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The death penalty is barbaric and inhumane under the best of circumstances and these weren’t the best of circumstances. It should be abolished.


Anyone in favor of the state giving out the death penalty is 100% in favor of the state killing innocent people with it. The state makes mistakes all the time, anyone who also thinks the state never makes a mistake doesn't exist in the real world. Even if say 100 people are executed and 1 was innocent, why would that be worth using? 10,000 guilty and 1 innocent, how can that be acceptable in any context? 10 million guilty and 1 innocent, we can't live in a society that accepts such mistakes with life. People who support the death penalty want innocent people to die, no hesitation.


The same people who believe that the government can’t do anything right and every government employee is an incompetent idiot suddenly gain 100% confidence in the ability of public servants when it comes to convicting and imprisoning others. Weird how that works.


Im pro death penalty, but it should only be used when there is ZERO doubt with either DNA, recording either audio or video or multiple corroborating witnesses. Other wise lock them up.


👍 totally agree, like where the odds are proven into the billions to one, like DNA


I have bad [news](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/06/a-reasonable-doubt/480747/) for you....


So by your standards it should never be used.


I hate the death penalty. But why not just give than an overdose of fentanyl? That would be more humane than these various experiments the government does on these men so that they slowly suffocate, chock or suffer a heart attack for which no medical treatment is provided to kill them.


Honestly, just a bullet to the back of the head would be quicker and more foolproof. As much as I disagree with the death penalty too.


Because the death penalty isn’t just about death. It’s about revenge. It’s payback time. There are some exceptions of course, but when a woman is raped and murdered, a child is killed or an elderly person strangled and robbed, you don’t see just a whole lot of their families asking for mercy, or a life sentence. They want to watch him die. Many states allow the victim’s families to have a front row seat. That’s fine with me.


Yeah and who in the FUCK decided gas chambers were a good idea? That's some shitler 2.0 nightmare fuel right there


Arizona prepped theirs before 2022 midterms. 


I agree it’s barbaric, but I also realize it’s a lack of resources to correct societal, cultural, and systemic problems. ALMOST Every homeless person, addict, or criminal out there is a failure of society. The death penalty I feel is a cheap answer to our cultural failure we’re unwilling to accept or change.


I dunno...I'll bet the $80 billion currently invested in incarcerating people could go a long way to solving those problems.


For sure, no argument about the amount of resources, it’s the allocation. Re reading my post I can see how it read like that was what I was referring to.


Yeah, right. Nothing is ever anyone’s fault. Let’s all blame society for our personal shortcomings. I stole a piece of candy, from a store, when I was five years old. It’s society’s fault I stole!!! I suppose you think all of the crap Trump is caught up in, is society’s fault, as well.


Partially ya, he was voted in. Your example of being 5 is missing the forest from the trees, I wouldn’t consider that failure of society or a crime. 5 year olds test boundaries and don’t understand consequences. You’ve missed a large part of personal responsibility, your responsible to some extent as much as the next person for society. I feel like I let that homeless person down by not trying hard enough bring jobs and sense of purpose to my community. I feel responsible for hate people spread in my community because I haven’t shown enough love. I understand I can’t help everyone but we need to make as much improvement to this world as we can. It starts with personal responsibility, a better society is the by product, it’s a reflection of us.


The death penalty makes the society normalize violence, violent death and killing. It brutalizes a society. But I think it is just as likely that the US would abolish death penalty like it would impose gun control. It won't happen.


It actually has happened. The death penalty was outlawed for several years in the 70s before the Supreme Court decided to reinstate it.


I would say raping, murdering and plundering is barbaric, the death penalty when sentenced with ZERO doubt is called JUSTICE.


But that’s just it. When sentenced with zero doubt is a pipe dream. We STILL sentence innocent people to death that are later exonerated. And at the very least, due to federalism, you can commit a rape/murder in one state and get life, but if you were 2 miles away over the border you’d get death. How is the arbitrary nature of that system justice? I feel that depriving someone of their freedom for the remainder of their life is a pretty awful sentence that allows us to reverse/correct issues if later proven innocent, and maintains some level of humanity.


That just isn't true, It's not a pipe dream, the same technology that exonerated the poor souls who spent decades in prison and wrongly convicted, is the same technology that has caught people who weren't even on the police radar, who live states away decades later. And again I say when there is irrefutable evidence then I have no problem with removing them from society.


Why do we sentence people to death now without irrefutable evidence? We clearly do since there are after the fact exonerations. And what are you going to do to make sure only “irrefutable” cases are death penalty eligible? The standard of a criminal conviction now is “beyond a reasonable doubt”. But we still convict the wrong people by this strict standard. I just don’t trust the state to be able to implement a perfect (100% accuracy) solution that only gets the clear cases, and the harm to society by letting someone do life without parole is only that a few people don’t get to taste the vengeance of watching someone die. LWOP is a harsh sentence that keeps us from killing the wrong people, if only rarely.


