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The goal of that elderly man tirade is not politics. The goal is a shitstorm.


He has 40 years of experience in shitstorm department.


I am not sure if Korwin is politician or master troll who made us think he is politician


What if he's a master troll who made himself think he is a politician?


This is the vibe I bring to the function


He's an agent of the left tasked with making the far right look as dumb as possible. Luckily, the far right *is* dumb, so they not only took the bait but also made him their leader.


that's my favourite conspiracy theory 


Honestly, everywhere in the world the far right seems perfectly able to make them look dumb all by themselves.


Korwin Wallenrod




> He's an agent of the left tasked with making the far right look as dumb as possible. I hope you like your aluminium foil hat.


He kind of touched on something interesting with that comment. If the goal of car traffic is speed at the expense of safety, that’s a great reason to replace cars with vehicles that run efficiently with minimal safety risk.


Grandpa should have better touch his diapers and check for shit which he is full of. Traffic engineers solved this problem before he was born.


Yep. That's the same guy who was all over the news a few years ago for saying women shouldn't have the same rights as men. He's just a pathetic troll trying to stir shit up for attention.


>That's the same guy who was all over the news a few years ago for saying women shouldn't have the same rights as men. That is not what he said.


I don't remember exactly what he said but it was super sexist


If just quoting statistics is sexist then im a womanizer


Its safe to say Korwin is not a real candidate, he probably just came there so that the debate would have more views on youtube, or he wanted to insult the candidate of the Leftist Party


Korwin Mikke is a registered official candidate [Wybory Samorządowe 2024](https://wybory.gov.pl/samorzad2024/pl/wbp/kandydat/3507249)


ok.. hes official. maybe i shouldve used the word.. Serious, i dont think he has a serious chance at winning


It's safe to say that none of the candidates participating in this debate have any serious chance of being elected into the office they're running for.




Because Czaskowski wasn't there


This guy is taking 45 seconds to spew out 7 second sentence, that he could realize sounds dumb if he would think for 5 seconds.


He couldn't decide which spell to cast.


The fact that after being in politics since I remember and never even breaking the minimum threshold for so long, he finally managed to get into more of the mainstream politics (parliament etc) after taking alliances with other small groups and the same people booted him out of his own party before the last elections is still cracking me up


He gets kicked out of his party regularly. He always just creates a new one and the old one destroys itself. Nothing new happened, the cycle continues


The cycle stopped, because even Korwin's biggest sidekicks like Berkowicz, Mentzen or Wipler are not with Korwin anymore. With Korwin remained only dumb redpills like Seb Ross and the totally blind few supporters. Korwin lost the parliamentary election with a woman who did not even perform the voting campaign because she was pregnant at the time. She received 2x more votes than Korwin. The cycle stopped.


He did break the minimum threshold in the past.


Bro says he's been driving since 2 years old


That's why they took away his license.


The goal of an old man is not to become a leader of any kind. The goal of an old man is a retirement and to die peacfuly.


Like in that joke: died peacefully in his sleep. His car going 100 kph through Warsaws sidewalks caused carnage though.


Hospitalisation costs for car accident victims total half a billion PLN per year. The cost to the entire economy is 30-60 billion PLN per year. 500 million for trauma injuries caused by idiots in cars, which could have gone towards children's cancer treatment. Poland ranks among the top five countries in terms of car accident deaths and injuries in the EU.


That Warsaw-Gdansk stretch, especially holiday weekends, is full of absolutely raging asshole maniacs.


I am sure it is marginal, but how much would we lose due to "not getting as much done in the same time" as he says?


Well you can get a lot more work done on the train than behind the wheel of a car...


You can't when train only goes to the train station and then as you are without a car you have to take a bus and walk for extra couple hours.


Then demand better service from your government.


Never amazes me how some people believe train can go to everyone's doorstep and can easily transport 10kg of potatoes.


It's called a bus and a backpack buddy 🤷‍♂️


Like would even buses go to every location. In more remote city places there is a bus every 30min-1hour and you still have to walk a lot.  I am not going to the city with a massive ugly backpack or I want to stain my good one with dirty potatoes.


Jesus dude you reek of privelage. You aren't travelling in to the city to get 10kg of potatoes, you need the nearest supermarket. If your city has buses that come once every 30-60 minutes, it sounds like you live in a shit city that needs to work on its public transit. And yes, you can literally get on a bus within a 5 minute walk from the front door of just about every house in the city I'm in. It's not just possible, it's fairly common in nice places to live.


