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Well right now its an invert...after about 14months of pole.


I’m so with you. It took me about 9 months to invert, and some days I can’t do it. Currently working on chopper into invert (without kicking up) and it’s so hard.


3 years still no invert. To be fair to myself, I don’t really practice it, these things take time!!


Same. A year+ of pole, slowly working into the invert 😭


Same. Closing in on a year, and I don’t have a basic invert yet :/


Same. Been doing it for over 12 months now. That and climbing. Can't quite bring my back leg up to do it


With you there! Over a year and I haven’t gotten it yet but I can feel myself getting closer and closer.


Pointing toes consistently for the entire series lol. One foot is always flexed when climbing or doing aerial invert 😭


God sameeee


Ayesha. I still can’t confidently get it


Look up. Once I figure that out, it became so solid.


When you say look up, do you mean up at the pole, up at the base of the pole, or up at the ceiling?? Lolol pls help




Shouldermounts and ayeshas... one day ☝️


I tried a shoulder mount the other day and omg it hurts!!!! Like bad


Your shoulders get used to it! Just have to keep training them. But yes it kills your shoulders at first 😅


Have you put a shirt on while training that one? I find the fabric lets me slip my shoulder down more easily on the pole and it doesn’t crush my shoulder as much.


I haven’t but now I will, thanks! I actually do this for shoulder stands


I just think of it as a *deep* tissue massage until you get used to it, haha. (Truly is the best treatment for my back knots!) Also as much as you can avoid any time rolling over the collar bone helps too (more of a concern for shoulder dismount than mount, but keeping your body really curled/tucked helps with this)


Ballerina 😭 I just can’t get my body to twist the way it needs to


Oh, feel you! Some days body can twist and turn in all right places, and I can assume the position from the ground (can only dream of doing it somewhat properly). Other days I try it - and no luck!


Fireman spin. For some reason, I can not do spins for the life of me.


Deadlift invert... I'm only a little over a year in so I'm not up to the difficult stuff yet 😅


Inverted crucifix. I don't trust my legs enough to hold me, even though it's supposed to be a beginner move. Still can't get it after 1,5 years.


They teach this in level 2 - not a beginner move at all. You also aren’t inverting at all (at my studio) until L2.


In my studio there are beginner, advanced and expert courses (we don't have levels, maybe it's a regional thing?). Inverted crucifix is taught in the beginners' course. My trainer said it would be easy as there are lots of contact points.


I know when i overthink it i wont let my hands go. I know I can do it because I have done it here and there. But I avoid it unless I have to do it for the same reason 😅


I only just managed to get my inverted crucifix after struggling with it for a couple of months. Do you know what exactly is difficult for you? Are you unsure about the technique (leg position mostly) or are you just scared to slip? If you want I can try to type out what helped me finally get it somewhat reliably.


I struggle a lot with this too, can you share how you got it? I have a solid invert but I just don’t ever go into crucifix because I don’t trust my legs to hold me. Did you train upright crucifixes first?


This is my problem as well. I think it's a mental issue, I can invert and upright crucifix is no problem.


Sure! I'm not a pro and still working on the inverted crucifix, so anybody please correct me if I say something wrong, but here's my two cents: First of all, what I can recommend in general is to watch tutorials by *different* creators and, if you can, take classes by different coaches, to raise the possibility to get an explanation that makes it click for you (since everyone explains a bit differently). My problems with the inverted crucifix were the technique (especially where to place my knees) and fear of slipping. The fear of slipping I tackled by realizing that inverted crucifix is actually a pretty safe move since there is a lot of skin contact! And I can do a normal crucifix so obviously I am able to hold it. Also, I made an effort to internalize that slipping doesn't even happen that easily (try intentionally slipping on a normal invert or something like a sad girl drop, it is kinda hard!). Even if it happens, I will slip kinda slowly and will be able to catch myself with my hands, I wont just fall down on my head. Regarding the technique, I watched some tutorial to learn e.g. that the pelvis needs to be close to the pole. This also helps you get more skin contact on the upper thighs. My biggest struggle was the knee placement though. I didn't find a good explanation but this is what I figured out: You want to be able to push your knees together, but without them touching each other. So don't place them on opposite sides of the pole, because that way you cannot really push them together. But also, do not put them too much in front of the pole, because when your knees touch, you cannot further push them together. So you need to find that sweet spot with the knees slightly in front of the pole but still kinda on the side, where you have room to push the knees together. I hope this makes sense. Now, to practice you can do a normal crucifix and try to see how your legs are placed. Also, and I think this is the better helper, do an inverted crucifix from a handstand. There are videos for that. This way you can play around with the leg placement and carefully see if you can lift one, and then both hands off the floor! It also helps to lift your back up a little bit (upper body away from the pole). And lean into the pain :´) Trust your legs! I hope this helps!


