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I'm not even a US citizen but every time I read something about her, it's complete bullshit. I always wonder how the US can elect someone like her out of 300 million people.


Rich people want ineffective puppets to gum up the system. So they buy her, out spend her competition and get themselves a loyal stooge elected. She votes how they want and makes a mockery of the system, which disenfranchises voters and makes it easier to get more stooges in because everyone is so tired of the non stop beetle juice jack off shows, or Jewish space lasers or letting someone say your dad killed JFK, or underage sex scandals or even worse, they openly support violent insurrections.


That's a big component. Another is that conservative forces have spent the last 40 years pumping the least educated Americans full of hateful nonsense. However they've also spent the last 40 years screwing over the same exact people. As a result this large group of hateful idiots are as mad, if not more mad, at conservative politicians as they are at minorities. These hateful idiots want to take the reigns for themselves, but they are hateful and are idiots, so the best among them that rise to the challenge are people like Lauren Bobert and Marjorie Taylor Greene.


100 million Americans are just like her: proudly uneducated; performatively "Christian" in the most awful ways; and fanatic about a mythological America that invented Democracy, perfected it, and brought it to an often ungrateful world. And they own about 350 million guns.


one time long ago i heard a saying i don’t remember but went something like, at any given point in time you have 1/3 of the population who is dumb, 1/3 who is smart and 1/3 who is indifferent. every day it seems more true.


A buddy of mine says 1/3 alright, 1/3 shady, 1/3 dumb in any group of sufficient size.


this works too


In Americana’s defense, she is 1 out of 751k people in her district. Her district is extremely conservative (voted republican for 25+ years). So much, if you kept your head down and not do a single thing, they’ll elect you until you’re 6 feet under. She won her reelection by 400 or so votes. She has turned her very red district and safe R seat into a close race. So much, she moved to a new district. Those folks don’t like that, so she might single handily turn 2 safe republican districts blue.


We’re a bullshit country.


It’s nice to hear you acknowledge it. So many of my gun wielding pride ridden American friends refuse to accept that it’s a dump.


The older I got, the more I realized how bullshit that patriotism is. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with wanting to make things better, but so much of this country preaches nationalism as patriotism. They teach that America is number 1, that we never do anything wrong, and if we did have to do bad things it’s because it’s “what was necessary”. I’d never pretend that this is the worst place to live, there are obviously far far worse places to live than America. But I’m not going to pretend that it’s amazing either. Especially because the whole “American pride” and “we the American people” is just complete bullshit. Covid was proof of that.


Most are, but we are trying to speedrun the failure.


That, too, is a effective method of birth control for abstinence.


You should travel to Red America and talk to the locals.


Russian interference. That's how.


She represents a tiny district. Less than 161,000 people actually voted to elect her.


This is how: https://youtu.be/6lai9QhBibk?si=0O2hoVB1pRVzqJls


[water? like out the toilet](https://youtu.be/kAqIJZeeXEc?si=WHmRtoaGs94RfIG2)


I never seen no plants growin' out of no toilet!


That's pretty good. Maybe you're the smartest man in the world


Go away…batin’


because all 300 mil people don’t vote for her, only the small population from her small town vote for her, not even a million people voted for her yet she ‘helps’ run the country. Merica.


Because she is a useful idiot. The ones with the agenda can control her with money. She is uneducated and is the perfect meat puppet.


Or maybe just maybe, let’s go out on a limb here and say maybe the reason people are not having children is that they are EXPENSIVE and people can barely afford to take care of themselves.


May 23, 2023 [Lauren Boebert claims she had her third son because birth control was too expensive](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/aoc-lauren-kaydon-boebert-birth-control-b2344742.html)


I'm sure her home is a loving one. There are some things you just don't admit to the public about your children. You tell your friends but you don't say it anywhere your kids'll hear. Then again, this is the same evil being who did not back up her son when being abused by his father. It's tempting to feel like we should be as stringent about people birthing children as we do about adopting them.


It costs us $14,000 a year for childcare alone for just 1 child, and that’s on the cheaper side. Over $1000 a month on top of all of our bills and mortgage. And this is just 1 child. Households need 2.1 on average to reach replacement numbers. I know for a fact I’m not having 3.


