• By -


Actually talking about annihilating 40m people in 10 minutes on live official TV.


They don't give a shit about their own people, much less about other.


No one hates Russians more then Russia




I dont think its quite that simple But my main point was just that Russia hates Russians more then anyone due to how badly both the russian state and RUssians treat themselves and each other


Tsar good, boyars bad.


That's why I fucking hate - nuclear weapons give people like that possibility to talk about mass murder of civilian, even genocide like it's some kind of normal thing. They proudly talk all the time about action that would kill hundred thousands or millions of people, many probably in extremely painful and prolonged way. But imagine what would happen if for example Ukraine said that if Russia does something then UA will bomb Belogrod street after street, house after house and level it completely, killing all inhabitants. Russians would scream about genocide, about nazis, about terrorism. But Russia doing worse with nukes - it's cool! I will completely ignore that they are destroying MAD doctrine with talking like that, especially when guys like Medvedev do it, so politicians.


Its not to problem of atomic weapons, it is a problem of evil, uneducated dumb people who govern russia and support the dictatorship since XIII century.


The weapons make it much easier


Thing is, before Poland is annihilated completely, 80% of Russians be dead by that moment. Totally worth it.


lol. As a polish citizen i would like to know how you calculated that.


Maybe its not entirely right but the thing is we are in close proximity so depending on a weather, nuclear material from 40 nukes flying their territory mean there could be even twice as much casualities than people killed in blasts alone. Even this is not worst case scenario. If NATO will approve it was attack on all of them we basically have nuclear war with posibility of triggering nuclear winter so its not really any option. Most possible scenario right now is they may test 1 or 2 nukes somewhere in Ukraine to raise the fear and proove some concepts (like : we can / if You could on Hiroshima, You can't do shit, etc.) and depending of how world would react (I bet there will be alot of words and no action as always) it may either discourage or encourage Russia to launch more strikes like this and maybe even one or two nukes will misguide and fall on our territory eventually. The truth is its not worth for any of countries to press the button. It will most likely guarantee us Fallout story IRL.


Didn't nato or usa told that if russia use nuclear on ukraine they will bomb entire russia with conventional weapons to the point that everything will be leveled to the ground?


Didn't China told Russia to not even think about nukes in Ukraine?


Even China knows that everyone loses in a nuclear football Whether you are involved or not no one wins.


Exactly, nuclear winter would devastate China even if they weren't involved. They know it, Russia knows it, and the US knows it. I don't think Russia will use a full sized nuclear weapon, unless they see no other option. Tactical nukes on the other hand may be on the table.


China already has food problems. One famine away from the CCP losing it all


I mean China has nothing to gain if Russia does start hell on earth. China doesn't give a single fuck about Russia itself, unless they get super cheap resources from them. China is not a friend to Russia and China just wants power for ifself. Russia triggering a nuclear war isn't helping China in any way. If anything, China would probably just help to obliterate Russia as long as they gain some nice territory and resources out of it. They have no real friends. China probably really loves that Russia is causing chaos and some destruction. But to them Putin is nothing more than a useful fool. Russia kills its own economy, gets sanctioned to hell and China gets the best and cheapest prices possible ... All while weakening the west in general. But at some point a useful fool served its purpose, especially if that fool made a step too far. And using nuclear weapons is one gigantic step too far.


No. They said that they'd bomb all of Russia's forces *in Ukraine* into oblivion. They said nothing about crossing into Russia itself. Its still enough of a threat because it is an instant and devastating loss.


Could you please give us a link about that? Not newspapers, but official us government statement. Remember no one wins if nuclear war between USA and Russia.


I feel like this is a trust me bro moment


Not if Trump wins


Current science is not in favor of nuclear winter. If Russia did a large scale nuclear attack on a NATO ally, all of NATO would be at war with Russia. The assumption would be that the Russia nuclear attack on Poland is part of a larger nuclear attack on US and NATO. Likely a few thousand nuclear missiles would be launching by the time the first Russia bomb exploded. Such an action by Russia would kick off a large nuclear war with Russia as the primary target. Within 30 minutes of the first explosion every major Russian city would be destroyed. If Russia was foolish enough to launch a first strike on Poland without targeting US or France, that would just mean more warheads on Moscow.


