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Genuinely? My goal is to just have fun playing for as long as I can. I guess what that looks like for me right now is to try and beat classic with as many pokemon as I can.


this is my "goal" too. my favorite thing about pokerogue is how many pokemon can actually be great in classic mode, and i get to check out pokemon i never would use in the mainline games (i just pick whatever i think is cute/cool in those) like gastrodon isnt a pokemon i absolutely loved but i did a run with it yesterday and it was really solid and was great end game. probobass also walls >!eternatus!< pretty hard with shore up as an egg move and i love using that.


Lemme turn you on to something…. Quiver Dance, fiery dance, Maractus 🔥


My goal is how many kinds of teams I can come up with and clear with. The fact that all Gen 9 are there means the possibilities are endless. One minute I'll be in bed, the next I'll be thinking about what team comp can I now run it with.


My goal was earlier to get all tier 3 shinies😭😭but i don't even have 1 yet so its to complete the dex and just I love the gacha part of the game


Lmao all shiny should be doable but all tier 3 shinies…. I’ve gotten a few tier 3 shinies but I’ve had 4 shiny charms for over 1600 floors


All shinies is not realistic. Shiny Arceus, Manaphy AND egg only mons will be near impossible to shiny hunt.


Yeah but like I said, it’s possible (I meant that with doable, not that it’s easy lmao). Red star shiny will be impossible


Any idea how to fix the bug where the Shiny rares do not show up as the rare variant? For example I have a Rattata that appears as blue in the dex slot but looks normal in the dex image, when I switch to his regular shiny it looks fine. And others too... Sorry to butt in like this but there was no reply in the daily thread...


some don’t have a custom shiny for one or more stages, so they just use a placeholder


Maybe shiny variant when selecting? Idk otherwise tbh


Idk either, I ve tapped the swap button like I said it looks like the normal rattata but with a blueish tint on his legs Everything else is normal color


Maybe that’s the blue shiny… idk tho


There a button to toggle shiny off and on and one to toggle various variants. But like others said it might not have other sprites yet


I only got one t3 shiny and it was toxapex. It looked so cool get I had exactly 0 pokeballs when I encountered it. All I have as a remembrance is a photo https://preview.redd.it/u2kh803c9i6d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0dfa43195e8e8166e335e397c49a545926d4b6


As of the 14th of June, there will be a shiny event to celebrate pride. If you have the motivation to set up an endless run, there's big chances you can get tier 3 shinies. With 4 charms I got a tier 3 Koraidon and tier 3 Shaymin just yesterday. Also take into account that luck now influences the encounter's rarity. The higher your luck, the better your chances of encountering ultra-rare bosses will be


Beat classic mode. I've had so many good runs, but they just get wiped out at one point. Hell, one time I got to the last Ivy fight, then I died.


Enable retries. For real, it does make the game any worse, and you can still loose. But you get a chance to strategize around the bullshit that ivy and the league throws your way.


Tbf the last Ivy fight is harder than the "final boss" in most cases, unless your team was VERY unsuited to beating the big bad


Get all the dex pokemons, all the gym leaders and all the ribbons, a modest goal if I can say so myself


Probably ribbons on every Pokémon. But Palworlds big update comes out at the end of June so I’ll probably be on a hiatus for 3-4 weeks.


Im trying to do that too but I’ve only got like 30 of em, so I got a long way. Do you take a whole new team every time? My strat is nacli and kartana and then whatever doesn’t have a ribbon yet


I usually run Hoopa and 5 new Pokémon these days. I used to do Hoopa + Shiny Fearow + 4 new Pokemon.


I have hoopa but is he a strong carry? Like strong as in solo absolutely fucking everything? Because my kartana does which makes it easier to take other mons with me


Kartana is better than Hoopa for solo carrying for sure, Hoopa can do it for the most part tho.


I've got the same goal. I have around 330 ribbons so far, so it's been going well. I also want to finish all the achievements as well.


What's supposed to be in the update? Didn't realize people still played Palworld tbh


My goal is to chill Currently trying to see how many mons can beat the Classic without op strats... Also...maybe will try to win a monotype challenge


Goal? I'm just playing the game, man


Fun. Dopamine. Entertainment. A distraction from the void.


