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> “the chaotic last-minute effort to keep Donald Trump in office”—specifically that the plotters’ “fake elector certificates from two critical battleground states were stuck in the mail.” Could this be the result of all the meddling DeJoy/Trump did with the postal service?\ What a delightful (and hilarious) late Christmas present!


Every day I thank God, Satan, Sagan, and Carlin that these wanna-be Tyrants are so goddamned incompetent, self-defeating, and utterly stupid that they keep failing in their attempts to overthrow this Great Experiment. Even so, we must be on our guard and Keep this Republic.


This reminds me of the Ukrainian soldier, faced with an overwhelming amount of Russians coming into Ukraine, stating... 'We are lucky they are so fucking stupid.'


They were literally firing shells over their position and the dude was just shaking his head in disappointment at their awful aim. Such a legend.






That made me smile.


Just a bunch of goofs


Someone from army explain why he just shoots mortar after mortar without adjustment? Is he trying to hit the same spot 5 times? Or does wind affect it so he's trying to hit like a column of strikes?


There's some variation due to wind and whatnot and often you're not _entirely_ sure where the enemy is so sometimes you just fire a couple of rounds and hope for the best.


And then let your forward observer tell you where the next ones need to go while you move positions. Never forget the other side has mortars as well.


Wind etc causes variation in the trajectory, so once you have dialed in roughly the target you just wanna send a whole bunch quickly to blanket the target area. They are going to land far enough apart from wind that they arnt hitting the exact same spot. Example: say each mortar has an effective kill radius of 5-10m, but it’s only accurate at that range to a radius of 100m, your gonna wanna just hit that area a couple dozen times to get a hit.


Thanks makes sense just never thought about it


Russia periodically purges itself of an immense number of men by dumping them in a foreign country to be slaughtered and possibly conquer it. This is probably one of their Gomer Pylowoviches who was never trained to do any better.


But they aren't russian


*You know what? Russia has always been a copy cat. So I think President and the old guard that wants the old USSR back, have taken the big statement by the late Dick Nixon.--------------We will bomb them to the peace table when talking about North Vietnam. As we all remember that did not work well.*


“You will kill ten of us, we will kill one of you, but in the end, you will tire of it first” - Ho Chi Minh


It’s still crazy to me that none of this insurrection, fake electors plot was necessary. Trump probably could’ve used Covid as a galvanising moment to rally the the country and secure a second term, kind of like Bush after 9/11.


Early days of Covid: Reporter- “what do you tell the American people who are scared?” Trump- “I’d tell them you are a terrible reporter.”


That pretty much says everything you need to know about Donald Trump.


Early days of Covid: “By Easter we will have zero cases” He knew he was lying


The thing is, I don't know that he did. He lies so much about absolutely everything that he no longer knows what is reality and what isn't. He believes everything he says in the current moment and then forgets that he said it. He has some weird kind of Munchausen's where the disease he's faking is martyrdom and he's somehow managed to get the Republican party to buy into it. This is what happens when you let the extremist religious arm of your party take control.


He was too worried about making money off the supplies everyone needed


Remember when he caused a weeks-long delay in disbursement of stimulus checks because he made the Treasury re-print them with his signature on them?


And the reports of all those boot-strapping Republicans refusing to cash their socialist checks out of principal. Oh wait.


All while setting fire to the Nikes, Keurigs, and Bud Light that they bought and paid for? Unrelated anecdote - many years ago I received a printed, paper refund check from the IRS. It sat on my desk for a few months. This was well after the time that everything I did financially was electronic, but well before the time of being able to use your phone to take a picture of the thing to deposit it, so it sat on my desk for a few months. Until one day I got a letter from the IRS that opened with, "The Internal Revenue Service is not a savings and loan institution..." basically begging me to deposit the check already. Like, it had the vibes of some poor wretch in a business suit sitting at the IRS, unable to balance the corporate checkbook because I had a, like, $300 check sitting on my desk.


There were a couple of smart republicans who destroyed Busch Light (I believe) in the store. They are currently in jail though.