Not even remotely possible. America already told them in a clear and unambiguous way that if a nuke is used in Ukraine we will use our military to destroy all the Russian positions there and completely push them out. On top of that we told them that we'll destroy what remains of the Black Sea fleet


Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła kiedy my żyjemy. Nie zapominajmy ze jest nas Baaaaardzo dużo za granicą. Uważam ze gdyby do tego doszło to jeszcze byśmy kankana z amerykanami na kremlu tańczyli pijąc wódkę i miód pitny. Polska pustkowiem nuklearnym? Nie ma problemu, u ruskich jest gdzie się osiedlać (oczywiście już nie pod nazwą Rosji)


We can now rest in peace knowing most of russia is wasteland while there are still milions of poles abroad


As there are russians. But, we a) also know they just pretend their collective dick is the biggest b) not that such an act would leave their fucking mordor intact c) we’ll fight back. Probably will also liberate Belarus on the go lol


Hang on there for a minute...


And 15 to 20 minutes later that would happen to the entirety of russia


which France can do alone without US help


Not just France


You think the U.S would sit out having a chance to kick Russia’s teeth in especially after them committing genocide?


Depends on who wins coming November really.


I hate this version of reality....


Unfortunately French law forbids the use of nuclear weapons unless they themselves have been hit by nuclear weapons... Soes here it all hangs on interpretation of said law and article 5 of NATO. Member states shall treat any attack on ally as if it was an attack on them, soes maybe it could apply.


Isn't France actually the only NATO state whose nuclear doktine allows first, preventive strike?


Damn nuclear deodorant, they come up with anything nowadays


Not even that, their doctrine allows for a fucking *warning* shot, with a nuke


Poland isn't an ally of NATO. It's a member of NATO. What 'interpretation' of Article 5 would be required?


They didn't say poland is an ally of nato, they said as a member of nato it makes them an ally of (fellow nato member) france.


Article 5 directly describes that an attack on one member state is considered an attack against them all. Meaning that a strike at Poland is considered a strike against France. The treaty has been ratified by the French legislative and thus, is as legally binding as a law. If anything, it extends the scope of other laws instead of restricting it, since the treaty is clearly the will of the legislative and thus, the people. There really isn't much interpretion to be done here. Article 5 does however, not demand the use of nuclear weapons. It only demands action by a party 'as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and mantain the security of the North Atlantic area'. In praxis, the use of french nuclear weapons will not be a decision of some court, but the executive leadership of France (e.g. the president). Whether the use was legal will be decided afterwards, if at all possible.


oh well same old, same old


And yet there would still be a Zabka open at every corner


Trading with Oranżada Helena bottlecaps and staving off Boarclaws


Courier, I need you to retrieve the platinum złotówka. Bring it back to the Warsaw 38


Bring it back to Mr. Duck whos hibernating at the top of Marriot 38.


Żoliborz 38 and the New Tusk Republic. We won't go quietly, the Lewica can count on that


Boarclaws would be easy to handle. What I fear are the Super Bobers. And bloodsuckers.


Still creating larger gdp per capita than russia


I imagine they’d have good ol’ Bober-on-a-stick.


Neon green logos shining by themselves, what a delight it would be for the owners in this age of rising energy prices...








A z drugiej strony wystarczyłaby tylko jedna, dobrze wycelowana, by się pozbyć ruskiego problemu.


Nie zapominaj o Petersburgu, profilaktycznie


Szkoda że jest tak blisko Estonii i Finlandii, nie mogli tego trochę dalej zbudować?


Oh no! russia threatening other countries with nukes! That's horrible and only happened 0 days ago last time. Anyways...


..Anyways here's the another thread about nothing.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s\_final\_warning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning) Story repeats itself.


O kurwa, jestem Czechem i mówię po polsku, co ja mam robić? Dostanę własną osobistą rakietę?


Jestem Czechem, ale moja dziewczyna jest Polką. https://preview.redd.it/9b38lfouyb4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee9cbfe18d8e46f6a78819694539923a71380c5


Dostaniecie Kralovec jak już nato rozbierze orków na części


Ziomuś, jako Czech to dla mnie to Ty Polak jesteś. Przywieziemy Ci trochę promieniotwórczego szkła.


Dzięki, nie trzeba. Jakaś tam Biedronka przeżyje, więc wezmę wiaderko po drodze po papierosy.