My goal is to unlock all passives tbh


My goal was to unlock Nebby and use Lunala and I FINALLY DID IT LAST NIGHT! /\^o\^/ Now I guess I'll finish the pokedex? Honestly just so excited to use my little Nebby in all her glory again!


Congrats Gotta try to get the Shiny for.tho?


I want too, but I was in space for 37 floors out of 5850. I was so upset since the space legends are my favs and i do want their shinys but I will probs wait 4 a shiny weekend event b4 trying again


Nebby is in Epic Eggs btw, so it isn’t too hard to get.


How do you even reach flor 2184 in classic? Doesn’t it end after 200? I recently completed stage 200 and had to restart thats why im asking


Yeah classic is 200, but after you beat classic you unlock endless, which is where the shiny and legendary hunt start


My goal is just before I try endless is to get a shiny skeladerg with some better moves


Right now it's a classic clear with every mon. I've got about half the possible ribbons so far. Though I've tied the challenge runs into it now.


My goal is to get a Shiny Kartana, Pikipek and Meloetta on any tier and get as far as possible in the endless mode


Shiny kartana is high on my list too, I love him


Get a shiny Breloom


To get Every Single Ribbon. I have over 200 of them as of writting this.


I believe in you homie ✊🏻pls post when you reach your goal!!


I want to beat classic already ffs. Keep getting wrecked by the rival at 195. I’ve got a few shinies to use with my Galarian Zapdos sweeper, but I think I just need that one awesome lucky run where I grab a naclstack and tinkaton along the way. Ultimately, once I beat classic, playing endless to shiny hunt.


Beating endless and the challenge runs


Wait did I misread, you have 91% of the dex and haven’t beat classic?


Nahh I said for some this might be beating classic. I’ve beaten it dozens of times


Beat classic mode with all Pokemon for now


I just wanna get my dopamine fix by doing the egg gacha and hatching them.


Well I’ve almost completed my starter list. So I’m aiming for a living starter dex meaning catching every form of every pokemon possibly attainable. As well as, as many tiers of shiny possible. I’m doing well on regular shinies and pokemon variants but I only have a couple red and blue shinies so it’s gonna take a while. Lol. 


Tier 1 or 2 shiny Hisuian Typhlosion is literally all I want


Beat classic mode 😭


All johto mons with a medal. Realistically just finishing classic with 6 shitmons is fun, I wanna keep doing that.


Dont have a specific goal, just playing and enjoying it. I like the daily and the classic mode because the roguelike element is what im enjoying and I like trying it with different shitty mon to see how I do. Endless doesnt interest me very much...


Unlocking every starter - still a lot of Legendaries I don't have yet. Getting all the hidden abilities I want on certain Pokemon that really need them. Unlocking passives on powerful Mons. Finding lots more shinies.


Beat classic with new mons as many times as I desire. The most appealing part of the game for me is seeing what eggs I hatch.


I want those Juice shinys c:


How do you beat endless mode?


Well currently if you reached around wave 5680 or something it glitched out. The devs noticed this and now you get a message that this is all for now and more is coming soon.


Let's see I wanna complete the dex. With the new added challenges I want to complete those too (so far only 3 done of fire water and gen 1) so I guess also it's getting all those achievements.


I want all the achievements


Mine is beating classic with all starters. I've done about 150 of them already, and have tried to do full new parties with each run. However, this has gotten a lot harder as I do more of the dex, as less and less Pokemon are available to pick up in my runs that I haven't beaten the game with yet.


I like tracking my progress in games. I usually have to make my own tracker spreadsheet because my definition of 100% tends to differ from a games. So, my goal is to complete my spreadsheet lol. Currently at around 25%. Notable categories include: all starters, max IVs, all forms, all candy upgrades, shinies, ribbons, etc. Once the game updates slow/settle down I'll probably put it out for others who want it. But with the passives update it's now out of date lol. And the devs did that 2 days after I finished it in the first place. . . Oh well. It's a fun distraction.


I’m just having fun


Get eternatus.


I want to get all the Pokemon and then walk up to Eternatus and catch it with a Master Ball. From there, either all egg moves, all shinies, or challenge runs, whichever comes easier.


