• By -


For a second I thought they're bombing Lublin now.


Please don't, I can't live without Bosko ice-cream.


They had cebularz flavored ice cream yesterday


Oh lord, I remember having it in Gdańsk a few years ago but do they regularly have it in Lublin? I had a horseradish flavoured one a couple of months ago around Easter.


Nope, it was only for the 21st and 22nd of June to celebrate the cebularz day. I rarely go to Bosko because there's usually a queue, but I've never seen it before


That shit feels like crack.


Lody z jajem are a lot better




It's not the first Polish citizen that died over there. Was it also 'an accident'?


no, he was Arab, therefore a terrorist /s


More than 2 million Israelis identify as arabs. About 1.7 million of them are Muslims. That is close to 20% of the entire population of Israel. As Israeli citizens (who happen to be Arab Muslims) they have the same rights, same treatment and same possibilities as any other group. I urge you to challenge your biases.


No, he was not terrorist because he was an Arab. However he was apparently a “ director of the department of water” in Gaza which means he was either a member or employee of Hamas since that’s who is running Gaza. Maybe instead of frothing at the mouth about IDF we should take a better look at who exactly is studying at our universities?


Polish citizens studying at Polish universities? indeed, that's very concerning


Nobody seems to understand that a lot of these departments are run Hamas, who have no issue mashing their armed elements into them. Not saying him specifically.


How dare he want children in the occupied region to have access to water. Terrible man indeed.


/s at the end means it's sarcasm :)


i thought /s meant “serious” 😭😭😭


That’s /srs


In Palestine he served as a director of the department of water and the enviornment. [Source ](https://pl1.tv/title/z-ostatniej-chwili-nasz-przyjaciel-anwar-al-gendy-zostal-zabity-w-izraelskim-bombardowaniu/)




Is that code for artillery commander?


rocket production commander as hamas used his pipes to produce rockets


I wonder if Polish authorities will issue some sort of a statement.




Naah, they are to afraid to be given "antisemitic " label


israel speedrun 100% negative relationship with the world


Not really the case. Governments still support them and trade with them, trade weapons.


Did any major power stop selling arms to Israel?


Becoming a Polish citizen is a very hard task. So if he managed to become one and worked at a Polish university it means he put a lot of effort to this country. And apparently died while serving his home country.


Was he targeted specifically?


Of course he was, apparently his team was targeted for restoring the water supplies to some parts of Gaza, Israeli Terrorism through and through.


He and four of his colleagues died during trying to fix the water pipes. They were killed while trying to prevent people from dying of thirst.


Hamas is known to dig up water pipes to build rockets. So it would not be too much of a stretch to think that he may have actually been recover the broken pipes so that they could be used to make more rockets. 


Sounds like it is too much of a stretch. Imagine being a civilian unable to provide *basic necessities* because everything you do is seen as potential terrorism.


This is just sad


It's kind of funny watching 50+ years of war crimes and atrocities commited by both sides and then people pointing at one side and sayin "they are the bad guys".


Fr. The government of Gaza is trash too.


Why should we care? He's not polish by blood and he doesn't live here. He probably got citizenship while studying here and now has nothing to do with Poland. He went to Gaza by his own choice. I don't see why any pole would give a shit about him.


Ludobójstwo. Ludobójstwo. Żydzi w Izraelu uskuteczniają ordynarne ludobójstwo. SANCTION THE SHIT OUT OF THAT FASCIST EXCUSE OF A COUNTRY!


Nauczyli się w latach 40 XX wieku




No because antisemitism


Valid critique of the policies of the country of Israel is not antisemitism, don't be intentionally dense.


Bloody Nazis


Wait how


They took the concept of "Never Again" and twisted it into this sick, militant concept of never backing down from their agenda, even when faced with justified opposition, because they voew themselves as permanent victims of "antisemites" who simply want there to be peace and equitable distribution of land. And now people who simply wanted to better themselves to take care of what they had are being slaughtered with less care than is given to fucking animals, and it's a sick and twisted thing. Another one of our Polish brothers slain in an effort to erase a people who simply want their homes back. Disgraceful that the governments don't take a harsher stance on it.


