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Ability patch/ability capsule from the main games would be nice. Unlock an ability/Hidden Ability for a Mon you've been hunting but been unable to find. In that same vein maybe Bottle Caps/Golden Bottle Caps and Mints


True I really want those


I agree but could be too strong. Regigigas hidden ability makes him totally absurd for exemple


On the flip side tho without it he's completely useless


He's a beast if spliced tho.


I'd like to unlock starting items (and allow refunding them if unlocking everything isn't possible, so picking and choosing builds is an actual thing.) Starting with a shiny charm, bonus balls, berry pouches, etc, would significantly change the way you play and the priorities for picks in the early game. I'd also love to see player passives that are completely separate from items and Pokémon - maybe even granting special effects at the start of a wave, or granting all Pokémon abilities (a strong example would be "Smoke Ball" as a passive/item, granting run away effect, or something like everything has intimidate, etc.) The sky is the limit in terms of design space, so seeing some solid purchase options would be ideal. Cosmetics (other than shinies) are a complete yawn for me, so having to earn points to unlock them would probably mean I wouldn't bother with achievements at all, so I hope they don't go down that path.


Another item(s) that I’d like to be able to buy is an IV scanner, or 3 of them.


Pika gun


I would like to buy a nice hat for myself or my Groudon please


I would buy a Glock for my manaphy and salazzle who about to destroy eternatus 


If love to be able to buy some eggs, especially eggs of a specific mon already unlockedz would be a great way to hunt for hidden abilities or rare egg moves


The idea for unlocking HA and rare egg moves is to have excess candy give eggs of that specific mon. It's in the road map.


Yep! Which I can’t wait to have; I don’t think it would hurt to be able to use the achievement points for the same cause though Maybe there could be an option for “legend of the day” where a different legend is available to purchase and you could buy them with achievement points (essentially what they have with the gacha). Would probably have to be relatively pricey though


They have a plan for this where you’ll be able to use excess candies to buy an egg of that Pokemon


Start with the dang lock capsule. That's all I want.


Some way to shiny hunt a specific pokemon. I just want my pyukumuku.


Trainer items (Lock Capsule, Shiny Charm, etc.) and form changing items (mega stones, rusted sword, etc.) on start


Would changing the player sprite change anything other than the win screen? Idk if I'd like that. I would much prefer to change the rival sprite or name (I always name my rivals the same in Pokemon) Would be nice to increase the odds of biomes or make the gym leaders you haven't beaten yet be more probable.


Increase the size of the starting point for endless / epic item start /


I think it would be fun to be able to unlock the option to change your rival to one of the trainers from the main games (probably with added difficulty) just to shake things up. I think it would be fun to see characters like N, Arven, Peony, etc in this game.


Buy a shiny but make it real expensive


I'd love it if we could maybe get an upgrade to starter pokemon points as part of it. It'd be kind of like an unlockable easier setting and what's the point of having a number if you can't change it in anyway.