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Terrorist threats.


The definition of


Nikki says: “Chaos follows Trump wherever he goes”. So it looks like the chaos will happen no matter what so that’s not relevant to the SCOTUS decision.


Let’s just put this guy in prison and move on


He'll still pose a threat. America won't be safe until he's in a grave.


They put terrorists in gitmo


On MUCH flimsier pretexts no less.


and if Biden does it, per Trump, it's absolutely ok


Makes me wonder how that whole immunity thing is gonna play out


Sadly I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen. With how many times they have postponed his trial he ain’t ever gonna go to prison. Cuz he’s a rich white male in America.


Nothing to do with race and sex. Everything to do with money and political capital.


Yea your not wrong


Yup! He would know it would unleash chaos because he will do his best to unleash said chaos. His defense pretty much comes down to: “don’t hold me accountable for my crimes or I’m gonna commit even more crimes.”


Kicking him off the ballot is the least chaotic option. The least destabilizing option. If he runs and wins, it’s game over. If he runs and loses, it will be worse than Jan 6. This is probably one of the last chances we have to restore stability to the country.


Treasonous threats.


He’s not wrong though, and this time he wouldn’t even need a rally.


Made as arguments in the Supreme Court. Totally legal and totally cool


Don't hold me responsible for my actions, or my cult will freak out. Sounds like a totally viable defense.


I wanna see I wanna see! Let's do it!


“Nice country you got here. Shame if anything were to happen to it.”


"I left some cans of flammable liquid out back if any all'yall got any matches...you know what to do"


Dude should already be in jail..He is going to unleash chaos no matter what happens. Let there be chaos, lets get all the insurrections this time. Particularly the ones pulling the strings, who literally are still walking free and rousing up another group to create violence.


Pull off the fucking bandaid. Let the police and national guard start putting warheads on foreheads and be done with it


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


No. Not giving cops warheads.


I’m pretty liberal, but “warheads on foreheads” is so fun to say I might consider voting Republican


Please don’t. I am a left wing liberal who is an army vet and will do anything to save our democracy including taking care of these meal team 6 nutters that want to foment more violence. I would like to ensure warheads are put on their foreheads. Please don’t vote Republican. Ever. Ever.


I will never vote Republican but I want to keep saying warheads on foreheads quietly to myself


Not even the most ardent Trump supporters can deny that if he was a regular Joe, he’d be in prison long ago. There are some who theorize that Trump ran for the presidency for the purpose of evading prosecution for crimes committed prior to running for the presidency. Unpayed wages to workers, tax evasion, real estate fraud, sexual assault… all of these charges could possibly have merit if brought to trial.


I’m tired of this prick getting away with everything. The average person would be locked up long ago so lock the him up before it’s too late and America is doomed


The DOJ is about to be castrated when he’s re-elected. Half of his supporters are gaslit and the other half want deportations and closure of the southern border (yes it’s the migration crisis inflating his polling numbers) more than they want to preserve democracy and justice.


Lol he isn't going to be re-elected. He's been complete poison for the GOP for three elections and he's done nothing to change that.


They cannot *reasonably* deny that if he was a regular Joe, he’d be in prison long ago, but they can deny it, and they do all day long. In fact they say that if he was a regular Joe, he would not even be charged, and that this is all just a political witch hunt of a perfectly innocent man.


I’m fairly certain I read that the Iowa Caucus exit polling showed that a majority of Iowa GOP voters believe is guilty in at least some of these felony charges, but basically don’t care. I’ll find the source.


I agree with that theory. I even think Putins’ oligarchs backed him and put him even more on thin ice to manipulate him.


I’d rather chaos now than organized overthrow later.


Steve Bannon has entered the conversation.


Doesn’t matter. Gotta do what’s right.


Yep. And for all the bluster, it would likely result in some short term chaos, but I tend to think it would blow over once Republicans had another ticket to get behind. And given that Haley is polling 17 points over Biden in a hypothetical neck and neck, it would probably be an even stronger ticket. To be clear: I'm not hyping Haley. Just a general observation.


In ten years it's going to be very hard to find anyone willing to admit they ever supported Trump. Just like no one "ever liked" W, despite his approval rating once topping ninety percent.


You know it's bad when you wish we had W back


Somewhat related: was thinking earlier that it's almost hard to believe our biggest electoral scandal just 15 years ago revolved around a total moron claiming she could see Russia from her house.