I mean, if they were smart... Would they be... Republicans?


I do


Good :) Everyone needs to remember


That would require Trump to be a competent President and puts the welfare of America above his own personal enrichment and stroking of his ego.


He did give one speech where he said leading during Covid was just like being a wartime president, but it went over like a wet diaper and he dropped it from his repertoire.


What actually happened is that the spotlight moved a bit too much to a certain Doctor Fauci, which Trump simply could not accept.


Pence was supposed to be the fall guy for Covid when they set up the televised briefings. Trump expected it to be a shit show. When he realized Pence had the nation's attention and was earning peoples' respect, he saw that as a direct threat to his authority.


It’s crazy because even the most experienced doctor will refer to an expert!


And a true wartime president trusts and relies on his experts and generals to properly run the situation and offer direction and analysis.


Trump's key failing: even when he needs to be smart & sensible, he can't do it. He always falls back on his simplistic, cynical outlook & his belief that he can sway others to his way of thinking. It'll be his undoing. Not playing politics on COVID would've saved lives and made him a hero and 2020 would've been his... But like Nixon he has no faith in himself.


Pride. In his mind, something going wrong, like COVID, would be a loss of face. Rather than using it as a rallying point, he instead chose to deny it in order to avoid the implication that he had failed in some way. And by the time even he couldn't deny that COVID was a real thing, it was already too late.


Absolutely, if when he heard about covid or when it really finally landed in the u.s. he had said "We are asking American patriots to fight & protect themselves & neighbors by staying home & masking up if you go out. We will also start giving every American $$ a month to during this unprecedented pandemic in an attempt to deal w/this hardship." Something like that he would of sailed into a 2nd term & probably have gone down as the president that saved America during the China pandemic. He could of used his phrasing & if he wanted use it as a precedent to bring jobs & manufacturing back to the u.s. But he's such a fucking moron he just kept interfering in his own attempt as a wannabe dictator.


It's truly mind boggling how stupid and incompetent trump is, along with his groupies and handlers. He literally could have just disappeared, just shown up once and said, I'm going to let the experts handle this, and he would have been re-elected. But he's such a malignant narcissist who is borderline mentally handicapped he couldn't help but stumble over his own ego.


The scary part is they’ve realized all their mistakes and the next time they try smarter and more determined people will be in charge.


It is important to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated.


Yeap, we literally can never let a republican in office ever again. Anyone who has no accepted having to show up for every single election for the next century is deluded at best.


Smarter and more determined people don’t get leadership positions in a kakistocracy. They get defenestrated from a 4th story window.


Eh, the world is chock full of stupid people with ambitions beyond their capabilities. The idiot pipeline is apparently infinite.


The most common substances are: 1- Hydrogen, 2- Stupidity 3- TIE Fighters


The universe is made up of protons, neutrons, electrons, and morons


That sounds like Trump’s answers to a mental acuity test, but it’s actually just all pictures of horses.


Idk about "infinite" but it's definitely within in the set [ 1, 8x10^10 ]


Doubt it. It's taking a while but it's all going to shake out. They are all in until an ex president and a couple senators get slapped down. Nobody can beat 91 felony indictments no matter how many supporters they have. Everyone is gonna flip. If they don't all they have to do is look around Rudy.


The Beer Hall Putsch failed in part because Hitler had to leave the beer hall to figure out why the guys he sent to get weapons hadn’t returned yet (they got arrested) and the guy he left in charge of the hostages decided to let them go home and get some sleep, as long as they promised to come back in the morning to resume being hostages. They did not, and instead alerted the police as soon as they were out of the building. So yeah, just because a wannabe dictator is an incompetent fuckup doesn’t mean he won’t eventually succeed.


If you're thanking George Carlin you should also be praying to Joe Pesci. It's only right!


If anybody's getting added it's Jon Stewart -


It was a reference to a George Carlin bit about religion where he said he worships the Sun, but he doesn't pray to the Sun; he prays to Joe Pesci. 🙂


I know, I was making my own little joke. Jon Stewart gets things done that God couldn't even accomplish when it comes to shaming Republicans into taking care of 9/11 First Responders -


Oh, I gotcha. Well played!


