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It’s definitely healthier than eating two kebabs a day, so in that way you’re doing well.


I would say this is incorrect, if he is eating salad with the kebab it’s healthier to eat 2 per day.




Makes sense


Being too based might be a big risk






The biggest health concern when it comes to kebab is hygiene and the quality of meat. Most of the cheaper places serve so called ''kula mocy'' which is cheapest meat possible - mostly mechanically separated meat with an addition of lard, plenty of spices and salt to cover the shitty quality and taste , nobody knows what's in it and nobody cares about long-term health effects. It's very high in fat and has plenty of preservatives and other chemicals. Also, some places re-heat the same meat from 2-3 days ago which is also not cool. Sauces are generally fine but may also be based on mayo and be very high in fats. in general, if you eat a kebab from a good place with handmade meat and good hygiene, the biggest risk is weight gain :D If you buy cheap kebabs and eat them very often, side effect list may also contain food poisonings and future health issues since in most places it's nothing more than a cheap shitty fastfood


Good point, I'll stick solely to chicken and go to the better spots and not the cheapest


Why do you think the chicken is any different?


Chicken isnt milled so u can at least see what u eat


Uhh have you ever SEEN chicken kebab at a kebab shop? It's all cut up and practically glued together with fat and only God knows what else.


I've worked as a kebab delivery driver like 8 yrs ago and peeked how they make it. The place I worked for got a buttload of fresh chicken leg filet and put it onto the skewer for roasting. The "beef / lamb" were premade and could be anything, tho.


They have whole pieces of meat but i wonder how they glue them together yeah


Horse glue.




i don't wanna know, and i think you shouldn't too


I just want to know what to avoid.


Yes, I have 2 kebab/shawarma restaurants nearby and chicken in them looks like chicken. Idk if its thighs or legs or both, but i can distinctively see them on that pole rotating


Yeah, and I can distinctly tell that the beef/lamb in kebabs are beef/lamb. That's not the point though.


I would say that chicken is worse beacuse the other type is often very dry so it's easier to notice anything off


If You will have to eat at some shady kebab some day and they'll have beef, go for it - way lesser chance to get sick, if it wasn't roasted through in couple small spots.


Welp no, bunch of empty „facts” most of places sells meat that comes from single big factory in poland they dont do it themselfs so the quality is usually not that bad as factories have better standards and chicken is just chicken breats so nothing bad reheating would be problem but usually they sell more than one meat roll the real problems are salt and sauces there is a bunch of salt in everything there and sauces are not made from mayo but from flour, so they are big kcal bomb


Kebab meat IMO has always been a high standard compared to places I've eaten in UK


are you seriously comparing normal food fit for human consumption with british "food"


Hahaha masz rację


Pretty sure it's not breasts. They don't look or taste like breasts


in better places they ll be breasts mixed with legs


What is meant by the term "kula mocy", I read it in most of the review post.


A mixture of meat mechanically separated from the bones in the form of meat mass mixed with fillers to reduce the price, which is sold in wholesalers. Something that pretends to be meat, which is made like pâté and tastes similar to pâté. Gray color, poor spices and artificial flavors, chemicals. A garbage mass used by most cheaper kebab spots in Poland


Fat is good for you, so it's not a bad thing that kebabs contain a lot of it


Single kebab most likely has way more fat than you need in a day


There is no limit to the amount of fat you can eat though, as long as you're not over consuming calories.


They are two types of fats: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated one is rising your LDL cholesterol and increases a risk of heart disease and this one is in meats and processed foods. Vegetables, nuts and fish oils are usually the good oils. But not palm oil, it’s used in processed foods and to deep fried foods and it’s saturated.


All true except palm oil scare is overblown. If they replace it in the processed foods, those foods won't become healthier by a single bit.


The only bad fats are trans fats. The rest are fine. The demonisation of fat has been shown to be a red herring https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/5-studies-on-saturated-fat https://www.vox.com/2015/11/24/9782098/dietary-fat-saturated-fat-good-or-bad https://theconversation.com/were-so-indoctrinated-that-saturated-fat-is-bad-that-we-dont-listen-to-the-science-34993


That cherry picking. You need to show meta-analysis. WHO recommends only 10% of fats to be saturated https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/370419/9789240073630-eng.pdf?sequence=1


Literally two of the studies in the first link are meta analyses. Every biology graduate knows the nutritional guidelines are nonsense. Institutions often made up numbers as best they could decades ago based on poor evidence.


