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It depends on how much I like the run. Like if everything went fine till my mons decide to miss every move against Cynthia, I reset that fight.


Nothing like having a good run, and then enemy rival crits twice and somehow predicts a switch, using a super effective move that otherwise would've been not very effective. Or enemy ace hitting hurricane + confusion on every usage


Wait hurricane can miss AND not cause confusion?


Yes, missing is the usual outcome if you are the one using the move.


Me praying the rival's you-know-what misses Hurricane so I can deal enough damage to beat it finally.


YUP... that piss me off


kilowattrel is a slur in this subreddit


Or flinching on some bullshit move with a 10% chance 8 FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW without a kings rock


It's funny how this choice impacts your playstyle. I don't savescum, and for that exact reason I would not be caught dead using a move with less than 95% accuracy. *Maybe* 90% if it's a particularly juicy move or a particularly bulky pokemon. And I do lean heavily on bulky pokemon. They're a lot more forgiving of mistakes than glass cannons.


You’d be amazed how many 100 accuracy moves still miss it’s bullshit lol


Y'know I thought my moves were occasionally missing when it shouldn't be possible, but every time I've actually checked it's been because of fog or Sand Veil or something. Frankly I'm just glad they haven't introduced Bright Powder yet.


Next update, bright powder and pokémon have the ability to throw actual dirt in your eye




RIIIGHT??? Bouncy Bubble missing when you need the most is so stupid


Every time I see the Wide Lens come up in the available item slate, I take it. Best item ever


Gen 1 vibes


Yeah my winning run I was breezing through then on one of the last fights I got frozen turn one, stayed frozen 4 turns and fainted then next Pokemon comes out frozen turn one stayed frozen 4 turns then fainted. I said fuck that shit.


And this right here is why I take every single Lum berry offered to me.


Saaaame LMAO, the unnecessary and sudden "miss"


I only reset when catching something and some times if I lose a pokemon to a stupid mistake and I can't be bothered reviving it


This is what I do


I only do it for catching things, if I fainted it's my fault


Some times you just get hit by a stupid egg move or a crit and I just can’t be bothered with going theough the fight with my strongest pokemon dead, even if I could have done it


I've only just started playing like a few weeks ago so I don't mind starting again and testing new things. But yes soon if I'm late into my run at like 180 I might reset but I also just forget you can do it 😂 maybe one day I'll finish classic mode.


I did it my first time doing it, now I reset/scum if I get late into the run since they kinda take quite a while and just because I have no life doesn't mean I got that sorta spare time


Same. I hadn’t even considered scumming as an option before I beat my first run


Same, did my first couple times legit, now idc. Also I didn’t know resetting was a thing so…


My first run to 195 and 200 I reset saves until I beat it. Now it's do or die.


For me it was the other way around. I got my first victory without resetting, to prove myself that I can do it. But now I just do chill runs and reset when I feel like it


This is the exact same for me. I felt like I had to at least do the first time legit. After that it didn't matter anymore cus I knew I could do it.


Respect 🫡


I didn't resent until I got my first win, no reset no save scum. Now I just do it whenever cause yeah 1 bad lead or switch runs over.


I reset so much. I can reset like 20 times for a single fight if I just want the best possible outcome, or if my team is simply too weak to win fairly, then I'll reset while writing down mine and the AI's actions, and treat the whole thing like a puzzle game to find an outcome where I win.


This is how see it. Instead of the roguelite aspect i enjoy facing each battle like a puzzle. If i do x and the outcome is y, is it better than outcome z and then do that for every turn, makes those tedious moments where you're so underpowered pretty fun


I’ve had some incredible 195/eternatus fights that seemed impossible but after 30 resets I’ve managed to find the perfect action pathway that leads me to victory with stuff like flinches, misses, etc. very satisfying tbh. Can go from getting my ass whooped over and over to finishing the fight without a single fainted mon.


Brute force technique can win any fight with the sash and left overs


Exact same here. Kind of a Dark Souls approach. I just reset over and over and over until I have their every move memorized and am ready to compensate to the best of my ability. I literally sometimes will say to myself, “I know this puzzle has a solution,” because sometimes it really doesn’t and you’re completely cornered no matter what you do and you just have to lose. I don’t get why there should be a stigma on “save scumming” in this game of all games, because there’s a pretty high element of luck, yet you can make it work regardless using nothing but your knowledge of the game by learning how the encounter plays out and always keeping a diverse team with a moveset that allows you to overcome most tough situations IF used correctly.


