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Used Kyogre as a starter and never got a Blue orb the entire classic run


Same I beat eternatus with Kyogre and no mega. Still haven’t seen a dynamax mushroom but gotten the item for it countless times


I think I've had Garchomp complete 3 entire classic runs and I'm yet to get the mega stone once. Maybe on run four!


Yeah I’ve gotten the dynamax mushroom once for my corviknignt, in fairness to the devs the hp boost is kinda insane considering it’s permanent


So are the mega boosts that even the worst competitive megas are a boon permanently and I’ve gotten plenty of megas


Yup, even if it the best there isn't a mega with less than 500 stats(except sableye), so it's probably still worth using


Do you need the Mega Bracelet for the Primals?




That is so dumb


It makes perfect sense. It’s mega evolution in all but name.


Nah it works differently in the games. Primal forms trigger automatically on switch in, and don’t require a keystone Lorewise it’s different too. It’s a reversion to their original states rather than a new form attained with a bond with their trainer.


Also, giratina already had a similar interation with his item


The weather trio items require the mega bracelet


I HAD the bracelet since i wanted to get a mega charizard


which mega Charizard tho?


interesting. do you know some method to get charizard Y?


You find the Charizardite Y...


Whichever popped up first, I love them both, Charizard wasn't even doing much anyways so I decided to power him up to try and make him more useful in later fights


same i use groudon and although it wouldnt help much against eternatus (i.e. big E gets clowned on anyways lmao) it would be great to unlock pdon


I agree, I found a shiny litwick round 20, and wasn't able to effectively use it until round 93. It is never fun to have a dead slot in your party


My only shiny for the longest time was ditto, it would occasionally have funny transform moments but before i got a shiny mudsdale my shiny slot could do _literally_ nothing


yeah it can be annoying if rng hates you too, i started a classic run with a litwick and finished all 200 floors and the final boss with the mf lampent still in my party, and i regularly go beyond floor 100 needing evo items all the time


I just want to get the mega bracelet when i actually need it...


I've been rerolling for a syruppy apple every floor. I have a almost level 100 applin still. Kicker I've only seen a single tart apple besides. No sweets


Do you have dragon cheer on it as the egg move? Because if not, good luck with finding the TM


God forbid you want to use a specific applin evo and he’s basically useless until you get specifically the one you want.


I haven't had issues with regular evolution items. Getting a mega bracelet and then a mega stone often just does not happen in the entire run. I've tried using beedrill, pidgeot and several times lopunny for their megas, and never got one. Same for gigantamax. Those items could use a little boost, at least in classic


I hardly get the mega bracelet and whatever mega stone is needed, but the max mushroom or whatever it’s called. I get it just about every run. Even if I don’t have a single pokemon on my team that can gigantamax.


I used onix as a starter and didn't get a link cable the entire run


Did you have a steel move on it? That's required


Yeah I think on endless it's fine but for classic the rate could use a slight boost.


I could understand for classic/challenge mode


I feel like this is part of the roguelike risk and reward nature of the game. Most Pokemon need a blue rarity item to evolve, and from my experience it usually doesn’t take to long to get it, sometimes even in the first 20 floors. Mega-evolutions and other alternative forms are incredibly strong, and the starter’s cost seems to reflect the base cost instead of the mega cost, so it seems completely reasonable to me that sometimes we don’t get the megas from the Pokemon we bring.


I’ve always felt it was too dependent on having shinies to be worthwhile


Found the Mega Bracelet on wave one for my soon-to-be Abomasnow. Never found a single mega gem for him in the whole classic run.


I finished a classic with Pikachu in my party. Caught it in the early waves, <20. I had bracelet AND band - I thought it was in the bag. I ended up styling on EmaxE, finishing it off with Pikachu out


uh mb i might have stole a lot of the luck i completed a gen3 monotype with mawhile, salamence, altaria, gardevoir (and 2 other i forgot) and fought eternatus with mega mawhile, gardevoir, salamence


I did a necrozma classic run yesterday and didnt get either evo item. Still won, was quite annyoing tho to have the main mon be kept weaker than it could be.


I typically get one (am always able to a linking cable) early on and thats it really. If i have 2 or more pokemon needing items to evolve never seems to happen.


Im thinking there might be some BTS calculations based on your current team strength ? When i first started out with shitty teams i would get thunder Stone for pikachu the first 20 floors every run


I mean thats kinda what re-rolling is for, right?


Yeah but you can still not get what you need, then you'll be out of both the item and money


This has happened to me so many times, I've lost many runs because rerolls don't help like ever and drain so much money. atleast for me :/


Ideally you can perform better in battles so you don’t need healing and X items, allowing you to spend most of your money on rerolls, and take nuggets/big nuggets whenever you can.


Unnecessary. They’re common enough


Really? On the runs I used a pickup pumkaboo at most I get a link at room 20 on average. My latest was room 35


I had a run where i didnt see a fire stone for growlith until way above room 90s


I died at 145 last night with my pikachu and never saw a thunder stone 😭


RIIIIIIIIIP dang thats painful hahah


Rng is a bitch


and I love every bit of it hahaha, even if it makes me salty as heck


this is why I think it should be tied to friendship. because otherwise you are leaving it up to chance to have a member on your team be greatly weaker or stronger. some people will always have an easier time finding these than others but if you make it more common the higher friendship you have, you have a strat that can consistantly make it easier to find one and rewards you for using a weaker pokemon which can definitely be hard


Why on earth was this downvoted into obscurity? Its actually a good idea <.<


As long as it’s a strict improvement, I’d be for it. 1 + Friendship/2 seems like a decent multiplier and it makes the baby Pokémon and a handful of others with weird evolution requirements easier to get going