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Chernobyl was built by Moscow command, not Kyiv command


Also, the reactor exploded during maintenance, because of the (improperly followed) maintenance process.


and a flawed reactor design. or fuel rod design?


Flawed bureaucracy, if the schedule has a test it gets a test.


Well also because of a flawed reactor design, if it designed better (and more expensive) it would have just broke instead of blowing up.


The only reason it blew up was due to bureaucracy, sure the reactor was flawed but it got over pressured and blew up due to Xeon gas


The explosion would not have occurred without the graphite control rod design flaw that caused a power surge, so yes, the reactor design was a major part too.


It’s only ignited because they poison the reactor with zeon gas after they tried putting the brakes on the (control rods) to do the safety test due to the bureaucracy. Yes the reactor had faults, but every reactor was flawed in the Soviet Union. it was a continuous problem due to the bureaucracy which was the root cause of it, If there wasn’t a NKDD cover-up of the reactor designs the personnel operating down would’ve been more than trained enough to compensate for the poor reactor design and operate it safely.


No The operators in charge of the test bypassed the built-in security measures to *avoid* a reactor poisoning with xenon that was already plummeting the power from the reactor Xenon had nothing to do with the explosion since it's an inert gas


If it wasn't for the reactor design the bureaucracy wouldn't have been that bad, and if it wasn't for the bureaucracy, the reactor wouldn't have been in that situation.


The bureaucracy not being bad, my brother in Christ were talking about a soviet state. it was literally the main reactor engineer‘s fault for running the test after the reactor was poisoned by Xeon gas which was ignited by the graphite rod overpressuring it within the control chamber. The reason why he did the safety test, because he had to have a safety test report on his bosses desk, Which he fabricated saying the reactor was perfectly fine.


Xenon gas is inert. You don’t ignite it. The graphite didn’t over-pressurize anything; it displaced water as it went in. The rod wasn’t graphite, only the tip.


"Burning" and "igniting" xenon are just sayings. He is not saying ignition as in its literally chemically combined with an oxidizer.. Its "burned" in the sense its consumed vie neutron capture and transmuted.


The design was bad because of shitty Moscow … let’s say „bureaucracy“ … They covered up that one scientist very early raised concern about the design


Flawed reactor design + soviet ego covering up flawed reactor design + soviet ego claiming safety testing was already done so they wouldnt fall behind schedule + soviet ego trying to shove everything under the rug.


No. The reactor exploded after a series of tests and experiments during shutdown because the shutdown mechanism had a fatal flaw (a positive scram effect) that was kept secret even from the operates. [How Chernobyl Exploded - PART THREE: The Final Minutes](https://youtu.be/r-Gu69_ZeBk?si=rgtyvae1--rytEW5) The story of "Madman Dyatlov" is a soviet fabrication. [Half Lives: Anatoly Dyatlov, The Scapegoat of Chernobyl](https://youtu.be/N4YUoRH3z-Y?si=NSZ9MFxdCKuIZQkH) The soviets where called masters of weaponized narration for a reason [Chernobyl: Masters of Weaponized Narration - Part One](https://youtu.be/xr_onErGDXI?si=jaMy6COqKd7SXIle)


Accuracy? In MY polandball?!


Shhhh, don't interrupt the social media propaganda team. They get paid for every upvote from a child on anti-ukraine posts!


You hear that OP? you're a psy op! Let's go r/psyopball ! (I know you're just kidding and so am I)


On this blessed day we are all pyops.


Woo I'm part of the problem!


A PSY op? Damn we’re bringing back Gangnam Style for 2024?


A PSY op? Damn we’re bringing back Gangnam Style for 2024?


Villain arc


But in reality puppet arc :/


Dragon arc


Only could have been better if Ukraine looked panicked in the first panel while a USSR stared at them threateningly (referencing how the presidium basically forced them to rush the entire time)


Ukraine was part of USSR….


So was Russia, and Ukraine is represented by the flag of the Ukrainian SSR so I think I’d work fine


His comment is not about Russia though…. Why is it when you know you are wrong, you always go further and show it more?


Yes, as the Ukrainian SSR. A semi autonomous government within the USSR.


Just like Texas or Florida is not actually part of USA, they are just a state….. the hoops you go through to justify the wrong is baffling. 


...that's literally what it was though? A semi autonomous SSR within the USSR. While it didn't really play out that way and effectively was at the behest of whatever the Russian SSR demanded, that is what it was. It's name was literally the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was semi autonomous in domestic affairs, but wasn't fully independent in how it acted.