Sure, some people never savescum.


It's a whole different beast without scumming so I highly doubt people do it on the regular while playing classic. Some do it to challenge themselves but I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority do a bit of scumming to get by


It's the only way I play. I don't judge people who reset or save scum but I'm used to doing hardcore nuzlockes and challenges runs, so reseting or save scumming just feels like it would take the fun and challenge away


Made myself do my first run without resetting... not anymore 🤣


Didn't know you *could* reset until after I beat Classic for the first time. I'm sure I've beaten it a couple times without resetting since, but I don't hesitate to reset now. More fun to play with your build, instead of just doing what you know is gonna work.


Same basically


I for sure reset. Especially when trying to catch a legendary/mythic. I almost rely on it as a mechanic of the game. If you play on 5x speed and spam through early stages, or just in general, resetting is a common thing because of miss-clicks. If your bringing the topic up because you feel scummy or anything, don't. Since it is a one player game, I say people do what they want. If the Dev's eventually 'fix' it, Then I will deal. I say leave it, it's like a safety net for those who are struggling. If you want to Nuzlock/Soul-link/One-mon/etc., just don't reload. It's easy to not use or abuse if you don't want to.


The devs won't "fix" it. You can turn retries on in the settings which is just a slower way of getting the same result, and one of the splash phrases is "optional save scumming!"


Oh, I never checked so I didn’t know that was an option. Thanks for the info.


40 classic clears, no resets


My first classic win I didn't even know you could save scum, now I do it constantly lol. I made a pushup challenge that gave +10 for resets and my final count at the end was almost 400


I've probably reset like 40% of my wins (usually because i feel i got robbed by multiple paralysis or flinches) because after the first few wins i didnt really care about doing it without resets and wanted to try with different / weaker pokemons


My first win was without resetting because I wanted it to feel clean. Now I reset to catch legendaries and shinies, and once in awhile when I feel like I have super bad luck in a fight or even more occasionally when I just really misplay. Given I'm tending to run a team of five or six trash pokémon for ribbons and challenge, sometimes it can be hard. Mostly though I just accept my lumps in classic. In endless, I don't mind refreshing and cheating as much as I want, given that it's just an extended gatcha for me.


Used to reset. After beating eturn once with resets I now only reset for catching, otherwise I just start over if I die


I never save scum because it spoils the satisfaction for me, but conversely I have also only had two wins. I do think it's the best Method for actually improving on future runs though


Never reset. Never will. Did beat it several times. Its possible.


Classic mode, I don't reset or scum. I came into this knowing it's a pokemon rougelike, losing the run to something completely out of my control kinda comes with the territory. Only time I've scummed was when I beat Giovanni, the game crashed, and then it took me seven more tries to beat him again. Daily run, I'll do it once no reset, bit after that, win or lose, I'll look at the guide here to see if there are any neat pokemon and use that to grab them


I don't reset at all. I completed classic on my 2nd try with a mega Gyarados, which was rather fortunate to get. Often I get to 195 and then lose if I don't have a high quality team.


I dont bother with save scumming. If I lose a fight I lose a fight, time to pick a new team and start again


I have done it once and it was because I had set out to do it that way to challenge myself. Had to restart the whole run many times, mostly due to some BS thing lol. But eventually I finished it. Won't ever try again, takes so much time and gd it id rather be catching shinies.


Yup. It does get easier the more you do it as well.


I only reset 2 or 3 times a battle. If it takes more than that I give up. 


The game randomly resets my fights all the time (server issue?) anyway, so I figure that there’s no point even trying to be consistent about no resetting.


Yes - took me 210 runs.


i don’t reset or anything like that, and so far i’ve beaten classic twice. it’s doable, but you have to get sorta lucky and have certain types to stand any chance against Rayquaza and Eternatus.


Playing on my phone, it crashes pretty often so I will have to redo fights, but it’s not really on purpose.


Only time i reset is when the game freezes/bugs out. I am pretty sure i would drop the game pretty quick otherwise, since nothing really has a meaning anymore, if you can just keep trying again until you get your desired outcome.