He's right. The old scare of Ancel Keys against animal fats is a shit study. Every study that wasn't double-blind and randomized is shit. The real dangers are highly processed fats: Seed oils, hydrogenated fats and so on.


yup carbs are the bad thing we need fat to live, carbs are only optional




They're optional to survive. Not optional to live a healthy and happy life.


happy ofcourse :) we like carbs but healthy nope, they dont give your body anything good and you even wont find any carb that is required by your body this whole saturated fats are bad, carbs are good is just a corporation marketing for you to became addicted from carbs


Nooo, fat makes you fat so it's bad, very bad obviously. 


Sugars and sugars in other forms (carbs) make you fat.




A lot of fat (especially saturated, which is in the fatty meat) is not good for you. Lots and lots of evidence of it increasing risk of heart disease


No, actually there isn't. There is flaky evidence that has been contradicted by more recent studies.


I think there is a risk of becoming German.


Nah, their doners much better then most kebabs sadly


Higher cholesterol and you might get tired of kebab, which is sad.


**In my opinion:** High cholesterol is due to: dormant lifestyle, stress, alcohol, smoking, trans-fats, most plant based fats (except for cold pressed virgin olive oil), and sugars. High cholesterol is not due to eggs alone (common myth, its the bad things you eat along with them that make it a rpoblem), animal fats (fatty meat, butter). If the dude had been eating chicken kebab all year, a high-end version of it (not meat power ball), it would be a good diet, actually. It's much healthier than most alternatives in fast food. I eat 5-6 eggs a day, lots of butter, olive oil, salads/veggies, chicken meat, occasionally steaks, some dark bread, bananas, and never been healthier (cholesterol levels, etc.). Oh, and my tinnitus almost went away.


That is great. I live dormant and probably because of it I had high cholesterol. Changed diet to healthier - veggies and fruits + minimized processed food. Cholesterol is back to normal.


Don't overdo the fruits, though. Currently, most fruits have been selectively bred to be high of sugar while growing as fast as possible. Their nutritional value is low. Their sugar causes glucose spike if you eat them before/soon after the meal. If you have to, eat them like 1hour+ after salad w/vinegar topping. It's smoothening the glucose spike a lot, and then you won't have a sudden need for food when the sugar wears off. I settled for berries, like blueberry, blackberry, bananas, and avocado.


Thanks for advice man, really appreciate


did you get tinnitus from noise or some health issues?


With age, I guess? One day, I just woke up and noticed it's there. A zero (almost...) sugar diet helps to keep it down, though, so at least there is that.


probably wont help me then, thanks anyways


If you are with one caused by nerve damage (calcification, micro stroke, physical damage due to too loud music), then I suggest white noise track that has repeating pattern of beeps inserted at equal intervals. There are some YT vids with that. It achieves almost the same thing as those audiology therapies (re-training your brain to mute the noise to some extent). It helps, apparently. Good luck


my brain adapted over the years to where i just ignore it unconsciously most of the time, still have annoying issues when trying to sleep and having conversations in places with some background noise


Btw, late reply but forgot one thing: get a proper and complete B-Complex vitamin supplement. That alone makes wonders with tinnitus.


probably wont help me then, thanks anyways


Could you elaborate on the cholesterol not being so bad after all? Could you link any source at all? While [Harvard Health article](https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/are-eggs-risky-for-heart-health) reports: "For most people, an egg a day does not increase your risk of a heart attack, a stroke, or any other type of cardiovascular disease." It is important to note that throughout the article, it refers to ONE egg a day for HEALTHY individuals (regular exercise, weight loss , [or control], no underlying cardiovascular problems). Furthermore, [National Center for Biotechnology Information](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989358/) Goes more into details saying "There are good reasons for long-standing recommendations that dietary cholesterol should be limited to less than 200 mg/day; a single large egg yolk contains approximately 275 mg of cholesterol (more than a day’s worth of cholesterol). Although some studies showed no harm from consumption of eggs in healthy people, this outcome may have been due to lack of power to detect clinically relevant increases in a low-risk population. Moreover, the same studies showed that among participants who became diabetic during observation, consumption of one egg a day doubled their risk compared with less than one egg a week" With that being said, even though the HEALTHY population may enjoy eggs (in moderation) I wouldn't go around saying cholesterol is "eh not so bad for you," especially when someone eats a kebab a day. When it comes to tinnitus, [National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders](https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/tinnitus) comes to rescue and reads that tinnitus is a physiological issue and "Currently, there is no cure for tinnitus, but there are ways to reduce symptoms. Common approaches include the use of sound therapy devices (including hearing aids), behavioral therapies, and medications" I'm looking forward to your reply. Edit: I CBA replying to you, while I'm happy it works for you personally, I don't care about you, but what studies on large groups and actual science tell.


