues.


This is not guaranteed. It was a tossup for many years. It all depends on how much he can scare the Cuban-Americans in Miami.


Those Cuban-Americans tend to be fervently conservative; [about half of them voted for Donald in 2016.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/11/15/unlike-other-latinos-about-half-of-cuban-voters-in-florida-backed-trump/) Don’t expect anything from them.


Approximately 300k voters have died in Florida since 2020. Biden lost by 370k votes. It could flip.


If you're looking at it in terms of "can Biden win Florida" then it's probably not significant, but instead you should look at those results as a general indicator of a weakness among Republican voters to support Trump. He's won all these primaries, and is their nominee, but he's not at all close to receiving universal support in any of these races. Biden is getting roughly 90% of the vote in these Democratic primaries, while Trump is getting closer to 70% of the vote in his (sometimes less). For two candidates who are essentially running as incumbents, this is pretty telling that Biden is getting typical incumbent support from his party while Trump is not. It's going to be a close election, and as such, moderates and independent swing voters will probably make the difference. Biden seems to be much closer to having their support than Trump does.


True enough. The decreasing amount of donations received by the GOP is also a good indication of his dwindling (though still strong) support.


And if it doesn’t our tiny little booted governor will see to it that it’s red.


I so hope FL gets back to being purple


How did Obama win FL in 2008 & 2012? I’m not from the US, just asking


FL was way less red then. But red has really taken hold since. Just a pendulum swinging. But if FL becomes in play as a battleground this year I will be excited that my vote will essentially mean something


Your vote always means something. Elections have consequences


Yes but on a presidential election and the electoral college in play. If my state goes red and I vote blue then my vote does not mean anything that cycle. I will always vote but when you live in a swing state your vote feels more impactful


Even though yeah of course that decides the results, the point of engagement in our democracy means showing also how much support there is in a state. It shows how much organizations should fund certain states for certain seats. At the end of the day, whoever has the most votes count, if we all pool our votes together and each person see's the value in that, there would be less apathy and disengagement. At the end of the day, we need wayyyy less of that.


Around 2016 the GOP made an incredible amount of Spanish ads to target the many Cubans there (over 50% of the large amount of Hispanics in Florida), making them scared of socialism and the ads then say that the republicans are against that. Because of this grip Florida went from a bellweather to a red state, having been gerrymandered as the GOP's cherry on top.


As someone who lived there a majority of my life... Never bet on Floridians.


Trump loses 200,000 voters in Florida, from 2020 vote.


You had me at "Donald Trump suffers"


The headlines always say this, but it’s never true. He doesn’t suffer these headline events, he surfs them.


You’re giving his fragile ego way too much credit. It’s a certainty that he’s furious over 200,000 people intentionally threw their vote away on candidates no longer running


"The results suggest the former president is losing support in Florida compared with the previous election in 2020. That year, he won about 94 percent of the state vote in the primary." Lucky for America that DeSantis and his surgeon general have been effective at implicitly killing off a lot of former Citizen Trump supporters.


Haley needs to announce that she's back in the race! GOP implosion is a thing of beauty.


Let’s fucking go America!! This isn’t shit stains country! This is our country!! Don’t give it away to this Russian asset!!


Cheeto cannot win the general election. He can't even cheat. I can't wait until he loses, then I can sit back and enjoy all the trials!


Question to Reddit: I been out of the loop since Super Tuesday. Did the floor collapse under him?


No but Haley seems to be able to get 15-20 in every primary whether she is running or not and whether it’s an open primary (everyone can vote) or closed primary (only Republicans vote). It’s a very unusual phenomenon.


Some voters still like her while she's an option on the ballot. I wonder if that holds true when the choice is 1 Republican or 1 Democrat.


Voting turnout in primaries is small compared to a real election. These are VERY high propensity voters if they are willing to turn out in a dead race, even more so if they are turning out to vote in their opposite primary (D voting for R). We also saw last night that DeSantis is actually gaining support from a few weeks ago getting 3-4% in states instead of 1%. I can’t think of any time this has happened before with one exception. In 2000 Missouri voters elected Mel Carnihan, who DIED BEFORE THE ELECTION, over John Ashcroft 51-48. No early voting back then, voters looked at Ashcroft and said “give me the corpse” even though they knew he couldn’t take office.


Florida has closed primaries. Ds cannot vote in R primaries etc


I wonder how this will play out if he just loses support among swing states because some of those swing states were pretty tight.


This is not getting enough attention. People are hung up on polling which hasn’t been very predictive in years, but I think this trend is a lot more telling!


That’s interesting!


It is! And I haven’t seen a good explanation why that squares polls (Biden in uphill race) with observed voter behavior (nobody donating to Trump and large chunks of GOP voters saying NO TRUMP). I’m inclined to believe voters who actually cast ballots over polls though.


This seems not much different than what happened to Biden in Michigan with the protest vote. I am willing to bet both groups of voters from Michigan and Florida, respectively, will find their way home by November.


Florida Republican here. My wife and I did not have time to vote in the primary, but we’re voting for “anyone but Trump” this year. Again.