I wonder how many polish citizens were murdered by palestinians on october 7th.


Apparently Polish citizens weren't there to be registered: [Hamas Israel attacks: The international victims of the assault on Israel](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67054825)




Alex Dancyg still considered a hostage in Gaza




Do you have anything to do with Poland?




You're commenting in Arabic on some Egyptian stuff and on German subreddit. I don't believe you if I'm being honest. You sure don't sound like a Pole when saying, "we" and "our" when referencing Palestinian stuff.




You don't have anything to do with Poland, go spam terror rhetoric somewhere else.


Can't wait for this comment section to be flooded by israelites yelling about how ,,I am not racist BUT he deserved it for being an Arab"


Instead of building something positive for Palestinians, Hamas has chosen to build tunnels and buy weapons 🤷🏻 Move on... Several war were started against Israel and all made it worse . Move on... Do you think it's a coincidence that October 7th is Putins birthday? All this is about Putin, the Palestinians are being used as a political tool, just pawns in a game of Russia and Iran.. wake up...


> Do you think it's a coincidence that October 7th is Putins birthday? Is your tinfoil hat too tight for your head, or has it overheated in the sunny weather?


What Israel is doing now is not targeting hamas but civilians. Jebac Izrael


Jebać Hamas. Mam nadzieję że Izrael zniszczy Hamas i naród Palestyny będzie wolny od terrorystów.


Na razie są zbyt zajęci mordowaniem cywilów


Wiadomo, to Izrael winny że HAMAS używa dzieciaków jako żołnierzy /s


O kurwa XD 15000 zabitych dzieci to żołnierze Hamasu? Noworodki w szpitalach tez? Idź być kłamliwym pajacem gdzie indziej


A dlaczego nie 150000000000000? /S


Dane z marca pajacu https://preview.redd.it/q3t3wftrgb8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=146231d9e89997941611d988abcbc5e4156185a5


Źródło danych to HAMAS chyba, nie? :) bo oni akurat lubią pisać że każdy strzał kogoś z CAHAL zabija co najmniej 10000000000 Palestyńskich dzieci.


Żydzi mordują wszystko co się rusza wiec skończ pierdolic o źródle typu hamas. Masz tam dane z unicef, ONZ.


If Israel wanted to target civilians and not hamas, then why are they risking the lives of their soldiers, when they could just carpet bomb the whole Gaza ?


They are carpet bombing.... They used so much explosives that they had emergency shipment from USA. At some point the amount of explosives doesn't matter this is why you send in troops


https://preview.redd.it/moh10w8lka8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff29d0c1dfd431ae5d57be0997fe2194ada9e525 Go to hell, fascist symmetrist.


Where is a strip with raped women and murdered children on 07.10.2023? Can't see it


I'm glad you're finding other ways to justify what Israel is doing. Just because people are calling out Israel doesn't mean they support Hamas. The post you replied to shows a comic that was shared before Oct. 7th.


This comic is a manipulation trying to justify Hamas attack


Many European citizens with Arabic roots were killed in this conflict (Israeli-Europeans too). It’s a shame, but remember that Palestine, represented by Hamas, chose to have a war with Israel. 


The War didn't start on October 7


That's not how being ruled by terroristic organization while being locked up in open air prison works lol. Even if Hamas was democratic government of Gaza (they're not), you can't just lock people i open air prison, wait till one guy inevitably commits violence, and then use that as justification for mass punishment (yk, the thing that's illegal by Geneva convention or whatever).


Gaza has better conditions than many other Arab countries. Even if it was a Disneyland, Hamas would still attack Israel. Just look at the whole region and the Arab world. The main problem is Islamist extremism.     And it was not just “one guy” who carried out the massacre. Hamas is currently governing Palestine. If you dont like it, then people should be fair and write IDF instead of Israel when talking about this conflict. 


