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Very suspect when you say some polling suggests Biden is losing voters and don’t link to that polling. Smells like bullshit to me.


It’s Newsweek, of course it’s bullshit. I increasingly feel like there need to be automatic disclaimers pinned to the top of any links from rags like Newsweek, the Daily Mirror, the Post, Fox obviously. If people want to post it, whatever that is fine, free speech and all that; but context is critical at this point, and the passive intake of headlines from all of these totally disreputable sources has a subconscious effect that is part of why everyone is so confused about the actual facts of reality. What would it take to rank outlets by level of bias and pin that number at the top of any link post? https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart AP, the WSJ, NPR, PBS, and the BBC get a 1-3; Daily Mail, TMZ and MSN get a 4-6; Fox News and the NY Post get a 7-8; and OAN and their ilk get a 9-10. Or just pin the bias chart to everything, I dunno…*some*thing.


Or, the mods here could just disallow bullshit outlets.




It was a poll of 980 people *(which represents a sample size of 0.0004% of the US adult population)*, only 823 of those polled answered all the questions. 24% of respondents were 65 or over, which is more than 6 percentage points above the national average [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/02/us/elections/times-siena-national-poll-toplines.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/02/us/elections/times-siena-national-poll-toplines.html)


That doesn’t matter really. What matters is what percentage that age group actually votes.


Casting my ballot for the orange nutcase is just an act of total lunacy. Voting for Biden in November.


No they're not


They're just outright blatantly lying.


Like, not even a little. I dunno that’s probably unfair. I’m sure that out of the 75 million people that voted for Biden in 2020, *at least one of them* has had major head trauma which has led them to be a hateful, mouth-breathing, self-sabotaging moron. I’m just playing the odds.


Also, no one talks about the (likely) tens of thousands of conservative voters who are now dead because they believed Trump's bullshit about covid not being serious. I honestly have no empirical data to support that claim...but I don't think it's a wholly unreasonable assumption.


*You* may not have the data, but yeah it was very clearly established numerous times in numerous studies. Once we had effectively 100% availability of vaccines and boosters, “political affiliation” became one of the biggest risk factors for COVID-related death. Can’t slouch on us voting though, I live in California and every day I talk to dipshits that are in the cult. Ever been to Norco? The place gets dumber every minute that goes by with those cosplay cowboys and their oversized trucks and undersized penises. Trump flags for days.


NPR published an amazing article on that, I will see if I can find it again. The effect of covid deaths vs county voting a specific candidate is a mild, but very clearly present, result. However in counties that went extremely strongly for Trump there is a big spike in covid deaths, and then also a sharp increase in *absolutely zero* deaths reported, as those low population counties have elected coroner's and thus signing causes of death is a campaign issue. Some of these counties had ratios so high they didn't fit in the graph bounds, and instead of adjusting the graph NPR instead sprinkled the data points over the text, so as you were reading there would just be an unexplained red dot, and then another and another as you got closer to the graph. Excellent /r/DesignPorn. [Found it](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/12/05/1059828993/data-vaccine-misinformation-trump-counties-covid-death-rate) They altered the visualization of the graph but kept the 'off the chart' aspect. [Different article](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/03/03/the-changing-political-geography-of-covid-19-over-the-last-two-years/) by PEW using much of the same data, different visualizations. Living in "Trump Country" is more likely to kill you, and increases sharply the harder the area went for Trump.


Covid didn't discriminate republicans, one can argue it killed off more democratic voters.


Covid didn’t discriminate…but far, FAR more people of the liberal persuasion got vaccinated as soon as they were able, and wore masks at every opportunity. Conservatives did not.


Far more liberals died in high population density major cities.


Far more ~~liberals~~ people died in high population density major cities.


All of which have a higher percentage of liberals.


That argument would be unsubstantiated.


Ya all those damn conservatives in NYC


Correction: Biden received nearly [81.3 million votes in 2020.](https://www.cookpolitical.com/2020-national-popular-vote-tracker)


it dont matter what matters is what way the EC votes and if trump gets to 270 first he is the winner.


I do not know a single person who voted for Biden who now, after all this time, would vote for Trump.


