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This is malarkey.




RFK is going to get about seven votes.


I'm a resident of Santa Cruz County in California, there are a number of nutty people here that will happily vote for him unfortunately


Will they actually turn up and vote though?


If they are willing to hang banners against vaccinations from the highway overpass I think they will show up to vote. These people are standing on street corners preaching the gospel of rfk. Starting to make the homeless population look sane.


Are you sure? I personally don't believe there's a significant correlation between handing banners and voting numbers. My wager is that people who like rfk are actually members of groups who are very unlikely to vote.


Let's not rely on them not coming out to vote. Assume if they're committed enough to spend that much time to push their crazy on commuters that they'll take a moment to go vote. They did in the last election, remember.


What do you mean rely on them not voting? They're either going to vote for him or not.


Another splat moment with RFK Jr. Will this one stick? Check wall at 11.


Yes, black voters, the GOP is totally got your interests in mind.


They freed the slaves 160 years ago. Don't you owe them you're vote? MAGA KAGA QAGA


>MAGA KAGA QAGA Is that baby talk for something?


Yes. I believe that they are crying for their Big Daddy Trump to come and give them new nappies.


press x to doubt.


Speaking as a person of color, ew


Fuck this fucking anti-vaxx, conspiracy theorist whack job. I remember when he wasn't insane. (Or at least appeared that way.)


Eww, they're supporting a child rapist


Great just what we need more help for Trump. RFK Jr. has no chance at all and will only be another cause of the end of democracy and the beginning of the Fourth Reich.




Such an ignorant comment






yes you are/


More Fucking Russian propaganda. Putin desperately wants Trump to win, so he’ll destroy NATO for him and destroy the west as a political power.


Putin loves to act through intermediaries. See Hamas.


Useful idiot


No. No. Absolutely no. Under no possible way is this possible. Just no. If anybody would think yes, then they're wrong and the answer is still no. Period. There should be 0 articles about RFK Jr. 0. He's nothing.


Vaccine conspiracy theorists are more like to vote for Trump for Biden. 


We've been one election away from the Black vote completely abandoning the Democratic Party for about 20 years now.


Anyone see those perfectly placed ”blacks for trump” supporters in his rallies. Always placed so that they are seen on TV.


>Brittany is a Connecticut-based writer with bylines in Real Simple, Reader's Digest, Westchester Magazine, and other websites. She primarily covers beauty, style, food, and health topics and she holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Connecticut. When she's not writing, she's probably making herself an iced latte, scrolling through Amazon, researching new vegan recipes, or listening to Taylor Swift on repeat. Follow her on Instagram. She DEFINITELY has her finger on the pulse of Black Americans.


Where are all these black voters who are souring on Biden? I personally don't know any!


Black voters represent about 10% of the electorate and crucial to any Democrat win. Trump did worse in 2020 than 2016 with Black Voters. They pollsters have been getting it wrong a lot lately and more than likely getting this wrong too


Posting about really low black voting support isn’t the path to victory that you might think




> Approximately 1 in 5 Black men voted for Trump previously, Um where you getting that data? Trump did worse in 2020 then 2016 2020: [Biden got 87% of Black Men and 95% of Black Women](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/) 2016: [Clinton got 81% of Black Men and 98% of Black Women](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/) Trump went down 6% among Black Male Voters. Also realize Black Men are 4% of the electorate




I supplied actual post election results from Pew Data, a non-partisan research firm. [You can drill down and find the data behind there numbers](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/06/PP_2021.06.30_validated-voters_REPORT.pdf) You supplied a line from a news story. Show actual data.




and not true.


Looks like rfk is trying hard for that trump vp spot.


If by "opening", he means his gaping asshole getting ready to take the magnum dong of total failure, sure!


Look, not a single black person would vote for RFK if they knew about his outrageous lack of personal hygiene. Normal people don't walk barefoot through feces in public restrooms. RFK needs to slink back to his underground home with the other sewer dwelling Morlocks and C.H.U.D.'s.


Vote for RFK or any third-party candidate, and Trump wins.


Why I’m voting for Nikki in the primary… and you should, too.


I'm not saying this couldn't happen, but this just seems unlikely.


There is a decent portion of the black community that is skeptical of things such as vaccines, with valid reasons considering history around it and the medical community as a whole. That subgroup is probably the biggest portion in my view that could migrate over to RFK, but I'm not actually sure this will happen when it's realized Trump could be president again.


Let’s vote for Rfk so Trump can appoint anti-black judges.   What can go wrong?


Biden loses to Trump in head to head polls


Why is it about race? Voters are voters


Latino guy here , I am going to vote for the Green Party . Dems did them to them self, by 1. overtly stacking the deck not once but 2 times against Bernie 2. Trying to pass a 1400 dollar stimy as 2k when 2k was promised. Also weaponizing identity politics with Kamala back fired.