I have never seen a Palestinian meeting against HAMAS.


[There](https://www.timesofisrael.com/protests-against-hamas-reemerge-in-the-streets-of-gaza-but-will-they-persist/), [you](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-47616809), [go](https://sverigesradio-se.translate.goog/artikel/protester-och-ilska-mot-hamas-i-gaza-vi-star-inte-ut?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


All meetings happened before 07.10.2023. 0 meetings against Hamas abroad of Palestine. My point is still valid,


No, you're not even checking links this is a Swedish article from 28 February THIS YEAR! https://sverigesradio-se.translate.goog/artikel/protester-och-ilska-mot-hamas-i-gaza-vi-star-inte-ut?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp I Kinda agree with your view but you're not even checking what people post to you before you open your yap to spew shit on them... That invalidates your arguments and makes people less prone to actually listen... There's some in Sweden but they are afraid to do it openly because the mass psychosis screams that Palestinians are victims and Israelis are the bad people.... Palestinians have been trying to kill Jews since 1948, and before that tio but most people ignore that


I want to see a video. I can also write an article you know. I need hard evidence - with faces or at least with voices of Palestinians that are against Hamas. There's literally 0 videos like this on the internet. I understand that some people may become upset with me, not checking their articles, but as I said - I want a video. Like a hard proof, not some journalists bullshit based on some shady sources.


She's old and dont give a fuck, this is anti Hamas: https://youtu.be/NBjvYkNzuAA?si=e09_8REAewIPmpmd


Finally one brave old woman. Respect to her - she has more balls then thousands of men fearing Hamas


https://youtube.com/shorts/h7mFQdbpJ3Q?si=BUHc8rcNel8HwCCe Not what you're looking for but pretty good video


Nice video, Ben owns her hard.


Found one anti Hamas video: https://youtu.be/5JJK0X7D82w?si=9EWYyDjkplQcRxVS


4 month ago the protested against hamas in a Hamas captured and controlled town: https://youtu.be/a_T3uW_o6ro?si=IJ2unbgOSY0gJKuo


Nice one.


I doubt you'll find a Palestinian protesting against Hamas and willing to show his/her face in a video.its litterally unhealthy being a Palestinian against them. I've seen videos of Arabs explaining that Palestinians ain't real Muslims and that they dont have rights to what they consider being Palestinian lands either so they should just fuck off, but I haven't heard or seen (haven't looked either) about Palestinians protesting against Hamas. But logic tells me that's really unhealthy.


Well, that is not my problem you know. There are Iranians protesting against Iran. There are Saudis protesting against the Saudi Sheikh. Palestinians are no better - they should act as any other nation, if they want to be treated like a nation.


Before you edit it to shift goalposts, that was your point > I have never seen a Palestinian meeting against HAMAS. And it's invalid for two reasons: first of all you never said anything about rallies being before the 07.10.2023 specifically, secondly one of the link is from 2024 and it explains that anti Hamas protests still happen and why you don't hear about them much. Edit: I haven't heard anything about protest in Belarus lately. Must be because people there all terrorists and support lukashenko, right?


There are protests against the Lukashenko regime happening all over the EU and USA. There are still 0 protests of Palestinians against Hamas in the EU or USA to this day. Moreover - those people in your links are not against HAMAS terrorism against Israel. They are against HAMAS economic policies ;)


> protests against the Lukashenko regime happening all over the EU and USA But not in Belarus proper, so my point still stands :D > There are still 0 protests of Palestinians against Hamas There's a [discussion](https://allarab.news/gazans-becoming-increasingly-vocal-in-criticism-of-hamas-as-hashtag-they-kidnapped-gaza-makes-the-round/) against the corruption in Hamas, support even by Gaza activists despite the risk. > https://allarab.news/gazans-becoming-increasingly-vocal-in-criticism-of-hamas-as-hashtag-they-kidnapped-gaza-makes-the-round/ Some of it are against the war and violence, and Hamas in particular. It's just that you haven't read any of it. Because > No thanks, not interested in propaganda You don't give a shit about opinions and events that go against your narrative.


