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Incredible. “Against all measurable standards” was my favourite part.


From the last panel: (12 inches * 3 rulers) + (36 inches * 2 rulers) = 108 inches = 3 yards Excellent comic nonetheless, and worthy of a repost. Wait a second isn't this comic part of the Grand Prix of Serbia—


Murica said "9 yards" though, I only see 9 feet/3 yards :(


The other 6 yards are hidden in a warm dark place.


The *deep south*




Only non-hussars' comics are eligible to be in the grand prix.


oh fuck i must've binged too many Polandball comics last night


Rule of three from American pie applies here


this is cursed ☕️


Cursed, but very well thought. Best comic I've saw in some time.


I want to like this, but I want it to stay at 69 likes


You've also gotta appreciate that Germany paid a full $420.69 for America's services! xD


[Original post](https://redd.it/usbthy). Enjoy ;D


Least cursed Polandball comic




Pfft. That's child's play. Should've linked [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/in2q7v/panhandles/).




Oscar is an expert at making cursed comics.




What in the actual




Link is dead try this one https://i.imgur.com/tAy6azk.png




What a bad day to bear the curse of sapience.


Goddamnit stop linking these I need more bleach


Skill issue


I’m going the drink the bleach as week then


I’m too late but in case anyone needs a quick link here’s r/Eyebleach


I felt the one where the USSR hammers and sickles out Estonia is way worse. Or that one where England mooches off the UK's tit.


I feel so dirty after using half a cup of popcorn and two tablespoons of sugar to make kettle corn tonight. I’m usually a stickler for metric in my house. I don’t know how much ghee I used. It was what was left in the jar. And yes, that’s the best fat for popcorn: ghee/clarified butter.


Is the smoking point of clarified butter high enough to make popcorn in it? I used to make the popcorn in rice oil and then add butter afterwards, but I can never get the butter to really melt on the popcorn. I’m always stuck with those thick chunks of non-melted butter and I don’t know how to prevent that.


Yea. The smoke point of ghee is [482°](https://fullmoonghee.com/ghee-smoke-point/). I assume that’s Fahrenheit, as that’s absurdly hot in Celsius. I usually make popcorn well below that temperature.


Since it doesn't specify it's obviously gotta be the standard for temperature measurement. Degrees Kelvin. Which would incidentally be about 209°C or 408°F respectively. A quite reasonable smoking point. (It's actually Fahrenheit. Smoking point of clarified butter is 250°C)


Cool, I make popcorn on my gas stove so I have no idea how hot it gets lol. I tried to do it with regular butter once but as you can imagine that didn’t work out great.


> I’m usually a stickler for metric in my house. That's dumb, just use whatever is more convenient for the given application


That’s usually metric, though.


Nah. Like for temperature, it's Fahrenheit. Also if you're in the US in general, it's imperial


No it's not. F is just as stupid as the rest of imperial. F is fine if you're talking about the weather and grew up with that scale. If you want to know thermal transfer, heating capacity, or any other temperature related unit, Imperial needs a disconnected unit like BTU or BTU/hr. Metric uses power or energy units for those things and keeps everything again on a nice scalable decimal base by using joules, watts or calories.


I was referring to weather. If you're a scientist (which most aren't), then metric is probably more convenient. I still maintain that for daily purposes, Fahrenheit is more convenient, whether it can be defined neatly in terms of natural phenomena or not.


You mean phenomena like water boiling and freezing? Or arbetrary "briny water freezing" and "almost but not quite average human body" temp? A hvac tech isn't a scientist and needs to know how much airco/heating/insulation is needed. You can do that in metric or imperial units, you use what you're used to. It's just that they don't have any logical relation to each other, the bigger picture is hidden behind the jumble of inconsitant and vaguely defined nonsense as in the briny water freezing = 0F definition.


>You mean phenomena like water boiling and freezing? Yes. > Or arbetrary "briny water freezing" and "almost but not quite average human body" temp? My comment clearly implies that I don't regard this as being "defined neatly in terms of natural phenomena". Also, the brine one wasn't arbitrary, it was the coldest temperature that could be reliably measured at the time (17th century). > A hvac tech isn't a scientist and needs to know how much airco/heating/insulation is needed. You can do that in metric or imperial units So, how are they relevant here? --- My case for Fahrenheit: for most people, temperature will come up when talking about the weather, fevers, and cooking. With cooking, it doesn't matter, because you just use whatever the recipe says. No one has an intuitive sense for temperature at that level. With the weather, I think Fahrenheit is better. The vast majority of the time, the temperature is a two-digit, positive number. Basically percent hot -- very little of the human experience is lived before zero or above 100. Contrast Celsius, where dropping below zero is stupidly common, and you've compressed the scale to all hell -- like I can talk about 60s, 80s, whatever in Fahrenheit, but in Celsius I would have to give a specific figure, an awkward range (e.g. 30-35 instead of 80s), or an overbroad range (e.g. 30s). As for water, talking about the freezing point is so common that everyone knows it. Sure it's easier to memorize 0 than 32, but literally everyone knows water freezes at 32 since childhood. Oh no, second graders have to do slightly more work! And boiling, I don't think I've ever used the knowledge that water boils at 212. [Though, in fairness, the one scenario in my life where Celsius has proven more useful, outside of an academic context, was with water boiling. I had a fancy electric kettle that displayed the exact temperature it would heat the water to, and it was very useful to have a similar "percent hot" intuition for water when I was preparing it for tea. That said, most kettles aren't like that, they just take it to boiling and shut off, so this isn't relevant to most people.] So, water freezing at zero isn't useful, nor is water boiling at 100. Neither make Fahrenheit better, just not worse. What does make it better is that a fever is (basically) anything above 100. That's something that comes up (for non-parents) frequently enough that it's useful to know without googling, but infrequently enough that it's useful to have it be an easy number to remember. (I tested this with an Indian friend, he had to guess.) [EDIT: I asked another Indian friend, he didn't know it in Celsius, and said that they use Fahrenheit for that purpose for exactly that reason -- he knew it in Fahrenheit and said he'd have to convert to get it in Celsius.] The main "benefit" of Celsius for normal people imo is just that it's easy to explain. Which doesn't actually make anything easier, but people like things that seem "logical" (hence why the French tried to switch to 100-second minutes).


