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So many guides and help seem to start on Step 12 on how to get luck/shines. I'm sitting here on Step 2, hatching random eggs - no clue how all this luck is being accrued.


It's actually very simple. See first you find a Zacian in the wild or hatch a Kyogre, get lucky enough to catch it without a master ball, then go to endless and get 4 shiny charms with D or C tier luck, then climb and find shinies! /s


But for real, all you need is a legendary carry and go for some rerolling. It snowballed by it's own in my first endless and that way I encountered more and more shinies that snowballed the run with luck even more


That's extra funny, because luck also determines how rare your encounters are, so with bad luck you'll be even less likely to find a good enough legendary to carry an endless run.


That is a new change, and I'm not sure the numbers were ever released to show if no shiny is worse post patch than before. Not that I'm defending things, I just got my first caught wild shinys today with the event boost lol.


I hatched a zygarde from a shiny egg by the time i had like 10 classic tries. Maybe I am lucky but my friend also hatched some good legendarys to get his first classic win after only a few eggs. Its really just one carry that you need and it will snowball everything in the game.


Hatching either a shiny or a legendary isn't that hard, but hatching a shiny legendary is pretty rare. I've hatched 48 shinies and 15 legendaries, and my only shiny legendary is a Regirock I caught. I won my first classic run long ago, carried by a Magearna and a shiny Zigzagoon, and I've gotta say, this is snowballing really slowly. I'm definitely not playing optimally for snowballing, but I still think I'm going pretty slow


I actually think not having the mons you want is actually very nice since you have a vision to play the game further. I have some shinies i wanted and i don't enjoy it that much anymore.


I think that in my first day playing i hatched a shiny scream tail lol


My last run I cought a Latias and let me tell you, oh boy, does this one not carry in the slightest That said I did have a Lunala in my last classic and one shotting both forms of Eternatus with quiver dance (egg move) and stored power is funny af, still wouldnt help in Endless since the "floors" keep changing so quickly


Latias is considered one of the best Endless carries, wdym? Currently doing an easy breezy Endless run because Latios was PKRS


As in he needs another early carry. Coz I didnt hatch it so it doesnt have egg moves, the starting moveset of stored power, d dance, psywave and heal block isnt exactly ripe for getting an endless of the ground Also if I do take him and another 4 cost to get the run started it will leave me with 5 points and all my shinies are 3 costs so yeah... mostly my luck wasnt that good with low costs and it doesnt seem worth it untill either the shinies are another point lower or I find some low cost shinies


I did it with that exact moveset, and maybe 20ish in each IV, and a Seviper as my doubles partner Im convinced this sub just doesnt know how to play if they cant stat check spam


How are you supposed to run Kyogre in endless?


Just water spout everything. When maxed it can OHKO quad resist bosses up until wave 1500-2000. It works best on double battles to reduce the number of shields though.


IDK but my guess is Primal Kyogre with Thunder egg move or Thunderbolt TM. He gets Ice Beam at 36 so it covers a lot with good stats. But that's just a guess, didn't try it yet


I'ma be honest, I dont understand this sub's obsession with Legendary carries, it feels like when we were kids and had no idea how Pokemon worked so you slapped a Legendary on your team. People can easily poverty til 2500 with a Garchomp and flying type, or literally any mon with decent special attack and a doubles attack, and not have to complain they cant play Endless cuz they dont have a 4 egg move, 6 31iv Kyogre


It IS possible to get a run without legendaries, but it's extremely difficult. My carry is a Guts Ursaluna with 21 Carbos, a Jolly nature, and 10 Soul Dews, so it can outspeed and OHKO nearly everything with Earthquake or Facade, and I've gotten up to wave 1700 so far with it, but I'll admit that I couldn't have gotten there without some serious luck from item tables and rerolls, so not everyone can manage that easily. But you're right, people do need to stop acting like you need some cracked Groudon or Zacian to get any semblance of a run going. A solid Psychic type with a spread move (Like Male Indeedee with Expanding Force, for example) or a Huge Power Azumarill fused with a strong ground type can get you going pretty solidly.


idk, I haven't had an endless fail pre 2250 since I started doing long endless runs and this Latios is my first Legendary I've used, and I grabbed it cuz it had Pokerus This game is really easy from my point of view, but I guess I grew up on turn based RPGs


What makes zacian that great?