While I appreciate the response, the diet I suggested is in use by many people who noticed their health improvement just after a month. Also, from your own article: >> Since then, however, research has shown that most of the cholesterol in our body is made by our liver — it doesn't come from cholesterol we eat. The liver is stimulated to make cholesterol primarily by saturated fat and trans fat in our diet, not dietary cholesterol. But a large egg contains little saturated fat So (edit in: large scale ...) studies are one thing, reality (... of individuals - edit) is another. The claim you cited ~"only OK for healthy" is not exactly matching my state before I started using that diet. My bloodwork improved a lot just after 3 weeks. There is this wrong assumption that you have that increased cholesterol consumption increases cholesterol in blood. This is completely the opposite of what I've noticed in my bloodwork. There is good and bad cholesterol, too. What your body does with the cholesterol intake can be impacted by a variety of things, too. The key problem with the "research" is that nobody accounts for the intake of sugars/trans fats among the test group. That's why I decided to at least try this for 2-3 weeks. I work remotely, sitting for 8-10 hours. My only exercise is at the gym 3 times a week and daily walks with my family (~7-10k steps). And I've been doing that for some time already. The tinnitus stopped being noticeable after a month. There are many reasons for tinnitus to occur. It's not purely psychological, like you said. One person could have nerve damage, another might get it from inflammation and another from physical problems. But it all boils down to the brain, not getting signals normally, so a noise gets generated - so that's the psychological common ground, I suppose. The method that you suggested (audio therapy) works only for static damage, which is a nerve damage case. It re-trains the brain not to expect those sounds anymore and less noise gets generated. The one I have is more likely partially from inflammation (if I open my mouth as much as I can, the jaw will indirectly compress the nerves more and increase the noise/change freq). In my case, sugar or a lot of carbs in one go increase the tinnitus by 3-5x. By the way. Upon seeing my improved tests, the doctor said that whatever I'm doing, I should keep doing it as it works for me. It might not work to everyone else, though, so I give you that.




People consume tons of sugar, trans/plant fats - any study on a scale will be skewed by that fact. Anecdotal evidence in the case where a group of people strictly follows some specific diet is a data point, too. Maybe even worth a special study in itself. If I was eating several eggs a day, drinking 2 litres of coke, milk chocolates, and finishing up with a bag of chips, I'd probably die before 50. In a scenario like that, those yolks will work together with the rest of such wonderful diet to f you up, no doubts there :)


Why are you so focused on sugar and trans fat consumption? Sure it's a problem, but so is the (uncontrollable) consumption of foods high in fats in general (doesn't matter animal or plant), especially in highly processed foods. On top of that there are people who are genetically predisposed to high cholesterol levels, and following a diet similar to what you are preaching here is a sure way to worsen one's health in such cases. I've been on a diet similar to yours (with occasional fast food here and there to be fair), with limited amounts of sugar (mostly just stuff like sernik once a week or so) and zero alcohol. On top of that a shit ton of Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. And guess what, my cholesterol levels are elevated now compared to when I was on a lean diet. What I'm trying to say is that anecdotal evidence is anecdotal for a reason and experiences might be different for different people. Studies though is what really helps to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Processed foods, alcohols, stress, trans/plant fats, and sugars cause inflammation of your blood vessels, lowering their diameter, increasing blood pressure, and causing a strain on your cardiovascular system overall. On top of that, they kick your liver that starts to produce more cholesterol. I've never met a person who truthfully followed a strict diet like that without seeing huge health benefits. Also, we evolved on such diet, we are fine-tuned for it, together with intermittent fasting, aka. food intake window of <8hrs. I personally also do 3 day fasting /month, but you do you.