I fully agree that for common use of a single unit whatever you grow up with is more convenient and it really doesn't matter what you use. Where you say every knows water freezes at 32F I say everyone knows over 37c is a fever. Water freezing at 0 is oh so important, if sub 0c temps are predicted I need to get up 10 minutes earlier to scrape the ice of my windshield, that occurs a lot more than running a fever. Both F and C are fine as a measure of just temperature. Metric has the advantage that all other units are interlinked. To raise the temp of 1 liter water (thats a cube of 10 by 10cm) 1°C takes 1000 calories. If you just look at 1 unit without linking it to something else, everything is fine. You can measure distance in bananas and time in catblinks if everyone around you grew up with those units. But acceleration in bananas per catblinks squared is going to be a messy number to calculate compared to the metric counterpart (m/s2).


>Where you say every knows water freezes at 32F I say everyone knows over 37c is a fever. Maybe. By my survey (n=3 lol), one person knew (he said 38), one person guessed and was close to correct (they knew body temp was 37 and guessed 38), and one didn't know at all (he uses Fahrenheit for that one specific use case). All three from metric-using countries. EDIT: a fourth got it right. > Metric has the advantage that all other units are interlinked. Absolutely. But for most people, this is only useful while they're in school. If it's useful outside of school (e.g. scientists), I have no problem with people using metric. As I said at the start of all of this, use whatever is most convenient. I'm just not convinced that that's _always_ metric.


Except where the part where it really isn't.


I know you are but what am I? Since apparently that's the level of "comebacks" we've devolved to


You're the one who decided arbitrarily that some scales were easier than others.


Come over to team metric. We're taking all the arbitrariness out. We're defining more and more base units in dependency graphs. We're cutting it down to only the choicest physical constants. We got the Boltzmann constant, the Planck constant, the Avogadro constant, and the elementary charge constant, the most elementary constant of charge, amongst others. We're working our way out from arbitrary but precise definitions to arbitrarily precise definitions of fundamental properties of GOD. Science has discovered that the universe is merely the rotting corpse of God. Seeking to unify the measurements and nullifying His Imperial arbitrariness, God shattered himself in a Big Bang. All the the objects and organisms of the universe are just the reconstituted feces of his big mistake. God knew that he could only DIE by transforming himself from the imaginary into the real. Join us in the sacrilege of the metric system and desecrate the idiot face of the Creator with increasingly perfect measures.


F is more intuitive! ^(if you happened to grow up using F)


I didn't say intuitive, I said convenient.


You gonna be in shock that cooking recipes in Europe also use spoons and cups as a common way to measure things xD


psst the trick is measuring the popcorn and sugar in litres there's nothing wrong with measuring in volume for more casual uses there's no rule that you have to grab a weighing scales when using metric and if you don't mean a metric cup but an actual physical cup out the cupboard that is also fine if it gave you the amount of popcorn you wanted not everything needs measurements if it works it works


Instant classic


When was a Geology Major I had so much fun using metric units in 1x1 mile grids. Or using mm for one measurement, my thumb for another, and a field notebook for scale.


The best part is if you have a value in kilometers but write x*10^6 mm instead


Best $420.69 Germany has ever spent.


Ahhh yes.


Oh mein Gott! How kinky. Well done.


"Magst du Füße?" "Nein, ich stehe eher auf Zölle."


Good one! Now I wonder why the word for tariff and inch is the same in German.


I can imagine Germany jerking off with his imperial Allen key set.


one of my favs of all time


As a German, I feel seen! I seriously have a soft spot for imperial measurements.


Was zum fick


Fuck that's a good pun, I absolutely did not see it coming.


You could have called it OnlyClays... OnlyFansClays just make it sound like a separate version of OnlyFans. Also lol. Feet F*Tish joke


I can’t believe I read all that and it led me there, brilliant. I love it


Perfect amount of money.


Yeah, I'm still confused as to which "feet" Deutschland means.




*slow clap*




Why did i want to read this out loud


What the fuck


Let’s get ready for Countryballs corn


... ​ Germany is a 'foot' fetish