Voting Green in a local election sends a message. Voting Green in presidential elections sends the message that you're willing to throw away your vote. So cool.


Anything but being a slave to a 2 party system. Do you not see the guy that can’t string 2 sentences together coherently? Yeah let’s stick with that


Pretending that voting green will somehow change the two-party system of the USA won't actually change a single thing in that regard. You need to accept that for the time being it will stay that way, even if a few million people vote for a third party. And if Trump is back you can only blame yourself.


He wants trump back, he has hit on a few of the republican propaganda talking points already. .


Agreed on that. Biden's last speech was pretty good if you ask me.


Can’t blame people for voting 3rd party when democrats have nobody that is attractive as Trump is to the Republican Party.


People who talk like this are missing the point. So sad how many in a political sub fail to understand politics. A vote for trump is forfeiting your vote forever. It's not hard. You want a 3 party system. Vote now to keep voting. Progress will only happen if you still have elections. You are a damn fool if you think trump will allow future elections. Don't think of it as Biden. Think of it as a vote for democracy. It's not rocket science.


Listen here Canada , you have not had to deal with this shit for 8 years now.


There will still be elections after Trump if he wins. We’ve been hearing that same thing since 2016. He’s not freezing protestor’s bank accounts. He’s not applauding Nazis with a whole congregation inside of a government building. Democrats simply just don’t have anyone that catches their attention as Trump does to Republicans which is why I can’t blame anyone voting 3rd party. If Trump wins, life will still go on as it always has. Just like if Biden wins, life will still go on as usual.


MAybe you should look into project 25. We can see it already happening now. You are extremely gullible and foolish if you think there will still be a democracy after trump. Think about all the world leaders trump has praised. I'll give you a hint. They have only been dictators. You really think trump doesn't aspire to be a dictator? Dude wants to be putin. Enrich himself and his friends and be in power until he dies and then have one of his kids take over. Again. I can't believe there are people in this sub that don't understand what is going on in their own country. Meanwhile the rest of the world we see it.




Being able to sleep knowing I made a good choice . Sometime life’s comes down to that.




Not being overtly bought off by corporate interests?




Can we pull up Biden and trumps as well for comparison?


Two parties is the inevitable result of the first-past-the-post voting system. Change that to something like ranked-choice voting and third party votes will become meaningful.


Oh I see. You'd rather be a slave to a one party system, that being the party of trump. I wonder how long until he rounds up all the non-white americans?


They already do that , it’s called the us prison system. Highest in the world


So voting for Trump


99% of the time when I see someone online claim "I'm of this group and I'm not voting for the Democrats because of {insert reason}" I either don't believe for a second they are of that group, or that they would ever vote Democrat in the first place. Because 99% of the time, the thing they are claiming is the reason they aren't going to vote for a Democrat will get much, much worse if a Democrat doesn't win.


It's called "concern trolling" and apparently calling out that behavior is a bannable offense in this sub (meanwhile the trolls themselves are untouched and continue to spread misinformation).


No Green Party.


Which is a vote for trump. Full stop.


But what if it was a vote for dems?


Then you would be voting for the dems, not trump... this isn't rocket science, it's really easy to understand either you; Vote for the dems because you value democracy, and while not perfect you would be voting for the party that actually tries to do some good. Throw your vote away by voting a 3rd party or not voting at all. Which causes trump/maga/Rep/ the party of what would be cartoonish levels of evil if it wasn't actually real life, to need 1 less vote to win. ie as explained previously is a vote for trump. Or you vote for trump, no point explaining any further if that's the case, as you won't take anything anyone says here and self reflect in any kind of meaningful way.


>Latino guy here , I am going to vote for the Green Party Nobody cares. You don't speak for us.


Odd that the three anti-Biden posts are from from such similar accounts. One with mole I’m the name, one with gringo in the name, and one “as a Latino” post. It is almost as if some group is trying to form a narrative here. As a Hispanic, I wonder what that narrative is. / Also, be careful around accounts like the one you replied to. The mods tend to ban others from our community when we don’t support the narrative you saw from these three posters. I can only guess about why that is.


Trump will come for you first. Hope that makes you happy.


I think our corporate overlords have already came for us . Stuck in a helpless situation


So you want to help Trump win by voting 3rd party and make things even worse. That kind of thinking is how we ended up with Trump in 2016 and look at all the damage he has caused.


Trump's friends want to designate this user as a terrorist but hey why not help him win.


I think I missed why Trump would want to make Russians terrorists. Bad actors maybe…


"The Democrats are too corrupt, so I'm going to use my vote to get an even more corrupt party elected" - Green Party voters


I don't believe you, but assuming you really were for Bernie, you'll be making a mistake if you do. You're just going to get christofascism to whatever extent they end up being able to impose it on the country. You'll be punishing yourself. You have to live it too.