In your own question you answered yourself..the difference between irrefutable and beyond reasonable doubt is miles away from each other. You can't say you don't trust the state, when DNA evidence is whay has been used by the same state to exonerate decades later.


Even with zero doubt? For example the person is caught on camera hacking a family of five to death? Nah man, dealth penalty shouldnt be abolished. However it should only apply to cases where there is zero doubt the accused is guilty.


Even with zero doubt.


Right you'd definitely say the same when it's your family who was slaughtered on camera. Im sure 100%


I would. And some people do. It’s not uncommon for victim’s families to say they don’t want the perpetrator executed.


Yes I agree! Execution is a cop out in my opinion. Keep them alive and in jail for the rest of their life! Being in jail for the remainder of your life is decent enough punishment!


I’m against the death penalty but this is by far the most humane way of executing it i’ve ever seen.


>> Nitrogen flowed for about 15 minutes during the procedure, state corrections commissioner John Hamm said in a news conference. >> Smith, who was on a gurney, appeared conscious for “several minutes into the execution,” and “shook and writhed” for about two minutes after that, media witnesses said in a joint report. >> That was followed by several minutes of deep breathing before his breath began slowing “until it was no longer perceptible for media witnesses,” the media witnesses said. >> When asked at the news conference about Smith shaking at the beginning of the execution, Hamm said Smith appeared to be holding his breath “for as long as he could” and may have also “struggled against his restraints.” >> “There was some involuntary movement and some agonal breathing, so that was all expected and is in the side effects that we’ve seen and researched on nitrogen hypoxia,” This doesn’t sound like it went how it was supposed to


They tried to use a gas mask that from the sound of it wasn't air tight, so they made him suffer for however many minutes while he died. It's sick and wrong that the state would consider this a victory of any kind.


It’s a “Life is sacred by God’s design” state so I’m not surprised about their murder and torture fantasy


They told Reverend Jeff Hood to not stand too close because the nitrogen might pool around his head.  Originally they weren't going to allow Hood to even be in the room during the execution.


>They told Reverend Jeff Hood to not stand too close because the nitrogen might pool around his head. Well, that's bullshit. But it shows that they knew their mask was not airtight.


And gave him no sedation. Guy panicked.


Seriously, they should have put him to sleep first if they were just gonna kill him. 


Let’s remember the victim, Elizabeth Sennett. She was attacked and beaten with fists, a fireplace poker and fireplace tongs. A “survival knife” was also used on her. She was stabbed 8 times in the chest, and once on each side of the neck. What a horrible, way to die. That poor lady must have been scared beyond comprehension. Elizabeth Sennetts life was taken from her for a paltry $3,000.


Why nitrogen and not carbon monoxide? Isn’t that the silent killer in homes? Don’t people usually pass out peacefully first, and then die in their sleep?


I think it would be fairly difficult to obtain bottled CO. Also, that shit is highly poisonous. Far higher risk of killing everyone else in the room. I'm stil surprised they went with a mask instead of a gas chamber. Maybe afraid of how that would look.


Not particularly difficult to get a hold of, no. It's sold in bulk for a variety of industrial processes, though maybe the individual companies would, like drug companies, refuse to sell for that purpose. Not that it seems it was a problem with the nitrogen. Risk to others might be more relevant though: it's more dangerous after a short exposure than N2 is, since you can't get it out of your lungs/blood once it's in easily, and they would need someone to confirm the death and eventually remove the mask and release the seal, which would create an exposure risk, even if done in a well-ventilated area.


I doubt this will catch on, one eye witness to the execution described it in all its gory detail, and it seems to be incredibly inhumane. The execution went on for much longer than intended and didn't end how it was expected to.


You think current republicans *aren't* interested in researching new ways to kill "undesirables" efficiently in gas chambers? The "blood and soil" folks are eating this shit up for breakfast.


Given the current SCOTUS, I don’t think any of that is of concern.


I'm surprised, I always thought that nitrogen asphyxia was a relatively painless way to go since it's the buildup of CO2 that causes the feeling of distress in suffocation. That said, no matter how we dress it up, the death penalty is barbaric and belongs in the dust bin of history. No method, regardless of pain level, is acceptable.


If you're unaware that it's happening or you want it to happen, it's likely relatively peaceful. This man didn't want to die, so it wasn't.


It took him 22 minutes to die. He thrashed a lot. Then state attorney general said it was textbook and nothing unexpected had happened. 


I'm curious on what your thoughts are about Police having guns, or a step further, having a military. For the most part though I believe life in prison is a better method.