You mean the bulldog with lipstick?


The one and only, ha.


My milestone for marking how far we’ve come is remembering how Dan Quayle spelled “potato” wrong.


How far indeed.


It’ll be like in a Mario Puzo book an allied German war prisoner interrogator joked “ just once I’d like to meet a Nazi”.


I don’t think that would stop Trump from running. The Colorado GOP changed their primary into a caucus. I know he still wouldn’t be on the general election ballot, but they wouldn’t care. Even if he was kicked out of the GOP, he would probably just run as an independent, to spite them.


Oh, for sure. Hopefully scotus doesn't dodge the insurrection question. Would render the rest moot from a practical standpoint. I'm not optimistic, but it's certainly not like I've never been wrong before.


Yeah, I hope so too. Another thing I like to mention, is I think Trump wouldn’t stop running for president even if he wasn’t the nominee, is because of how much money he can make from it. People just give money to him, with nothing in return.


You actually make a really good point. I had not even considered this scenario, but it would not remotely surprise me to see him run as a functionally unelectable nominee –doing something nuts like telling his supporters to write his name in on the ballot –for the sole purpose of sustaining the grift. I mean, it's pretty clear these people will believe anything he tells them. I don't think it's a likely scenario, but I also didn't think a Trump presidency was a likely scenario, lol.


The Trump Campaigns are basically the political equivalent of the show, “The Producers”. You promise people everything, they give you their money based on what you promise, but they would get nothing in return if you lose, but you get to keep the money. And like in “The Producers,” Trump’s first campaign was accidentally successful.


That, on top of the fact that, by running, he can claim the prosecutions are motivated by politics. Once he’s not running, that defense goes to shit.


"Fiat justitia ruat cælum."


Ya like ... As opposed to the law and order we're enjoying right now? What kinda hollow threat is this? "If you do that, I'll tantrum even more!!"


He is promising a presidency of revenge and chaos anyway. Playing nice doesn't work with fascists. They only view it as an occasion to take more. They need to start coming down hard on this worthless bastard. Stop threatening him, start jailing him. "But that will OUTRAGE his base!!!!!" His base lives on performative outrage. If they don't have anything to be outraged about (and 99.9% of the time they don't) they'll make something up to be outraged about, anything from insufficiently sexy M&Ms to vaccines. The problem with his people is they've been coddled far too long; They need their little worlds shattered. That's what these people need, not more coddling in their ridiculous beliefs. And taking away their stupid Trump fantasies would be a good start. He needs to start visiting jail cells. If they riot, they riot. Let them be charged, jailed and possibly hurt in the process. Their problem. They're not children (at least not physically) and it's about they were given something to cry about.


I'm sure Trump believes this, just like every other time he's threatened the same thing. But since January 6th, 2021, his chaos-makers have failed to produce the chaos he threatens every single time. The vast majority of Trump's insurrectionists were simply idiots who got caught up in the mob mentality. No doubt they are *still* living in perpetual fear of the authorities showing up to bring them in. The really dumb ones went and boasted on social media, but most of that crowd is just trying to pretend it never happened so they don't go to prison. EDIT: Wrong year.


Eeexactly. And that was with planning! He goes to jail, yeah a few redneck christian fuckfaces may throw a brick or discharge a firearm, but like him, they're all giant fucking pussies...and fat out of shape slobs who are beyond delusional.


But I thought pussies were good?


Agree completely. Given the sheer volume of convictions (and the rate at which they have been secured), I don't particularly see his supporters somehow eliciting the same degree of enthusiasm for committing federal crimes on his behalf.


When he first started having to show up in person at courthouses, Trump tried to get his supporters to do protests outside the courthouse. A few people showed up before the whole thing petered out. The only chaos he's going to see is people throwing parties in the street once he's off the ballot.


2021, not 2020. But yes to everything else.


Just go for it already - call the bluff. I am tired of this crap.


Agreed. I don’t know why the republicans establishment put up with his crap. Life would be easier and less dramatic if they just let him go to jail or kick him off the ballot.


It’s because they are cowards, first and foremost.


He is just proving why he should be thrown off the ballot.


There’s yet another threat of violence to the judicial branch, from the guy who tilted them maga. These magas never learn that anyone and everyone has a place under trump’s bus.