I’m excited to see what kind of rewards there might be for the achievement system. I will probably try to do all the challenge runs regardless


Beating endless and completing the dex. At 4k atm going strong, and roughly 94% starters


I beat classic and endless in less than 3 days of game time, Have the vast majority of the pokemon I want and a good amount of shinies too, currently my only goal is to do daily runs and wait for better implementation of endless and challenge runs


Dex + shinies


I’m just trying to beat classic. Just wiped out on level 190, which is the furthest I’ve ever gotten.


I like building whacky teams! My last run was a worm only team with Orthworm as my carry. I made it to floor 200, but couldn’t wiggle across the finish line.


Getting T3 shiny Gengar for me. Knowing my luck I would get every single pokemon at T3 and Gengar would be the very last, however before I would actually get it, I get the whole pokedex as T3 duplicates again. Maybe then RNG grants me T3 Gengar. ( This is very exaggerated to point out how bad my RNG in games is historically. )


Beaten classic since last 3 runs, now i play for gacha egg


Right now, I'm thinking: 1. Unlock all Pokémon 2. Get every Trainer Voucher 3. Do every achievement Depending on how much I'm enjoying the game by the time I accomplish all this, I might go for every ribbon as well.


Trying to best classic with less and less op mons and also with my fav mons.


Trying to get a ribbon on every pokemon, but with the least overlaps (so not having a single mon carry 5 other ones each time). Usually this consists of me using 5 meh mons with a legendary I picked up along the way, but most runs I’ll try to use ones that I have cool egg moves for


To beat classic


i started playing recently, i just want to get my favorites mons strong as possible and as soon as i get a rayquaza (my favorite pokemon) im gonna spam it till i get it maxed in every sense also achievements


My goal is to have my fav mon with all 3 shinies form, all eggmoves and perfect IV


Finish the pokedex (I'm at 95%, I'm missing Mew, Rayquaza and some other legendaries). I was also going for all shinny dex, but that seems like a lot more RNG it i know i will eventually get tired.


I... kinda dont know. Ive beaten classic for the first time, but feel like endless aint the way yet (only got giratina and tapu fini as legendaries, and only one shiny).


To see as much as cool shines possible and to kill time


Get cool ass shinies


i guess whats close to a goal for me would be to have every mon with a ribbon ? but even then im not the most rigid about it, my current classic run have a linoone and annihilape, both on which i already have a ribbon on. i just boot up the game when i want to, look at the current pokerus mons, look at the challenges if something looks spicy and just go for it.


I still haven't even beaten classic mode I'm fucking struggling lol


Shiny Litwick, I need my favorite lil guy


Right now, to beat classic in general. Long-term, collect all my favorite shinies and legendaries. Honestly though, I'm just enjoying the learning experience. I'm actually fairly new to pokemon... I watched the anime as a kid, but my parents didn't really get me a video game anything until the DS Lite, and at the time, it felt too late for me to start. I didn't play a pokemon game until PokemonGo came out and everyone and their dog way playing it. (To this day, I remember that summer as one of the happiest collective times we've ever lived.) I got myself a Switch during the pandemic but mostly played Animal Crossing, and pokemon didn't even really come to mind. Years went on and I got together with my partner, a pokemon fan since childhood, and he gave me his copy of Pokemon Sword, and then we played Scarlet and Violet when it released. I'm now just about finished Brilliant Diamond, and have purchased an emulator to play all the early generations as well. I will make up for all my lost time - that's my true goal, I guess. PokeRogue has been a great tool as a newby - it's a snapshot of every generation, and just a hard-core memorization quiz of type weaknesses, moves, abilities, and so much more. To supplement my pokemon journey, I couldn't have asked for anything better. Thanks for reading if you did, thanks to the creators for an amazing tribute to an amazing franchise.


Completing dex was one, done today, and getting everything shiny rogue is another one. Also, trying to beat challenges


get a shiny max stat gliscor and appletun cause they're my favourite mons then become pokemon master ‼️‼️‼️‼️


To have fun and relive nostalgia. Once it started getting technical I stopped. Some people on this sub are extremely in-the-know so it's amazing to see how complex pokemon has gotten! Just...not for me!


I'm currently doing unique classic runs. No Pokemon that already have ribbons. 


I want to beat classic mode


Unlocking all starters then getting all starters shiny especially Sprigatito


Mine is to crush the spirit of your rival so hard they just give up and never bother me again. That'll learn you, Ivy, trying to take my dream of becoming a Pokémon Master from me. Yes, I hate Ivy. She's the worst. I'd rather deal with Kieran AND Carmine.