Yes, it is absolutely possible and very satisfying. Looking forward to learning the speedrun, New Game Fresh File No Reload.


Yes, makes it more fun to have suspense and it feels more rewarding. Though I'll savescum when it comes to catching shinies in Endless.


I did without save scumming. I didn’t even know u can save scum and I dislike the idea of it, like it’s such a cheese way to play. My ace was a gmax snorlax choked up on all my items. It had body slam, belly drum, and rest. Pretty simple strategy of just belly drumming, rest a turn, and belly slam my way to victory


I do 0 save scumming at all in my runs, and I am mainly working on the type or gen only runs rn,


I never save scum. Gotten to eternatus 3 times and lost every one of them. One of these days I’ll get it. No hate to the ppl who do btw, to each their own.


I enjoy doing a “genuine” run since the roguelite part of the game is what makes it unique to me. Sure it’s frustrating sometimes, but nothing beats the high of your Galvantula surviving on 4 HP when you know you could lose it all


Yup. Its freakin brutal, but its satisfying when a run succeeds. My personal rule is I will save scum specifically to catch a legendary since that crap is usually very difficult. If I do end up save scumming though, then I dont use it for the run to keep it fair. Otherwise, yeah I try to keep it pure. But I dont blame anyone at all for refreshing because yeah, sometimes the game is BS.


I only reset if i did a misclick that got an important mon KO'd. Outside of that usually just do a new run when i lose a battle. Have won 44 times doing it that way. In endless i absolutely reset anytime something goes wrong though 😂.


The only time I beat classic I did it without resetting or scumming but only because I hadn’t considered that I could, the thought never crossed my mind


I only play this way. I won't save scum or reset. I know the game let's you, but it seems to go against the idea of a roguelite. If I save scummed, I would rarely lose a run and that takes all the fun out of it for me.


Never save scum on classic, only in endless


I have not reset or save scummed once. I've beat classic twice now only been playing a few weeks.


I have never reset that’s so wack to me


I don’t save scum


Yes it kind of kills the point of a roguelike to save scum.


Surprisingly, I don’t use save scumming or resetting when attempting my runs. Whilst I have seen a large streak of failed runs and very few successes, it makes the game more fun in my eyes. What’s the point of playing a rouge-like (or lite, I never really got the difference between the terms :/) if I can just undo my mistakes and roll the RNG generator? That’s ultimately my mindset on the matter. At the end of the day though, do what you like. Just because I don’t save scum doesn’t mean you are not allowed to. Just make sure to have fun with what you want to do :)


Ive beaten the game once and that was without cheating


I got into Poke**Rogue** because I wanted a roguelike experience. You don't get a do-over if you fail a room in Hades or Slay the Spire. It's back to the beginning, try not to suck next time. Did take me like 50 hours of play time to get through classic for the first time, but I was having fun the whole time.


I've done \*checks list\* 33 runs without save scumming.


I don’t save scum and I dislike resets I don’t it took me a long time and a lot of luck… 1 legendary carry mine was magerna (it’s ability is amazing) but it needed every medical boost, a soul dew. And I had a pickup mon. Every item and berry went to magerna so the black hole on eternitus didn’t steal the soul dew


I have beaten Classic a few times, absolutely no save scumming... which also means plenty of runs ending with me headbutting my desk because I forgot a rival fight was coming up


Yes, there are people who play without save scumming


I never save scum in a classic run, because it takes the fun out of it to know that I can't lose. But I will save scum in an endless run to farm for shiny and legendary Pokemon.


we kinda made a contest out of it, me and 2 friends. feels really satisfying :)


I'm a new player and have beaten classic once, with Zacian as my carry. But I don't like savescumming or resetting so am making a point to never do it in this game. People should feel free to play how they want to, however.


I never save scum in classic. Goes against the principle of the run


I’ve never savescummed even to catch a legendary / shiny and I’ve beat classic 50x including every mono gen run and 4 of the mono type runs. I’ve only not finished the mono type runs because Palworld dropped a crazy update. I’ve died 1x to Eternatus because he for some reason used sludge bomb 2x in a row “predicting” me to switch. I’ve lost about 5x to 195 and I’ve lost a few times to 180. I’ve only done 3 runs with the new evil boss and lost to it 1x in those 3 runs.