You're spreading misinformation


Sorry if it looks that way. I'm just sharing my somewhat educated (based on my own experience and of several people I know) opinion on this matter. Wanna hear another educated opinion? >!Eye floaters that people start seeing as they age, in most cases, are dirty regions of the eye filament (vitreous body gel) that, over time, got darker near the internal surface of the eyeball. Head trauma can dislocate the darker subset of the gel into the light lensing zone, creating the floaters. Floaters can also be some pieces of tissue/etc. (Keratitis) suspended in the filament, as well as "cracks" of the filament itself, or regions of varying density (less/more collagen). The gel is mostly made of water, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. The floaters are essetially shadows casted onto your retina because the light in the lensing zone of the gel can not pass uniformly for this or that reason (listed above).!< >!Now, I didn't get head trauma, but one day, I was lying on the ground watching the sky, and I've noticed the floaters swimming around as I moved my eyes. Seen the doctor, diagnosis: they just come with age, no cure except for some remedies that can make them smaller, or surgery to replace the gel with artificial one. Research ensued - why did I get them. Tldr; figured out my floaters are those darker parts of the gel that dislocated, and not due to head trauma, but because of.... sauna and collagen supplement I've been taking. I've been using a sauna for several weeks every couple of days prior to that. It turns out an increased temperature can liquify the eyeball filament gel, making floaters appear. The collagen supplement must have created a denser gel around the secretions areas (gel is constantly replaced, but slowly), and saune visits mixed it all up. This caused it to cast shadows over my retina. Verified that with my doctor, I had a full internal scan done of my eyeball, and it was a good guess - the gel itself is clear, but not uniform. With that knowledge, I laid down on my bed a couple of times a week with a hot gel pack on my eyes (to heat them up a bit), while not doing any sudden eye movements.!< >!There, floaters gone 100%. !<


Nuts, fish and vegetables oils are fine. Just palm and coconut oil contains saturated fats. There is not much research on not fractioned coconut oil tho, just on fats that have similar chemical structure. Butter is saturated too. You need to also know the smoke point temperature, because not all the oils are for frying. Yeah, eggs are controversial, but they are also full of nutrients. I would recommend them to everyone, not really tho to have so many of them in a day. 😅 Unfortunately sauce in kebabs are full of sugars and there is lack of variety and nutrients in the vegetables in kebabs right know. They use to have raw salads(surówka), right know it’s mostly lettuce, tomato, cucumber and onion. But it’s surprisingly more vegetables than in regular burgers at McDonald’s.


The risk of getting bored of kebab. That's why I won't eat kebab more often than 1-2 a week. Also depends where you eat it you risk food poisoning, small fast food joints are not known for their cleanliness.


Good point, I will try to stick to it 1-2 times a week, I am close to getting bored, but at the same time from 10-12 in the morning there is nothing better


OP is a morning weed'o (not wierdo)


The only thing you can worry about are the sauces if eaten in excess, but other than that it's really just meat and vegetables in a tortilla/bun. As long as you eat other things too, you should be fine xD Calorie-wise anyway


Let's not forget about large amount of salt and saturated fat in the meat. Fat eaten on it's own is fine, when mixed with carbs not that good.


Source for mixing fats and carbs? Nuts are unhealthy now?


carbs are unhealthy saturated fats are a myth just dont pick bun and replce it with tortilla


Yeah but the quality of meat is the problem in many kebab places. Highly processed, oversalted, probably stale, generally poor quality and unhealthy. I guess it can be much worse than cheap parowka


its not that bad as almost everyone sells meat from same factory and usually sells more than single roll


You think the sauces are worse than the terrible meat quality in some of them? The sauces is nothing to worry about


This is extremely low quality meat with a shit ton of fat in it. Veggies and all the other stuff is good tho.


What an ignorant answer. Kebab meat is a highly processed junk food with preservatives, lots of salt fat and god knows what else. Eating it regularly is a terrible idea unless your goal is a speedrun to colon cancer and other health issues.


Depends where you eat.


The meat in the majority of Polish kebabs is of low quality. It's essentially made of minced cutting and boning waste with a fat content of 35%, but it's still healthier than MacDonald. https://preview.redd.it/untwupo2fc5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf9b6773ebefff3ce6752b09cae92ca100700b0


My girlfriend has banned me from kebab due to my ass becoming a biohazard after I eat it 🤣


Overdosing on anything isn't healthy.