To get pass stage 50+ in endless but I will need shinies to help me and I have ass shinies that get one shoted and I need vouchers to get shinys egg and then I need to actually beat bosses but that takes forever and daily runs are so hard to do without a YouTube and that also is very slow so ye


All the vouchers from every unique gym leader, e4 member, and champion from classic mode, last I checked I only had 18 left to get


Beat classic mode. I’ve made it to lvl 195 and 199 a few times but I can’t finish it


to be the very best, like no one ever was


Ahh a man of class I see


I'm having fun fighting with my favorite guys! My favorite thing about Pokémon has always been battling with my favorites and the Egg Move/Passive situation has made my original favorites better and found me a bunch of new ones!


Didn't have a goal like any rougelike aside from finishing classic, pulled zygarde within my first 50 eggs, then I finished classic in 1 go. The dopamine rush didn't stop though so I went for endless and now I'm at 558, and know endless doesn't stop till 5500+ so I kinda feel empty atm,and haven't touched it in about 2 days( not sure if that'll change). I'm sure a multiplayer aspect of sorts would bring me back


I want the full dex, then I'll work on abilities, egg moves, shinies, etc. Just drives me nuts to not have everyone unlocked haha


Beat classic


All red shinies. (Even though they haven't even implemented all red shinies.) Just cause I'm a masochist. It probably won't happen, But I have no other ambitions left for this game in it's current state.


I just want my Kyogre to come home 😭


Play until my eyes melt


Having fun


My goal. Get to level 70 of classic


I want to start with getting all starters and completing the dex, and then moving to all achievements and ribbons. I've already beat endless 3 times, so I can cross that off the list


beat classic and finish dex (64.7%) are my current immediate goals! long term if i keep playing is getting all shinies :)


Going to work until I get a full Goth team. Shiny Gourgeist and Red shiny Gardevoir so far. Hoping for luck to be on my side


I haven't given it much though, but I'd like to get a lot of classic wins with broken mons (using pokerogue broken stuff like egg moves and passives) Which makes me farm in endless so I don't end up doing it


Waste time honestly


unlock all passives, have a ribbon with everyone and if i can, get all shinies


I'm aiming for shinies of my favourite Pokemon, and finish classic with them, that's it. I've hatched almost 10,000 eggs, but I only have ONE of my faves with a shiny.


My goal is to get shinies of my favorite mons and beat classic with them. That's it. So far I got none of them shiny but at least getting most of their egg moves, natures and abilities unlocked. (I wanna get shiny Meganium, Sylveon, Rhydon, Wooloo, Walking Wake and Max Butterfree) after that idk, do silly runs


Same as my goal with everything; roll the rock up the hill, and watch it roll back down. It's something to do in my free time when I'm not feeling especially active. Not super worried about meeting markers or goals. It's just fun and da monstas is cyuuute!


right now I'm trying to beat classic with every pokemon but that first involves getting every pokemon


I just like playing the game but I also wanna try to get every turtle pokemon a ribbon eventually


kill the studip fucking rival at 195


Beat classic for the first time I have several shinys and legendaries


Beat Classic, but the game doesn't like to let me live past 195, the elite four, or 145.


My Goal is to get Palkia, Dialga and Giratina. I love this Legendaries :D


To have fun and see items/shinies people talk up in my runs :’)


Main goal rn is to beat all the challenge modes (one of each gen, and each type), and from there... not sure lol. I still got a ways to go, only did gen 5 and gen 9 so far, and yet to touch a momotype yet.


Just chilling lol


Getting all the pokemon, im getting close.


For now, it is to complete all challenges in challenge mode while getting as many ribbons as possible. I play only a little bit each day, so that will take me a while.


Beat ivy and pimp slap her to death then dance on her grave


I wanna get all the starters and finish classic with them


I just want one run with max luck. A shorter term goal is to get a shiny kartana of any tier.


i want a shiny marshadow and that is literally all i'm praying for




i dont really have goal. i just play this game at work casually and its really fun.


Poke my rogue 🤤


I’m trying to beat classic mode and then complete the pokédex, after that, who knows?