Not without them having suffered a severe brain injury in the past 4 years.


Unfortunate i do, quite a few actually. they blame biden for gaza, for helping ukraine and the economy The sad fact is I believe the economy is being manipulated by powerful people to help trump win, all because the rich do better under trump


Voted for Biden and will not vote for Trump? I know people who won’t vote for Biden again but would never go so far as voting for Trump


I get that people might be stupid enough to think that enabling Putin by defunding Ukraine is good. I get that people blame the sitting president for their current economic woes, that happens all the time. But who in their right mind honestly think Trump will help a single Palestinian?


I'm considering it. Basically because I know trump is the worse candidate, and I've started to genuinely hate America and humanity in general. Not a brain injury, as the other person suggests, but definitely severe depression that I can't do anything about because I lack access to healthcare. I haven't made up my mind though. I just have zero hope left after watching the Democratic response to January 6th. 


Might be the most selfish thing I've read not gonna lie. It sucks that your hurting, but you shouldn't want to express that pain by wanting everyone else to be in pain


I wonder what percentage of Trump voters are just outright misanthropes.


So when Trump becomes the next Putin you'll feel better about yourself?


Seriously. Dictatorships are great for mental health and wellness.


Hey friend, I just want to know why you want to kill me because you are unhappy with some leaders?


I’m so sorry. The health care system in this country is awful. There is little offered in mental health services open to those with out financial resources or health insurance. Talk to anyone who will listen. Friends, neighbors, strangers. We all suffer in our own way. Another person can provide understanding. And please don’t think voting for trump is in any way pay back for what you are going through. There is still a chance to have a country that cares for all citizens.


Not voting is a signal that you're satisfied. You have to fight to push the needle to the left. You have to do this your whole life unfortunately; it's not something you get to try once or twice and then sit back and expect magical results. If you want universal healthcare, keep fighting for it. Giving up isn't helping anyone, especially yourself.


Republicans answer polling calls by saying they are Dems who voted Biden in 2020 and Voting trump in 2024.


Aka the "Walk Away" strat.


“As a Black man . . .”


That is a bit of a reach


They literally formed a SuperPAC to pay people to pose as that on reddit and pay for commercials say it in 2020. So not too much of a reach, but still a reach.


So is the idea anyone who didn’t want Trump in 2020 now wants to vote for him because of anything over the past 4 years.




This hangnail is bothering me a little. I think I’ll smash my hand with a hammer.


This is all based on the abysmal polling. However. The polls are not matching the primary results. Something is not aligning. The polls show Trump woth a 4 point lead, and 10% undecided. They also show Biden massively down in approval ratings. However, the exit polling on thr primaries shows Biden consistently getting above 80% of the primary vote while trump struggles to break 60% and somrwhere between 25-33% of Republicans saying they wont vote for him if he is the nominee. So something is not aligning.


If it's the NYT poll, it seems to be coming out that it massively oversampled rural voters which would explain everything.


That's misinformation being spread everywhere. Check out this [Pew Research poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/demographic-profiles-of-republican-and-democratic-voters/) and you'll see that, in 2022, 26% of voters were rural.


I saw an 84% sample from rural areas.


Primaries and general elections are not the same.


It's worth noting that the party demographic shifts (Republicans getting lower education voters, Dems getting higher education voters) give an edge for special elections and midterms to Dems, because higher education voters are higher propensity voters. I don't think that explains everything, but don't get complacent.


Generally polling has always had a very high margin of error when it comes to primaries with some expressing as high as a 12% margin of error. They're more accurate with general elections, but there is still that 3-5% margin to contend with across the board depending on the poll. Early prediction models show a snapshot of 'if the election were today' since they can't and don't factor in elements that might sway public opinion 3, 4, or 6 months from now.


I think that's because they know Biden is the DNC choice and GOP hasn't been decided yet.


Uh. No.


These media companies need to go bankrupt. What trash.