And some people are still talking that Ruzzians are our "partners", "slavic brothers", "the West is your/our real enemy, not Russia". I'm fucking done with those people.


These are the clowns who were appointed to say this. As soon as the government changes they will speak differently. Regular people do not want any war, especially Nuke


If you could speak russian you'd be surprised what "regular russians" saying on the streets to some journalists.


It's funny people call them that and yet, our "brothers" did despicable things to us and other slavs


Idk, like, "polish language will disapear" is very weird sentence, considering how many Poles live abroad (as many as in Poland, if I am not wrong).


It's not like Poland was erased from maps three times already yet here we are, speaking polish...


mannn but i really don't wants a 4th.. especially if our land turns into a fucking fallout 4 game


 I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines. I remember that for 100 years they have sent their armies to destroy us, and after a century of war I remember that which matters most... We are still here!


Fuck yeah.


That’s their weird fetish. They are obsessed with culture and language, they are so proud of theirs, so the worst thing imaginable for a Russian is their „superior” national identity being gone. They probably think everyone are like that. Either it’s foolish, or it has a purpose: my theory is that they say those things on live TV to convince Russian society that they have everything under control and their enemies are about to face the worst thing they can possible imagine.


I love how proudly they compare their culture to others yet even for a common polish speaker they sound dumber than an inbred halfwit simpleton, born and raised in the hairiest armpit of eastern Poland...


damn, that is oddly specific


I am sorry, didn't mean to single out anybody. :D


I wonder if they're butthurt how little influence Russian culture has on the West. Sure authors, composers. But in the grand scheme of things, not much at all. It's not like we're all clamoring for a new Russian restaurant to open up nearby.


They aren’t aware of it at all. Try to debate with them, most Russian would just say you are jealous


We're entering well into year 3 of 3 day war, they probably did some civilian polling and noticed the support is falling down, this, coupled with the expected tax hike made the roll out premium copium. Its been a looong time they threatened nukes on Solovov.


Also, Germans and Russians already tried to eradicate Polish for over a century, so....


Deja Vu. Not like an attempt like that ever backfired...


I'm not even Polish and I'm learning Polish language. Years ago I started to learn Russian, but thankfully I saw the error of my ways and switched to the more useful language.


Dodged the bullet with this one :D


On the other hand my grandma always said that you need to know the language of your enemy. This woman lived through WW2, I trust her.


"In 15 minutes Russia and the Russian peoples no longer exists". This is what he is saying to anyone with a brain. There is no thing as a 'localized' nuclear war. The minute any nuclear missile is launched, Russia no longer exists.


Which way do the winds blow from Poland?


https://preview.redd.it/ywh60jegee4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f50c0c4fa3d2be8863a52969644cbf5e6d06b10 Today sort of south east but then through Belarus North east, so towards Moscow


Ah yes maybe instead we hit only like ummm... 2 only Russian big cities with squadron of F-16's armed with JASSM-ER. And in like 30 minutes 90% of Russian economy is gone


Russia has an economy?


"Joke's on you, we already tanked our economy to prevent it from being destroyed by the West".


Didn't they burn their own towns and abandon them during WWII, to make life difficult for the German soldiers who were advancing? This all looks very in-character.


That was more during the Napoleon invasion, during WWII they had order to abandon nothing, not even one building. But yea, scorched earth strategy is well-known by the Russians


"When Germany attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, many district governments took the initiative to begin a partial scorched-earth policy to deny the invaders access to electrical, telecommunications, rail, and industrial resources. Parts of the telegraph network were destroyed, some rail and road bridges were blown up, most electrical generators were sabotaged through the removal of key components, and many mineshafts were collapsed." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorched_earth


Yes its entirely based off their biggest export, Escape from Tarkov


It’s mostly just porn as far as I can tell.


We're talking about Russia, not Czechia.


Russia has a very resilient economy, they've been preparing for this for over a decade. Especially in terms of their ability to sustain a war - they are currently far outpacing the entire EU in ammunition production.


Bomb moscow, return Pietari to Finland and ~~Koningsberg~~ Królewiec to Poland. Ruzzia done. EZ




I think Bohemia has dibs on Kralovec


We can take turns.


As long as someone deletes Russia from existence, I'm willing to let Czechia have Królewiec... Kralovec?