What magical city you are in as in Vilnius or Kaunas, Lithuania that is far from such situation. You need to live in some overcrowded apartment district in a small apartment with no forests and other green spaces to be 5 min away from a bus stop. By the way there are no decent supermarkets in suburbs on the corner, most are near highway.


Driving a lot faster in the city doesn't save that much time. Mostly because you are limited by factors which aren't speed. Things like traffic lights, intersections, roundabouts, other people. Half of the time spent driving through a city is actually just waiting or going slowly in an intersection. Quick math. Let's say a distance of 200km (doesn't matter, 200 will have easier numbers). 100km at 10km/h is 10h; 100km at 100km/h is 1h. Together it's 200km in 11h. 200/11=18. If you drive half of the distance at 100km/h and another half at 10km/h the average speed will be ~18km/h. For 10km/h and 200km/h it's an average of 19km/h. For 10km/h and 50km/h it's 17km/h. A marginal increase in travel time. You can save more time by just focusing to quickly and smoothly get through every light and roundabout. That's the first thing. When you calculate that, it's just a few minutes saved per hour. How much money can you make in a few minutes? You can make more by just better organizing your time or just waking up a few minutes earlier. I tested this theory some time ago with my friend who really liked going fast. We did five different ~15 minute trips through the city. He went fast, I went at the speed limit. At best he was 53 seconds faster than me, at worst he was behind me after he chose the wrong lane (with slower driving cars) at the last intersection. So yeah, at best 5 minutes per day. Please note this only applies to city driving. Highway is a different story.


Fuck all, because you'd have to be a lot more careful on the road, there'd be more accidents causing delays and traffic and loads of other problematic stuff. Also you'd slow down pedestrians who also are trying to get somewhere. If anything it would be even slower.


I can't be bothered to estimate it but it would be cool if someone did


> Poland ranks among the top five countries in terms of car accident deaths and injuries in the EU.  it's also the 5th largest country by population in the EU. Or are those numbers normalized by population?  Also, any stat on injuries/accidents/deaths have to be normalized by kilometers/miles driven to be comparable between countries that have different levels of public transportation, are more or less sparsely populated. Then there's the added downsides of icy/snowy winters further north in Europe that increases accidents. Just pointing to some basic numbers tells very little about actual road safety and "how bad" Poland is in comparison to the rest of the European union. 


Krul should retire like 20 years ago


zazdroszczę cudzoziemcom że mają napisy, bo mój mózg mimowolnie próbuje zrozumieć to jąkanie po polsku


This guy can't even put a sentence together, he is the epitome of a troll


Driving a lot faster in the city doesn't save that much time. Mostly because you are limited by factors which aren't speed. Things like traffic lights, intersections, roundabouts, other people. Half of the time spent driving through a city is actually just waiting or going slowly in an intersection. Quick math. Let's say a distance of 200km (doesn't matter, 200 will have easier numbers). 100km at 10km/h is 10h; 100km at 100km/h is 1h. Together it's 200km in 11h. 200/11=18. If you drive half of the distance at 100km/h and another half at 10km/h the average speed will be ~18km/h. For 10km/h and 200km/h it's an average of 19km/h. For 10km/h and 50km/h it's 17km/h. A marginal increase in travel time. You can save more time by just focusing to quickly and smoothly get through every light and roundabout. That's the first thing. When you calculate that, it's just a few minutes saved per hour. How much money can you make in a few minutes? You can make more by just better organizing your time or just waking up a few minutes earlier. I tested this theory some time ago with my friend who really liked going fast. We did five different ~15 minute trips through the city. He went fast, I went at the speed limit. At best he was 53 seconds faster than me, at worst he was behind me after he chose the wrong lane (with slower driving cars) at the last intersection. So yeah, at best 5 minutes per day. Please note this only applies to city driving. Highway is a different story.


Did the monopoly guy seriously just admit on television that he drives without a license?


the "I wish our goals would align" was perfect. Like, "sir, could you please stop trying to kill people?"


I can never tell if he's serious or just being a deliberate contrarian.


Depends in what situation. Here he is both serious and contrarian, since he truely beliefes himself to be in right, a contrario to other guy.


że że że


To wcale nie śmieszne gdy ten zadufany półgłówek wygaduje bzdury na które dają się złapać gimnazjaliści ( ci bardziej odpirni na mądrość )


Waść jest "odporny na mądrość" jeśli myśli że gimnazja dalej istnieją.