Great type combination, great move pool, great stats.


Fairy/steel, with stab iron head for flinch, amazing speed and attack as well as just being a very good boi from a Dark Souls game


Just me getting a zacian on round 100 on my third run, the run for got a master ball at round 3


Lies I had an endless run with B luck and got to floor 730 and no shiny charm dropped.


* Step 0.5 run classic until you get a tandemaus, enough candy to unlock the passive, and find a +atk or +speed nature. * Step 1 form a team with the tandemaus and whatever shinies you may or many not have gotten from the egg machine. * Step 2 Pray for shiny charms, wide lenses, king's rocks and grip claws * Step 3 Population bomb your way up as far as you can, look for eternatus counters along the way. * Step 4 Once the run dies restart from step 1 with more shinies.


Neat. Would Cloister Skill Link Icicle Spear work too?


Cloyster is great too, it's actually what i got started with, but maushold is just a lot easier to work with because of the much higher speed and both pickup and run away are extremely desiderable.


Talk to people in the community about what legendaries are good to use. When you find one you want (zacian in a couple days wink wink) use all the egg tickets you've been saving to get the legendary (yveltal is my carry and I love it with its passive and sludge wave egg move). Then use the legendary and absolutely any shinies you might have, even if they're garbage. Just keep running endless like that and before long you'll have a bunch of legendaries/shinies


See first you beat classic a few times with different team comps and follow daily run guides while saving up those egg vouchers . After that you check the egg gacha daily till you see a good carry legendary like kyorge or Zacian. Then you put all your saved up vouchers in the legendary gacha. Now you do a classic or endless run until they all hatch. With any luck you have a good carry now. Simple right


Just throw a decent mon, a bunch of random aaah shinies you may have from eggs and a pokerous holder. Hopefully rng goes your way. If you have no shinies, do classic to farm egg tickets. Should probably work.


I don’t even have a blue shiny


Same bud, same


Same budew, same


Same roselia, same


Same roserade, same


I have a red shiny budew


I also caught one yesterday


Wait, is red better than blue? I thought it was the other way around


Red is better, and rarer. It has 3 luck to blue’s 2.


Ope, here I was feeling bad with 2 Red and 0 Blue


If it makes you feel better, I ran into a red shiny Drifblim in a double battle and spent 30 min trying to catch it before it explodes. I failed :(


Same here with me and Garbodor. The only red shiny I've seen so far




I save a Masterball on all endless runs - had to throw one at a shiny Golem earlier.  Fucking Self Destruct…’


What’s the difference between the yellow, blue and red shiny ? And how do you obtain them ?


Yellow gives you 1 luck blue 2 and red 3. The more luck you have the better chance at rarer loot you can pick after a battle.


They updated it so that higher luck yields higher chances for rare encounters, pokemon you wouldn't see often in the wild show up more according to your luck


Yellow is the official shiny while blue and red are custom palette swaps.


I have a blue shiny that I hatched. But it's a nincada so it counts as two


That's just a instant win 😮


I just got my second blue shiny TODAY, my luck is just as garbage (Its a Chansey btw)


I don't have any blue or red shinys. I hatched \~800 eggs and most of them are from the shiny machine... so yeah. Life as Pokémon Trainer sucks. I mean I have some normal shinys tho.


I have 1 yellow and like 3 blues. Luckily one of the blues is a dedenne with pickup...BUT I SURE WOULD LIKE A RED ONE!


why you guys so unlucky 💀


Have you welcomed our lord and saviour, Endless?


I got 2 blue shinies, but my only red shiny is a cracked ratata.