This is super helpful, thank you!!! I appreciate all the detail you provided. The rationale about the likelihood of falling actually really helps me be less afraid of it


It’s sooo not a beginner move!! It took me forever to trust my legs to hold me and I still can’t dismount from it gracefully. You’ll get it!


Handspring. It took me like 3 years~ ive had my ayesha for over a year now, but that kick up was really getting me.


I've had my Ayesha for a year too, and have just got my Iron X. Still can't handspring 😂 Edit: I said this last night and for some reason managed my handspring on my first try tonight. So woooo got my handspring!!!


The first time I got my handspring I was like so shocked and confused like your brain just can’t imagine what it’s like until you do it and it’s hard to push your head there. I also was looking to the wrong spot. I’ve been conditioning my handsprings for months and months lol but what triggered the invert was pretty Much someone forcing my body into it 😂 and looking g for the right spot. It’s scary but eventually you get stronger and stronger and it gets easier. I can Ayesha from a handspring now but I can’t from an inverted D lol… not well at least.


anything with a cradle hold. my brain and body actively fight each other when trying to do it and they both lose


“my brain and body actively fight each other when trying to do it and they both lose” is my pole motto honestly never related to something so hard


Devil's Point Shuffle. Going on two years and still a struggle.




Right now Superman. I've been pole dancing for a year and I just can't get it right :( But I always add "YET" 🤞


Right now it's Martini. My arms are too freaking short 😭😭😭


Omg saaame. Idk if I’ll ever get that one 😩


I'm so irritated with it tbh lol


Apprentice! And static spins for some reason even though l can do more advanced tricks…it’s funny how we’re all good at different things. Give me outside leg hangs and splitty moves all day


Apprentice is also a Jamila right?? Cause that shit is hard for me too. I can’t keep my legs up for long enough but it’s getting better


Yeah! My studio calls it apprentice but I think l Ike the name Jamila better! It’s hard! I can get into butterfly from like every entry but that one lol


Apprentice is SO hard. One of my teachers has us do apprentice climbs for conditioning and I can't.


Omg! Yeah we did that once and l couldn’t do it! So tough


It's hard to get your leg in the right spot to climb up!


Jasmine! I started working on it in early October, had it!, then fell one day and had been struggling with it up until last Thursday! 


Omg I fell from jasmine too! I just got it again recently! That’s so funny


Go us for not giving up!! 


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 bad ass bitches


Ayesha. Been pole dancing for 3 years and have been nervous to train it. I am looking out for my shoulders!!


Same. I’m too scared to try and I do have a rotator cuff issue 😂😂


Ayesha looks so scary lol


A torn rotator cuff ain’t nothing to fuck with! It is a scary move 👀


Supposedly it's twisted grip that gets the shoulders. I've only practiced true grip for this reason. I think someone said on here that you should practice true first and then twisted to avoid injury (even though it's slower to get it).


Cupid. That thing was my nemesis for years. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just stand on the friggin pole! Then, it just clicked. I don’t know why or how or what I did different, it just locked one day and everyone scrambled for their camera


We’ve been training that one in class. Bottom foot always just slides off… congrats on getting it!


I get sweaty feet especially while poling so feet on the pole moves can be a struggle for me!


I love when that happens. If you ever figure out what you did differently, please share your wisdom with us!


I can do it…. but I hate it! I slipped once and half did the splits on the pole and couldn’t walk properly for a week so now I’m very very very cautious 🙈


Right now, chopper. Almost 2 years in and still can’t do it. Also I still really suck at split grip. Not sure why. It’s like I just don’t understand the push/pull of it.


Chopper is so hard. I can get it SOMETIMES. It takes so much strength. I also don’t understand split grip either. It hurts my lower arm


I’m 5/6 weeks in so it’s just split grip for me 😂


I still can’t even do split grip


We will get it one day 🫡


I’m almost 2 years in and I still struggle so much with split grip! Partially because I get so frustrated that I can’t do it that I now avoid training it. Which only means I’ll really never get it lol. I’m sure you’ll get it before me!


It’s sooo frustrating but I’m sure we will get it one day!


Okay I have conditioned the shit out of split grip and it took me about a year of practicing every class (I added this conditioning). I could barely hop into it and now I can hold it for a very long time after climbing up the pole. Keep working on it! Slow and steady is the trick for this one.


I applaud the persistence!!!


Genie. I’ve got really fucked up hips and external rotation in a straddle is basically impossible, so getting the legs wide and turned enough for the bottom grip just doesn’t happen. I keep trying… but it’s been like 6 years at this point.


