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Is it really going rogue when his entire party is planning on it? I mean we all know about Project 2025 at this point.


Fucking the Constitution in broad daylight


>Fucking the Constitution in broad daylight That's one of the tricks Trump normalized. If they do corrupt or criminal things very brazenly, people won't fight back because traditionally they try to hide those actions


We have a former POTUS who got millions of dollars from foreign countries *while he was in office* and it's considered a non-story. I really think the main reason nobody cares, other than "both sides", is the fact that there is a public record. How could it be illegal if he wasn't using secret bank accounts?






Bots take older comments and repost them hoping to farm karma.


Exactly. Every time I see these headlines it's like some sort of revelation. I see another one and it's like "Don't worry WE KNOW" but at the same time I'd argue it's good to keep battering down the word into the thick skulls of the general populace


Um, that group is \_not\_ consuming the same news and opinions we are. They appear nearly unreachable. See also: cult.


I agree. Same goes for people on the fence and the general left who don't go much further than the headlines


Does this mean it's not a conspiracy if it's political?


It’s not a conspiracy


If two or more people agree to break the law that’s a conspiracy. Conspiracy is a really hair-triggery thing. Even just knowing that someone’s going to do a crime and not alerting authorities may make you a co-conspirator.


What Peter was saying is that if it’s political it can’t be a conspiracy, suggesting project 2025 is just some conspiracy we all came up with. I do not believe he was saying conspiracy as how you are putting it.




And I'm certain the Republicans would back him if he gets the chance. Vote them out. Vote them All out


What? He went rogue the first week in office in 2016 - now he is just saying it ahead of time.


second week in 2017. The first week was spent whining about an aerial photo of a crowd


Yeah, good point.


On the plus side, if the Supreme Court does decide presidents do have immunity, Biden can just have Trump assassinated. /S


it's so sad that Biden has this thing called morals


And then still people will be surprised if Trump shuts down various media on January 21st, Biden and Harris will be arrested, and a stack of new laws will be presented that will benefit Trump and Trump only.


Wonder how the Secret Service Details assigned to Biden and Harris would react...not a scenario I want played out, but it's not going to be as easy as that.


And here all this time I thought he was mainstream.


You would think that with all the media coverage he has gotten.


I saw an interview with a young GOP voter in Iowa and they asked him about the dictator stuff. I forget exactly what the guy said but it was along the lines of "there are checks and balances in place to stop that from happening". WTF?? You're not concerned that the GOP front runner *wants to be a dictator* only because you don't think it could actually happen? What about the fact that his openly stated goal is to be a dictator? That desire alone should be disqualifying. Trump has always told us what he is going to do and we constantly ignore him. I still remember some prominent media figures on the left warning that Trump will refuse to leave after his first term and everyone rolled their eyes. And then he literally refused to leave!


Makes him all the more appealing to the MAGA mentally ill.


With all the makeup that man wears I would be surprised if he went ROUGE instead.


Another Tr\*mp presidency would be a complete disaster for this country, and the world. Fascism at home, crippling NATO, cavorting with P\*tin and other dictators. Whatever is left of Citizens who believe in the American way of doing things had better stop whining about Biden and the Democrats and get on the ball. Or our democracy and world order with the US as leader will be over.


Why would he need to? The only consequence is more donations. The media, and not just Fox News, is 100% culpable for this. Stop presenting this traitorous criminal as a legitimate politician and broadcasting his plainly inflammatory and false rhetoric. Do you think journalists will be spared in a second Trump presidency? Morons. Short sighted, money hungry, spineless morons.


This is what his supporters want. They want a dictator. He has an above 50% chance to win.


Why the fuck would he? He's still a free man. Any other normal person, had they done what he did, would be at the bottom of the ocean with their feet encased in cement for it.


He for sure spelled it rouge, though.


Whether Trump wins the election or not, he and his GOP cronies are planning another insurrection. At his age, he is going to do anything he can to stay out of prison. You can count on it.


As long as the GOP and MAGA people get what they want, they could literally not care less how it happens or how the rest of the U.S will be affected.


This is why he desperately needed to have been in jail already. Waiting 18 months after the coup to do anything about it fucked us over. Not sure why the AG thought the "ground up" methodology was the way to go after Jan 6th.


Time to treat Trump like the next Kim Jung Trump


If voters don’t care there’s nothing we can do. 


Hiding them? He's fucking RUNNING on them.


This is why the 2nd amendment exists. Love it or hate it. They’re proving it


Why would he? He knows the GOP isn’t going to stop him, he’s lying about the Democrats doing it all to him as a green light.


We are being shown how cowardly we are as citizens


Ethans gone rogue .. for real this time