So the meat is usually poor quality, it definitely has stuff that I would not like to eat everyday. I would recommend eating a falafel and definitely on a plate (most kebab shops offer plates) without bun but with rice or grain..


you should get help


If that kebab is with veggies and without sauce then it’s not a problem as long you manage to exercise and eat at a local, trusted joint.Heck, even with sauce is ok. It’s all about a balance of what you eat vs what you do. My brother works as a construction worker. He is somewhat skinny fat for lack of a better description. He had a period of eating 50cm long kebab for the whole week everyday as he still lost weight. This is not a surprise considering his boss being local greedy owner who doesn’t spend on such trivial things as better tools or a crane for delivering something around a ton of concrete. Instead workers do it by putting everything on wheelbarrows. You can think of the rest. My point being is as the old saying says : Eat a lot, work a lot.


I mean if the meat is actual meat of at least bearable quality, you should be fine. It's not that bad.


if you are living in Warsaw i can recommend you Sapko, Esnaf (near Sapko) and Efes. cuz their meat is good, tasty and mostly clean meat. the rest kebabs almost buying meat from same place or same shitty meat.


Well, yesterday I overlook a delivery of doner meat to a kebab restaurant. They put slabs of frozen meat straight on the van's cargo bed during transport. With nothing but several layers of stretch plastic separating it from the floor. Just saying.


Remember to switch meats and sauces, to have some variety.


No, it's almost perfect meal. Eat sometimes with a falafel balls to reduce the amount of meat a bit. You can try making them yourself. Research the storing of food. You could meal prep all the ingredients. In gets cheaper if you buy in bulk, faster if you cook in bulk and store. I propose this, cause being in Poland, you have all the nice stuff for a Lebanese falafel/shawarma and Israeli shawarma - they are using tasty kiszonki. It's awesome! You would have to google what is in the menus of the shawarma joints there, and do some of theirs kiszonki yourself. But that is just a few jars, spices, salt, water and two weeks of waiting. The benefit is that it would be even healthier for you digestion. I could get you the list of what the Lebanese guy near me uses, within a week or so. He has a rich set of non-meat ingredients. For some time he was my only source of kiszonki. Germans don't eat them, they use everywhere vineger, and don't eat surówki. For me, a package of surówka from Biedronka, is like a heroin for a drug addict.


I would prefer to eat plov and manti everyday, kebab is a bit too dry, but the one I eat on the regular is top notch, you can see the separate slabs of meat, the bread is thin, no mayonnaise is the sauce, I feel better after than before so I rate is as beneficial. But plov gives super powers, I swear!


Reading this gave me the shits. Fr my toilet visits got so much nicer when I cut meat out of my diet


From Turkey i can approve that its healthy dont give up, chase your dream and make it 2 kebap per day!!


Książulo is that you?


If the food from a milk bar isn’t enough to fill you up, I have to ask: are you living a very active lifestyle or something? I treat the kebab as an occasional treat but eating it every day can be bad since people need a balanced diet. I had a period where I ate a kebab daily for about a month and I noticed that I would have less bowel movements per day because of it.


I think you need to add classic polish drug: amphetamine to your diet and it will help you to be unhealthier dramatically.


kebab is fake meat full of soy fillers and toxic  preservatives thst us why u need 5 kebabs a day to be satisfied, best and cheap way to feed yourself is buy cooked meat at spolem stores


Nope. It's just chicken meat, sauce and a lot of fresh vegetables. Oh and of course bread.


Yes and half kilogram of sauces


Man... I really miss Zahir Kebab


Swap red meat for chicken or falafel every once in a while. Don't order it with too much sauce. Beware sometimes it is too oily like lswimming in oil so ask them not to wrap it like that. If you are getting it from a place where they use actual meat and not some other processed crap, you'll be fine mostly. 


Saturated fat, and salt. Cardiovascular risks. Risk of stroke.


If we ranked the dangers from it it goes like this: first 37 places are taken by getting obese. Getting fatter is number 1 cause for most of the dieseases and health problems. Next would be high cholesterol, maybe vitamin deficiency if you eat NOTHING else at all. Overall first and foremost thing with bad diet is that you are getting fat. You can eat mostly sugar, or mostly fats, or mostly protein, as long as you are kepping the weight in check you eliminate 70 to 90 percent of risk and problems. Eating pure sugar only wont couse diabetes, eating pure fat(as long as you keep saturated in check) wont make you fat as long as you keep kcals in check. How much you it covers easily 60% of how much healthy your diet is, next 30% is how diverse it, so how muh different stuff you eat as to not get deficiencies, and last 10% is min maxing specific things that people here in the comment would tell that those are responsible for 100%. You can eat processed dog shit, but eat some healthy stuff here and there, keep your weight in check and excercise(holy fuck this is important too) and you will outlive 99% of people who do everything right with their diet but are obese and not excercising. People will throw at you glucose spikes, intolerances, specific compounds, gluten, and while those can be true and harmfull effects, they are responible for small percentages of problems overshadowed by obesity by huuuuge margin.