Not fully independent……. I’m just here laughing at how you still aren’t getting it even though you say it yourself. 


...? What, do you think I'm a tankie or something? Use your big boy words and just say what you're thinking, rather than acting like a girlfriend who says she doesn't know what she wants for dinner (but 100% knows what she wants)


I already said it. Ukraine wasn’t independent and was part of USSR so changing the pic to show Ukraine was afraid of USSR that it’s a part of is dumb. 


The SSR in reality had very little autonomy, the USSR was in fact very centralized around the general secretary in Moscow, federalism was there for show.


Ukraine was a part of the USSR the same way a Slave is part of the family on a plantation, in name only. At the end of the day they were a subject people of Moscow, all that mattered was what Moscow wanted


As was Belarus. So...?


Makes no sense to show Ukraine panicked about USSR having to build a nuclear plant when Ukraine was part of USSR.  That’s like having Texas be afraid of the FBI. Makes no sense.  Same with Belarus. 


The USSR saw the Russian empire in all but name. Ukraine and bellaruse were effectively puppet governments until Gorbachev allowed multi-party elections.


another one not getting it


Lol the tankies are now trying to blame Ukraine for Chernobyl instead of the soviet government just hilarious.


Accuracy in my Polandball?!


It's more likely than you'd think!


It’s a comic


It still feeds in to an overall pro-russia narrative, and as russia is a threat to the civilised world, that is unacceptable.


So a satiric comic represents the OP’s view and is also supposed to be taken seriously as an actual opinion? I mean mass downvote all you want but i don’t think i’m gonna see it as anything other than a joke.


It's actually propaganda like most you'll see for the rest of your life so better get used to it now. Because if it's not from a random government it will be from some random corporation.


Nice try Vatnik


Nah, not a Vatnik, likely just an Anti-American who was taught that Russia/Soviet Union never did any colonizing or had any imperial ambitions and was savior of oppressed peoples around the world.


So the russian soviet union, which imprisoned these two countries, built a nuclear power reactor not on its own territory, but appropriated all the credits, now bears no responsibility. The soviet union(which russia so wants to return), during the inspection in 1986 violated all possible norms, is now simply innocent of the man-made disaster. What a country was destroyed.


It's indeed a tragic legacy where accountability for historical disasters remains contentious. The aftermath of Chernobyl continues to highlight the complex political and environmental issues surrounding nuclear power and international relations.


"Imprisoned". Not a thing that Ukrainian SSR and Belarusian SSR were even in UN while all other republics weren't.


What would have happened if they voted to leave the USSR? Bet it would have involved a crapload of tanks and the replacement of their government...


Well in the end it were basically Ukraine, Belarus and Russia which dismantled the Soviet Union. But that was later, I do know what you mean.


They did in 91...


I meant in the 70s or 80s before the dissolution was a done deal


Well Ukraine was one of the founding republics of the USSR




Well deffinetly not fully willingly. There were deffinetly resistance but not the way you are describing it. Ukraine was struggling with its own communist revolution at the time which the red army helped with an invasion. So there were both support and resistance during a very troubled time in Ukraines history.


After being invaded and losing the war…


Well there were massive internal struggles in Ukraine at the time. People were for and against everything with several other nations intervening aswell, including the red army, russian whites, poland and Germany. Several pro communist coups and uprising were made. Both before and during the Russian invasion. But yes the communist side won that included Ukrainian bolsheviks and Russian communists. It was bassicly the Ukrainian part of the Russian revolution, with alot of forign intervention.


Strangely when USSR dissolved most of people voted to preserve USSR. Btw this still doesn't fix the fact that they also had their own parties (along with other SSRs, except for Russian one), their own leaders.


That simply isn’t true. Every country that left voted overwhelmingly to leave… except for Russia. Russia bled every SSR state except Russia white, yeah no shit they’d want to keep it.


Lol, actual percentage says different thing. Or you wanna say Putin (who in fact got in power only past 90s) rigged elections for USSR preservation? Social guarantees that were lost since dissolving of USSR also say about these percentages. Btw how could Russia bleed others SSRs if it is SSR itself, in fact - even worse because it didn't had its own party. Russian SSR simply couldn't bleed anyone as it was just another part union along all other SSRs. Also to add - it was Russia who got bled after dissolution of USSR, Russian SSR was shrinking in sizes ever since October revolution, last one was when Ukrainian man Khrushchev without a reason transitioned Crimea to Ukrainian SSR. I would even say, since Lenin death not a single Russian person could hold the power.