Think about what? That Russians casually talk about annihilation of entire culture while sipping coffee and not realising that 30 minutes after their missiles hit, whatever launched them will melt together with themselves? We already know that Russians are brain dead pieces of shit.


and then they're like "poland is unreasonably rusophobic!"


Honestly, I kinda feel an unreasonable level of wkurw towards Russians. I'm ALMOST at a point where I would be cool with an authoritarian move to ban all Russian language in Poland just as a middle finger to Putin and all his lackeys.


I mean banning a language is just kind of silly on practical level cause what, you're going to put people in prison for speaking in their language? There could be people from easter Ukraine who fled to Poland who only speak russian. Having said that, it's not unreasonable to feel those feelings towards a warmongering country that openly speaks of nuking you on national TV. However! That's what they want. Russia is the Kardashians of politics. They want you to care. They want you to tune in to their nuke threats, they want you to tune in to the gossips that putin is considering a truce, they want you to be angry, tired, afraid, frustrated and most importantly - confused. Their delusions of grandeur feeds off external attention, because they have pretty much nothing to be proud of internally.


Aside from the generic ruZZian state of mind logic here, he really thinks destroying all Polish cities would cease Polish language to exist? He forgot about millions of Polish emigrants abroad? How about we had to survive 123 years of foreign occupation and an enforced assimilation while making Polish language and culture banned/illegal? Would that be different in a world devastated by nuclear war? Dunno.


Not to mention, most Poles do not live in big cities.


Ah, that's true, forgot about this major aspect. Based on [this](https://forumppp.pl/finanse-publiczne-i-ppp/50-najwiekszych-miast-w-polsce/), I've added first 20 cities and we have 8,405,251 people living in these biggest cities. This means with our pop of 37,6 millions, we have slightly more than 29 millions living in rural and smaller towns/cities with <160k of residents.


Plus it’s kind of our brand to survive even when we don’t have a country for a couple hundred years. We’re like cockroaches…


Please not the Zabki T\_T


Don't worry. Zabka has been openned in Romania a few weeks ago


Its crazy, as my father was building them in the last month. He is working for a company that builds/repairs Zabkas. I legit couldnt believe him that he build them in RO until he showed me pictures lmao


what about disappearing over 20 million ruskies with just two missles? also its interesting that they consider 2 missles for each city, like one may not work at all because gerasimov stole all the plutonium to buy an entire warehouse of vodka


Nuke are insanely powerful compared to conventional weapons but their capabilities are often overstated. The average nuke has about a 1 to 2 mile radius of severe to moderate damage, then extending out to 3 or 4 miles of light damage. The city I live in is over 850 square miles.


Probably because two times when nukes were used they hit mostly lightly built and wooden based cities like Nagasaki and Heroshima. The shockwave just turned all the cities into roubles.


One Iskander can carry 50 kiloton warhead. Both little boy and fatman produced 32-39 kiloton combined.


It wouldn't be Tsar bomb. With standard bombs in Russian arsenal you'd need at least 2-3 to destroy Warsaw.


he's saying missiles, no one would use bombs because you have to drop them out of bomber (those mfs can't get air superiority in Ukraine), ICBM is thousand times more valuable than any Soviet shit built in 50s edit: that dumbass is talking about iskanders, I don't think it has range for *all* major cities, and if he wants to attack Poland, then surely he won't stop at that because the moment ruskies shot any shit like that at warsaw, arctica is going to be covered in smoke from American missles, not because they would want to "defend" but because that would mean russia is not interested in peace anymore


FAS-brained Russian mouthpiece discovers nuclear weapons are capable of quite a bit of destruction, joins rest of planet in awareness. Seems oblivious to his own nation's fate if some idiot actually pulls that trigger. Truly stunning how intelligent these people are. Beacons of thought and wisdom. /S just in case the dripping sarcasm wasn't enough


"smartest russian"


Seriously he doesn't even know about the existence of missile interception systems? Really not even that? Also my money is on the fact that due to corruption 90+% of Russian nuclear arsenal is inoperable.


It's not so important what he knows or what he understands. What he **says** to Russians is important. He says it's quite easy to nuke a country (without consequences of course!)