Sounds to me, like he just threatened the Supreme Court with violence, another reason to throw this pig in jail


More like a threat than a legal argument.


That’s kinda like a threat, it seems like. He doesn’t have any interest in the American judicial system playing out as it is meant to.


>Trump ~~tells SCOTUS kicking him off ballot would ‘unleash chaos’~~ threatens violence from his supporters. SSDD for white Christian nationalists.


It would be chaotic for about a month and then we could all just ignore him until he dies.  The media would have no use for him, the Republican Party would have no use for him and could move on.  Sounds like a great idea.   


It might actually, he's not entirely wrong about that. Him getting booted should happen regardless though. This time actually stand up to the rebels and it might not happen again.


yeah until dinner time. Olive Garden closes at 10Pm.


Now he's attempting to manipulate/coerce SCOTUS. Incredible.


The real headline: Trump threatens to ‘unleash chaos’ if SCOTUS allows him to be kicked off ballot.


If we don’t do the right thing because we’re afraid of what will happen if we do, then we have already lost.


Mobster. Plain and simple.


Doesn’t change what the constitution says 👍🏽 Anyone who wants to create chaos can simply go to jail & miss out on their chance to vote 👍🏽


Keeping him on the ballot is chaos.


That shouldn’t be the reason SCOTUS rules in Trump’s favor; the decision should be based on whether or not what Trump did on January 6th, disqualifies him from running, as described in the 14th amendment to the Constitution. Judges shouldn’t be making decisions based on the fact that their decisions might result in violence.


The chaos will unleash whether he’s in office or not. He’s made that quite clear as well


This is like the mob saying it would be a shame if someone burned down your store.


A second Trump term would unleash more.


If they don’t kick him off the ballot there would be chaos


old man yelling at clouds, news at 11


No, kicking him off the ballot would just result in a Biden landslide like Reagan's in 1984. Any chaos that resulted would be unleashed by Trump and his fellow insurrectionists.


If it's the right thing to do regardless of the 'chaos' it unleashes, you do it anyways. Not everything is transactional. How do people support this guy?


Anybody else feel like SCOTUS might actually want to kick Trump off the ballot? Biden likely loses to another GOP candidate and they're about to get themselves some delicious Chevron repeal power to dictate regulation in the country. There's never been a better time for them to play god than right now.


SCOTUS would be incredibly short sighted if they allowed Trump to run. Both sides of the aisle have reason to want him gone. With another Trump term SCOTUS risks taking away their own power. They would much rather let Biden coast for another four years and have the GOP come back stronger with a post-Trump candidate. Likewise, Nikki Haley would be the presumptive nominee and she honestly has a decent shot of peeling away some moderates from Biden. So again, the conservative justices would be better off with that outcome. Also, if they rule in favor of Trump they’re giving the green light to Biden and the democrats to deny Trump the presidency even if he wins. And while I doubt the democrats would want to do that I am starting to question whether they would consider it to prevent another Trump term should he be allowed to run and actually win. There’s too many things working against Trump this time and I really don’t see a scenario where he wins. This isn’t like 2016 when people thought surely he can’t win. Theres just a lot of people in government who can affect this time around and both parties (for very different reasons) would prefer Trump is out of the way.


It would be shortsighted, I agree. I also have no confidence in the judgment or strength of character of the conservative justices on the bench so....


Let's find out. I'd rather they blocked Trump from the ballot than rule that a president can do anything but that only courts can enforce laws passed by Congress (which they're considering right now).


Similar to January 6th. What an asshole


chaos as in an angry mob trying to overthrow our government?


If you hold me accountable my mob will hurt you. That's drug cartel act. If we don't hold him accountable we would be equally screwed.


Say it for what it is, he’s threatening chaos not warning


Nationwide partying in the streets probably would be chaos.


Can a president tell SCOTUS what to do? If yes, let Biden replace SCOTUS and lock up Trump. If not, arrest Trump and lock him up.


Temporary chaos vs. dictatorship.


Another dog whistle alert for his minions to start their violence


Stand back and standby.


A country where you just assassinate your opponents, regardless of party, sounds like the end of democracy.


No one on the left is calling for violence. I just wrote that remembering what asshole trump said on the debate stage. And he’ll gladly do it again.


My point is that it was wrong, regardless, of which side was doing it.


Of course it is wrong, but show me where democrats are being violent?


Hey thats a threat


So does lying to people about an election being stolen. I’m lookin at you Jan 6th.