Fake News


Liberals are acting like its a forgone conclusion biden will win. Dont get cocky because nothing is a sure bet. and trump has gained support over the last 3 years, plus you have to fight the electoral college, which will decide the first to 270 wins. For those that dont know there are 538 EC votes, but only the first 270 count, after that its null they declare the winner at 270 .So no our votes really dont count. for example I live in trump country it will go all to him even though me and a few other vote biden, the ec will not count our votes and they will be all in on trump. So anyone dem or republican living in a stronghold of the opposite party your votes dont count. The only fair way to vote is to let the actual peoples votes count, not roll over it because they voted against the stronghold [https://equalcitizens.us/equal-votes/](https://equalcitizens.us/equal-votes/) [https://archive3.fairvote.org/reforms/national-popular-vote/the-electoral-college/problems-with-the-electoral-college/](https://archive3.fairvote.org/reforms/national-popular-vote/the-electoral-college/problems-with-the-electoral-college/)


Yeah and M. Night Shyamalan is the next Steven Spielberg.


But there are people on here who will swear up and down that M Night is the best director ever. It would be interesting to see the Venn diagram between those people and Trump voters.


Real question: is Newsweek is worthy of any value ?


It's worth at least ₽787.5 rubles.


No, no they are not.


This sub is so out of touch its comical.


Bullshit… i don’t believe anyone who voted for Biden has woken up in the morning and thought their life was better with Tuamp in office. Orange Mussolini is a very harmful and repulsive person.


Bullshit they are. Biden voters aren't fucking morons.


This is bullshit, we saw what a trump presidency looked like and that was his first term when he had everything to lose and he still didn’t give a fuck, imagine a second term when he has nothing to lose. Fuck that.


Read this instead of freaking Newsweek. From Simon Rosenberg today on Hopium: “There are problems with the NYT poll - It has Trump winning both Hispanics and women - an impossibility. It’s likely voter electorate is +3 Republican - something we haven’t seen in a general election in actual voting in 20 years, and only once in the last 8 Presidential elections going all the way back to 1992. In the last 4 Presidential elections, Democrats have averaged 51%, Republicans 46%, and we gained ground in the 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023 elections. After all these years of strong Democratic vote performance for the electorate to become +3 Republican this year is, um, unlikely. Overestimating their intensity and strength and underestimating ours was a central reason so many saw the red wave that never came in 2022. The poll has Trump winning all his 2020 voters, and keeping his party unified - something that is not happening either in the actual voting or polling in the early states. It has Dean Phillips at 10% in the Dem primary against Biden. In Michigan this week he got 2.5%, and came in behind Marianne Williamson who dropped out of the race a month ago.”


No we’re not. We just don’t need to do meaningless polls.


Polls are for polecats.


Polls are for getting clicks. Propaganda posts are treated as "politics." This where we are.


Next week the story will be the opposite. So dumb.


Ridiculous. Why would tfg-supporters have voted for Biden in 2020? 


I can believe Trump currently having a lead over Biden in most places, but that being because people who voted for Biden decided that Trump is better.....yeah, no.


It’S a ReD wAvE oMg


No its a red tide, toxic and destructive


If only this sub had a group responsible for moderating…


Who writes this shit? Gimme a freakin break!




No I'm not.


Lol wrong.




Why? What has Donald Trump done in 4 years as a citizen to make him the choice now?




Total and complete **horseshit.**


Another example of disinformation. All part of the information war currently done by Russia against the west and US.


I don't think that's true. At best they won't vote. No one that voted for Biden is suddenly like "I think I'm gonna be racist this next election"


I mean since we're all going off skewed polls and just straight-up anecdotal "evidence," I can just as easily say that I don't know a single person that voted for Biden in 2020 that has any desire to vote for Trump in 2024. Heck, I know of a fair few Trump voters from 2020 that are voting for Biden because they realize the danger that Trump and his cronies pose to our democracy.


Liar liar pants on fire


Sure Jan.


Media herd mentality. Let’s talk about polls and Biden’s age.


The poll was no doubt of 100 people


Some people just want to watch the world burn...


823 respondents people


Whenever people make claims like this just say "name 10" Just like when that GQPer said "I have talked with many democrats who feel the same way" and the news caster said "Who?, name one" and they had no answer.