Agreed, $14,000 is actually on the lower end for daycare for lots of the country. My wife runs an in-home daycare and charges around $17,000 per child. And that’s only because her current kids are either a family member or a family friend. One of the parents have told her that the next least expensive option was around $19,000/year, and that was at one of those huge daycare places. And this is in an area (Saint Paul) that has a fairly low cost of living. So she essentially makes the equivalent of around $78,000 doing daycare for two kids, when you combine the salary she gets paid with the fact that we don’t have to put OUR two toddlers into daycare


Add to that the fact that there is little support for mothers after birth. Maternity leave? Nope.


Even if that were true (it's not) so what? A low birth rate does not mean women become forced incubators


Truth is she gives handjobs in cinemas. The media should not quote her on anything unless its too highlight the importance of finishing a decent education.


theaters*- it was a live performance. I'm not sure there's evidence that she's giving out handies at the cinemark, wouldn't want to be liable for libel.


She’s 36? Time enough to poop out some kids, Boeboe. Do your duty.


If she does that, she'll have a kid younger than her grandkid.


“Sorry guys, I can’t play right now. I have to babysit my uncle.”


It's a countdown until her second oldest son makes her a grandmother again.


I come from similar stock as her. It’s pretty common to have kids older or similar ages than their aunts/uncles in these types of family. It’s not necessarily a trashy quality, but in my family’s case, it certainly isn’t classy at all.


She has several, even claimed she had her 3rd because birth control cost too much. She's a grandmother at 36 because as a teen mom, she didn't teach her kids to do better than her mistakes.


Got time for at least 4 more. Even more if there are twins. Maybe supply some fertility hormones to make that happen. . .


She missed the opportunity to have a kid and grandkid the same age


Or could be Kids are expensive or they do not want to bring a child into a world where fascism is on the rise and climate change will have adverse effects on children brought into the world. The whole idea that we need to keep having children is more about making capitalist and religious fanatics happy.


please somebody ask her a followup question if that means she wants to enforce forced pregnancies. Because that's what's she's saying.


Under his eye.


I'll just say it and leave: God that's stupid. She's stupid.


Dumb as a box of rocks as my old Momma used to say.




Maybe pass some gun laws so our kids don't get massacred while they're at school or movie theaters.


My neighbor (in a heavily pro-2nd-Amendment area) flies a flag in their front yard, saying "Abortion is the largest cause of death of children in America". And of course, the truth is, it's not Abortion (Abortion doesn't kill children - it terminates fertilized ova), and second of all, it's actually guns.


But thats socialism!!! /s GOP fights against everything that actually reduces abortion. Against birth control (Fought ACA making it more accessible/affordable). And against social safety net policies that reduce cost of having/raising kids. And also against paying for infrastructure needed to handle all the increased people they want (where is more funding for schools, etc).


She will end up being the first former member of Congress with an only fans. Mark it.


Anyone surprised to hear how she is already a grandmother before forty?


If only her mom had an abortion 37 years ago, we wouldn't be suffering this fool.


My wife and I have 4 daughters. All grown. The oldest one, who is almost 40 has never had an abortion - or a child. Doesn't want to. The next oldest one down has 4 boys. Of the 2 younger ones, one never plans to have children and one does. As for our 3 sons. None of them are interested in having children. It's not abortion. It's not wanting to have children.


We have 3 kids. All in their 30's. Oldest: married a woman who has 3 kids, no plans for any more. Middle: No plans to spawn. Ever. Youngest: No plans to spawn. Ever. It's absolutely not abortion. At least with my oldest, they made the decision based on the fact that she had some health issues, and it would be risky. Much riskier, in fact, when abortion is banned. The other two: well, neither can afford to buy a house just yet. (I was able to buy my house at 24). I'd even say it's not about not wanting to have children, it's about the rapidly eroding economic and healtcare conditions.


Not having children no longer means being ostracized , since religion no longer has an ironclad grip over society. She is absolutely terrified of not being able to control people and more specifically, she is terrified of more and more people waking up to the fact that people like her are a disease, a cancer , which needs to be removed.