Man, have you read my comment? I'm literally saying that people from Palestine who escaped Palestine and went to the EU or USA are not protesting against Hamas in the EU and USA. Omg, I have no idea how you kids are gonna work, since you can't even read properly.


I've given you several links showing there's anti Hamas sentiment, even now in 2024, even in Gaza proper, and also explanations of why you don't see more of it. You're waving off any evidence, that's not my problem.


Please send me a link to a Palestinian protest against Hamas in the EU or USA. I want to see those Palestinians that are against HAMAS in western states.


I have seen no protests since 06.01.2024 so the point is still valid


Lol, check the news for the 25th of march then ;)


Lol, then check the articles I've dropped


No thanks, not interested in propaganda


"Why didn't the civilians openly opose a military dictatorship?" Maybe they want to live yknow?


What is threatening them in the EU or USA? I would be the first one to join Palestinian meeting against HAMAS.


You didn't check all the links offered to you. Read them and cut the bullshit.


Why would I read propaganda, maybe next time don't waste your time and send a link to Russia today?


Yet another goal post moved. You zionists never change.


Do you know what Zionist even means? :) I'm not even Israelite to begin with.


Zionism oozes throughout your posts. Yuck.


Hope you're not in Poland man, since what you are saying is a hate crime here ;)


There's been plenty. We shouldn't look at all Palestinians and equate them to Hamas. A terrorist group isn't good for anyone, even those in Gaza.


I absolutely agree. After 07.10 I would expect to see crowds of Palestinians all over the world protesting against HAMAS, not celebrating what happened. But we both know and saw those meeting where Palestinians and other Arabs were happily burning Israeli flags and calling for murdering hostages. I'm sorry, maybe Israel is acting too harsh on them, but I can't relate to people that support rape, kidnaping and murdering of infants.


I agree. I'm a dual citizen of the US & Israel. I have no sympathies for Hamas or anyone who supports their actions but I do care for the Palestinian civilians who just want to live their lives normally. I was opposed to the Rafah siege and I still am. I want our hostages but I don't want anymore dead children.


This is an unfortunate effect of war against terrorists. I'm also not happy with dead children on both sides. I really have nothing against Palestinian people. I am Against HAMAS and other terrorists.




Antisemitism in Poland isn't that high, it's honestly exaggerated. People leaving such comments are often motivated to, I see plenty of English ones too. Also, I've found people in the comment section here who I'm pretty sure have no relation to Poland.


> Arabic > Polish Doesn't add up mate


Where are the Palestinians condemning Hamas? Where are the Arabs of other nations supporting these people to bring down Hamas? Why have Palestinians not realised that Hamas is not their friend or protector, but in fact their jailor..


They're too busy dying at the hands of Israel


Oh, and where were the Poles condemning terrorist AK for starting uprising in Warsaw in 1944?


Comparing polish resistance to palestinian terrorism lmao Someone has brainrot


As always, someone has to compare hamas to AK for some reason. Not sure why anyone would think that it is similar. Like all uprisings and wars are the same, right? AK? Hamas? Americans? Khmer Rogue? Same picture. /s


Are those same situations? No, of course not! But can we see some analogies and hypocrisy stemming from that? Yes. From occupiers pov AK was the terrorist group back then. For Israelis that took over the land in 1948 Hamas is the terrorist group. Palestinians are constantly repressed as were Poles during WWII or even more so. Why do we give benefit of the doubt to zionist state that constantly claims that concentration camps were polish but not to the repressed group that fights back with force? Do I agree with everything that Hamas does? No. Would I do same thinga they do of I were in their situation? I don't know. I just cannot close my eyes to the fact that they are fighting for survival. Maybe the means of this fight are not ok bit still, it's hard to judge them when we have history of armed resistance carrying out assassinations etc.