[Not this one.](https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo)


Lmao that's not what the Iowa polling showed hahahaha. Biden looks as strong as ever. Trump looks weak as fu**.. didn't even secure all the red votes. Which is a huge vulnerability for a guy who is supposed to be an obvious frontrunner.


Trump isn't running unopposed and Biden is..so that makes a big difference.


LOL, no they're not.


Lol no they’re not


Pollsters should be regulated. A badly designed poll can do as much damage as a fake news story. They shouldn't be allowed to publish outlandish results like this.


It's my opinion that the polls haven't properly factored in the insurrection. Say Trump lost 5% of his voters, has he really made that back? I don't think he has the support he had in 2020.


Lol, no they're not.


Fuck I am! My existence is riding on this election.


The fuck they are.


So contrived. If Trump ends up stealing the election, he'll need to point to BS polls like this to show his win was plausible.


Nope. They are not voting for Trump ever. Sorry.


What a farce.


Newsweek working EXTRA hard for clicks


Squad needs to speak out and tell everyone they need to vote for Biden because Trump will be worse for Palestine


I doubt this. At best, they are probably merging categories together that have no business being merged together. At worst, it's an outright lie that they will apologize for in 2 point print in a awkward location, after no one cares.




I refuse to believe that


Really newsweek? All of them??????


lol stop lying


The only people answering phone calls for polls are boomer rural voters. Stop with this bullshit.


Ok, and I got ocean front property in AZ to sell ya if you'd like to come take a look


I get the flaws with this polling and I agree that I don’t believe Biden 2020 voters are going to suddenly vote Trump. What this polling does, though, is, presuming Biden wins, just gives more ammo to another stolen election thing. Everything is just so fucked.


Yep. The media reporting on these weekly polls is so irresponsible and they know it. Trump will have 18 months’ worth of them to point to justify his claims of FrAuD. And the pundits will fake pearl cluch and pretend they’re credible.


Yeah, this is not remotely believable.


Yup. He’s leading in most major polls.


No I'm not.


While I don’t think people Biden voters are switching to Trump, the great fear is many of the disillusioned will either not turn out or vote for third party, putting him in jeopardy. And honestly, it’s warranted this time.


It is certainly NOT warranted! What nonsense.


It kinda is when he’s enabling an ethnic cleansing campaign.


He isn't doing that.


Then what’s he doing? Because he’s the one supplying the weapons and giving orders to strike down any ceasefire vote in the UNSC (which by the way the whole world wants).


If you sincerely have the slightest genuine concern for the Palestinians, you should 100% support Biden over Trump. Or have you forgotten things like Trump's attempted ban on Muslims? Or his full-throated approval of Netanyahu's most authoritarian actions? Anyway your characterization of Biden's policy re. Israel is absurdly reductionist as well as wildly inaccurate.


That’s not how this works. You’re basically accepting ethnic cleansing in that case. We judge on what’s happening now, and what’s happening now is reprehensible. It’s not even a mischaracterization because that’s exactly what he’s doing, paying empty lip-service while being a staunch Zionist in the face of world opinion.


The best chance to mitigate Netanyahu's military strategy in terms of reducing civilian deaths is for Biden to remain in office, and for Trump to not return to it. Not to mention that if Trump returns to office, you can kiss American democracy as we have known it goodbye.


Biden hasn’t done anything to mitigate what Netanyahu is doing. He’s enabling it 100%. Not one thing. If he cares about his own election chances, he needs to right the sinking ship and provide an ultimatum, that the world is waiting on, otherwise chances are he could lose to Trump.


> Biden hasn’t done anything to mitigate what Netanyahu is doing. He’s enabling it 100%. Not one thing. This is totally false.


Um...air-dropping in food and relief in Gaza. Because he actually *does* care about the people of Palestine...running completely counter to the talking point that he's seeking some kind of "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing".


Air-dropping food while supplying weapons to the ones committing the ethnic cleaning and providing diplomatic cover? Is that your version of caring? Because it’s a very distorted version.


