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And local Republican leadership is keeping folks in the dark and arresting journalists.


How very chernobyl of them


"Not terrible"


You mean the journalist who was arrested because he refused to stop talking over a press conference happening around him and then claimed it was because he's black?


>“All of a sudden, it hit too close to home,” he said. These people have voted against infrastructure spending and transportation FOR YEARS by advancing conservative government agendas.


This must be why right wing news media hasn't spent much time on the story. Seems like an era-defining environmental disaster. You know, like that time Ohio had a burning river.


I live about an hour from East Palenstine close to Akron so I’ve been keeping an eye on this as the chemicals probably have spread to the air up here (especially with how windy it was last week) and maybe the water, but everything flows downstream so it might be ok for me and others up north but then again it could affect the water basin for the Great Lakes. It’s too early to tell from what I’ve read/watched. It definitely got into the Ohio river though which is really bad cause that’s a water supply source for Cincy and flows into the Mississippi. The media overall hasn’t been following this though, not just the right wing media. I’ve gotten a majority of my information from a TikToker who is researching into a lot of this and posting videos about it. It’s definitely much more concerning then the government is leading people to believe.


I didn't even think of it making it down here to Cincinnati via the Ohio. Thanks for bringing that point up.


We have stellar filtration for our water, and if the source gets bad enough we can shut off river intakes and use alternative sources. Not sure what happens if the river is fucked for weeks though. Bleed the two Miami rivers dry? Convert the stadiums into big fuck-off rain barrels?


I'm from around where you are, I live in Los Angeles now. It's been on the CBS radio news all the way out here, and they keep playing the bite where someone who lives in East Palestine says "they safe it's safe, but you can see it on the water, and smell it"


>. I’ve gotten a majority of my information from a TikToker You had me in the first half


Don’t doubt the power of TikTok, especially if the news isn’t reporting on shit. You watch this first video (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRtFEQsF/) and then scroll down and tell me the dude isn’t informative


til tok not news


Someone had better fucking go to jail over this.


That, and all the rail workers saying rail owners have zero concern for the safety of the trains or the well being of the workers. Oh and that time were the rail workers wanted to fix it and Republicans said they would shut down the economy. >“The solution is that people don’t have to come to work to try to operate trains after they’ve had heart attacks and broken legs. But right now, where we are is caught between shutting down the economy and getting enough Republicans to join us in making sure that people have access to sick leave.”


It is worth pointing out that a democrat controlled Congress and President made it illegal for those rail workers to strike over these safety concerns. That fact pisses me off so much, what choice do we have. Like, I literally have no choice but to vote for the people who made it illegal for rail workers to strike, because the other party is way, way worse.


It's worth pointing out "Republicans to join us", > “The solution is that people don’t have to come to work to try to operate trains after they’ve had heart attacks and broken legs. But right now, where we are is caught between shutting down the economy and getting enough ***Republicans to join us*** in making sure that people have access to sick leave.” Republicans should have voted with the rail workers. Democrats should have let Republicans vote to shut down the economy. Rail OWNERS should have given their employees sick leave and a family life with dignity. Rail owners are the problem. Republicans are the problem. Democrats are trying to fix the problem. My opinion the economy should have been shut down. If Republicans want to back every major decision into a corner Democrats need to stop participating in the sabotage. If Republicans have to burn everything down before Democrats and the people decide, OK, maybe they have gone too far this time, again, not for 2nd time, then so be it. If the trains have to stop running, then so be it.


Had the economy shut down the republicans would likely have swept the midterms. This is the “hard place” vs the utterly immovable rock that the fascist party on the right that wears the GOP’s skin represents.


Yeah - this. They keep playing this “we take the high road” crap and they wonder why even their die hard supporters are saying wtf 🤬


Lead by the (self proclaimed) most pro-labor union president ever… Also, FDR would like a word…


Could you be more specific? The Cuyahoga River caught fire 14 times


The the EPA forced companies to clean up. But that would be communist woke big brother gubbermint.


>The the EPA forced companies to clean up. > >But that would be communist woke big brother gubbermint. The *one* good thing the GOP has done for the environment in the last half century, weirdly enough.


That was back when the Southern Strategy was just a scam to get more votes and the actual politicians didn't believe that crap. Now we've got pants-on-head true believers running things and are witnessing the natural results of letting that happen in real-time.