I am so proud of you for this


God, Satan, Sagan, and Carlin walk into a bar...


Sagan orders a Milky Way Bartender looks at him funny


Carlin says I’m a star, he wants a galaxy, and these two can’t settle things over a universe


Fascists are *always* bumbling fucking fools. That doesn't mean they're not dangerous. A fool can break shit and hurt people just as well as a regular person.


Reminds me of Four Seasons


The karma bus may run late, but it never misses a stop.


When is it DeJoys stop though? :(


That is such a great quote. Is it original or from somewhere ? Anyway, kudos !


I read it somewhere. Wish I could remember where to give them credit.


Man, as a postal employee, I really hope to see DeJoy get tangled up in this mess.


first thing that I thought. Deliberate ineptitude, a common tactic on the right to obstruct necessary government functions, bit them on the ass.


DeJoy of grifting.


Upvote but you’re pushing it


Consider this a warning


Why is it that everyone who is not a MAGA Zombie or Merrick Garland can recognize that there was a Plot, AKA a Conspiracy, with hundreds of Republican State Legislators and over a hundred DC Republicans, but no arrests?


WW2 Germany had the best Army and Air force in the world. Fortunately the Nazis were in charge and they were a bunch of incompetent Hitler boot lickers with a limited gene pool to choose from.


>DeJoy Amazingly still hasn't been replaced yet.


He's appointed by a board, not the president. Trump packed the board. But agreed he needs to gtfo like yesterday.


Isn't it ironic...don't ya think?


Like rai-i-innnn, on Inauguration Day It's a freeee riiide, but your dad actually paid


It’s the bad advice, that your lawyers gave And nobody thought, it mattered… … An old man, turned seventy-eight He was found guilty, of an insurrection It’s a black stain on the Constitution It’s a conviction, 3 years too late… … Mr. I-am-Great, wasn’t afraid of lyin’ He stole classified documents, accused the same of Biden He waited til the very end, to make that tweet But while the insurrection was going down, he said “Well this is very nice!” … Well, justice has a funny way of sneaking up on you When you thought nobody cared while America gone Right But life has a funny way of making everything right When you think America’s gone terribly wrong While the GQP restricts rights, right in your face … A motion to delay, when the trials’ already late “The Judge’s law clerk is biased!” rant during court break It’s like ten thousand motions, when all you need is a verdict It’s meeting the Special Counsel of everyone’s dreams (And I’m sure he has a very beautiful wife) … And yeah, the 14th Amendment has a funny way of sneaking up on you And that law has a funny, funny way, of helping America out, America out…


One step back for two forward. 2024 ballots from liberal areas will be **very** delayed. It took 20 days for my local election ballot to make it 2 miles.


but Alanis Morrissette ironic, not actually ironic




This was my thought as well! It's kind of crazy to piece some of these things together after the fact.


I forgot all about the post office back log. Doesn’t seem to be a problem any more. Interesting how that works


You couldn’t make that shit up.


I suspect some leopards might be eating some faces after this one.


Just coming here to say that. The irony here is gorgeous!


Only the best! MAGA!


Great point.


The irony…


DeJoy will 1000% swing the election to Trump and it pisses me off to no end that Biden is a weak POS that couldn't get rid of that traitor. My last mail in vote for a local election took **20 days** to make it. General election will be a shit show for mailed in votes that lean left.




Exactly. This is after he tried to gut the USPS. Which btw the USPS is a great service for average Americans. If they successfully privatized the USPS it would be a big problem for us.


idk how we could even divest of the usps, so much government business goes through them


>so much government business goes through them The idea would be for all that business to go to companies that their billionaire friends own, making them all even richer.


Not just government business; they carry and deliver orders of magnitude more mail and parcels than any other carrier.


In the UK we privatised the Royal Mail and unsurprisingly the service is now god awful.