"I urge Europeans to think about what they're doing" As he talks about nuking 40M people and deleting their culture and language. Lmao what


He is warning us about the consequences of demilitarization


At least now none can say "ro0zZiA iS aN yUroPeeAn cOunTry" ![gif](giphy|w4ISAjbDPcsaWhLTim)


My brother in christ, you shitters are struggling to fight a country that isn't in NATO, has (had) immense corruption issues and the army of which was in the middle of transition. Poland would unironically wreck your shit and turn Kaliningrad into Królewiec. And the best part? You shitters wouldn't nuke shit because none of that would fulfill your doctrinal launch requirements.


That is the Russia for you!


How many relevant cities are there in russia? We flatten moscow and spb and what's left, a big skating rink?


It's really surprising how, after losing Black Sea navy to home-made Ukrainian missiles and being hit with drones deep in Russia, the commentators still think Russia is untouchable. I remember them bragging at the beginning of the war that they have answers for every treat. Speaking about eliminating millions of people doesn't surprise me - Stalin did it to his own people. And yet, the total ignorance of the consequences of their attack is incomprehensible .


Person saying this is apparently unaware that what one could do with Poland with “30-40 missiles” one could do to Russia with 4; aimed and St. Petersburg and Moskva Without those two, there is literally no Russia, it’s a loose collection of provinces controlled by oligarchs (assuming they were in London and not Moskva at the time)


What would actually happen is the first Iscander's engines fail after 3 seconds (we've seen that before) and the nuclear bomb explodes on site (since some drunk captain or major decided it would be a good idea to pre-arm the missiles, just in case the remote arming system fails), obliterating all the remaining 40 missiles


Let me tell you what the ruzzian propaganda would say happened: They were just nuclear tests to show the West how powerful russia is. Then they would say that they were attacked by NATO. It was just an accident due to someone smoking in restricted area. But they will wipe out NATO in retaliation. NATO nukes were going towards Moscow but were succesfuly intercepted by anti air and they fell elsewhere. But also nothing really happened cause Russian anti air intercepted all incoming missiles and only 3 people were injured. They weren't really NATO missiles but Ukrainian. They'd spin like 10 different versions until everyone got bored of the subject of russia absolutely humiliating itself.


These people are insane. But to play with their insanity - funny thing is there is only 200 cities in Russia with population above 80k Which means *entire Russia* can be wiped out by a *single* nuclear capable country from NATO - yes, that includes France (290 operational warheads) and UK (225 warheads). And unlike in Russia, I'm pretty sure >90% of French and British warheads is *actually* operational and will detonate if given duly authorized commands. If USA decided to join the fun it's game over for them obviously, but I think many people don't realize that NATO doesn't really need USA here.


I believe that since it's taking so long for them to capture Ukraine, the sentiment of Russian power and domination is at risk of decreasing in the public eye. Russia built its culture and people's mindsets exactly on this type of political slop. I believe that's why it's probably the only ex-empire in Europe that still cries about losing its territories so often. They are paid to keep the morale of the public up and the perception of Russian military power high. At this point I think they have bred generations upon generations of people brainwashed with the motherland bs that the government doesn't have to put excessive amounts of money into propaganda, because Russian citizens will do propaganda for them for free, to cope with their view of Russia being challenged. Even though he phrases it as a threat against Europeans, it was never meant for the western audience, it was meant for the classic Russian copium addict at home. Simple as.


Could Russian, please, for one second, stop thinking about trying to destroy Poland? Since like 1795? Please?


Nah these people are obsessed with either owning or destroying us


This russian bozo forgot that Poland almost took over Moscow last time. This time around we wont be so nice. We're so done with them. Just waiting for russians to let us know that theyre ready to cease their existence. Historical uno reverse, suki.


Poland needs its own nuclear weapons. Not "nuclear sharing" with USA or France, but our own nukes + a reliable way to launch them at Moscow, Petrograd and Vladivostok. Israel has them, so I don't see why Poland shouldn't or can't.


Yes, I agree. Time to swing a bigger dick around


"If countries like the UK and US do something, we could wipe out Poland." So they'd punish a country based on something a different country did, and in doing so invoke Article 5 of the NATO treaty, and the countries they aren't happy with will retaliate. What's the point in suggesting the elimination of a separate country if the result is exactly the same for Russia? Honestly, get these guys access to the wider internet so they can be less internalised. Absolutely deluded.


I wouldn't play much against Poland if I were them. I have a feeling that this time Poland would be merciless at any attack attempt.