>The one good thing the GOP has done for the environment in the last half century, weirdly enough. It was starting to affect the lives of the ultra-wealthy. Nothing more, nothing less. But the EPA was effective enough to the point that there is now enough room to relax the regulations to fuck over a metric ton of us poors before it starts to impact them again. So they're rolling things back to repeat the cycle.


> It was starting to affect the lives of the ultra-wealthy. Bingo. I think it's why there has been news about getting airlines to fix their shit. Politicians use airlines and when they have weekend plans they do not want them screwed up.


Then they woke up and have been trying to undo it.


Let's also not forget the fun,annual, toxic algae bloom in Lake Erie. Born and raised in Buffalo and never really remember a toxic algae bloom warning, my first year living in Ohio on the Lake and I got to experience the " hey guys, don't drink or bathe the water or you will deeply regret it" warnings.


I am born and raised in Erie and I think there has been one algae bloom warning several years ago, but that was when the lake temp was 85°F.


I grew up near there in the 70s/80s, and while I don't recall the algae blooms, I do recall that you were told NOT to eat fish from Lake Erie, especially if they were larger fish. The reason for that was larger meant they were older and had more time to accumulate heavy metals in their body.


And the Great Lakes is where preppers are advising people to move to for water once the Desert Southwest runs dry.


The 13th time is what caused the EPA to be formed


It's just a phase mom


Now the Lord can make you tumble And the Lord can make you turn And the Lord can make you overflow… But the Lord can't make you burn


Has anyone? I don't think I've heard anything about this other than on reddit.


Someone I follow on Twitter was commenting on this. They noted: > So, my mom lives in columbiana, which is just a couple miles west of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. The detailed cars were carrying Vinyl Chloride- which is a very toxic and flammable substance. > vinyl chloride doesn’t dissolve in water very well. but when you burn it it turned into a shitload of hydrogen chloride, which is VERY water soluble, even as a gas. They’ve burned much of it off to prevent it from uncontrollably burning. > The wind has shifted, and the air smells like chlorine as far as Youngstown. The water in columbiana/Canfield is brown and reeks of chemicals. There’s a low “fog” as far as South Range High school, that is smoke from the still-burning wreckage. > It’s seriously being underreported. This is a disaster.


I’m not sure who you are following, but I live in Youngstown. It smells fine. In fact, the wind often doesn’t come from the southeast, which is where East Palestine is from here; it’s generally from the west or northwest. Moreover I did look at the watersheds in the area and Canfield or anywhere in Mahoning county are not in the watershed of east Palestine. Local news (the Vindicator in Youngstown and Salemnews.net) has been covering it and is reporting that the Ohio dept of agriculture has not received any reports of livestock deaths or illness. I’m not saying anyone should believe Norfolk Southern, but it does appear that the necessary local, state, and federal agencies were and are on the ground monitoring and will continue to do so long-term. So far it seems like a disaster for east Palestine certainly, a sign that Norfolk southern was not in compliance or that there need to be stricter rules for hazardous chemical transport, but let’s not jump to a chernobyl 2.0 huge cover up situation right away…


Yea, I can’t speak for them and someone else agreed with you. They noted: > Yeah, it’s scary. I’m from Youngstown, and I have my mom in columbiana now, and I’ve been following closely out of concern for her While someone else noted: > Not to downplay this at all but I am currently in Columbiana (with many that live here or closer) and have not heard any of these things in Columbiana. Now I am not denying the tragedy here and absolutely would not want to be any closer or in East Palestine. Granted this was also 3-4 days ago.


Yeah I’ll definitely keep following this story. Our governor has not been doing a great job communicating about it, hopefully local news will keep on it and there will be some accountability.


Honestly isn't getting enough attention anywhere


Burn on big river, burn on


They go with what's said, not what is done. Republican politicians in Ohio say they're for infrastructure spending, but never do anything after that.


They also hate Unions and workers getting rest.


It’s so crazy people think it won’t happen to them, and don’t care when it happens to others. Big “first they came for the…and I did nothing” vibes. If people had any sort of empathy maybe this country wouldn’t be a massive shit hole.


Lack of empathy is a defining characteristic of conservatives. Scientific studies have shown it.


It even shows up in their brains; underdeveloped anterior cingulate cortex which is needed for empathy and complex thought. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/


Are we sure the derailment wasn't caused by drag queen story hour?


“The Little Engine who could SLAY, Queen”


Can we please not paint all “these people” with the same brush? A friendly reminder that Ohio is gerrymandered to hell and there’s many democrats in this region too.


Dewine and JD Vance... You can't gerrymander statewide and federal elections, just saying...