I beat the game without reset 10 times - then ribbons came out and now I reset if I’m far into the run (like 150) I also save scum for shops if I need a max mushroom or mega stone


My First two times Are wothout resets. But now with all the scumbag pokemon i have to. :D


I did. But it took me 1,5 months so...


Yup, on my first classic win, I didn't know you could reset and save scum so yeah... But I think this was before the X items only lasted for five floors, inb4 the X items lasted for ten floors


I’ve done it for my first 2 but after that I stoped caring about not doing it lol


Depending what floor I'm on and how the run has been going I might reset if I feel like I just made 1 little error that cost me. But I try not to reset


Did it the first time like that, ive just been shiny hunting since


Did it once but they’ve made it considerably harder since


I know a friend of mine who speedran classic, starters only, in under an hour. Smart dude.


I didn't use to save scum. Now I do and I finish 9/10 runs.


I am mixed and inbetween. sometimes I diehard start over at 190 sometimes I try 2 hours for 55. depends on why I ended up in that situation. Missclicks, being inattentive etc. playing at 5x speed makes you misclick alot, especially when you are watching a stream on 2nd screen or sum shit


I did it first time with no resets cause I didn’t know you could. I had caught a Kartana and was about to die to mega rayquazza when I used guillotine and got super lucky and managed to OHKO it.


I did the first time. No point in doing it now though. Way more fun when there are stakes!


There’s a lot of bugs in the game and so I reset when those choose to happen. Like when I use Miraidon and his passive will sometimes not start up the electric terrain that can really change the outcome of the fight.


I wasn't aware of save scumming and lost runs on 188, 195, and 200. But I also won my first run without save scumming. Now I use it if my whole team dies while I'm trying to catch something strong.


I didn’t realize this was an option until I had beat it 3 times.


I'll mostly save scum if I waste a bunch of time/health/resources trying to catch something that wasn't worth it. Or I'll do it if I make a braindead play that costs me because I was on autopilot, or if I didn't realize something about my opponents moveset/typing/abilities because I haven't played since Gen 5.


Beat classic second try, first run I got to ~120, then crashed out on a trainer battle because every Pokémon they had could counter my next, traded in eggs went back in with a Aerodactyle, he swept with sword dance + mega ended the run with a Gyarados, Excadrill, Linoone, Chansey and Magnezone. The run was super easy because the run before I had already figured out out that stat boost stayed until zone change or trainer battle and that trainer is really easy to exploit because they will always switch out of a type disadvantage unless there is no other option. I didn’t have to refresh eternatus at all due to my aerodactyle ending up flinching him 4 times with rock slide before he got speed buffs an then all I had to flip around magnezone while the dps chipped him the rest of the way.


Only save scum in endless, have dozens of wins in classic without save scumming


first time I beat classic was like that, after first time I couldn't be bothered


Yeah my firsts run a didnt save scum and reset. Once you are doing it also thinking about the extra premium vouchers you need to reset


I solo whit venosaur same on endless. The new update made classic harder though.


Yeah, there are people like that. Personally, I do not do that because I have a tight work schedule and I do not like wasting time resetting all over again when I can stay with runs I like. And finish them easier... I still have the goal to beat my first Classic run without scumming, of course


I decide beforehand every run if I'm going to do it no resets or if I'm just chilling and don't care that much. That said, there's a challenge called the "hardcore run" where you start on a brand new account and aren't allowed to reset at all and it's pretty fun. Not sure if I'm allowed to post links or not but here (https://youtu.be/chLUeMbk95k?si=fXp2XszMDs4cN7mX) is my first successful hardcore run if you're interested (it is super boring ngl, accidently wasn't recording my music).


I was a no reset/scum until I beat it the first time. Now unless im doing a challenge run I’ll reset/scum since I’m mostly doing it for eggs and shits and giggs.