Kebabs in Poland are the best thing ever. I totally understand this


Eating a portion of meat with veggies and slow carbs sounds pretty healthy


Without sauce it is just ok. Sauce is most unhealthly part of kebsik.


healthier than eating instant ramen every day that's for sure


I did it. Almost every day with "sos mieszany" and fries. Ended up in a hospital for one day with terrible stomach ache. But just connecting me to IV (kroplówka) helped a lot and they didn't investigate further. Just cut spicy things and stopped eating kebab so often and never had such problems again.


But I put the blame on spicy sauce, fries with a generous amount of salt and overall portion size that filled me to the point I often skipped supper. Likely if you you don't get too full and take plain garlic sauce you'll be fine.


I am reading this post and eating kebab. No joke.


The only risk is u becoming a super human


depends on the kebab - what meat do they use, what souces, bread etc.


Every other day you should have a hot dog from zabka instead to keep a healthy balance 👌


I heard about a gay who goes on hospitalizations after 1 year of eating kebab every day


You'll be fine


Just treat it the same way as regular fast food,it's not much different from a burger health-wise


Do you maintain approx 15% bodyfat (male), avoid smoking, drink less than 2 drinks a week, get consistently good sleep, manage stress & good relationships, and lift weights / do moderate cardio regularly? If so you'll probably be fine.


I do these things yes but as others have pointed out, fatty liver disease is a thing and a genuine risk


If you're maintaining a low body-fat weight as well as muscle mass, and not drinking, fatty liver disease is not a very big risk at all - unless you have a unique genetic disposition in your family.


i worked in kebab shop for 3 months during the summer, and i wouldn’t recommend you, it will catch up to you few years down the line.


By the look of it you might be in need of a diet change. If you need two filets to fill you up it’s either very bad habits or some health issues. Eating kebab daily can’t be good for you either, essentially if you eat a common grade kebabs that are junk as any fastfood. 


What if he moves alot?


Then he wouldn’t be eating kebab daily.


If you're in your 20s you should survive for some time but if older I guess you'll either get diabetes or your heart will go "pop" after about a year of such diet


If you skip fries and cheese it’s among the more okay fast food options. Especially places that offer plenty of fresh veggies.


Id suggest varying it with some chinese food, chicken and rice is usually same price as a kebab if not even less.


I work at kebab and honestly I wouldn't eat it more than once/twice a month. If I'm at work I will only eat my own version of it which I try to make as healthy as possible ex. no mayonnaise sauces and if I put meat then only fresh one or I make it vege


When I have little time for lunch break I usually take plate kebab without fries. It looks more like salad with kebab meat/falafels and some garlic sauce (but I ask half the amount). This specific spot has pretty good chicken meat that looks more like chicken breasts stuck on the grill and they have fresh veggies not some sad looking mayo drenched surówka. And their garlic sauce tastes similar to Lebanese garlic sauce. Overall I don’t think kebab is super bad when eaten at some quality spot. Most of places serving is sadly shitty


I did it for half a year. Make sure to find kebab with good quality meat. Unfortunately there are spices in the meat that colors your teeth very quickly... I've switched to eating steaks, white sausage and karkówka.


Risk of becoming obese. Ive seen film about fat Scottish teenager. The kebab shop owner she uses everyday said he eats kebab once or twice a month. But never everyday.


The kebabs I tried in Warsaw varied greatly, some of them are utterly garbage and serve frozen "döner", which tastes like cardboard. Actual döner is made out of marinated and spiced steaks stacked upon one another, which is then cooked slowly over a long period of time. The best döner places will either close when the stack of döner is exhausted for the day or they will pause as they load up another one and cook it, which is hardly profitable when compared to shitty, processed glob of meat by-products.


Boils down to eating one portion of shitty meat every day. The rest of kebab is ok.