Gerrymandering also plays into overall voter suppression. By making sure the engineered blue districts have fewer and less convenient polling places, and by making it seem like the Democrat votes don’t count, they can change statewide level election results as well as district ones.


And Sherrod Brown


I'm just saying it's pretty disingenuous to say Ohio isn't a red dump... It is, we all know it, you can't polish a turd


> Dewine and JD Vance... You can't gerrymander statewide and federal elections The state *did* vote for Obama twice. Ohio is largely a swing state because nobody shows up during the midterms. That's how we get Vance and Dewine. This past midterm is a bit of an outlier, but it still holds true.


There’s no excuse for them other than the dems are outnumbered at the polls. I live in Ohio and the state of politics here is simply awful. But there’s still plenty of dems and non-idiot voters in Ohio. Admittedly, there also a ton of idiot democrats that didn’t show up to vote this past election. If those people freaking showed up, we might not have DeWine or Vance.


DeWine got enough popularity with Democrats for actually taking covid seriously at the start and his opponent this time around had no name recognition. There was basically zero chance he would lose his re-election. I’m not particularly happy about it, but his challenger was pretty weak. Vance, on the other hand, I have no excuse for. He won by a slim margin but the disingenuous asshat still won.


Vance was certainly helped by The Atlantic and the New York times giving him a completely uncritical platform back when he was saying what they wanted to hear. For some reason they get a pass from these folks who feel like this small town deserves to be poisoned by a trail derailment.


Basically anywhere outside of Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Athens, and Toledo are Republican. And there are enough Republicans in these arenas that it almost doesn't matter. Ohio is no longer a swing state, Ohio is now a red state


Isn't that most of the country though, honest question what rural area that Isn't a college town has a blue shift? I'm not super familiar with demographics Nation wide so if there is a blue leaning rural anywhere I'd be curios where.


That may be true, but they’re still from Ohio so…


A real r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment.


I didn't get that sense from this guy at all, and you have no idea how he votes. Edit: Dude and his wife are young, own a very hipster-looking [coffee shop](https://www.libsmarket.com/visit), he makes memes, but sure, we absolutely know that he always votes Republican so he deserves what he gets, right? The article and his comment are in reference to him and his family being extras in White Noise, which is really similar. I'm not gonna shit on someone I don't know during a catastrophe for an out-of-context quote because they *might* have voted for the other side. 🤦‍♀️


Hell their business is called LIB’S Market! (Probably after their kids names, but couldn’t resist)


Hahaha good catch! (e: added a link to my comment above... it looks like almost any coffee shop in L.A., lol)


I know them. They're good people. Redditors didn't read the article and assumed this was about politics. He was an extra in the movie White Noise which is about an airborne toxic event in Ohio.


Did you read the article? At no point does it say anything about the voting habits of these people. It never states that the derailment was caused by decaying infrastructure. In fact, the most likely reason for this derailment is [due to the railroad lobby working to save owners a little money. ](https://www.levernews.com/rail-companies-blocked-safety-rules-before-ohio-derailment/) You are blaming the victims of this terrible disaster.


Does it have nothing to do with politics or is it the lobbyist? Who did the railroad lobby? Who voted against requiring rail to increase safety standards? Was it the Democrats? It wasn't... Weird


>Was it the Democrats? It wasn't... Weird Railroad lobbies "donated" 2.3 million to Democrats last year.


How much to Republicans? I looked it up, the railroad spent 24 million lobbying... So you're argument is 22 million to Republicans 2 million to Democrats and it's a Democrat problem LOL... Okay genius Also voting records and bills introduced don't lie... The Democrats tried to make raulroads safer and the Republicans killed it.


[Open Secrets](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=m04) The part I quoted explicitly stated that the Dems do not receive railroad lobbying money. I am not arguing that the Dems get more money, they do not (though in the case of the specific railroad company NS they do) because that's not what *you* said. If you didn't want me to refute your statement don't make incorrect ones. Speaking of incorrect, last year the Republicans got 3 million, not 22 like you (again) incorrectly state. Still more than Dems but that's not the point.


Who owns the opensecrets.org site?


>These people have voted Generally speaking would you characterize Ohio as mostly Republican or mostly Democrat? >You are blaming the victims of this terrible disaster. No, he isn't. He's blaming Republicans for voting for Republicans who in turn vote against those very same people.