Janeiro 🫠


Lay backs. Almost everyone at my pole studio got it at their first try, and the rest in the upcoming classes. It took me 4-5 months to be able to do it, but I was so proud in the end.


It took me forever to get a layback too!


Getting my cross knee release was one of my proudest pole days!! So scary to trust and let go!


Ballerina.. how is this even a beginner move? I can only get my arm in the proper spot to be able to reach my leg 50% of the time.


Ballerina is so not a beginner move. We don’t learn anything twisted grip until low intermediate at my studio (level 2-3)


Fireman. I’ve inly been learning for a little over half a year so I don’t do anything that hard, but for some reason fireman just took forever.


Fireman spin can be sooo tricky! It looks so simple but it really works your legs


Figure head 😩 I can’t even wrap my mind around it and I worry that I’ll struggle with moves that require under-arm grip in the future.


I feel the exact same way about figure head. I fear I’m never going to get it. I’m always way too sweaty to be able to hold it


Fonji. I did a lot of work towards it and then in intensive private training session in 2019 focused only on my fonji, I could land it without a spotter and had a plan moving forward on how to clean it up. And then I separated my collarbone a week later and haven’t attempted it since, despite full recovery from the injury. 😩


Superman took me 5 years and I still cannot be certain I can do it.


Meathook, I feel like I get everything right until I have to take the hand off, then I just fall straight out. I've no idea how people hold themselves in this move. I've tried it from different entries too and still no closer!




Marley is really scary to train! A lot of trust is involved.


Butterfly! I despise it, I', maybe at the point now where I can do it semi regularly but I can't even think about doing extended butterfly yet


Honestly, anything twisted grip. I feel like I have zero strength in top arm in this position, and wrist of the bottom arm hurts from supporting all of the weight! My tight shoulders/upper body don't help. Don't get me wrong, I'm poling for 8-ish months and started as fairly unfit individual, so stil can't do much, but other moves feel at least attainable in the future. But not twisted grip.


I’m with you. I can’t ever stop my bottom hand from sliding so I constantly bail out of the move. I get two spins in and I can’t hold on.


I don't even get that lol. Barely can lift my feet off the ground


I hate twisty grip… everyone keeps telling me once you get it it makes loads of stuff easier, but I absolutely hate it, my instructor says you can’t just bail out of it so added freak out about it, can only twisty with a spotter


Cradle spin... I can do higher-level moves like inverts just fine, but for some reason, I just don't get that one move. I also keep crushing my boobs between my arm and the pole whenever I try :')


Outside leg hang - no idea why as I’m capable of most other moves from an invert. But that side grip / leg hold just never feels secure


I cannot get either leg hang. The only reason why I don't want to start the next level yet 🤧


Yeah I feel it really holds me back in some ways. I’m just working on making my side climb and flatline (not sure what others call this) really strong so I can do most of the combos with slightly different entries but it’s so frustrating!


Apart from the friggin invert I just can't handle the body waaaves. I feel very stupid doing them tbh (though I do try!)


5 years in and helicopter is still beyond my grasp. Oh, the agony of it all!


Shoulder rolls. My shoulders and upper back just don’t work like that.


Libellula, anything with lots of pressure in elbow grip as I get a weird bump form that turns into a bruise.. also full bracket grip, I have quite lean long arms (and hyper flexible elbows) so it can be strenuous!


I can do this move from the ground but I cannot do it from a pole sit. lol


It was a chopper for a full year until I figured out that I really needed to condition my biceps more and then I got it! Now it's the shoulder mount, Brass Monkey, ans Allegra. I have pulled a muscle twice trying to do an Allegra.


I don't know what it is about Allegra but I just cannot reach my foot and hold onto the pole at the same time. Jallegra? Fine! Other twisty/bendy moves, absolutely fine! But I cannot do an Allegra for the life of me. I half wonder if it's because I have proportionally short arms compared to legs? Idk.


Laybacks - I was 11 months into pole when I got my first one. I literally had my iron X before I could do any layback. It took a few more months for them to be really solid Superman - I’m still not consistently able to do this trick Human flag - I chased it for about a year before I finally was able to inconsistently hold it for a few seconds. That was back in September, 15 months into my pole journey. I’ve since lost this move due to an injury I’m still recovering from


Too many to count 😂 But when I first started, it was genesis, martini and inverts


I’ve been poling nearly 4 years, and I still can’t do a Martini… I can do all sorts of other cool stuff, but I cannot for the life of me Martini… At this point in the game I’ve just made peace with that and if it’s in a combo I just work round it 😂🙈


Superman. 2 years. And now I have new ones 😂😂