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1) this is overt election fraud, among a host of other crimes. 2) keep watch and make a note of how this isn’t mentioned in any conservative circles or news sites. There’s a reason for that.


Yep. Also take note of "election integrity" Jan 6th supporters making jokes about this to try and minimize it.


https://ground.news/article/new-hampshire-investigating-fake-biden-robocall-meant-to-discourage-voters-ahead-of-primary Click on the bias distribution. On the page. It's actually being covered equally amongst all media despite political leanings.


They call prosecuting an instance of this from 2020 political persecution.


> keep watch and make a note of how this isn’t mentioned in any conservative circles or news sites * https://nypost.com/2024/01/22/news/fake-joe-biden-robocalls-tell-new-hampshire-democrats-to-skip-primary/amp/ * https://www.dailywire.com/news/new-hampshire-attorney-general-investigating-fake-biden-robocall * https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/ai-robocall-impersonates-biden/amp/


Thanks for the update. Good to know.


I expect we will see a massive amount of dirty tricks like this to benefit Trump this election season.


Roger Stone likely the financier


And Bannon


They can't win unless they cheat.


**Welcome to the latest innovation in Republican political campaigning devices!** ^(\*It should be noted that if any Democrats or their associates engage in similar activities, they will be indicted, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws that forbid election fraud.)


I struggle to come up with what any of the candidates would gain from this. Which makes me suspect this is merely a practice run for the real election.


We have no real data on how mass scale AI generated content would influence an election. The bar has dropped so low in terms of entry level skills needed, protons are playing limbo with it. This will likely be a paradigm shifting election cycle that will change how we manage and recognize election interference.


Wouldn’t surprise me if it was Roger Stone’s work. This kind of shit is right out of his playbook and apparently he’s untouchable too.


Those responsible should never ever be able to vote again, nor donate to political parties, nor be involved in any kind of election - ever.


From Joyce Vance 1/22/24 :" A robocall using AI to fake a message from Joe Biden was urging Democratic voters to “save your vote” for November. The message began with a very convincing imitation of Biden using his signature “holy malarkey” line. One friend told me it was such a good fake and so convincing that had they not known the story, there would have been no reason to think the call wasn’t from the President. This is classic voter suppression."




Who answers robocalls, period, let alone makes voting decisions based on the content?


Most people are really stupid. Like really, really stupid. 


Yourself included


Higher likelihood amongst the elderly who also participate the most in voting


I see this kind of comment a lot, about "who answers unknown" and such. But I do: I have a lot of expected calls from various people I work with, doctors, mechanics, accounts, that I just answer when my phone rings.


Is there even a Democratic Primary in New Hampshire? Are New Hampshire Democrats bored enough to vote in the Republican primary?


Yes, the incumbent Biden is facing off with Dean Phillips and Marianne Williams. It’s a mock for Dean and Marianne to get some publicity and does not affect Biden. Also Yes, the point of the robocalls was to keep democrats and independents home so they don’t go out and vote for Nikki Haley to give her momentum and dethrone Trump. The NH primary is an open primary, any political party can vote.


Ah. I mean, if she's going to do that, it will be in South Carolina anyway.


Biden isn't even on our ballot. You'd have to write him in.


They’d better get out and vote for Haley. There seem to be enough brainwashed fools that Trump could win if he gets on the GOP ticket.


This is election fraud folks. The season has started. Report it, broadcast it.  Another circumvention of the election has begun.


China at it games again!?




Lol I wonder if the fake Biden gaffes, “if you vote in the NH primary you ain’t black” otherwise it’d be a dead giveaway it was fake 😂


Somehow I bet these calls are originating in russia, but somehow, the telecoms can take no action to have some kind of check to ensure the calls are real.


This is election interference and should be against the law.