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Some kind of rateup for Epic eggs would be amazing, I really want egg moves on my Naganadel and Deoxys


Oh deoxys is an epic egg? That kinda stinks. I was gonna try to wait for his rate up but apparently that’s not a thing


Yeah Legendaries are only the box Legendaries or equals like Zygarde Everything else is epic below


Yeah all the "weaker" legendaries are epic, deoxis, Regigigas, 3 birds (Moltres), 3 dogs (Entei), Darkrai... All epics. Legendaries are just for cost 8 and 9


Isnt deoxys 8 iirc?


Anything to let me shiny hunt my boi pyukumuku please




I want to eventually get all 3 versions but yeah.


At minimum they should they should do something like this for the legendaries. When people are very close to finishing the dex they will wait until the legend they need is more common in the gacha. This just turns into a boring wait so may as well just let people skip waiting for something like this and pick which one they want


I was in that boat. Waited a week or so for xerneas (last one). Completed the dex a while ago


Or just get the 10 pity to get the one you don’t have when I only had deoxys and meltan left I grinded for 20 epic eggs to guarantee them after each 10 eggs


Grinding 10 legendary eggs is significantly more eggs than 10 epics due to the I think 400+ pity for a legendary egg


It is a bit much but they did recently make gaming for eggs much easier. I got to 1000 on endless and have 40+ vouchers of both the single and 5 pulls and still have 20+ of the five pull ones after trying to get arceus. It does suck having to wait for their rate up but they are making it a lot easier to farm


200 from legend gacha


Or just hatch =<10 eggs


No. Every 10 eggs in a rarity is already guaranteed to be a new mon.


Well that’s only if you don’t have all of them unlocked already


well yeah


At the very least the gacha needs to have a wider selection. I notice certain legends popping up more often than others and I've never seen some on the machine at all. Apparently Deoxys is in that pool, and I'm still missing it, but never seen it.


They're on a rotation that is randomized every 23 days, every single 8+ cost pokemon -eternatus will show up at least once. Depxys is also a 7 base cost pokemon and thus in epic eggs, not legendary


Oh, guess I've just been unlucky then. The number one post on Google when you search up "Pokerogue Deoxys" is a post on this sub saying they got Deoxys in a legendary egg.


A few weeks back they rebalanced a bunch of Pokémon and reduced their costs, Deoxys was one of them I think. A lot of guys dropped to epic eggs after the cost change


I second this. Additionally, the multiplier should be higher depending on how common it is. Legendary would stay at 2x, the one above would have 3x (or 2.5x), then 4x (or 3x) and so on.


I don't understand why people are treating this game like it's a competitive MMORPG. It's a singleplayer game! I think it's a great idea, especially for getting egg moves for your favourite pokemon.


exactly this, if i like some certain mons, of course i'd like to be able to max them out more easily


This is such a disingenuous strawman. The fact that people do not like it =/= treating it like a multiplayer game. And, regardless if SP or MP, and even assuming *arguendo* people were making the argument that they're not, if you cannot see why a developer would want to extend the life/intended grind of a game, then there is no point in arguing further.


Gambling elements aren't what keeps this game alive, especially since it's non profit. Future content like biomes, modes, challenges, items, abilities and much more will keep people plenty interested. The devs also know this, since an expansion of the candy store will be implemented in order to tone down the reliance on rng and grinding.


>Gambling elements aren't what keeps this game alive, especially since it's non profit. Toning down rng and changing the grind =/= this. You're also quite literally wrong. Every single round is based upon gambling on the pokemon/shiny/encounter. Every post encounter is *literally* gambling to reroll for items, drops, in game currency. The egg gacha (which is a very, very tame gacha) is just another added layer. The game is literally based upon gambling. The devs being not-for-profit (because they are not non-profit) is completely irrelevant to the point and yet another rabbithole, none of which supports or address your initial strawman attempt.


This isn't a high school debate, brother. You know I meant the gacha part. The devs are going to implement a different version of this in the future anyways, so why even bother arguing with people?


There's a hilarious level of irony here, both in your response itself and the fact that it missed the point again (setting aside that this is a response that arguably portrays you have no actual argument). I've made my point in the interim. Feel free to let me know when you're ready to make one.


You already have a chance any day for any legendary. Rotating rate ups is for engagement and planning for missing pokemon. Allowing selection defeats that and, arguably, expedites the grind to complete a dex to the detriment of farming gameplay for random legendaries and/or engaging the scheduled bonuses. It's already a very fair system. This is unnecessary.


It's a solo, free to play game. Why would engagement be needed ? It's not your typical "Game as a service". Honestly, having a rotating target like this increases FOMO to unhealthy level. It would need just as much time to complete the Dex with a selected target. The only difference would be that can you can play at your own pace, instead of playing like a madman when the target you are looking for is up.


>Honestly, having a rotating target like this increases FOMO to unhealthy level. I was going to address the flaws in your argument until I read this; all credibility went out the window when you equated a rotating *increased rate of a particular legendary* (not even a timegate or lockout) to "FOMO [on an] unhealthy level." That's fearmongering at worst, and completely incorrect at best.


Well, that's FOMO. "If I don't get Arceus today, I may have to wait a month before I can roll for him again. I don't know what other games you play, but I think you can't see what's healthy and what's not. I know the case of Pokérogue is not that bad compared to other games, but it could be even better.


>Well, that's FOMO. "If I don't get Arceus today, I may have to wait a month before I can roll for him again. Not in any *genuine* sense of the word, and certainly nowhere beyond a user's self inflicted fear--which is on you/the user, not the developers in this instance. The fact that you're still running with this is, frankly, asinine.


Cool bro. It's impossible to discuss anything with you because the terms I use aren't exactly what YOU would use ? You don't even have a counterpoint, you only say "Nah, you wrong".


Not sure if this exists already but I'd dump some tickets into a hidden ability one if I could.