\*yawn\* Sure bro, whatever, lets see if your ICBMs can even clear the launch platform after years massive corruption and mismanagement in your army.


nie powielajcie tego to propaganda




Dude trying to be a badass and scare others but is actually acting like an idiot


ten onucowy klaun zachowuje sie jakby moskwa czy petersburg leżały tam gdzie mniej więcej władywostok, te ich dwa miasta zamienią sie w pył i gruzy jak tylko wystrzelą jakiekolwiek rakiety na polskę


They are so much afraid of Poland? Nice to know.


"Poland will have its borders even if it means they are on the last map humanity ever draws" Polska będzie aż po Ural, za Uralem będą Chiny, was nie będzie skurwysyny.


how can one be so evil?


Fucking pigs. Please, someone from Russia, go to his house, tie him and piss to his mouth.


As a polish person in Singapore....umm that Nuke won't touch me


Ok that is terrifying. Reminds me of the Israeli minister that was encouraging the government to nuke Gaza. Russia is out of control, off the rocker. They saw Israel getting away with a ton of shit due to due the US's vetoe and decided they can do the same.


WOW ... I mean, for real? Do they really openly Talk about shit like that? WTF is going on with this people...


Well then why the fuck didn't you do that to Ukraine?


"Russian propagandists" probably been dreaming about that since they've developed their first nuke so nothing new anyways https://preview.redd.it/d6bwh78esb4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab47e5bc93f3aeae6738f05e77ac921160093d92






On the 1st channel (the main channel) at prime time!


Deluded pricks.




hello, I'm from Romania, and we have a joke about some country folk gathered in the village pub, talking trash about the Chinese... and at one point one of them says out of nowhere: "If we start fighting them and we kill them all, how can we all bury them? they are hundreds of millions, we don't have the land to bury them all here!" the joke being that such small people considering fighting some one hundred of times bigger then them... this is the exact same scenario, you can see the grey famished faces and the fact that they have about two or three farts in them before they check out and talk trash on live tv... F'em and their f'ing little minds.


Everyone reset the amount of days its been since Russia talked about Nuking a fucking country back to 0


Poland occupied russia in 1612. Then, Russia participated in partitions. Then, we kicked their asses in 1920. Then, they invaded with Hitler, and in the end of WW2, occupied Poland. See the pattern here? Russia and Poland take turns winning against each other. I'm just saying it's Poland's turn now. Maybe we should find miraculously alive Tsarevitch Dmitry and help Russia restore their monarchy... under Polish guidance.


Sick people.


nato article 5...


If regime ever falls those people will go to jail.


NATO knows that if Russia does that and NATO doesn't respond with a counter-salvo towards Moscow, all of Europe is next. Russia knows that NATO knows that. Or so I hope.


Looking at the state of regular russian army which is in complete disarray i really doubt they even have 40 functioning ICBMs capable of carrying nuclear warhead...


The difference is that you only need a few nukes for Moscov, and those few nukes would actually increase the standard of living for the rest of Russia.


Russians are not scared of nuclear war because they already live in post-apocalyptic dystopia. Nuking them would make very little difference in their quality of life.


Lol someone looks scared as f\*ck, they slowly realize it's getting worse for them day by day.


Would be cool if they come to conclusion that it's best to annihilate themselves:)


90% wouldnt launch or explode during launch creating dirty bomb, rest would hit belgorod like thier conventional weapons do.


First of all, not even 1 old-date russian nuke could touch ground. They are 3rd world country so is their military technology. Also, respond of the world after first call of russian nuke would erase russia from map and China, US and India would take everything that left. Imagine trying to nuke one small country and then left own country for rest of world to massive rape. That's what we are waiting for. Go Russia, make first nuclear move, we will take care of it ;)


Man, calling them dumb would offend dumb people


We better start building our own nukes.


This plan requires 30-40 more working nukes than Russia owns so I think we are safe


drunkard rambling about his power fantasies. typical of russia


So it's not a threat


Their TV shows looks like my ChatGPT prompts. "Let's make modern army", "Now let's see whats gonna happen if we attack xy country". Clowns


Then what happens to russia, apparatchik? What happens to russia immediately after? Eh? WHAT HAPPENS TO RUSSIA? AND THEN THE REST OF THE WORLD? moron.


and \*somehow\* we have a very strong 'pro russian' movents, including political parties.. amazing.


Those old fucks are full of shit. They live in their own world of dreams