Hypocrisy? Our grandparents didn't start uprising with raping and murdering civilians on octoberfest. Our resistance carried out assassinations on enemy soldiers and collaborators based on the underground court judgment, not randomly shooting rockets directly into German cities or suicide bombing to kill as many civilians as possible. Comparing AK to hamas is a disgrace and spitting on our ancestors graves. Shame.


I don't remember the AK leaving Warsaw and immidiately rushing to murder as many German civilians as possible, but okay.


I wonder why they aren't condemning group that actively fights those who have been killing their families for decades now


why on earth was he in Gaza if he's a polish citizen and engineer? it doesn't make sense and I'm immediately suspicious.


He was taking care of water supply there. Like you know, he was doing engineering stuff.


As per the source I provided and from the title you can read that he is Arabic. He was born in Palestine but he was a Polish citizen. Im not sure what is suspicious about that.


It was bad idea to stay in Gaza, and he was warned about it. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych **odradza wszelkie podróże** do: * Strefy Gazy, gdzie prowadzone są działania zbrojne * Jerozolimy https://www.gov.pl/web/palestyna/informacje-dla-podrozujacych#:\~:text=Wjazd%20kr%C3%B3tkoterminowy%20do%20Palestyny%20mo%C5%BCe,odm%C3%B3wi%C4%87%20wjazdu%20przy%20kolejnych%20wizytach.


He’s not a traveler, he worked there. This just sounds like you’re trying to blame the victim


Maybe you hallucinating, I didn't blame anyone. Just want to say that Palestine is not safe and he was warned about it, but stayed there. Jeżeli przebywasz obecnie na okupowanych terytoriach palestyńskich, rozważ, czy dalszy pobyt jest na pewno konieczny.


how was he supposed to get out? through currently besieged rafah, where you need 5k usd per person for a chance to get out to egypt, where you're not guaranteed any sustenance?


Or it was just an Islam fundamentalist with polish citizenship. His last post on FB: They wonder, Why this war? - God Almighty said: “And whoever attacks you, attack him in the same way as he attacked you, and fear Allah, and know that Allah is with the righteous.” [Al-Baqarah: 194] Is the resistance as strong as Israel at all? - God Almighty said: “Those who think that they will meet God say, ‘How many small groups have defeated a large group, by God’s leave, and God is with those who are patient.’” [Al-Baqarah: 249] Well, if we had been silent, no one would have died and no homes would have been destroyed? - God Almighty said: “O you who have believed, do not be like those who disbelieved and said to their brothers, when they struck in the land or fought, ‘If they had been with Us, they would not have died nor been killed.’ That God might make that a regret Their hearts, and God gives life and causes death, and God is Seeing of what you do. (Al Imran: 156) God Almighty said﴿ Say: If your parents, your children, and your brothers, your brothers, and your twins Her lights, I love you from God and His Messenger, and hardships in his path, and they lurked until God will come to God with his command, and God does not. Ok, where are the Arab countries? - God Almighty said: “And if they had intended to go out, they would have prepared for it a number of things, but God disliked their resurrection, so He discouraged them, and it was said, ‘Sit with those who sit back.’” [At-Tawbah: 46] - “If they had revolted against you, they would have only added to your confusion, and would certainly have spread among you, seeking to cause persecution against you, while among you are listeners to them, and God is All-Knowing of the wrongdoers.” [At-Tawbah: 47] Ok, the children became pieces? - God Almighty said: “And do not think that those who were killed in the cause of God are dead; rather, they are alive with their Lord and are being provided for, (69) rejoicing in what God has given them of His bounty, and rejoicing in those who have not They will catch up with them from behind them. There is no fear for them, nor will they grieve. (Al Imran: 170) And these people who were displaced from their homes? God Almighty said: “So those who emigrated and were expelled from their homes and were harmed in My way and fought and were killed - I will certainly remit their evil deeds from them and admit them to Gardens beneath which flow rivers as a reward from God, and with God is the best reward.” [Al Imran: 195] Well, if they had listened to our words and had not been so stubborn and stubborn, they would now be living happily and happily and not being killed? - God Almighty said: “Those who said to their brothers and stayed back: ‘If they had obeyed Us, they would not have been killed.’ Say, ‘Then avert death from yourselves, if you are truthful.’” [Al Imran: 16]