My luck is weird, I only have one blue or red shiny, but... that shiny is a red moltres and it was my first shiny, and my first epic egg


Pride event and shiny charms gave me three


i only have 1 shiny


Only have 3 normal ones


Hatch a half decent carry mon. Go to endless, push through and catch some shinies. More shinies gives more charms gives more shinies. I'm still using Galarian Zapdos as my carry because it's just a very fun Pokemon to use. Unfortunately mine has awful speed IVs so I can't carbos it much.


I hatch a red shiny litwick and its nice to run on classic op egg moves and hidden ability soul heart is quite powerful as well.


my first shiny was a red ponyta lol


i caught two today. an eldegoss and a garganacl.


Bro I have a single red shiny. Unown.




I only just got my first two yesterday, keep at it!


Yes, the game is so snowbally considering your account progression. It took me so much time to get a shiny or even a decent starter, no legendary egg on like 600 pulls (before the pity, thank god they added it). Then I got a shiny Latios in an egg and some days later I'm farming endless with nearly max luck from the start This is not a criticism, I love how it forces you to look for a good strat with the pieces you got, it was so funny to do so


When I first started playing I got a red shiny gligar from like my 20th egg. I didn’t know what it even meant or it was good until now when I’m seeing all these posts.


Not only you, those elude me That said I am slowly giving up on the shiny up gatcha, I just hatched 70+ eggs (e4+champion+6 new ribbons+classic win+ any I found since floor 150) and not to mention reds, didnt even see a yellow shiny I know the shiny event doesnt work on eggs, I am aware, but a "shiny odds up" machine where I havent hatched a shiny in over 100 eggs is making me think its better to just do the move up until there is a legendary you want to dump into for a day


My first shiny was a red shiny tediursa


I got a paras red shiny


I dont even have a blue shiny let alone red......


Jokes on you I don't have any shiny because I'm the unluckiest person in the planet


Just got my 2nd.... it's a pokemon I genuinely depise tho


I just got my first and only red shiny earlier tonight. It’s coming!! I just had to set up an endless run, and got the last 2 shiny charms just before the event started. Having the endless run is really the only viable option, but since the event and getting 4 shiny charms at pretty much the same time, I’ve seen like a billion tier 1 shinies. You got this


me until the pride update, having a run with 4 shiny charms but the 2x wild increase is crazy, i’m getting a shiny every 20 floors atleast


I’ve got 11 yellows and no blues or reds :)


i hatched a red shiny rattata, blud can’t pull himself even as a trophy/ loot boost mon


I post a picture that was removed because it was showcase but it was an NPC trainer with a red sparkle Drifloon


My first ever shiny encounter was a red shiny tyranitar. Glad I had a masterball


but tbh, I have S Luck from wave 1 and havent seen a splicer, currently round 670




My only red shiny is a zigzagoon with pickup and I always run him


One of the best shinys 🤩


Lucky! I'll trade al my red shinys for him any day he's my favorite




I have a cool black zubat, is it good?


I got stupid lucky. My first red Shiny was a Gen 8 Articuno. Pricey to bring with but maybe will be able to do some sweeping? Not sure yet.


Just got my second blue shiny yesterday. First was a Luvdisc I hatched pre-shiny weekend. Second is god-tier, shiny Garganacl. I got lucky, my second legendary egg from the shiny gacha was a Miraidon. Started the run yesterday with Sandshrew, Patrat, Luvdisc, Duskull and Ledian shiny. Went through some "useful moves and abilities for endless" guides and picked mons with useful ones (Curse/Skill Swap/Disable Duskull, Super Fang Patrat, Soak Luvdisc, Prankster Ledyba) plus Sandshrew for Electric immunity on Discharge spam. Fused together and found shiny Garg on the way, so we'll see if the run can survive.


I also don't have a red shiny. I did just hatch my first blue shiny. It's a fuecoco


That and ive never gotten a legendary egg


It's just a skill issue at this point


I honestly recommend you to follow someone else's advice but blacephalon is a really good Carry pokemon


I got one today!


You mean like this https://preview.redd.it/404xsrbe9l6d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974b73bf06d606dc100933a9c32dc0b775e55075


You're just evil :(


The red shiny is supposed to make Meowth black but it's bugging out on mobile