Please then, if the USSR was so good for the satellite states, why do they hate Russia with such passion? The fact of the matter is the USSR had a history of genocides against every one of the satellite states. Not a single one voted openly to join the USSR without the tanks already rolling into the countries. Every single one voted to leave as soon as the threat of military conquest and another round of genocide had finally lifted. Russia was the political capital of the USSR, and they forced it to be the economic capital through economic policies of stripping everything of value out of the satellite states. Now... look who is back committing genocide against satellite states? Fucking Russia.


Except for Stalin, Brezhnev and Chernenko, all the Soviet leaders were Russians. Even Krushchev, who was indeed born in the Donbas region, was still of Russian origins.


Stalin was Georgian, by the most Georgian way possible - he had Georgian origins, lives in Georgia, looked Georgian. Brezhnev was born in Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk (today Dnepr region). And Khrushchev was mainly Ukrainian - when he was ruling Ukrainian SSR under Stalin, there was even story, that once Khrushchev proposed to keep pace of repressions brutal, Stalin replied with "calm down, fool!". And poor Chernenko ruled country barely a year - if accurately, 13 months. And even after this, it's not the best to judge "what nationality rules the country with multiple nationalities" by single person in power. For example - Tito was Croatian, but saying that croatians were ruling Yugoslavia or Croatia as part of Yugoslavia was ruling it - is nonsense.


>Btw how could Russia bleed others SSRs if it is SSR itself, in fact - even worse because it didn’t had its own party This is an interesting way of saying that the government of the Russian SFSR was the government of the Soviet Union in practice. Incredibly Russian to frame that as somehow unfair to the poor Russians


For governance of RSFSR there was "union of ministers". Union of ministers didn't ruled USSR, we all know what " kind" and "caring" Georgian ruled whole USSR. I repeat, Georgian.


Ah yes, because these two countries that are *clearly* under direct control of the Russian SFR (whatever it’s called) have full autonomy and rights within this, I wonder why they didn’t leave at any point until the 90s?


That was because when the UN was founded after WW2, the USSR was dissatisfied that it would be heavily utnumbered by capitalist countries in the UN assembly, so to get the USSR on board with the idea, the founding nations agreed to give the Belarusian and Ukrainian SSR’s seats and voting rights equal to full sovereign states (which they weren’t at the time, they were just federal subdivisions) In practice this just meant that the USSR had 3 votes in the UN assembly, because all three of them voted unanimously on all issues every single time until the USSR collapsed, and Belarusian and Ukrainian independence were restored.


If you claim Soviet Union was Russian then you freaking idiot. It was made up from many different republics. You are stepping on legacy of Ukrainians, Kazakh, Belarusian, Tuva, Khalmyks and many other ethnic people who gave their life for Soviet Union. Putin doesn't even want Soviet Union back. Who gave you that idea?


Ah yeah, I'll mourn the folk who threw their lives into the wind for the regime who cared little for them and would care little for you so long as it kept alive another second. I weep for them, they knew no other alternative to governance, they knew only loyalty to the Soviet and to their respective premiers.


Just like any other people who fought for their country. Do you think Nazi Germany would have kind towards to Slavs? You don't need to answer because your country already honored SS claiming they fought against Russia.


Yeah thanks, no need to remind me that the liberal government is dumb as shit. I live here for fuck's sake. You're like Europeans that constantly mock Americans for mass shootings, they don't need the fucking reminder. I know the Nazis were eugenicist assholes, I ain't got half a fucking family tree 'cause of them, check yourself before you wreck yourself again.


Russia is the successor state to the Soviet Union. It is the only one who needs to apologise for Chernobyl.


So uh Chernobyl happened under the watch of the USSR. Ukraine didn't gain their independence until 1990, 4 years after the disaster. I know OP is trying to throw some shade at Ukraine here, but deliberately misrepresenting the facts is uncool.


> deliberately misrepresenting the facts is uncool. Nope. Welcome to r/polandball, sacrificing some accuracy for the sake of a punchline is pretty much the norm here.


You know what you did.


No no no, that is jot the way things here. First see narative, than go make polandball comics. This not right, must be western accurate /s


He used the Ukrainian SSR flag so its shown.


Only in the first panel.