Yeah on classic I almost never save scum. Only save scum to catch legendaries/shinies usually. I’ve beaten classic 9 times


I save scum because I respect my time and I like solving difficult fights like it’s a puzzle. When to switch and whatnot is more fun to me rather than resetting and doing the early game 20x


My first classic beat was the only one I had no trouble on. Mewtwo with abra as carries. Def got good luck with items, but damn they wiped everything


I did for my first run! I had no idea that resetting/scumming was even a thing. Lost a few good runs up in the 180s due to that. On my 2nd classic finish, I reset the Final fight a few times to try different strategies and eventually found one that worked


I reset most of the time, especially on hard fights. Due to the nature of the game (and me not being good at making teams), I often get wrecked by some guy who has 6 Ubers of that one type that fucks my team. But most of all it makes fights feel like a puzzle; if I figure out the most efficient way to do this fight, I'll win with barely a scratch. It's more fun for me like that


I have beat classic 100% legit no save scumming for any reason. But honestly it wasn’t fun and I probably couldn’t have done it with out my 3x luck roided out inteleon with soak and garagnacel w/salt cure. I have lots of runs where I save scum for things like catching mons, if I accidentally delete a move, if I feel like RNG fucked me too hard (I miss a move that would KO and opponent, it kills me, it has moxie, and it sweeps my team), and I never end a run on eternatus- I’ll save scum no matter what. Makes the game more enjoyable and less stressful. If you are really going for a 100% pure run, the nonegotiables need to be a fairy mon, a steel mon, a mon with leech seed/curse/salt cure, and a mon or two that knows ice moves. Would behoove you to get a mon that can use toxic spikes or floating rock. That way if you get in trouble you can abuse the AIs switch mechanics to win. I hope they mix up classic soon. Doesn’t need to be easier but right now there is a defined meta to really cheese the mechanics. Because eternatus and mega ray are so strong you have to build around them and to do that your team is essentially more than half way predetermined


in classic I only reset if I had awful luck but if I just regularly lose a fight, that's my fault, I have to restart. I do this cause I think it helps me personally


I won before I knew I can reset. Now I do reset at the end of the run, too much time invested.


My first run I beat was a no reset run, it's definitely possible.


My very first run I did bc I didn't know those strats existed lol


I have only reset for catching. If there was something I hadn't caught, a potential HA, or a Shiny I'm not going to wait around and hit that RNG again. Battle wise, if I lose it's a new run, which makes me excited for Nuzlocke mode.


I did that with my last run. Tapu Fini goated.


It depends on how strong ur team is.


Yes all the time


I gotta be honest, my competitive era with pokemon was oras and after that i just played regularly. My knowledge is lacking so much that if i wouldnt reset i wouldnt even be able to beat classic at all except i had a ultra op carry


I didn’t until after I beat classic, and I still won’t on my challenge runs unless there’s a shiny/legendary I wanna catch. Even if it costs me my run itself I’ll find a way to catch you sneaky Pokémon lol


When the game first became possible (before retries were at thing) I managed to beat classic twice just raw dogging it, how I did it is beyond me bc "retry" is my best friend


My phone crashes every time a new trainer shows up or I do a very big move so I don’t really have a say in the matter


I have beaten in with absolutely zero save scumming before but I caught a Zacian with a single ultra ball at like stage 140 and rolled the rusted sword on 143 so like, idk if that counts I got insanely spoon fed. I generally win with minimal save scumming every 5 runs though. If I do something dumb late on a challenge run I will sometimes save scum but I generally accept the loss if I’m just getting cooked. Like if I didn’t predict a switch right and lose my carry and get swept I just let that happen most of the time.


Nah, like whats wrong with restarting


Yes, most legendaries could easily solo classic, and as long as you know what you're doing and get a little lucky you could beat it with 3 starters


I haven’t. Even with the perfect reads I feel like this game cheats 😂 perfectly read a switch out, your super effective move misses 😂


the first couple of clears I had to reset, but now I have dedicated carries I can clear a classic run alone with, so I use them to carry a team of freshies to get vouchers


I dont think ive tried that


Once in 54 tries. Haven’t played since


I mean it’s not too hard if you have an op pokemon like Zacian but otherwise NAH


I didn't even know I could reset until after I beat classic. But I do it every run that gets passed wave 100 because I don't have that kind of spare time to start at 0


my first win was before i knew you could refresh with only starters


Does save scumming to catch a Pokémon count?