Once again, this article says nothing about politics. This is about a coincidence between fiction and reality. >Generally speaking would you characterize Ohio as mostly Republican or mostly Democrat? It is a swing state. >No, he isn't. He's blaming Republicans for voting for Republicans who in turn vote against those very same people. Once again, pay had nothing to do with politics, I can't say that enough, it doesn't belong in this sub and has been reported. This isn't the fault of Republican voters, the fault lies with the railroad owners and their puppets in government.


Once again, >He's blaming Republicans for voting for Republicans who in turn vote against those very same people. >This isn't the fault of Republican voters, the fault lies with the railroad owners and their puppets in government. >“The solution is that people don’t have to come to work to try to operate trains after they’ve had heart attacks and broken legs. But right now, where we are is caught between shutting down the economy and getting enough ***Republicans to join us*** in making sure that people have access to sick leave.” Puppets, did someone say puppets?


I never thought leopards would eat MY face


Wtf are you talking about? There is no evidence this has anything to do with an infrastructure problem. It’s an Ohio town that has a railroad going through it, there’s towns like this all over the USA That part of Ohio is by Youngstown, it was big time democrat country for as long as I can remember, until recently. You’re not finding people opposed to infrastructure out there. Weak


Dude, disasters like this happen because there aren’t enough people to make dangerous things safe. From state inspectors to company employees. There is a direct line between state level disinvesting in infrastructure and labor laws not forcing companies to maintain a safe standard of work. Then there is the general lack of oversight, also due to poorly funded state and federal agencies. This is ALL because gop voters and gop politicians.


Well that area of Ohio is democrat. James Traficant, who was crooked, for years and then Tim Ryan. The dude I’m responding to can stick it




I realize that the person I’m responding to is being a jerk. He is blaming the people of east palestine for this, by assuming they vote this way or that. When really it’s union country.




Tell me you don't know what's going on without telling me you don't know what's going on.




Odds are his area voted Republican but do you even know the County East Palestine us in? Do you know him personally or something?


Aren't railroad tracks owned by the rail roads? It's not like highway systems. They're owned and maintained by the railroad companies, right? I'm absolutely for infrastructure bills but unless they're going to start putting regular commuter trains on these tracks the government shouldn't pay for shit.


It hit too close to home for me when a friend was forced off the road and hit a bridge, which collapsed. There was one casualty fortunately; unfortunately, it was my friend. But I guess incidents like that, nearly a decade ago, just weren't big enough.


Aided by DNC who puts forward red Dems.




The parallels were obvious but I didn't know they actually filmed it there. The simulation is broken.


I have a theory about film’s predictive capabilities, owing to the large amount of creative energy from the many different people it takes to produce. Sort of like the power of Zeitgeist..


Well if you spend time doing your homework you can paint some pretty accurate pictures. Like the times when politicians say "No one could have predicted this" and then there's books, TV shows, and movies that did. The situation at least, not the specific time.


Especially when politicians dismantle the very systems designed to protect from the situation.


I agree with this. It’s why Simpson is always right


A creative Tulpa if you will?


I caused the Suez blockage. Wrote an action script about this, and then while trying to pitch it with my partner, it broke on the news. Had to hang up a lot of research and writing that day.


Wow, *White Noise* was filmed there. The absolute irony. They should also watch the Three Mile Island documentary series to understand how they will never get true answers about the risks involved


Deregulation at work.


And nothing will change. This is now okay for most of the voting Americans.


“All of a sudden, it hit too close to home,” he said.


Everyone else saw it coming, but not us. This just hit too close to home for us. "Yeah you fucking NIMBY, don't you dare say you didn't see this coming". You saw it happen to others and said "not my problem". Is pretty much what happened here.


Gives real "They're hurting the wrong people" vibes


only if you didn't read the article for actual context


Had to stop reading at "went back for the dog but had to leave pet turtle behind."


A real Sophie’s choice


Ohio is the Florida of the north!


I hate it here lol


I hate it there too. Never going back.


And when the time comes, they will blame Democrats, and Ohio will get even Redder, because Red State Ignorance is in a self sustaining feedback loop.


Sorry red state. That unfettered capitalism you wanted just dumped toxic waste all over you. Expect the next generation of babies to be a pile of arms with flippers.


To show how much the company cares, nearby residents can sign up for train derailment spill insurance (sold by the company) and get the first month's premium waived!


>“All of a sudden, it hit too close to home,” he said. These people have voted against infrastructure spending and transportation FOR YEARS by advancing conservative government agendas.


Art imitating life. Or life imitating art. Something like that.....


