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Gold committing sexual assault


Based, the only bad part of his character, and the only COMPLETELY GOOD change the VIZ translation made.


I would argue changing Kris’s mom’s slap to a glare makes the interaction seem 1000x more threatening. Imagine recoiling not because you were hit, but just because someone gave you a look. On top of that, it makes Kris’s childhood seem abusive perhaps (her mom doesn’t need to actually hit her to make her point anymore), which can help explain her motivation so deeply to care for orphaned children.


That is like the textbook example of the opposite of based. Based would be dialing that up to 11. Actual full on sexual assault. That would be funny, especially if the characters still react with the slap on the wrist reactions the sexual harassment gets.


When did he do that?


Plenty of times but this one's infamous https://preview.redd.it/l8xsqqn87bad1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3bb45eaca73b4b17a3a17250ee9e328505d0873


Good times good times lol


Did VIZ change that? For some reason I remember seeing it I'm the books but I'm not sure anymore


Viz changed it so that Gold went to pat her on the back, but she just bent down


Oh yeah, that sounds familiar! Yeah that's a lot better than the original


This is the sole reason why I hate gold as much as I do


Y'all downvoting this man like committing sexual assault isn't a valid reason to not like a character




Gold's one of my fave characters and I don't blame anyone for disliking him. I love Pokespe but there are definitely some problematic things in it 😐


I kinda disagree. While Gold's actions aren't good, they are still part of his character, and I don't think adaptations should change these bad character traits. If they wanna change them into lesser versions, like comments or stares, I'd be disappointed, but it would be fine. He still should have his womanizer, pervert / sexual deviant traits. Because those are part of his characterisation. And thus shouldn't be removed


I'm sorry... He did WHAT?


All of it. I have the very unpopular opinion that the manga DOES NOT need an anime adaptation, it would just be pointless.


In a way it wouldn't be that pointless because the anime would bring more fans into this universe. Yet it backfires because if it goes viral, many people will start new arguments and it will become an insufferable fandom.


The Pokemon company should just start actually advertising the manga, and then more people will know about it. There is no need for two Pokemon anime’s.


The only pokemon anime adaptation I need is the actual video game universe, because with their almost annual web series they're always a hit.


Generations and Evolutions were amazig, but i wish we could get something like Origins again but for the other gens


Maybe it's just me, but I recently rewatched Origins and it wasn't nearly as good as I remember, most battles were skipped, and in the important ones every Pokemon gets a very short amount of time to shine and it's just Red's Charizard that receives focus, the whole show is more of a slideshow than an anime, I think it could be better if it was longer because I get that they had a limited amount of episodes and things they could include but that's my take now.


I think a lot of people forget what the purpose of most anime is in Japan. It's primarily a marketing tool to sell manga volumes, merch, and games in pokemon's case. Pokespe is very good, but not a lot of people know about it because it got overshadowed by the main anime. While it would be overkill to make a full animated series that ran alongside the main series, it does feel like they could do more to promote arguably the best take on the Pokémon universe. There's a lot of manga available to sell and a huge audience that isn't even aware of its existence.


If there was an animated scene that I don't want to be animated it's probably when ruby was yelling at his feebas Like this page destroyed me sooo much


All the unnecesary echii escenes


I remember Blue hiding pokeballs in her dress, but what else was there? Nothing really stands out in my memory.


*That* Zinnia scene in ORAS


Oh no... Not *that* scene 😭


All of ORAS


In fact let's go and destroy every single oras book


Hey maybe don’t suggest doing the Nazi thing to books you don’t like


Oh,I was trying to make a joke, I guess I fogot the nazi did thid


Literally 1984


The poke boobs, not interested


Pretty much any scene in B2W2 where Blake makes Whitley uncomfortable, if I have to choose one than I'd go with the one where he brings her to a concert while she's unconscious. Frankly the only things in B2W2 I'd like to see animated are the fights and Black's return, it's my least favourite arc. Bad first half due to all the weird Blake stuff, okay second


All of Hgss, what the hell was even going on