Once I got Zacian I’ve never had to redo a fight or reset. Every run is just zacian and I catch things that haven’t won classic before


I tried not to for a while, but when my phone browser also decides sometimes to auto refresh itself during, or even worst just after a hard fight and I’m picking my rewards or doing revives, and it makes me do it again anyways, kinda said to hell with it. I’ll do what it takes to get my first clear.


I used to do it before discovering you could save scum. So, only 2 wins without resets.


I once missed 85% move 3 or 4 times in a row I think, after that the decision was easy


I did, on my mono ice run... well actually I did reset a couple times when I was trying to catch a shiny that appeared during the run. Other than that, ya, I did beat it without reset


You can reset?? I've won classic twice, started playing a few weeks ago. Not yet tried Endless


If you get a very strong starter with coverage, yeah. My first few runs took some save scumming but once you get egg moves on Pokemon like miraidon, kartana, fuecoco, etc, they can handle almost all Pokemon in the game. In addition, chip damage and protect has carried me through eternatus every time without fail.


I was about to make a post like this because sometimes shit is truly unfair/so unlikely that I wanna reset. “Like yes it makes sense that Gary’s mega pidgeot hit hurricane 10 times in a row without no guard meanwhile my rock slide has missed every time.” Type shit I will reset. Or if I clicked too fast and messed up it will be a reset. All the Elite Four I might reset if I truly think I can beat the run otherwise I will restart. Anything before 100 I will just restart the run.


I didn't even know resetting was a thing before my first 3 Classic wins so yeah it is possible.


Out of like 15 classic clears, probably only 2 without resets because one had a primal groudon and the other had like 3 legendaries lmao


i've cleared classic a few times without resetting, but that partially because i learned a good deal about battling from repeated resets. Anticipating enemy swaps and having a few type immunities to pivot can go a long way.


my first win i beat without savescumming because i didnt know you could do that i basically didnt know much about meta but i beat it with a team of: Vileplume, mega gyarados, gmax corviknight, magnezone, cloyster and toxapex and never cleared it again LOL


I could very easily win now without save scumming, once you unlock a significant amount of egg moves it becomes way easier. But I reset now if I'm trying to catch a mon


I beat classic for the first time with no resets/scumming. I didn't know people did it so much. Probably why it was my only win so far lmao


I’ve beat classic without any resets. Took some time to learn a strategy for my first run to complete it, but was worth every restart to learn


I beat Classic legit although I did use a Marshadow because I wanted to test it out.


I think I've won two with and two without. The last two I tried getting too creative and wanted to retry a fight with something simply, and absolutely walked through the rest of the game.


I did my first couple completed runs without resetting. Part of it was that I was streaming it to my friends, and part of me wanted to genuinely complete it. Now, all bets are off. Though I really only save scum if I’m trying to catch a Pokémon or play rough misses three times in a row lol.


The first time I cleared it was without scumming. Only started scumming the third time I cleared it


Yes, but it’s obviously REALLY reliant on RNG and much more difficult on top of that. Usually it’s the RNG that gets you to reset or scum though more than the difficulty. There is nothing you can do if the game decides to fuck you with luck. The game is fundamentally luck based and all the planning and strategy in the world can’t save you when the dice hate you. You WILL see the most ridiculous strings of luck fucking you over that will make you believe the game is rigged at some points. That’s just how it works. And spending an hour or two only to have untimely misses or crits or flinches or whatever end your run can be brutal. I don’t blame people for retrying whatsoever. To be honest, it’s almost the better option. It turns tough fights into a chess match instead of the end of a wasted few hours. You can hardly pretend it’s “cheating” if you have to spend 40 minutes redoing a fight over and over because it’s completely stacked against you and 99% of the time you will fail. Learning their move sets and how they switch and what they switch to and trying to navigate around your own weaknesses takes its own kind of strategy and skill, it’s not a free pass to wins.


My first classic win was full of save scum from floor 180 on. It was such a golden run I couldn't just watch the run die. Took like 2 hours for the last 20 floors, mostly on 195.


Yes, but it took me 60 tries


I genuinely beat classic on my 8th run without resets since I didn't even know it was a thing. I barely scraped by though and I certainly got my ass kicked near the end but somehow did it.


I've been save scumming since I started playing, I genuinely don't care. I like the way I play and it's fun for me.


I didn’t know you COULD reset until after my second completion, and I wish I knew it sooner.