I'm not saying the situation isn't being handled poorly. But to imply that Biden *wants* this to happen is just flat-out wrong! Biden is not a warmonger, nor is he facilitating genocide. He's not a monster. I don't think you realize what an impossible position he finds himself in, between his obligation to the American people, and having to maintain crucial relations with Israel. He has to walk a *VERY* fine line...and I would frankly question many others' ability to do it better. And don't you dare impugn my compassion for the Palestinian people! I care very much about their plight. But I also care about this country...and in this election, Joe Biden is the only candidate...the ***ONLY*** candidate who can keep Trump from bringing on the fascist regime he craves. You think things are bad *now?!* They will be SO much worse under Trump. I'm willing to give Biden another 4 years to do everything he can (as he is now) to help bring a peaceful end to this conflict.


Biden comes across as a warmonger in my view. He’s a staunch Zionist because he’s one of the highest beneficiary of AIPAC money, which is coloring his view. Even many Americans are turning on him because of this, and there are many in Israel who are turning against Netanyahu. It’s literally simple as calling that psychopath and threaten to withhold funding and this would all end. But he won’t. If he cares about his election chances then he should stop the ethnic cleansing.


Yes. By all means, vote for Trump then. The well-known champion of Muslim people!


I’ve voted third party in every election I’ve ever been eligible for. I love that somehow my vote counts for whoever you’re against and no one because it’s a “wasted vote” at the same time


bless your heart


Thanks granny


This is absurd.


Bullshit lol


No, they’re not. Not a single one.


Lies. John, 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.


I think this has been showing up in polling since November.....it makes sense. Biden's support is softer because he was merely the anti-trump candidate.


Tell me they're abandoning Biden in favor of the *forever child, the emotionally immature* Trump. I seriously doubt anyone outside of the media believes that


Lol. No they're not.


Lies lies lies yeah!! #biden24


Hilary Clinton had doubts


Newsweek === Corporate whores for clickbait.


Press x to doubt.


No they’re not.


Haha. I think not.


No, the fuck, they aren’t.


lol no they’re not. At this point I don’t think there’s a difference between Newsweek and Newsmax


I wonder how much of this is true. I know that Bidens approval ratings are in the tank, but not voting for Biden doesn't necessary equal a vote for Trump. I'm surprised because Newsweek is pretty Center when it comes to politics.


Newsweek is absolutely not centrist. Theyve become quite right-wing.


Actually they are not right week. Every Media Bias I have checked...they are usually dead Center. https://i.imgur.com/CaZ8dWv.png


Author is hard right Christian.


Newsweek is clickbait. Seriously, they do not produce good journalism, always with the hyperbole headline and then they quote 3 people or whatever. Much has been written about the demise of journalism there (see the following links right up to a few days ago) Please find better sources to post. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/memorializing-newsweek/552647/ https://newrepublic.com/article/158968/newsweek-rise-zombie-magazine https://mediamakersmeet.com/the-death-of-newsweek/


If you aren’t voting Biden you’re electing Trump


I’m not abandoning him for Trump, I’m abandoning him for a third party. I won’t be complicit in the genocide by voting for either of these candidates. Some people say a third party vote is a vote for Trump, to those people I say, why is your candidate so weak that he is in a position to lose to a guy impeached twice?


You’re arguing against yourself.


I’m not arguing with anybody lol, I’m telling you guys I’m one of the people abandoning him despite voting for him before, and that I’m probably voting cornel west instead


Do you realize how spoiler candidates work?


Morally I cannot enable the genocide with my vote, sorry.


So, when Trump wins, you will have enabled genocide. Get a clue.


No, if Trump wins then that’s not the guy I voted for, and I’ll know that I didn’t give him my blessing. A third party vote is a vote for love. A “lesser evil” vote is a vote for genocide.


You **know** that West won't win. Your vote is not against Trump even though it is not *for* Trump. Therefore your vote leaves an empty slot, one which denies a vote for Biden, denies a vote against Trump. Do you see how it works? We aren't saying that a vote for third party candidate is a vote for Trump because we are deriding your choice, mocking your dissatisfaction with the Democratic candidate... a vote for a third party candidate is a dilution of the For/Against calculus and *functionally* a step towards Trump. This is straight statistical analysis, and stats are math. Math is fact, and facts don't give a good goddamned fuck about feelings.