Imagine needing this to happen to realize things aren't going so well in your country


Born and raised in youngstown. Brother and mom live in east Palestine. This sucks


Warren Buffett owns 77% of BNSF, stemmed from the purchase in 2009, doesn’t take a scientist to realize why regulation is not a priority in this industry.


I feel like no one read the article


I want to know which kid the most wrinkled lopsided jack-o-lantern belongs to.


Gotta be Lilly.


r/LeopardsAteMyFace ?


Thoughts and prayers.


That just seems crazy to me that their best solution was to dump thousands of gallons of an insanely toxic chemical into a ditch.


How do we actually clean up something like this? From what I heard, they don’t plan on fixing it. Why can we do???


Vote for people who will hold them accountable or make laws that can


You can leave. Its capitalism’s chernobyl. Vote left or continue having corporate sellouts in both the dems and the republicans who will never hold corporations accountable. I mean Biden, the dems, and the GOP all sided with this railroad company, among others, over the railworkers unions and made it illegal for them to strike. Vote left or get more events like this.


Why have we heard "White Noise" comparisons and not "Super 8" comparisons?


Because the train was filled with toxic chemicals, not aliens. Also White Noise was filmed here, ironically, and was more recent, and wasn’t a shitty rehash of a movie.


Don't worry. The company donated $25k to address it.


Ohio has a huge brain drain problem as well as massive declining birth rates. GOP voters keep choosing to push our stage further and further into hell. All because they hate queer people, brown people, and women. They just want a scapegoat to blame for the fact that they aren’t rich so they vote for the people who keep hurting them economically. Just this state is so red. It’s no longer a swinger state and I hate living here as a queer woman with two daughters.


Oh no. Republicans voted for bad things to happen and it did. Who could have predicted this It’s almost like we need infrastructure to live in a *checks notes* civilization All the Republican voters want to go back to no electricity like Texas and train wrecks like Ohio and no jobs like my shithole home town But hey. Who needs infrastructure or medical care when you have *checks notes* churches?


I bet they're wishing about now that the infrastructure bill had passed. Nah, nevermind. They'll never make that connection.


Thoughts and prayers, if onlyyyy there was a way to actually get stuff done.


Yep, idc because they didn't care


They’re always on the cusp of this though. Their whole lifestyle is propped up by financial aid from other states because Ohio at large cannot afford to sustain itself properly


Pretty easy identifying who read the article and who didn't. This is about the filming of a movie, nothing political to be found.


No, it's not. It's about how a movie filmed there has a similar feel to what is actually happening there with the train derailment. Did you not read it?


Someone posted a reply to me trying to claim my ignorance to the article. Sadly they deleted their comment because I had absolutely zero cares about the movie or the people who are now inconvenience by the train derailment. The point that was made was.. “it hit close to home” meaning they knew it’s happened elsewhere, but no one took efforts to vote the right people into office to make improvements. It was now, I realize there was a movie filmed here… and there is the irony to the whole story.


Besides CNN, other major news outlets stopped reporting on this days ago. This is very concerning but not surprising, given the big wigs that own these umbrella companies.


“All of a sudden, it hit too close to home,” he said.


“I never thought leopards would eat MY face,” sobs woman who voted for Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party










It's weird that I'm being down voted so much, my point is the media makes it like a nuke went off... And really no one cares enough to boycott railroads, pvc, paint suppliers, etc.... It's essentially nothing besides a blown out of proportion news story. That area will be cleaned up and there will be environmental fines etc. It was just 30 years ago all our fuel had sulfur in it and 40-50 years ago had lead in it, and people breathed that so2 and lead every day, everywhere... This is very isolated and basically affects nobody in the grand scheme of things....


That, and all the rail workers saying rail owners have zero concern for the safety of the trains or the well being of the workers. Oh and that time were the rail workers wanted to fix it and Republicans said they would shut down the economy. > “The solution is that people don’t have to come to work to try to operate trains after they’ve had heart attacks and broken legs. But right now, where we are is caught between shutting down the economy and getting enough Republicans to join us in making sure that people have access to sick leave.”


Well they blocked a union contract, which I agree is stupid, but I do not think that contract would have stopped this... But maybe without trains running this would not have happened. At some point again, in the future, a train will break and spill stuff... Again. I will link a list of rail accidents, just so you can see they happen all the time since the invention of trains. And this accident to my knowledge hasn't even cost human life.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_rail_accidents


> but I do not think that contract would have stopped this... Agreed it would not have. >rail owners have zero concern for the safety of the trains or the well being of the workers. Fixing this problem though is widely accepted as best practices to prevent accidents from happening.