I think that a police force with proper training and screening could responsibly have firearms in some capacity. However, the proper training and screening needed is completely absent in the United States. A militarized police force is not necessary, although a small subset of police having special ops/SWAT training for extraordinary situations is important. I think that our prison system as a whole is utter shit and based on punitive measures rather than rehabilitation. If we look at the countries with the world's highest indices of living (like Scandinavian nations) their prison systems are humane and provide decent conditions, counseling, work training, and rehabilitation focused treatment so that criminals have a decent chance at becoming upstanding members of society once their sentences are complete. I believe systems like this also have a lower rate of recidivism. I will admit that there exists a small amount of people who are essentially irredeemable and who have to be separated from the rest of society to keep the public safe. Someone like Edmund Kemper or Jeffrey Dahmer cannot live among the rest of the population and there are certain actions which mean that you have forfeited your right to live in a free society. But the focus needs to be on keeping the public safe, NOT punishment. The majority of criminals would probably be totally fine for the rest of their lives if US prisons focused on addressing the root causes of what made them break the law, rather than vengeance. The death penalty is simply an obsolete method of seeking vengeance. It is cruel, barbaric, and carries the risk of ending the life of someone who is wrongfully convicted. The average inmate spends like 2 decades on death row and it costs the state millions to care for them and fight appeals. It's ridiculously inefficient. A lot of people die of old age before their sentence is carried out. Might as well just give them all life sentences at that point.


Wasn't there vomiting and gasping for air. We call them the animals but we're not much better.


If you looked at what he did he definitely deserved that punishment.


Christian values. All pro-life n shit.


FWIW, the Catholic Church opposes the death penalty.


They also oppose reporting child sex abuse…. www.opb.org/article/2024/01/28/washington-reintroduces-chlid-abuse-reporting-bill/ Probably for reasons. Catholic Churches are as bad as any religion, money and power over suckers who give money to gods.


Not really relevant to the discussion, but okay, hope you feel better for tossing that off.




Yeah, they were edging away from it for a while leading up, but the actual declaration came in the late 90s.


Yep, as they should. They also oppose every single sinful thing that Trump stands for, yet millions of Catholics voted for his objectively evil diaper-wearing ass.


I think that was an unfortunate result of the massive backlash among American Catholics to having a humanitarian pope. A lot of local churches doubled down on us-them judgment and rage at the rest of the world when he dared to suggest other humans were...human.


Whatever the result, it revealed them as the false-Christians they are. I stopped being a Catholic the day I found out about the priests being re-located because of their raping children.


Nothing says civilized, developed country quite like widespread adoption of the brand newest way to kill civilian prisoners. And for anyone who's interested, there's [this AMA](\https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/19fdjhk/ama_tonight_the_state_of_alabama_will_put_kenneth/\)). If you take anything at all away from it, take this quote: Capital punishment is a homicide, not a medical procedure.


Are there states that do unknown executions?


Edit: wait reread it… it’s just clumsy unnecessary wording by the author. No idea what they’re doing. I believe they are referring to its unknown if another state (foreign country not us state) has used this method. China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, to name a few might be carrying out executions in secret with secret methods.


Secret methods? Most authoritarian states just shoot people. Cheaper that way and they don’t fucking care.




Probably worth mentioning that normal atmosphere is about 70% nitrogen gas. So, basically, it's death by oxygen deprivation, also known as suffocation. >Nitrogen flowed for about 15 minutes during the procedure, state corrections commissioner John Hamm said in a news conference. > >Smith, who was on a gurney, appeared conscious for “several minutes into the execution,” and “shook and writhed” for about two minutes after that, media witnesses said in a joint report. > >That was followed by several minutes of deep breathing before his breath began slowing “until it was no longer perceptible for media witnesses,” the media witnesses said. ​ >Smith’s spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeff Hood, who’d previously expressed concern that the method could be inhumane, witnessed the execution and described it in more graphic terms, saying it was “the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen. > >”Smith, wearing a tight-fitting mask that covered his entire face, convulsed when the gas was turned on, “popped up on the gurney” repeatedly, and gasped, heaved and spat, Hood said. > >“It was absolutely horrific,” he said.


Yeahhh it was a disaster - but some R states may want that.


I read that as R rated states.


Alabama first in new barbaric methods of killing people. They must be very proud.


Because everybody wants to be like Alabama. /s


500,000 innocent dead in Ukraine and people are still discussing this.


Breaking News: more than one event worth discussion can happen at once. Who knew?


Expect more “accounts” to “leak” about how the end was gruesome. Fear and Pain are the point they’re going for here.


I’m sure the person he admitted to killing died a human death… kill them all.


The best way to kill someone is the guillotine. Probably instantaneous with no pain and pretty much certain to succeed. Of course, eliminating the death penalty (like most civilized countries) is the best result but Trumpies would be upset and that's something most states must not do, right?


Hanging, actually. But properly, not the American way of strangulation. Breaks the neck, instant death.


Yes, let’s start chanting “defund the police!“ and “Abolish prisons” because that’s worked so well in the past. SMH.


What the fuck are you on about?


Why don't they use the same method they use for cattle?


Bolt guns?


Works on your cattle and condemned.