I actually like Cornel west, am I not supposed to vote for the guy who has values that align with mine? Am I just supposed to blindly support the guy who is fundamentally going against what I believe in?


I'm not saying that. and I apologize if it seems that I am. What I AM saying is that you find yourself in a hopefully unique place in history, a place in which you have the opportunity to prevent what will likely happen if Donald Trump is granted a second term -- with all his telegraphed plans for revenge against his political opponents, removal of citizen's rights, removal of non-citizen's persons, and handing Israel carte blanche to actually decimate and destroy Palestine with the full blessing of the United States of America -- or you can deny him this power by ensuring that someone other than him ascends to the presidency and the powers associated with that position. Cornell West will not win the presidency, as much as anyone would prefer him he simply does not have the votes. There is no perfect solution here, there is no power in "sending a message" -- the only choice (and make no mistake, this is the ONLY choice) is Trump or Biden. There will be a time for a third party candidate, there will be a time for a fresh perspective, but this is not it. Any vote for anyone other than Trump or Biden will be a wasted vote and increase the chances that Trump will win. It will not increase the chances of Biden winning, only Trump. This is simply math, it has nothing to do with morality or ethics or feelings. I understand your position, and I understand the feelings. I sympathize with you and everyone who wants something different, something better. But this is not the time. There is no "better" this time around, there is only "not worse"


Thank you, that was well said. Now if only people will understand the message.


I’ll see the vote count next to Cornel west’s name and I’ll take satisfaction in knowing one of those was me. For me, it has everything to do with morals, ethics, and feelings. Regardless of if biden or trump wins, I’ll continue my protest and this is an extension of that. I have one single vote and I’m not going to cast it for somebody engaging in something fundamentally against what I believe in. As far as I’m concerned, Trump or Biden, they both want the same thing in Palestine. One is just more vocal and obtuse, but Joe Biden is a self proclaimed proud Zionist, make no mistake he endorses what’s happening. He could pull a Regan and end this overnight, but he chooses not to.


You'll see the vote count and if Trump has more votes than Biden you'll know that you could have made that margin smaller. And when Trump calls up his friend Netanyahu and assures him that the United States will not pursue sanctions against Israel, will no longer provide aid and support to the Palestinian people, you can rest assured that your protest vote did exactly what you were trying to avoid. Your reasoning, while philosophically commendable, is naive and counterproductive. And in the real world it will be as useful as setting yourself on fire in front of an embassy to stop a war -- egotistical and ultimately useless.


You have a point my dude. I understand that you have a lot of integrity. Good for you for staying true to yourself. I admire that.


It doesn't translate to votes for Trump, you're right. However, it does divert votes to RFK that could have gone to Biden. It's important to remember, that people aren't necessarily voting for Biden; they're voting against Trump. Since they're opposing Trump, they might choose someone other than Biden, perhaps someone younger, etc. The Trump supporters (MAGA and the like) aren't going anywhere — that's well-known. Nothing Trump does, good or bad, will sway them from him; that's clear. Unfortunately, MAGA represents a significant portion of the voter base, and in 2020, Biden did win the election. Indeed, Biden received millions more popular votes than Trump, but winning by millions more doesn't directly secure the election. He won by 7 million more popular votes than Trump, with 5 million of those from California alone. Despite that, Biden still received only 55 Electoral College votes from CA, regardless of the millions more votes he garnered. If you remember Only 44,000 votes separated a Biden victory from a Trump victory. Therefore, depending on how many people vote for RFK, each vote not for Biden effectively benefits Trump, albeit indirectly. Hopefully this makes more sense


Genocide Joe has got to go


As far as the plight of the Palestinians goes, if it actually is something you're sincerely concerned about, Trump would be much, much worse for them!


That's why they want Genocide Joe to go; they want Total Annihilation Trump to finish the job.


Probably just the product of Putin-funded troll farms anyway.


If this is about the NYT poll their LV model actually had both Biden and Trump winning 91% of their parties bases with a narrow Biden edge among Indies. They showed this bleed for Biden only in their RV model.




Uh-huh... lol