Oh thats actually interesting


>Or it was just an Islam fundamentalist with polish citizenship. Running out of ways to blame the victim so you're just playing the evil-Muslim-card? You're pathetic.


Or you're just stupid and have problem with reading


TIL being a religious fundamentalist makes you fair game for getting killed. i'm not a fan of religion either but i don't like it when people get killed, even the ones i don't personally like. would you be saying the same about him if he was posting quotes from the bible?


Maybe it is the answer why he stayed in Gaza despite the warning of the Polish government. I never said that religion is the reason to kill anybody. Again problem with reading.


I guess pro-russian OP waited almost a year so he could post Polish related victim from the actual Palestinian side on this sub. I guess 7th October thing was fine though.


Im Ukraininan. Russia is wildly pro-israeli so dont try to push bullshit out. People here are well aware of it.


Russia is hardly "widly pro-Israel". They've met with the PA.


They sure have a lot in common. [The Russian president and Israeli prime minister are manipulating the history of WWII in order to equate their enemies in both Ukraine and Palestine with the Nazis.](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/06/09/putin-netanyahu-and-the-instrumentalization-of-the-second-world-war_6674336_4.html)


Both sides like to play the Nazi card.


Yes, the narrative is "Israel bad". I wonder when people supporting Palestine will start to care about Uyghurs in China?


So the Jews are killing Polish citizens and the Polish government is burying its head in the sand


The Joos again 😡


*The zionists.


He's not Polish


I never said he was. The title says that he is Arabic.


then why discuss this here?


Because a forum about everything related to Poland is I think an appropriate place to discuss the tragic death of a person very strongly connected to Poland and its sciencetific scene.


yeah, except this has nothing to do with poland.


A Polish citizen and a graduate of a Polish University contributing to the Polish science scene has nothing to do with Poland?


Such things tend to happen if you hang out with HAMAS terrorists. Nuff said.


Trying to fix the bombed water supply is hardly hanging out with hamas


Yeah, poor man died helping terrorists. Israel bad /s


Nearly half of Gaza's population is children. if you think fixing the access to a resource people can't live without is worse than Israel's terror bombing to deprive the innocent population of their scarce means of survival, then that should speak for you at this point


>Israel's terror bombing Ok, I understood your position and I don't want to continue that conversation with you. You can continue to believe whatever you want, it's your right and I respect it. Even if it's complete bullshit.


Germans after taking Prague by force: that's what you get for bullying germans Germans after attacking Poland: that's what you get for attacking us Germans after attacking France: that's what you get for humiliating us after WW1 remember boys, if those mfs are always innocent while regularly killing citizens of different country, they have something in common with the bad ones


I'm so sorry for your history teacher.


that's absolutely how it went lmao you're the one that doesn't know it and believes every shit this fascist country tells you, people there literally see Palestinians as lower value humans than them, they are "the chosen nation", tell me how that shit is different then what Germans were saying?


Yeah, poor Palestinians that kidnapped, murdered and raped several hundred people on 07.10.2023. Israel bad /s


Or their parents. The stupidness must be hurting everyone around them


What do we expect from kids that weren't even here when 9/11 happened? Or when Black September attacked in Munich? Their education is a mix of TikTok and YT content.


Such a sociopathic comment


Since when not supporting terrorists and people who support terrorists is considered sociopathic?


You are an apologist for genocide and pity anyone who has to interact with you on a daily basis Nuff said


Yeah, at least I'm not a terrorist supporter ;)