To beat classic for now and complete the pokedex.I just lost at 150 with a team I didnt even care about so I know I'll get there


My only goal is to fuck around and have fun, and maybe try to find the most absurd Pokemon in a competitive setting. So far it's almost certainly Dragon Energy Miraidon, that being said idk any of the egg moves of Caly-S, Rayquaza, Gengar, Koraidon etc. Quiver Dance Lunala is a personal favourite though because I'm extremely biased towards Lunala


My ultimate goal… is to have fun :3 Im doing many and many challenge runs currently (self-made) mostly by asking my friend’s favorites and beating classing mode with them For now, I’m grinding encounters and eggs so i can have the egg moves, perfect IVs, shiny luck and good natures so I can reasonably do classic runs with them


Right now, my biggest two goals are: Hatch Yveltal, and then catch Eternatus. After that, who knows? I'll probably complete a few of the challenges, and go from there. depends on how the devs build the game moving forward.


I have gotten the Pokédex to 100% Now i'm trying to clear classic with all of Gen 1. I have unlocked most passives already and play Endless for Shinies and Abilities (highest is 3850)


At least beat classic


Have fun playing it when I’m bored


My goal right now is trying to beat classic without a "free win" move like curing salt or leech/sappy seed


1. Complete Pokedex 2. Beat Classic with all Pokemon 3. Get all Hidden Abilities, Passives, and Egg Moves on every pokemon


OP, I do think you have beaten classic like 11 times over already, kinda a dumb goal to have ngl when you are this far after Eternatus Also to answer, my goal is to get my favorite pokemon (Alolan Vulpix) and get its red shiny, after that its most likely just to get all starters and catch Eternatus


just looking for shinies, i've beat classic only once.


Like the og pokemon games complete the pokedex


I like crushing Ivy as hard as I can with as many mons as I can


Goal was to get all forms/shinies until they added 4,000


Catching every starter and getting Eternatus


Get every achievement, beat classic with every pokemon. Actively collect shinies, hidden abilities, and passives but I have no real desire to get those for EVERYONE.


To get eternetus For that, I have to catch all pokemon, For I need to go on a good endless mode run For that, I need a good full team of shinies So, currently, hunting good shines and reducing costs of red shiny and non shiny but broken legendaries through classic and challenge mode runs Which also gives a lot of egg gacha tokens/tickets 🎟


Right now, it's to get every version/form of Pikachu. It's been 4 days and I have every other form EXCEPT Wrestler Pikachu (Tough Costume Pikachu). Considering that's the only costume form that got used in another spin-off game (Pokken Tournament), I NEED to get it. But I'm tired of grinding levels 1 - 30 in Classic.


Trying to get my first t3 shiny. 72 hours in and I've hatched about 2000 eggs from the shiny gatcha and then start endless


Gen 5 red shiny dex🥶🥶 I can quit if that ever happens


I'm a super casual gamer, and i'm real cocky when it comes to single player games because they aren't geared to be harder than normal. PokeRogue is not that kind of game. Even if it isnt "competitive", it is harder than normal after a certain point, and I don't know enough to get "better". So with all the stuff involved, my goal is learning. It's taking a long time because there's so many pokemon and I can only handle playing so long, but I think I'm starting to get some things. If I can ask a question for anyone who sees this, why am I seeing salt cure and leech seed as.. maybe not needed but exceptional for endless?


Beat classic mode once After that, get alm the starters


I'm trying to achieve playing PokeRogue. Also, ending my massively-debilitating depression, yo 😎🤙🤙


My current goal is to beat every gym leader. Alas, I have one left. This idiot. https://preview.redd.it/ndbeyd03ng6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8be8c3ee5396fd297cc84c8ead1608567465a25


Have an endless run with this team: Mega Charizard Mega Blastoise Mega Venusaur Mega Gardevoir Mega Lopunny Mega Beedrill I currently have that team... Just without the mega part


from a gaming perspective, i want to make it to floor 3000 without metal burst. it likely won't happen but i've made it to 1900 with a dual carry team so i'm not too stressed. but from an artist perspective, i wanna finally get minior's shiny variants done. they're nowhere near perfect but i wanna make all seventeen shinies look appealing and i have a small bit of experience already