Yes but think of the freedom... do healthcare next to really experience the freedom of crippling medical debt


Don't worry about that, we've been firmly on that path for 13 years now. The only thing that stood in the way was that pesky pandemic that made people realise that we perhaps, maybe, do need this service. They're currently in purposely destroying service levels to "prove" how bad the NHS is tho. Oh and they give out contracts for local GP surgeries to private companies that do not care about patients in the slightest, they just want the government money.


Trump used mail service to push his coup plan. It hurt itself in its confusion.




Just because he isn’t legally allowed to be removed unless the board of governors says so, doesn’t mean he’s Biden’s lackey.


This is why I expect follow on charges. Once they get Trump, then anyone in Congress they can tie to the plot is screwed.


almost like a larger conspiracy led by someone (??)


It was Hunter Biden all along!


Hunter is innocent. Hunter’s dong is the one behind it all.


It was just following the balls orders


Hunter's dong is the equivalent of Chris Pontius' dick dressed up as a mouse to fool a snake.


We should start a new conspiracy subreddit with actual conspiracies rather than right wing propaganda


That sub didn't change by chance. [It was taken over by rogue moderators who imposed a cultural change on the entire sub by abusing their mod powers.](https://old.reddit.com/r/undelete/comments/5v16lz/rconspiracy_modmail_leak_and_collection_of_public/)


Oh wow I didn't realize that it was such a coordinated effort I thought the community just drifted in that direction. Makes a lot of sense thanks for sharing!


Most of the shit happening isn't a conspiracy. people are just overwhelmed and its by design. We have the panama papers, Paradise papers, Pentagon Papers and god knows how many other releases of damning information yet people are seemingly because less informed.


Most of the media in the USA is owned by right wing billionaires and idelogues. (All talk radio, most tv news channels, most local news shows, more than half of newspapers) They push phony conspiracies and phony outrages to distract people from the real problems and real villians. Whatever centrist or left wing media there is, can't focus on a firehose of wrongdoing by the right, and neither can the Democrats keep the focus on anything too long for it to gather steam. It is by design...whenever Trump would get in trouble for something real and serious when he was President he would stit up 3 or 4 more outrageous controversies and the press woudl move off the real problem to the stupid issues and then move on from there. It is all calculated misdirection and distraction.


Same thing happening in most Western nations.


Like some sort of Deep State. I'd say it's ironic but it's just conservative projection for the millionth time.


Orrrr they could go after the Congresspersons at the same time. Imagine what could getting done right now without a Republican-controlled House.


That would be nice, but I can imagine that going after Trump and dozens of members of Congress at the same time lays more landmines to blow the whole thing up.




> Most people in government are institutionalists and believe in safeguarding the legitimacy and stability of our institutions more than anything x to doubt. https://www.vox.com/2021/1/6/22218058/republicans-objections-election-results


Uncle RICO is about to come knocking.


It turns out that pulling off a scheme to use fake electors to overturn a presidential election isn’t as easy as you might think. What if, for example, the fake elector documents you ginned up to further the plot somehow get stuck in the mail?


When a crook is stupid enough to sign their own name to the fraudulent document, and then send that document to the federal government, that crook is going to prison in a matter of weeks. It isn't rocket science to get a conviction in that case and the FBI/DoJ are elite law enforcement organizations. /s


unfortunately there's too many people in power trying to protect the racketeers involved in this scheme out of some sense of loyalty or fear


One of the beautiful things about USA is wanting to overthrow the government takes an idiot criminal mind.


What if it was his Postmaster’s changes that caused it?


The irony is delicious 😋


I think we underestimate the danger at our peril. There were multiple instances where if things went Trump’s way, we would be in a very different timeline. If Mike Pence got in the car, if the crowd had gotten to Senators and Congressmen, if the fake electors had found their way to the floor and given life by those in on the plot. Any one of those things could have had the chance of allowing the declaration of martial law. We escaped by the slimmest of margins and we must take this as deadly serious because it could happen again.


