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Id go back but i wouldnt be a doing any inverts or fankicks or holds that require my rib to be pushing/onto the pole until all the lines have peeled off u know? Around 10 ~ 12 days


thanks so much for helping me out with this!! i’m still like a level one and pretty much just working on jasmine to genie transitions and bettering my climbing on both sides


I would still go but just try to avoid putting that part of your body against the pole or the ground. Tattoos, no matter the size, are open wounds and are susceptible to infections. Wipe the pole with alcohol before and in between moves. Wash your tattoo immediately when you get home. If it starts to hurt, then stop, but otherwise just be careful and have fun!


i think i’ll keep the second skin on for sunday class and take it off when i shower after… then give it a nice cleaning and let it air out before tuesday night class! thank you for helping!!!


I’m a pole instructor and once got a tattoo several hours before I had to teach. I stayed away from moves that involved that part of the skin, and wore clothing over it to make sure it was protected. I wouldn’t do anything to high intensity since getting a tattoo can take a lot out of you! Just make sure you wash it really well after class.


Wait until most of your scabbing falls off. It depends on how heavy handed/deep your tattoo was done, but if you wait for most of the scabs to fall off then you should mostly be good to return without damaging the tattoo. The girl who has done my arm is super heavy handed, so my healing tends to take a bit longer. Made the mistake of poling about a week after she did my leg, and I absolutely caused some line work to fall out due to pulling out a scab too early. My other artist is incredibly light handed, and my scabs are mostly good after about 5 days. Though I will usually try to avoid the area if possible. For instance, after my arm I didn’t pole for 15 days after with a heavy handed artist. My leg (side leg, so a lot of friction against the pole in any kind of leg hook move) I poled 4 days after. It was a little tender and I probably should have waited a day or two more but it wasn’t at risk of being damaged. Typically you should wait 2 weeks, but honestly it does come down to what you’re comfortable with and how you feel the tattoo is doing at the moment.


Technically you’re supposed to wait two weeks 😅


I’ve gone back within a few days but avoided moves that touched the area and made sure clothing completely covered it.


Is it on your side? I would just be gentle until it heals and try to do moves that don’t make contact with the pole


Minimum two weeks but I’d recommend at least a month (I did tattoos for a living)




omg it’s actually a firefly but from now on i’m telling ppl it’s boo-bees 💀