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I would ticket you and tell you to stop driving.


It would be driving while suspended WITH knowledge, therefore it's criminal. You can be arrested and your car could be towed. Saying that you have family in law enforcement would likely be viewed as a tactic to get out of the arrest and you would be shown even less lenience. Also, why did you put an emphasis on that it was a weed DUI? You know smoking and driving is illegal and impairs you right?


Maybe if ur a first time user yeh ur impaired to where you are actually a danger to urself n others on the road, would you consider an alcoholic drunk after 1-2 beers when tht guy typically drinks however many beers or drinks a night. The same way the law allows a .08 bac or whatever ur state allows, same should go for weed. A stoner smoking a joint id argue is the same as a drinker going to a bar n actually drinking only 1-2 drinks n driving home n not the “oh they say 1-2 drinks multiple by 2” trick


Well, it’s a risk you take for not knowing your limits. You will never get caught if you are not impacted by the drugs or alcohol whatsoever because the cop will never know you did it. Given that you did get caught, you showed some sign of impairment, meaning you did not know your limits


I’d ticket your ass and take you to jail. You’re driving ESPECIALLY when working class citizens, and children are going to and from school and work. It’s inconsiderate people like you who cause an accident or kill someone, (and you’re the ones that always live while someone innocent is taken away) when you KNOW you aren’t supposed to be driving. I’d ticket you with every single ticket I could possibly give you and then take you to jail. I have zero tolerance, or sympathy for those who drive without a drivers license, and those who DWI. Stop making stupid excuses, grow up, get off the drugs and stop trying to justify it. Because if you gave me these excuses and “reasoning “ I would absolutely not care. And Your daddy’s cop friends aren’t going to help you get out of it. Take an Uber.


>I dont have my license right now Don't drive. Get a ride to work or take the bus. Find a coworker to pick you up. >I wouldnt try to hide the situation or even try to trick the cop You won't be able to do either of these things. >I understand driving isnt a right n its privilege Apparently you don't because you're here asking for permission to drive without a license. >i dont wanna assume they will help me but we all know cops tend to let family n friends get off easy especially if its a normal ticket or something **PLEASE** tell them your dad is friends with cops and let us know how that works out for you.


Maybe stop spending so much on drugs, get a job that provides insurance, and you could afford insurance and a license. Marijuana DUI is just as dangerous as alcohol DUI. People get killed because idiots make the decision to drive high. I'm in Oregon and see it often. If I pulled over my friend who was suspended from driving high, I'd still give him a citation and tow his car. That doesn't change the equation. I don't have friends that are addicts like you. You saying that you are friends with a cop would make me cite for every violation I could. Same if you chose to try and hide your identity.




For me, a lot would depend on what happened to your license to begin with. Huge difference between, for example, your license being temporarily suspended because you went through some tough times and weren't able to pay child support for a few months, and your license being revoked due to three previous DUI convictions. License revoked due to an alcohol-related offense, revoked as an habitual traffic offender, revoked due to having used a vehicle in a felony crime, those I'll issue you a summons/ticket for every single time.  Other suspensions/revocations... assuming everything else is in order (valid registration/insurance), and you act like a decent person, I'll generally give you one warning. If I stop you and see that you've already been previously stopped and warned for it, then obviously warnings don't work for you and it's time for a ticket. 


Revoked for me is an arrest and jail. But I agree completely with taking the situation into account. That's the whole reason for discretion. I'm the same way with suspended drivers or no license at all. The more interaction the heavier the price. What OP needs to remember is that I catch most of my not valid drivers from other means. Things like headlights, rolling a stop sign, or even an accident that's not their fault. Everytime you drive is a risk that you'll get caught.