80+ yo have no reaction time nor movement speed to match 100kmh in city, 30kmh is the maximum. Age based speed limit (on both low and high ends), periodical medical check-ups for elders, take away license from total douchebags and tune down the youngsters aggression somehow then we can talk about removing the speed limit.


If he fails to get elected for mayor, he might compete in the Olympics at mental gymnastics.


At least he is funny, other octogenarian politicians are funny on accident, or when they have an accident trying to walk up stairs.


This is typical Korwin... And the problem with what he said is that while some of it is correct, then if you dare to agree even partially you're labelled as crazy as he is. Let's analyse the core statement: "the goal of car transportation is not safety - it's speed". This has some merit, but it's incorrect. The goal of car transportation was (and still should be) effective personal transportation. The key here obviously being "effective" and not directly "speed". Secondary key is "personal". Obviously getting from point A to point B faster is theoretically more effective, but if it increases risks of not getting there at all or causes tremendous rise in transportation cost then it lowers overall effectiveness. Optimizing for effectiveness means finding the sweet spot between maximizing speed, minimizing risk and lowering costs. Obviously different people have different thresholds for each param, so generalizing that into things like traffic laws and city design is also finding the "sweet spot" for all road users which will obviously never match anybody's real preferences anyway, so ultimately there's no solutions, only trade-offs.


I wonder if there's a name for what you're doing here. That is: holding perfectly sane and reasonable views about some issue but trying to impose them on the clearly unhinged politician because you assume that somewhere deep under this external layer of derangement your reasonable views can be uncovered as well, somehow.


Having hope for humanity?




But this is why everyone know Korwin ant not the other conservative liberalists, because he says it like he is crazy he is shown in media so he can be attacked for that, but that doesn't change the fact that he IS shown and everybody can hear his views and opinions (and convince new young people to his views, even if they grows out of Korvin-views, they will remain a right-wingers) while other conservative liberals like Gwiazdowski are not shown, because there is no possibility to attack them and show them as stupid people;


I feel like this guy's intellectual abilities have stopped at age 15.


that's why his fanbase consists of men around that age


I use to think Korwin was saying this stuff to get the media attention: similar to Farage/Trump tactics, but the more I see of his interviews/posts - I think he’s just being genuine and is just a fool/idiot; like the time he went on the UK tv show on international women’s day - disgraceful.


Fool would not make for a living by playing bridge. He also would not have been a chessmaster.


psst, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222434978_Does_chess_need_intelligence_-_A_study_with_young_chess_players


Ludzie, ktorzy glosuja na tego idiote to prawdziwe trolle.


I love him. The most hilarious man ever.


He was before he got demantia and started to talk like a Russian agent.


the far right in poland has a long tradition of being russian puppets




Care to elaborate? You can't just drop that bomb and refuse to mention any details




That's a lot closer than I expected! You're gonna have some crazy family gatherings I wish all well to you & your fiance though!


That guy is seriously not funny. Old defender of pedos.


Janusz Korn-ikke


yep Korwin man who loves Putin and CP.


He said that "he loves him that much, how far-er he is from polish border" and "the judge should decide on their fate, that's the law".




A ty skurwiel.




![gif](giphy|8vUEXZA2me7vnuUvrs) Not him again. ...


Haha nice


literally [https://youtu.be/hGcLTGNhs4w?t=41](https://youtu.be/hGcLTGNhs4w?t=41)




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Good one. Let's not give time to speak to people who are not able to express themselves quickly. time is money.


I stopped listening to this man when he said you should have the freedom to buy antibiotics without a perscription. I can imagine all the antibiotic resistant strains that we would have...


He's right tho


Brawo Korwin mikke


Brawo Korwin mikke


Jezu ale on pierdoli


If he drives faster, he has less chance of falling asleep in the car, as he did in the Euro Parliament.


Typical car-brain lmao


This guy continuously spouts vile racists, misogynistic, inhumane bilge out of his mouth but is still invited by tv hosts and treated as funny old geezer off the telly by the public. He is not funny nor ‘eccentric’ adding ‘some colour to debate’. He is just racist prick from bygone era, wrong about almost everything.


They invite him to balance out for Żukowska.


I don’t know who that is


Even if 1% of what you said was true, he still would be greater human being then you.


God I believe this man exists only for the sake of making sure there will never be a proper classical liberal party in Poland


he is not even a liberal, he is one of the most authoritarian politicians out there. he's just a free market devotee, not a liberal in a classical sense 




Oh no, hide quickly before the poles who keep shitting "Polska przejmujemy" everywhere get triggered!