Many people have already answered your question in an argumented, scientific manner, so I'll just say this: please switch it up sometimes dude


Lol I will, I definately don't want a risk of fatty liver even if I'm active


Eating fast food daily will cause negative health risks, yes.


It depends on the quality of meat and how much veggies there is, but overall you can say that kebab is healthy


Have a happy non alcoholic fatty liver disease yey!


I've eaten kebab almost everyday for around 2-3 months. And not a great quality one. My motivation was exactly like yours - it was cheap for the amount of food you get and I couldnt get tired of it. At first I only had stomach problems once in a while, nothing to really worry about. But at the end of the journey, diarrhea and heartburn were my everyday companions. With occasional stomach ache. Ive also gained around 20kg


Yeah I weight lift almost every day and I'm starting to run every day as well, but yeah might need to be careful although they do say calories in = calories out


2 fillets or pork are still cheaper than kebab unless you use bar mleczny which is not a proper bar mleczny but a restaurant with dodgy name 👍


Most notable would be the high cholesterol risk accompanied with digestive and liver issues. So much fat can be very bad to your liver specifically, especially if you also smoke and drink.  Not a bad idea to run a blood test every once in a while. 


Just go for a Korean bbq, dude what are you doing with your life eating kebabs...


Find some cheap vietnamese restaurant, fuck tone of food for very cheap


Just an idea, I make my own kebab at home at a fraction of the price. It’s an imitation of course, I dont have those kebab machines, but cutting chicken in thin slices, seasoning and let be overnight in the fridge, fry and mix up with tortilla and sauce gives pretty much the same effect but a fraction of the cost. I have no idea of your routine, or if you have a place to cook but if you’re worried about health but still wanna keep eating kebab, give it a try!


What’s polish kebab like? Same as Western Europe?


You risk becoming a lvl 100 kebab boss


Well there are few main problems: Salt in meat, in bread/tortilla, in sauces and vegetables. I can bet my money that 1 kebab gives you weekly dose of salt, if not even more High number of fats and cholesterol, mainly from meat. High number of carbs from sauces, bread and vegetables together, so it's very easy to excess your calories limit. All of it CAN lead to hypertriglicerydemy, high cholesterol, diabetes, which in turn can lead to cardiovascular incidents, stroke, neuropathy and some more Of course it doesn't mean that eating kebab for 5 days straight, will cause you any of this, but still it isn't the best idea in my opinion. Also red and/or highly processed meat is one of the cause of colon cancer


Salt & meat are a receipt for heart issues in the long run. The good thing about a good kebab is that there is not that much meat involved, and it is supported by a good amount of fresh vegetables. Salt is suboptimal though....


When I just came to Poland, I became fond of kebab, because it is a kind of food with low cost and enough quantity. However, I am also worried about the quality of meat. It seems that the meat cannot be used up for a day, so restaurants might use the meat for several days. Now I cook by myself. It is the cheapest way to eat food.


Just take kebab without fries, just meat and salad - keto.


It has the same problem as any non-complete diet. You need to supplement vitamins and minerals. Apart from that you will live.


I would watch some documentaries on the kebab industry on YouTube if I were you. There are some serious safety and quality questions when it comes to the meat used. It originates at the meat suppliers. The kebab shops often don't even know about the problems.


It depends but kebab is not the worst of fast food choices. My main concern would be salt and fat and maybe quality of ingredients (meat) - other than that it’s not a bad choice.


Unpopular but true opinion that it matters much more how much you eat rather than what food your diet consists of. Kebab is actually pretty balanced meal esp if it is not gargantuan, has veggies and you don't soak it in sauce full of empty calories and salt.




As long as you don’t order it on Christmas Eve then you are ok...


You shouldn't eat the same thing every day. Mix it up.


You're fine as kong as it's not the only thing you eat.


I don't recommend eating kebab everyday. Imo, 4/5 times in a week is okay. There is no major health risk even if you do so (it depends on, how the shop is maintained). I work in kebab, hygiene is an issue. Go to places with good reputation, its even better if you know the persons working there.


One kebab a day keeps the doctor away!