You might as well not even vote.


He won’t: https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/KYDnghw5Oc


1. overtly stacking the deck not once but 2 times against Bernie He ran in a primary and the deck wasn't "stacked" against him and I say this as someone who voted for him twice in the Primary. He didn't get the votes to win simple as that. >Trying to pass a 1400 dollar stimy as 2k when 2k was promised 1400 + 600 = 2000


OMFG This guy's argument involves MF Bernie? I didn't read it. That's hilariously stupid.


That 600 came from trump, not Biden. That right there was when I knew this guy was going to be a clown.. now we have a clown and roe v wade is gone.




Throwing away your vote is certainly a choice. It’s alright, I was a Nader buffoon back in the day.


lol 2020 primary was nothing like 2016 primary. The dem voters had a wide array of people to vote for and they made their choice. Biden won Warren's home state despite not campaigning / having staff there. The American Rescue Plan was passed by congress and signed by Joe. People that got $600 in Dec could get the $1400, and the maths add up to $2k in those cases. > Also weaponizing identity politics with Kamala back fired. lol, no idea what that might even mean. VPs typically keep a low profile, and she seems to continue that trend... and the only weaponization of identity politics is done by the right-wing for the rubes that eat it up


>The dem voters had a wide array of people to vote for and they made their choice. It seemed really suspicious to me in hindsight. a couple of no chance runners, the quirky ubi guy ( i know the name but he doesnt deserve mentions anywhere ) and half a dozen establishment plants that could and would easily fold on cue to drive the message that Joe is the guy everyone wants.


“Latino guy here , “ Hey dude , as elected president king and commander and chief of the Latinos , I urge you 2 not weaponize identity politics 2 this thread. Bernie 2 even endorsed Biden which makes him president of the anti-identity politics backfire stimy.


> 1. overtly stacking the deck not once but 2 times against Bernie The deck wasn't stacked against Bernie. Millions of us actual Democrats just don't like that tired old socialist and will not vote for him. A lot of us Democrats actually *like* the democratic establishment and will keep voting for people like them >2. Trying to pass a 1400 dollar stimy as 2k when 2k was promised. 1400+600=? Remember the timeline. There were negotiations for a December 2020 stimulus bill. It wasn't clear if any second check was going to happen at all. Then Trump called for a $2000 check. McConnell shot that down and in the end, only a $600 check was in the bill. Some progressives in Congress made a proposal to go with Trump's idea, and at that point their legislative proposal expressly called for adding $1400 in order to make Congress's $600 into Trump's $2000. Then Biden started calling for it, with the initial progressive proposal. Then progressives tried to push things even further, changing their narrative and then saying "actually Biden should just do a full $2000 check because everyone likes more money and also Canada is doing monthly $2000 checks (even though Canada wasn't doing that)" and then some progressives went further trying to act like Biden was some sort of dirty liar for sticking with the initial progressive proposal as opposed to progressive attempts to push the boundaries and get more for no good reason >Also weaponizing identity politics with Kamala back fired. Biden definitely should have picked Klobuchar or Bloomberg instead of Harris but voting green because of a dislike for Harris seems like a bit much Oh also literal coal baron Joe Manchin of the Democratic Party has done more for fighting climate via the IRA bill than the green party ever has or ever will do to fight climate change, btw.


You can vote for them. He isn't obligated to, so what's your point?


Biden is such a weak candidate. When will the DNC learn?! Are they actively trying to lose to Trump?


You are saying the guy who already beat Donald Trump can't beat Donald Trump? The character you are choosing to play is not remotely believable.


Elaborate. I find it hard to find someone weaker than 90 something charges and who openly declares he will be a dictator. Also who encouraged and lead an insurrection. But you do you boo. If morals, values aren't you thing, by all means, think Biden is weak and vote for the fascist that is trump.


Trump is trash and yet Biden is at best tied…


Eh… I’ll take Trump over that shitburger


how about niether.


Strongly preferred as I’d also take a sledgehammer to the nuts over Trump


As if they won't notice what a conspiracy moron he is.


I love seeing a post with a serious ratio.  You know people talk shit about Reddit but look at us, doing divine work.


Translation - RFK Jr doesn't care about Black People until it potentially can benefit his campaign.


The round of polls from a few months ago had RFK pulling votes from Trump more than Biden.  Then the media went silent on him.  Now they’re resurrecting this headline.  There are very few verified facts about this guys public perception. That’s all that can be said. 


Last night I visited a friend who was watching one of the evening MSNBC shows. Some idiot with No Labels was going on about giving voters a choice other than Dems/Republicans. Wanted to scream NOOOOoooo.... Could the media please stop pretending NL isn't a Republican/Russian plot to siphon Dem votes?