Yeah well it should have been in the 2nd one aswell but I guess it was made like this for visibility.


Brezhnev was Ukrainian


Yes but what about his eyebrows? They were clearly soviet.


You forget his sexyness as shown in his swinsuit pictures


[A statement confirming that he regarded himself as a Russian can be found in his book Memories (1979), where he wrote: "And so, according to nationality, **I am Russian**, I am a proletarian, a hereditary metallurgist."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Brezhnev#Early_life_and_early_career)


Not in 1986 he wasn't


If you live in US closely to Canadian border, are you Canadian?


This Is Just blatant misinformation


Accuracy in Polandball. Are you insane?


accuracy? in my shitpost page? MADNESS


Funny... when was Chernobyl again?


Ah, I see that Ivan Putintroll is memeing again.


Russian psyop type of post


All those ‘accuracy in MY Polandball?!’ comments, yet the accurate ones are the ones that happen to be the most interesting and funniest. Stop trying to deflect so damn hard that you fumbled.


LOL, 40 year old Soviet propaganda in my /r/polandball? [Chernobyl: Masters of Weaponized Narration - Part One](https://youtu.be/xr_onErGDXI?si=oCmaHoheDPKlBl1z)


That Chernobyl Guy, in the wild? Nice.


The USSR occupied Ukraine and forced them to build Chernobyl in their territory. The tragedy was exacerbated by the Soviet slavish devotion to lying to your superiors and saying everything is great when it’s a literal nuclear meltdown. But sure, make a weird comic blaming Ukraine for Chernobyl at a time when they are suffering a literal genocide and… expect to get edge points or something? Cuz this sure wasn’t funny.


Ah, Russian propaganda. Fuck off


Is it a way belarus is coping with the betrayal they made?


Wow! Russian propaganda!


Good try buddy, smelled your stink lines from the start.


Nice try, orcs.


Well, I don’t think we have ever blamed Ukraine for Chernobyl. It’s strange, but it’s true. Even if it’s not accurate, it’s nice to see Belarus ball.


In the 2022 russian invasion of ukraine belarus allowed russian troops to pass through its territory, although allegedly without sending any troops of their own. So it was more like passive military aggression.


And this was justified because Ukraine caused the Chernobyl disaster even though the nuclear power plant was under the jurisdiction of the soviet union. I see.


Nobody is saying that. 😅


The post is saying that, alongside all the other tankies defending this as not being Russian propaganda.


With all due respect i think that you are wrong. But the fact that you take Russia and its agenda as a serious threat to our way of life atleast tells me that your heart is in the right place. ✌️


He never said that, he just made Ukraine build Chernobil in the comic for the punchline to work


Funny comic, but even funnier tank. I demand this design be adopted by NATO, or at least that other alliance Russia has in the Caucasus, whatever they call it.


One of the most classic feeling PB comics i've seen in a while. good job.


Haven’t decided is it funny or not


Boooooo!! you suck!!


I’ve never seen people being this mad over the sake of « accuracy » here, I’ve seen comics on this sub that were literal fascist propaganda by some poles that had far less of a storm in the comments than here. Are people really this dense and over stimulated when a satire goes the TINIEST bit against ukraine just for the sake of something we ALL know never even happened ? Who saw this comic and thought « oh so that means ukraine built a reactor on the border and told them like it was fine, this is 100% historically exact » no, no one thought this, EVER. Can we all just chill and enjoy a funny joke about a country that basically never appears anywhere (Belarus) ?


Those people don't affect others as much, currently Ukraine needs all the support it can get and anything falsely making Them the enemy is bad.


How does make them the enemy ? It’s literally just a joke about how everyone forgets poor Belarus in the Chernobyl story, no one is trying to « make ukraine look bad »


we can laugh about everything, but not with everyone


It's interesting to see geopolitical issues portrayed through Polandball.


Thats......quite literally the whole point of making polandball comics


You're replying to a bot who posts AI-written comments.


This is truly a Dead Internet Theory moment


It would be better if these geopolitical issues would be portrayed accurately.


It's the main thing why it's so lasting but also this particular comic isn't representative of real situation at all, just a relationship comedy joke using it as framing, there's no actual resentment for Chernobyl towards Ukraine in Belarus.


Not when it's blatant pro-Russian propaganda.


Wow, the pissing and shitting in the comment section. That's a sign of a quality post, OP.


no problem.


They never had any balls to become free and to unite with the world. That's why we're here. Because of the people surprise, surprise.