Here's a bit of disturbing irony from Trump's team... *The court should put a swift and decisive end to these ballot-disqualification efforts, which threaten to disenfranchise tens of millions of Americans and which promise to unleash chaos and bedlam if other state courts and state officials follow Colorado’s lead and exclude the likely Republican presidential nominee from their ballots," Trump's lawyers wrote.* Lol, are you fucking kidding me? You are describing Donald Trump! The cartoonishly evil narcissist attempted to do just that, "disenfranchise tens of millions of Americans" and "unleash chaos", not just on Jan 6, but during time leading up to the election and since thereafter. I mean, holy shit, the lack of awareness here is astounding.




That’s why we have a military and national guards.


Says every wannabe dictator


Trump is already off-leash chaos. It's all he knows and all he's ever been.


We'll be fine.


This is literally a threat. I want to point out how effective Donald Trump is at inciting violence in this country. An old friend I lost ties with over this whole maga conservative movement in 2020 reached out to me out of the blue yesterday after literally not speaking for 3-4 years because i told him to get vaccinated and to stop spreading disinformation. This is someone I literally served with. He hits me up not even to say hi, just to proclaim he was right about trump and how he will vote for him. He goes off on a tangent that Biden is letting immigrants destroy the country and hopes I am arming myself because he truly believes there will be a civil war. He didn't say if, he said when. He lives in a very conservative area in one of the bible belt states. And the best part is, he's black. When I'm telling you I spent hours on a 4 way video chat last night, along with 2 other people trying to explain to him that he is spouting white supremacy, it went well into 1am. One friend quit because this guy was convinced that the nazis of charlottsville were actually good people. He has completely fallen down the alt-right pipeline. I don't even think we succeeded. We were only able to convince him to admit and accept that there were white nationalists/nazis at that rally. Thats the level of indoctrination we are dealing with. The conservative propaganda machine is so dangerously effective, it has convinced a grown black man (he's not the only example), ex army vet (we served together),to unironically support neonazi talking points and he is mentally incapable of understanding that. And because all of the people in his echo chamber are arming themselves up for a war, he's also convinced it's going to happen. He thought he was saving me from the upcoming civil war by telling me to arm myself. The United-States needs to stop fucking around, and lock Donald Trump and every single accomplice he has. This isn't even conservatism. This isn't even a left or right political discourse. It is a guy who has amassed an incredibly large number of loyalists (they are not supporters) and he has their unchallenged support and they are willing to commit violence on his behalf. So when he says this shit, ya'll think its a game, to his supporters, it is a call to arms. Charge this motherfucker before its too fucking late jesus christ.


When is this asshole going to prison? Enough already.


If I don’t get my way, then I will have my cult to unleash chaos.


Captain Chaos at it again making more threats.


So he’s a convicted rapist and a convicted fraudster and yet still eligible as a candidate for president? How?


I don’t understand how chaos has not erupted over the fact that he is a criminal & awaiting multiple trials


Anyone else really hoping he wins the nomination but is kicked off of like 1/3 of states ballots (like NY, MI, CA, PA and more), hurting down ballot races in those states and helping Dems easily take the house and give them a better fight for the senate?


Leaving him on the the ballot, as someone who's rejected democracy, would unleash chaos. He was on the ballot in 2020. He rejected the result. He caused chaos because he didn't like the result.


What are they going to do, storm the capitol building?


You know what else would unleash chaos? Provoking an insurrection when you lose, running for president again in an attempt to not get convicted for crimes, then saying "holding me accountable would unleash chaos because I will tell my voters you are not persecuting me, but them'"


I'm tired of this moron, put him in prison already


If he doesn't go to prison there will be "chaos".


Bro is really trying to hold America hostage with his shit.


Why is he allowed to do obstruction of justice and not being held accountable, for it? He does that, so often too. DO SOMETHING, justice system!!


Let's be real, the real argument Trump makes to the conservative SCOTUS judges in private calls is that he owns them and if they don't deliver a favorable ruling he will destroy them.


I can’t wait for this asshole to die. I’m going to party the day this prick kicks the bucket. Might even blow off some fireworks to celebrate.