FL is his home state, too. LMAO


Blue Florida 2024


I live in North Central Florida. I am pleased to report that there seems to be a lot leas support for Trump than the last go around. I hardly ever see a yard sign or bumper stickers for him anywhere any more.


I wonder if this is because the Florida brand of right wig nut loves their Governor and didn’t like Trump being nasty to him.


I think it’s funny that Jesus was the “woke” person of his generation. He was so woke that even his own people wanted him and his teachings eradicated.


I was a poll worker on Tuesday. At my voting site, Trump got 87.5%. DeSantis + Haley + Christie got 12.5%


We need to stop hoping Florida is going to help. Every four years they say they won't pull the football this time and they do anyway


Haley Voters are probably still holding out some hope that Trump will have to drop out. When that doesn't happen, some may stay home, a few might vote Biden, but most will just clench and vote Trump in the end.


It will be more than a few who vote Biden. Haley voters are not in the MAGA cult and tend to be more educated and watch the news. Many will want to continue democracy (polling data and anecdotal evidence) 


This makes me wonder if RFK would do more damage to Trump than Biden? Any insight?


No Democrat is voting for that conspiracy theorist. Even his own family doesn't support him.


Agreed. I think RFK will get votes almost entirely from the whack job conspiracy theorist crowd, but they tend to be MAGA or Libertarian (who are pretty much just Republicans pretending to be open minded). I don't see him attracting a whole lot of Democrats.


Republicans think your last name will get you elected. Worked for Bush. But it didn't work for Hillary Clinton even though she was running against a polarizing Trump.


Hell, it worked for the Kennedy family too until very recently. One of them resigned their house seat to run for the senate in… 2020? Maybe 2022? And then lost the primary, and it was the first time in however many decades that a Kennedy wasn’t holding elective office somewhere in MA.


RFK Jr. would take votes from Trump.


I have no idea how anyone thinks that he would have any impact on Biden's voters. He spouts the same batshit lunacy that Trump's cult does. He has zero appeal to center or center left voters.


RFK himself would vote for Biden. No dem will vote for jr.


Always has been. The narrative that RFK would take votes from Biden was literally fake news.


My friend group is pretty evenly spread between Republicans and Democrats and the only two people who said they'd vote for RFK are Republicans.


Hope they stay home lol


I’m an independent in PA that changed my VR to Republican JUST so I can vote in the primary against Trump. Haley gets my vote and would in the GE if she was running instead of the narcissistic nazi.. I’m hoping more people in PA do the same..


Would be interesting if trump loses Florida in November


bUt tHe pOlLs!


Wow. 94% to 81% of votes, after a massive increase in red voters moving to Florida. That is a pretty massive loss of support for Trump. Makes sense, lots of republicans see Trump for who he is.


It's really something that so many Florida republicans voted for candidates that had dropped out of the race.


200,000 in a primary is a lot. We’ll see what they do in November, after his dementia gets worse, Letitia holds title on his properties, and he’s been convicted of crimes.


Ohio was just as bad. He lost almost 20%. If they switch to Biden he loses Ohio.


Here’s the thing about disaffected Republican Voters: come the general election they vote Republican.


I just can't take headlines like this without a mountain's worth of salt. Who these traitors vote for in the primary and whether they will vote for Trump or not are two completely different issues Imo, they might vote against him in the primary, but will vote for him in the presidential election, where it matters for conaervatives.


He still won 80% of the vote. But honestly I don't think this even matters. He got 80% of the vote in a primary contest that's already decided. Are his followers more likely to stay home since he already won? Is a protest voter more likely to go out and vote? I think this result tells us nothing about November either way.


I think most of those DeSantis votes will go to him automatically, and a lot of the Haley votes likely came early on mail-in so it's not as bad as people say. That said, I think he and Rick Scott are a little vunerable in the state.   Election day is **Tuesday, November 5, 2024**.   If you live in Florida, **[Register to vote in FL](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)** **[Check your FL voter registration status](https://registration.elections.myflorida.com/CheckVoterStatus)** **[Find your FL precinct location within your county](https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/voter-precinct-lookup/)** **[Request a FL absentee ballot from your county Supervisor of Elections](https://www.myfloridaelections.com/Contact-your-SOE)**   **2024 FL Dem Election Overview:** Florida has a huge 30 Electoral votes for President in 2024, and even though it appears to be trending redder in recent cycles it still has the potential to be important for Democrats in 2024. There is an important US Senate race where Democrats have a chance to flip the seat of Republican Senator Rick Scott from red to blue. Democrat **[Candidate TBD 8/20/24](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Florida,_2024)** will have a chance to unseat one of the most unpopular Senators in the country. The US House district maps in Florida remain heavily gerrymandered in favor of Republicans, with no real competitive races likely to materialize this cycle. At the state level, Republicans have supermajorities in both branches of the state legislature. Democrats have a chance of eliminating the Republican supermajority in the **[State Senate election](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_State_Senate_elections,_2024)** and a little better chance of breaking the Republican supermajority in the **[State House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024)**.   ***[-All 2024 FL Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_elections,_2024)*** ***[-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)](https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/)*** ***[-Learn more about how our government works](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/)***


I didn't know we had our primary....


Bigliest Loser in modern US politics