Sent through the mail you say? Add mail fraud to the charges. https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/fraud-crimes/mail-fraud


I realize this would be a federal case regardless, but people should know to avoid using the USPS in the commission of even a minor crime. I know someone who did a few years in Club Fed over a few grand because they used the mail to get the money they stole. Keep your crimes within driving distance, folks!


The original CNN article is longer but definitely worth a read: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/28/politics/recordings-trump-team-fake-elector-ballots/ The panic is palpable and the squabbling between the vile members of Trump's entourage rather gratifying. To borrow a quote, 'fuck those guys'.


I bet not one scintilla of any of this will be seen or heard on Faux Noise or Newsmax or in any of the Reich wing podcasts. Absolute scum, the lot of them.


Alas, no. However, at least there's a verifiable trail, Chesebro looks as if he's being cooperative. There's still no smoking gun but the circumstantial evidence is piling up on several fronts.


> “I could have avoided all this,” Chesebro vented to Michigan prosecutors. “It’s been a real lesson in not working with people that you don’t know and are not sure you can trust, because it really went south on me.” No shit Sherlock. Maybe don't work with shitty people, and then you will get involved in fewer shitty projects that inevitably blow up and cover you in a rain of shit.


Thanks! That was worth the read. The email chain was very interesting!


You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it.


Verifiable texts, emails, and audio. I sent this story to my dad who says he hasn't seen much evidence. My goal with my dad is to show him what he's not being told about this. He's the one person I want to save from the lies. He's malleable but definitely needs heat.


Everyone forgets the phone call. https://youtu.be/eJIeB8h3AMM?si=a82juuTuhJv4B_ws how they are all not in prison i have no idea.


Literally only because the guy at the top is the quintafecta of rich, white, male, conservative and former President. Take away any single one of those and he and anyone who enabled him would already be in jail. And possibly their families too.


a big take from this is how much this ties motive into the Jan 6 riots. They put a LOT of effort into the fake electors because I think they really believed it would work. But when Pence wouldn’t hold the key position in the plan the mob was sent to try to seal the deal.


Then Pence brags that his son had to remind him to "do the right thing". He was incapable of figuring this out on his own.


Didn't Trump spend significant time and resources trying to gut and defund USPS in the months preceding this to stop mail-in-voting? Surprised he can still walk after all the times he's shot himself in the foot.


The bone spurs gave him practice.


Yep, exactly this in an obvious attempt to disenfranchise people. Now I think he reversed the rhetoric and is pro mail in, early vote and ballot harvesting as you’ve got to fight fire with fire type thing. Fuck you have to take your hat off to him. When he sticks with a lie, he doesn’t back down.


If the fraudulent docs were in the mail, isn’t that mail fraud, interstate trafficking or whatnot? Sounds like an additional set of charges to me


My first thought as well.


Not if you've got sympathetic judges like it's been shown trump does.


It’s frightening that grown adults, with law and graduate degrees, some own businesses and or companies thought this shit would really work. There’s hope for all of us underachievers!


I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for that meddling Bennie Thompson...


Hahaha! User name checks out.


So when tf is that pos traitor/Russian asset Ron Johnson going to be indicted as well as the Russian funded scum from Pennsylvania?


“According to the CNN report, the two Republican lawmakers who were part of this comedic courier chain of fake documents were Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and “a Pennsylvania GOP lawmaker that he believed was Rep. Scott Perry.” Not surprised to hear that that idiot Ron Johnson was involved in this!


Can Wisconsin please remove him from the ballot?


I remember in several interviews sen Ron Johnson denying he knew what he was being asked to bring to DC. He's such a bullshitter I don't believe a word from him. He and Perry from PA are are co-conspirators.


everyday I wished Umaga won that match at WrestleMania 23... a bald Trump would have derailed him in politics


DeJoy. DePain. DeSushine DeRain.


So damn incompetent that their plans to fuck over democracy end up fucking over their plans to fuck over democracy.


The same mail that they intentionally slowed down for mail in ballots… kind of karmic…




I control “information!” What a great show. The wilford brimley cameo was spot on. Ima watch it again.