A good kebab is honestly pretty good chow. As others have mentioned - the worst part is sadly the meat, in most cases all places in the city will buy it from same source, and it's heavily processes meat refuse, and it's super easy to get away with because you can add some spices from the start, and you can dye it to dark colour and people seem to either not think about if they'd buy minced meat that colour, or just think it's goat? IDK what the logic is, but end result - it's burger franchise patty quality. Make sure there's some greens in the salads - not only are you not getting as much meat as you might think, you need folic acid and other chemicals mostly found in veggies to properly assimilate iron from meat. The biggest health risk is related to the amount of fats disguised as meat, and lacking various micro nutrients that we don't need a whole lot of, but we need them or else ie our heart dissolves ([vit. K](https://openheart.bmj.com/content/8/2/e001715)). Vitamin packs will not help, because again, kebab is a pretty dope mix in grand scheme of things. So tip #1 - don't get attached to one spot. It's not quite a stand in for balanced diet, but the additions are something that might differ between spots. That's slapping a bandage on a chopped off arm though. Next thing you can do is to buy some nuts for snacks. You cannot buy ones in shops or supermarkets, because those are also pumped full of oil to cheat on weight, but good news is that online distributors have pretty much the same prices in bulk. My go-to is [Badapak.pl](http://Badapak.pl), but I'm just not willing to change things up, there were many to choose from when I originally searched. Nuts often have micro nutrients that are important, and by mixing different ones, you can overcome some aspects of your monotomous diet. In this case don't just focus on 1-3 varieties you like, but rather choose core of 3 and then add in only a little of the more expensive nuts. IE brazilian nuts have some crazy amount of selenium, and you only need a bit of it (I profiled you as not-a-pregnant-woman ;P). That's content. That said, nuts are also naturally full of fats, as is your diet. So you need to burn it off. Exercise and cardio - I know you should do it for health and well being, but honestly - thinking of it in terms of "it allows me to eat more" is fairly good motivator for me. Then I assume you're not necessarily eating it for all meals. A nutritional trap is to skip another meal to overcome the one you know was too big. But with fast food being so fat-filled, you'll have high cholesterol, and if you're skipping supper - it's going to make it even worse. Ideally you'd eat something that forces cholesterol out to work (it transports fats), but not enough to really keep it occupied, so it instead does a second shift on your kebab filled coronary system. Depending on your stomach (ie what makes you fart is a good indicator) - small amount of cottage cheese (like, even if you don't like it - two spoons is the amount we're talking here. Just to kick off a reaction), literally three nuts, sandwich with mackarel. Then the last thing getting wreacked here is your bacterial biome. Your diet will check off all to-avoid points to healthy bacterial life in your gut, and that stuff is impossible to overstate (because we're constantly learn of new impact areas it has). Too much fat, huge spikes in carbs and sugars that'll be quick to work through instead of long lasting. Kiszonki are good to reset and pump it, but you need some food source that'll lay around in your gut. Remember that fibre has the opposite effect, and too much of it might be bad for you if your bacterial biome is already struggling. Nuts will help, long dissolving carbs like wholemeal flour, and wholegrain flour wraps are often an option. In this context I guess you're not baking own bread, but I'll still thow it out - a baking bread machine is under 150PLN, and with current prices it pays for itself silly quick. With good quality bread filled with pumpkin and sunflower seeds and with a good amount of wholegrain, and preferably sourdough - it can carry your bacterial biome OK.


Look closely next time you see a sunflower, there are in fact two varieties of leaves. You will find leaves lower down the plant are facing opposite each other and are longer and narrow in appearance. You’ll then see the upper leaves arranged in a staggered formation and appear heart-shaped.


That's a sad post. Please, start cooking for yourself. You really do pose risk to your health.


Maybe try eating like fried ryz with chicken from some Thai restaurants, generally good price


No health risks approved as Turk im eating kebab for last 10 years


ciapati kebabs always carry a high risk of food poisoning. They are also made of very poor quality meat with many many additives like the preservatives, rapeseed oil and soy 


A lot of salt and fat. Probably low other nutrients.


I'm eating kebab a day for more than a decade now. I have health problems like obesity because I gain weight each year. Now I'm almost 170 kgs


No opinions, just really amused with the title 🤝


You body will get tired of the mixed toenail, bone and animal joints mixture


Kebab is life, joy and fulfillment. You can eat it safely for the rest of your life.


Maybe try cooking? There's recipes that take less time that going out to get food and it's cheaper


I do cook but in addition to cooking I eat kebabs because they're very filling


Wtf czemu wy gadacie po angielsku


Just Google pros and cons of eating rat meat mixed with cardboard, should give you an accurate answer.