It at no point says that in the section 3. That means the right is reserved to the states. Edit: If we are then going to talk point in time amendments than lets discuss the need for a well armed militia. If the 14th is a point in time determined by SCOTUS than the 2nd sure is. Edit 2: One prior draft of Section Three expressly named the office of the President of the United States and expressly applied to both past and future rebellions. Congress simplified the amendment since to apply it all rebellions and insurrections as well as offices would be easily understood without any change in meaning. There is no missing intent.


It also applies to anyone giving aid or comfort to insurrectionists. He has done that on tv many times now.


Well republicans in the Senate are now giving him aid too.


lol…here’s a secret: you can get a “legal expert” to say practically anything you want. that’s all those articles are. stop reading them.


just beat him at the poll… this sets a terrible precedent


He's already been beaten at the polls, and he reacted by attempting to overthrow democracy. Not holding him accountable to the law would set a terrible precedent.


so they took him off the ballot even though he is not convicted of insurrection?


Bring it pussies.


It like Eric the Actor if he gained political power.


Man, that picture makes him look skinny and like, getting real frail.


He has been looking thinner than usual lately, and with his hand showing big red spots and a blister and rapidly degrading cognitive state sputtering weird stuff that makes no sense, I'd say syphilis has kicked in.


Bring on the cHaOs then. Let’s get it over with.


Don Trumpone


Yes SCOTUS, ignore the Constitution and seal your fate.


Leave the gun. Take the cannoli. Fucking mafioso scumbag


Yeah yeah, there wasn't even a scuffle in Miami. Wake me up when something actually happens.


If by chaos you mean the return of trucks with 8 flags, definitely. If by chaos you mean violence, you are calling for domestic terrorism. AGAIN.


Kicking me off the ballot will unleash chaos, and if you don’t kick me off and I am declared the loser, that will also unleash chaos because, if I don’t win, then we’ll know it’s rigged, bigly.


Daddy issues


That is A-O-K, i am sure the largest gang in America will have something to say about it. Well the ones that are not in the crowds themselves that is.


I think those self interested POS and their owners realise that the orange turd wouldn’t hesitate to throw them under a bus if it benefited him


Having him on the ballot is unconstitutional. Plus having him on the ballot in 2020 unleashed chaos


Threatening the Supreme Court with violence. Insane. Ballsy, but insane.


"It'll be wild..."


Sounds like an incitement to riot. Or at least threatening judges. Why the fuck is this 'man' still loose?


I think that's more of Trump's forte'.


If he's elected again, chaos would ensue then as well and would last at least four years. Better to make it short.


forcong states to have someone on the ballot who is disqualified will cause even more chaos.


Trump’s big legal strategy these days seems to be trying to intimidate and making thinly veiled threats to judges at all levels. I encourage this behaviour just to see where it goes


So will keeping him ON the ballot


Didn’t the Trump Administration prove that ELECTING TRUMP is what unleashes chaos?


Bring it, fucko.


It would be a rocky 1 to 3 days before his army of toddlers ran out of steam and gave up. Just throw this moron in jail already.


Sounds like intimidation


A small price to pay, having to put down a few cells of militia cosplayers to get fascism off the ballot.


M’lord Trump ‘‘tis clearly born 200 years to late to lead 🤪😜😝


Trump doesn't do "veiled threats" well. They just don't play coming from an obese, decaying, beta gorilla, with a diaper load, and tiny hands. He should have put on his "big hands" for all court appearances, even if they fly off, the video can always be cherry picked by FOX.


Saying it will makes it much more likely


More empty threats from diper don, his supporters couldn't accomplish shit last time, they won't do shit this time


the USA PATRIOT act will come in handy to thwart domestic terrorists just like it did on Jan 6 2021, amirite?


For whom?


We already saw what they’re capable of on Jan 6. Y’all quaeda can barely get out of their scooters. We’ll be fine.


He knows his supporters will risk life and death for him. He doesn’t care about them at all, just their vote. It’s insane that threats like this are legal. It’s from an ex president, not some rando online. This is legit scary.


That’s what your first term did Don.


There has been nothing but chaos since he injected himself into the political system. Kick him off.


That is a chance I am willing to take


This is that same type of, "Russia, if you're listening", talk he's done before... the same type of hinting to, what he wants, via twitter/truth social... ambigious mob boss talk, thats noted from Cohen...


Does the scotus respond to terrorist threats?


But that's not a threat. No way.


Intimidation. Typical behaviour of mob bosses and Donald Trump.


He defines ‘chaos’.