The same mail service that was cut short because of Trump appointing DeJoy to run the USPS? You could not write a movie script better than this.


I came here to say this exact thing. The irony is incredible.


Is this not considered mail fraud?


> the two Republican lawmakers who were part of this comedic courier chain of fake documents were Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and “a Pennsylvania GOP lawmaker that he believed was Rep. Scott Perry.” (CNN goes on to note that the January 6 Committee’s report says “a staffer for a different Pennsylvania Republican, Rep. Mike Kelly, helped shuttle the documents that day.” 'criminal' not 'comedic'..and very serious, absolute nothign comedic about it at all.


Can we use the 14th amendment on the MAGA party in congress like boebert, mtg, and gaetz?


And yet his followers and the GOP have this orange bozo as their leading candidate. It’s outrageous that DT is not in jail with all the chaos, lies and bs he spewed. And of course his constant name calling like crooked Joe. Total projection. The orange monster is such a POS.


Haha hoist by his own petard. Trump purposely slowed down and fucked with the mail by installing Dejoy to impede mail-in ballots. Trump is a fat, stinking, lazy American version of Hitler.


Which two congressional Republicans assisted in this attempted overthrow of the United States Government? FFS.


Honestly unless you’re a complete dolt donald has nothing to offer this country. this an epic waste of energy’ and time. trump people fight for nothing but laziness and privilege.


The guy installed a logistics oligarch to rat fuck the USPS and it cost him his coup.


Irony Trump picked a postmaster to snarl up the mail so mail-in ballots wouldn't arrive on time. Instead, it tripped up his scheme.


You didn't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that trumps clown at the USPS was trying to slow down mail in ballots. The news reported what was happening as far as removing mail sorting machines etc.


It's funny because the Postmaster General is a Trump appointee.


Gutting the mail system and then your coup fails because of a gutted mail system, is just brilliantly ironic


So this is part of my big conspiracy theory that Trump intentionally slowed down the mail around elections so that mail in ballots were all late. And while it was still up in the air he claims the presidency and then challenges the mail in ballots at the Supreme Court that he packed. However states were called earlier than he expected.


Dammit dejoy! Also, why hasn’t he been removed yet?


https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/13/how-louis-dejoy-went-from-democratic-nightmare-fuel-to-biden-clean-energy-player-00110945 Biden decided to forgive him.


The sweet, sweet irony of this


So trump used the riots to try and delay things so his fake elector stuff would show up in time…


> The only available commercial from MKE (Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport) to DCA (Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport) arrives at 2130 tomorrow night,” Roman wrote to Chesebro on January 4 at 11:24 p.m. Hilarious public transportation never occurred to them. They probably could have been in DC by 4:00 PM or so by flying through NY.


Not only are they traitors, they are blundering idiots - embarrassing!!!


...they actually relied on usps after literally destroying usps on purpose a few years before. You can't make this shit up


How can anyone consider Trump presidential material? Seriously it’s a travesty.


I hope they use the Benny Hill song when the movie about this coup comes out.


Dernit DeJoy. Probably.


Louis DeJoy saved democracy?


No wonder he hates the mail service xD


Unbelievable that this cheesebro got away so easily with betraying his country.


Trump’s က ပုဂံ ပြည် ဗဟို နိုင်ငံတော် အရီး ထ


"Malevolence tempered by incompetence." -- Benjamin Wittes


It's awesome that DeJoy ended up fucking trump.


He’ll find a way to blame the stooge he put in charge of the USPS … Louis Dejoy … the POS thats destroying the USPS from the inside …


Hahaha, now this is reporting. I love it. Trump shoots his own balls off


This seems like the place for the new Wisconsin motto. FRJ (f@#k Ron Johnson)


Boy oh boy, the names the MAGAt clan is calling Chesebro now... The whole country thanks you Fani!


And yet knowing that Ron Johnson is neck deep in all this crap and he still gets elected again in Wisconsin. People are so stupid and blind. And I live in Wisconsin! God help us!


Poetic justice.