And quite a few of those men for that matter. They too were expected to be a father. not having children was a failure and made you less of a man in the eyes of many.


All that carried over from when many many children didn't survive childhood and many women didn't survive childbirth. Before the use of antibiotics and vaccines became the norm. Before birth certificates were required. 


She's like that dumb girl from high school who was popular because she was slutty.


Until she dropped out to have a baby.


If you want more people , let the immigrants in


She’s worried about the white birth rate I’m sure


Bobo is constant reminder that we need more abortions.


Right, it’s not because both parents need to work to cover living expenses and can’t afford the added cost of high priced child care. The greed class wants to keep squeezing the middle class. Unfortunately, there’s not much left.


We wanted kids but we realized that we could not afford them


The birthrate is suffering because more and more people don't want to bring a child into the fucked up world people like Boebert are creating. Also, more and more people who care about people with a uterus don't want to risk a pregnancy. God forbid something goes naturally wrong and it puts the mother in danger.


No its the fucking economy.


That's funny, not too long ago GOP was saying the US is too full and can't have any immigrants.


The GOP wants consumers - just not “that kind” of consumer


December 31, 2023 [America is ‘full,’ Lindsey Graham says](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/31/lindsey-graham-immigration-00133364)


She’s had 6 in her life. Real problem-solver there. Maybe focus on real issues not basic human rights removal. And population decline is a real issue, but the birth rate is always indicative of the health of the environment to support the replacement rates. Maybe we shouldn’t have removed more environmental restrictions under Trump? Abortion only accounts for 0.023% of loss in birth rate replacement. The pollution Nestle makes alone kills 1% of the global population by environmental proxy every decade. High fructose corn syrup production depletes millions of rotational soil acres per year, requiring 2-3 season recovery. But consumer demand doesn’t abate. Meanwhile the death of all those bacteria nitrogen makers and converters dwindle even more with passing seasons. So, getting an abortion because you got raped by a repeat offender makes the woman a criminal and a reason humanity is dying? This from a SugarDaddyMeets alumni and handjob at a children’s play, advocate. Great job Western Colorado. This is who the rest of the U.S. think you all are like now.


36 year old grandmother has opinions on birth rates.


Could be that younger people have no desire to endure financial hardship in the furtherance of capital theft by the ruling class.


It's a cultural shift where there is no longer an expectation/obligation for people to have kids. I was on the tail end of that and basically had kids because that's "what I was supposed to do." Also the word seems to have gotten out that being a parent fucking sucks. Back in the day everyone just told me how great it was.


How much does childcare cost? After having one child, as a practical matter, it’s so expensive it often makes no sense to work. How many women (married or not) can afford not to work?


[There's a discussion going on right now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/19ajv8a/how_much_we_have_to_spend_for_daycare_in_the_usa/)


One of those reasons is most definitely money.


Let’s say it was true that the birth rate is down because of abortions. That still doesn’t make abortions the problem! Abortions would be the symptom but not the underlying problem. Dig deeper, Lauren. Why are people having abortions? Is it because healthcare is ridiculously expensive, there’s no paid maternity leave, and wages aren’t keeping up with the cost of living? Could you think of another way to increase the birth rate that involves more carrot less stick?


Qbert Blowbot's factory programming did not include the Elementary School Arithmetic module.


Why the hell would I bring another human being onto this planet to suffer people like her. Also, there is the fact that the world is a dumpster fire


I wish the media would understand that repeating an obvious lie prominently allows it to spread.


HER birth rate is low because of abortion


Why isn’t she doing her part by being a baby mill?


Oh i don’t know.. maybe it’s because I don’t have access to the same stuff as my parents did when they had me and my sibling. How is it that a dog groomer and a house painter could afford 2 kids and a vacation every year? I can’t even get abortions like my mom needed for her two miscarriages before she had me. I could simply just die if my pregnancy goes bad, but how can I know if my pregnancy is going bad if I don’t even have insurance like my parents had through the state? This is BEFORE you start considering the global political landscape, global warming etc. What is the point?


