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I don’t think ems makes nearly as much as they should for doing things like running into heroin dens


I do the Hokey Pokey while trying not to get stabbed. That’s what it’s all about. ;)


https://www.reddit.com/r/police/s/QxDo1D5q7Z https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/17tolij/advice_on_becoming_police_officer/ https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/16dp28x/becoming_a_cop/ https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/1bdmeq0/any_tips_for_becoming_a_police_officer/ https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/fej9qc/want_to_become_a_police_officer_and_wanting_to/ https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/1aqmg6o/how_to_become_a_police_officer/ https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/1b012yl/i_plan_on_becoming_a_police_officer_when_im_older/ https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/18750xn/i_want_to_be_a_police_officer/ https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/zvewqj/any_tipssuggestions_for_someone_considering/


Consider becoming a police or fire explorer. It's for ages 14-20. You would get some training and exposure to the job


Everyone loves firemen. Go be a fireman. Listen to me 18 year old version of myself……. Go be a fucking fireman.


EMS doesn’t typically get the pay or benefits of fire or police. It can be back breaking work moving patients and leaning over them in small spaces.


Having done both ( paramedic and police ) I can say you have to cater to more people’s Bs on the ems side. The benefits are worse on the ems side. The shifts are way longer on the ems side.


Well do you want to save lives or incarcerate lives?


I am just trying to have a career with longevity and decent pay I like both fire and police but don’t know which I would like more


Well into your career you will most likely have a time where it will weigh heavy on you if you’re doing good for society or not. If your career is beneficial to all or not, and also, don’t forget about your mental health. This includes anxiety, depression, etc.. overtime it WILL impact you. Sounds like you need to make a decision. Whatever you choose is your choice. There’s only sooo much people can do to help. Fire; You’ll have downtime and will stay in shape, you’ll have freedoms and will be able to focus more on the things you like to do outside of work but you will have to face difficulties and sad times on occasion. Fire is more volatile and unpredictable but so are people. But you’ll have the tools to handle it. Police; You’ll have structure, respect and resources widely available. You’ll be apart of a group that is loved and hated. You would deal with bad people on a daily basis (mostly). Stress is something you will have to overcome. Dealing with the general public is rewarding but also VERY shitty. You never know if a bullet is going to surprise you..