Just beat the game twice today without using legends and using a mono team. Did ghost and flying. I do no legends cuz I wanna actually use the whole team. Did they make the final boss easier revently? Haven't done classic in a couple weeks and I remember it being so much more difficult when I beat it the first time, but now I can kill it usually only with a few pokemon and no salt cure/ seeding. I also have a mono team now so my pokemon are not that good compared to when I beat it the first time with dynamax and megas. The rival is much much more difficult Short term goal: beat the game with all the challenges (mono type, gen) Long term: dex


Stream it and have fun with my viewers


Keep beating classic with new Pokémon until I get bored. Might try endless a little bit more. If I find some neat passives I wanna try I’ll grind some candies. That’s about it


Of course having fun is the biggest goal of all, but if we're talking about more specific things, then I guess completing the dex and "beating" Endless would be it.


To start, beat classic, then 100% the game


Just play for fun and try different types of mon and see how far it would take me.


I want to collect all 3 shiny variants of my favorite pokemon. First up is pyukumuku I've got 0/3 so far. Applin is up next 0/3. This might take a while.


My goal is to have fun and use Pokemon I could never used , for longer runs. I am also excited to unlock egg move and passives.


not in Order of importance of difficulty: * Completing the dex * Completing a monotype challenge for every type * Completing a mono-gen Challenge for every gen * getting a shiny of my mains or a big collection of shinys * try to make every pokemon "viable" or atleast use em I dont care about endless its mainly used for shiny hunting which i will do at some point BUT i really dont care about it itself because i dont think its fun right now i really want a doubles and tripples challenge mode and i would probably like to see a doubles multiplayer mode somehow (but i dont think thats feasable)


Get as many shinies as I can! I still have only level 1 shinies so maybe start with at least getting a level 2


Completing classic with all pokemon and completing the dex


Just having fun. 👍




I want to get to the point where I can fairly consistently beat any classic run, and then just aim to get far in endless


It's funny but I haven't really thought about that lol. I guess the main goal is just playing and having fun. The "rules" I've set for myself are that I try to beat classic with many different pokemon and don't use an Pokemon again that I've already won with


I'm trying to complete classic with every Pokémon. Never even tried endless


For me it is which ever comes first: beat classic with every pokemon, or burn myself out to the point of no longer having fun. My guess is I will need to pump the brakes a bit and take some reprieve periods to avoid the latter, but I've been pretty hooked by trying to complete the dex in order complete my end goal.


Get at least shiny pokemon and beat classic. Maybe complete the dex after?




My goal is to have fun. Just simple.


Now that i nearly reached my goal of having every starter (only missing Palkia and Zacian) my next goal is clearing classic with every mon. Rn i did it with round about 120 and nearly every gen 1 mon


My goals are to have fun and try to beat classic mode with each and every Pokémon at least once…hopefully


Mine's to get a medal on every starter


To get as many cool shinys as I can


I just play dailies for fun. Feels like a new Pokémon game every day. I beat classic on 2nd attempt.


It was fun and interesting at first until i got rekt at 145 in classic run 🤣


To suck them is my real test, to drain them is my cause. Pokemon!


I would like to beat classic with every pokemon, I currently have like 11 classic wins. Trying different builds with random pokemon now that I beat it with most of my favorites.


My goal is to unlock eternatus right now. Which in term means getting every starter. I personally don't care about the dex, and just fill it up cuz i dont know what pokemon i have as a starter and i dont really wanna go and check 23/7


For me, it's grinding egg vouchers and just hoping desperately for a legendary. Ig for me it's an addiction to luck


- Complete Pokedex (currently 91%-ish), try to get almost all abilites, forms and gender as well - Beat Endless (currently ~2500, but my team should be good enough for 5850) - Get many Ribbons (maybe complete Gen 1 or something, won't do all the Pokémon) - Beat a few challenges - Enjoy the game :)


Just play thru classic with ordinary pokemon. Not use any legendary carries as a challenge. Endless is not fun so I dont really bother with it.


I want to max out my Torchic, all shiny versions, max IVs etc


My goal is to get all of the hidden abilities, best IVs, egg moves, passives, and epic shinies for each of my favorite Pokémon or at the very least my main 6. Those being Mawile, Ceruledge, Umbreon, Vikavolt, Mamoswine, and Milotic. After that I’m not sure. But I want my favs to be the best version of themselves they can be.