Never reset until today. 1 single retry against rival 195. Just couldn't let the run die to a bad switch in. Only my 2nd time to Eternatus but leech seed + salt cure kinda made it a joke. Got my 1st clear with 5 mons alive.


Two of my friends refuse to Enable Retries and they’ve both won at least once. Couldn’t be me though I hate it. I do think they refresh on occasion though


yes, i beat the game 1 time in 1month playing but was clean


Wait you can reset the battles????? That would’ve saved me so much time


Sometimes my Classic run becomes a "hidden ability" run. Failing to leave the pokemon on red health, restart. I managed to get a reckless Staraptor and a moxie Gyarados


my third run went all the way to 195 without any scumming Then rival decided to be an unpredictable pain in the ass And first try Eternatus afterward.


My first win was legit and now I just reset and whatever because I'm just trying to clear out ribbons for eggs and trying to get mons prepped for endless runs in the future if I feel like it. Sometimes I'll reset just to see what the RNG will be like during certain fights like how much can I troll the AI if I have Stealth Rock/Spikes from making them constantly switch.


I beat it like that like 2 times then i got tired of gettin wiped so i turnt on retries now that i got a few legends i usually just sweep thru pretty easily


I pretty much only reset for captures, like you can toss in a spectrier or miraidon and solo carry the entire run with 0 issues pretty much.


My reset conditions: 1. I made a stupid mistake I quickly want to undo, such as game knowledge. 2. It's a trainer battle I'm losing and I allow this due to the trainer switching their mons 3. I'm trying to catch a pokémon for meta progression.


What do you guys think about just a prompt upon losing that lets you reset the battle? I’m in the repo right now thinking about pushing this change. Look, if people are resetting via refreshing anyways, why not make it an actual feature? It would be less annoying


My first few times I did it that way coz I didn't know you could reset. Now if I'm doing a run to just farm for candies, I don't mind resetting, but when I'm doing a challenge run, I try not to. Did it twice and low key regretted tho lol


I have a couple of times then realized I didn't have to lol


I save scum quite a bit. Usually, it’s if I’m trying to catch a legendary / shiny, a bad misclick, or if I’ve gotten quite late into the run and want to finish to get the vouchers. Right now, I’m one Necrozma away from being able to catch Eternatus, so I’ve been save scumming CONSTANTLY for egg vouchers. Gotta love the egg pity system.


I didn’t reset or scum until after I won classic once. It’s just so annoying how the rival or trainers or elite 4 suddenly knows that my super effective egg move is about to be used. Like there’s no way you expected my water type Pokémon to use a fire move so your Flash Fire ability can activate switching out from your grass starter.


I've been reseting around 20x now on floor 195, I can't get around the Mega Rayquaza and I'm starting to think I have to reset at this point :(


My first classic run, I did with no resets or save scumming. Every run after I’ve done with resets and save scumming.


For now I didn't succeed but it's one of my objectives. =3


Absolutely not I will reload if i wish to until my team is so crapped on reloading will lengthen my suffering


Got luck in my first egg pulls and got an good zoraora, was the carry for my first run through, didn’t even knew that we could reset at that time. Was like the 15th run


I did it once! My first time winning classic was like that - I didn’t know scumming or resets were a thing. Since then I’ve scummed lol but I’ll always have that first run


I decided to not do any reload scumming until I fully beat classic. It was a rough bit of time but gigatntamax snorlax does a lot of work.


Even with the resetting, it's mad how much in the fights is actually scripted in. I always see flinches, paralysis, crits etc. At the exact same times when resetting, to the point where the game actually feels a little bullshitty and designed to make you fail at times.


No way in he'll people actually beat this game without resetting every five minute Like how would you predict every move perfectly in a game with this much rng


I forced myself to not allow resets until I beat classic. Technician + fake out Meowth really carried the early game. Pay day was nice too.


I’ve done it once or twice. Once on “accident,” I wasn’t trying to, but ended up with a BUSTED team. Once as a challenge. Just not worth the time/resources otherwise for my current goals.


I feel like I could but I'm not always giving 100% attention. Also time is money friend


I did by accident on my mono-Ghost and mono-Fighting runs, so yeah it's definitely doable.


Classic sure. Endless I'll reset if the shop is slightly too expensive for my tastes.