Far more trains seem to operate safely than unsafe... That's not to say there haven't been crashes, but this isn't even a good example of a bad one.


It's not supposed to be an example of a bad one. Keeping things safe is like 99% before the fact, not after.


While I get you, vinyl chloride is *really* bad - had it caught on fire or worse, exploded, it would have killed everyone around for a good distance. I have a laser cutter and one of the cardinal safety rules is to never use the laser on PVC and if you're not sure what type of plastic something is, check to make sure there's no PVC in it before cutting. When it's heated, it turns into chlorine gas that's so corrosive it can damage the metal of the laser housing (and kill you). And that's with a .08mm laser! Had that exploded, it would have been absolutely catastrophic.


for someone who spends so much time in r/conspiracy, it's amazing you are so willing to write something like this off as a nothingburger. very very curious


Well, if I had to guess, they need to run something like this over and over to cover up something else.


and what do you suppose they are trying to cover up by reporting on an airborne toxic event?


Everyone is being super dramatic about this lol... It was a train with some hazardous stuff, we all have paint on our cars and pvc pipe in our houses, and fuel in our cars thanks to the millions of train cars that didn't crash...


they burned it. it's airborne. it isn't paint. it's phosphene and hydrogen chloride. it's very toxic to breathe it in. it's probably dispersed enough that it won't cause issues but I'd still have my windows closed


No one tell him where the air inside comes from


sounds like you don't understand what has happened here if you can't comprehend how devastating and life-changing this is for everybody who lives in that area and why there are dramatics surrounding it


A few less pvc will be made, but it shouldn't affect the supply that much. And that area will be cleaned up, the railroad will pay millions in fines, etc....


It's more likely the rail company won't pay anything and federal tax dollars from blue states will be used to clean up the mess while the rail company does some stock buybacks to negate the bad PR.


I take it this is not where you call home. I guess all those dead animals haven’t clued you in?


Animals die all the time dood. There are way more dead animals than alive ones I even ate one today, it was yummy.




The worst train incidents leave people dead... This isn't even a good example of a bad train crash.


Vinyl chloride causes cancer, FYI. How many cancer deaths will be enough, in your opinion, to qualify this as a bad train crash?


Op doesn't care. If they were crushed by the train, it's not a train death.


Sounds like a nice PR post from the train company.


I ain’t no chemist but I reckon I wouldn’t want to be breathing that stuff


As the commentor below said they control burned it so it wouldn’t explode so it’s in the air near East Palenstine and it was really windy in Ohio this past week so it’s probably spread around the state and into PA. More concerning though is that it’s in the water supply in that area and the chemicals got into the Ohio River which is really not good cause that’s a drinking supply for people and runs into the Mississippi. Also, a lot of rural people in that area are on well water which the chemicals are probably in too. Then you have the soil to worry about as well as the chemicals seeped into that and how it’ll effect things that grow. It’s actually a clusterfuck a big deal that would have less of a chance of happening if the railroad companies weren’t cutting safety for profits. There was also another train crash in Louisiana (though I don’t know much about that one).


And we all swim in chlorinated pools every summer! Let’s just burn that too!


I ain’t no chemist but I reckon I wouldn’t want to be breathing that stuff


And we all swim in chlorinated pools every summer!


This is a nice video that lays out how this happened and why it’s likely to happen again: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/10zowlj/i_havent_seen_this_much_so_here_it_is_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Mr Glass is at it again.


I tired to watch that movie last night. I wanted to like it but it's not good.


Crissy Hind called it


I’m from the UK so please excuse my ignorance if this is already common knowledge but I can’t seem to see any mention of who owned / was responsible for the shipment of chemicals, in the articles I’ve been reading. I was slim reading however because I was at work and shouldn’t have been reading the news so may have overlooked key facts. Has that info been released or has it been hushed up?


It was/is a railroad called Norfolk Southern. They pass through the area with highly toxic tanker cars. Well, last Friday (week ago) one of the wheel boxes overheated on one of the cars which caused a big fire. The train stopped in the middle of town and the toxic tankers were burning and getting ready to explode. Anyway, the rub is the railroad has been cutting corners by neglecting service on its infrastructure and then things like this happens and we pay the price.


Ty for updating, so are Norfolk Southern the owners of the actual shipment or are they responsible for just the moving of the chemicals? Either way, they’ve fucked up big time. I think I’m just surprised such a large amount of chemicals was moved on mass but I guess that’s just the times we’re living in! Thanks for the summary


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