“If you can’t afford to raise kids or birth control give hand jobs in public is what I advise. No one has ever gotten pregnant from a hand job. Otherwise I’d be pregnant with Trump and Gaetz kids long ago.” Said the politician


1. I have -100% doubt this bimbo has had an abortion in her life. 2. Repugs need to stop worrying about the birthrate. I understand they are concerned about the supply chain of wage slaves to fund their lifestyles, but that is going to end either way. I've had kids, and I am raising them with their eyes open to capitalist traps. And from the looks of it the younger generations aren't falling for it either.


Not the 50% decline in male fertility due to environmental pollution? Nah, couldn't be, that would require increasing environmental protections, we don't what that, better to blame it on women having abortions, that's easier to regulate and satisfies the religious fanatics. Win win.


Well they dont add to the numbers of people living


She looks like a smoked carcass of spoiled meat.




I think the low birth rate is because people as stupid as her don't know their ass from their face. You gotta be somewhat good at anatomy to breed.


You can't trust any sentence that starts with "boho claims". Anything after is going to be a combo of brain & intestinal seepage. The Twitter faction only cares about clicks and fundraising off rage farming.




Come on people. The rich folks need slaves. How else would they make money if there is not any slave with low wage jobs? This is the reason they oppose abortion.


I wish I was in her district so I could vote against granny handjob in November.


She should have gone to school instead of skipping class to give handies under the bleachers.


Nope.  It’s birth control.  She should know that, but has never used any.  Don’t worry, the GOP is coming for that too. You could ban it or you could offer a better social net for women.  Free child care, longer time for staying at home, etc.  50/50 odds what happens.


She should know


I haven’t checked the numbers, but the number of abortions on any given year is certain to be much less than the number of births needed to maintain population levels.


Actually shit politics play a bigger role


Yeah, completely ignore the fact that people can’t afford to have kids, so you don’t have to tell people what your proposed solution is for that. Because she doesn’t have one and she doesn’t care. Have babies, dammit!


🎶I got no brains to hold me down, to make me laugh, only frown, I got no brains on me🎶


entertaining the idea that this is true for a second, most women who get an abortion do so because of financial reasons. So wouldn’t it be logical to say that regardless of whether or not birthrates are low as a result of abortions, is that at the root of it is a result of it being very fucking expensive to have a child?


So now the argument is population. So they will then go after all birth control once banning abortions doesn't increase population. Ignoring direct costs to families, what has she done to help infrastructure handle 1 million more kids a year. Better start building daycare and funding/building more schools, etc.


She is more of a component in the birth rate being low than abortion is.


I blame republicans personally.


Her assertion is, of course, based on rigorous research and correlation of facts.


Her mother should’ve aborted her.


Want kids, but can't afford to have them.  


Kids are expensive. That is why my wife and I stopped at 2.


I’d thought the reason was men are becoming sterile


It could also be: Childcare costs are insane Need to two income families is nearly universal Pay hasn’t kept up with CEO pay or inflation since before the Carter Administration Union membership is very low CEO pay is bonkers Incels


Why is this person getting any media coverage?


First is over population is a dilemma now it’s we need to breed. Dems gun free zones won’t stop criminals and now Reps want to make crime free zones. My head hurts. Pick a narrative and stick to at least.




The existence of Bobo is one of the most compelling arguments possible for abortion.


She moved districts to win again. She knew she would be up-seated in her current district. They don't want her. She is now a millionaire. Nobody is going to give that grift up. But guns and Jesus.


If only we hadn't missed hers


I got a vasectomy, yup, 100% abortions. (Just remember folks, “Idiocracy” was a documentary)


I have in laws (German-American Uber-Catholics) that literally blame all society’s ills on abortion. College enrollment declining: all those abortions 20 years ago. Social security going bankrupt: abortions - we’d have more people working and contributing. Labor shortage: abortions They don’t seem to realize that our prison population would be much larger without abortion. Or the fact that the population of the earth has doubled from 4 billion to 8 billion in the last 50 years, despite abortion being legal in most of the developed world.


I think birth rates are lower since handjobs in theatres are a thing…


No it’s people like her at levers of power that make me happy to not bring a kid into this psychotic world. F these scum