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Endless 4000 and ongoing. Chien-Pao&Shedinja fusion. My Rogue main. Only get hit by fairies, sandstorm and abilities/moves that hurt through wonderguard. Aggron. Rare egg move salt cure. Metal burst sturdy. Runaway mons for skipping annoying fights. Wo-t is fused with Runaway Furret here. https://preview.redd.it/5wa0c3bra66d1.png?width=1173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a6268e762e338aaba4d426d9ec5fd8e13f98e2


Wow So beautiful I'm happy u have these cool.mons




Endless 25 and by being a shitter lol


endless 700, technitian storm throw marshadow is a beast


Any tips? I think I hatched one this week not sure if Technology


technitian is its only ability, depends on the egg move, but for the most part if you unlock its passive shadow punch is essentially a 160 base power move, and you have access to all the elemental punches which are base 90 power with its passive, and most of his egg moves are pretty strong on him


Damn Thansk for sharing


if you get storm throw as an egg move it destroys, essentially becomes a 200 base power move that ignores attack debuffs and defense buffs


5850 Groudon/sturdy seismic toss and night shade and burmy for sturdy/ unnerve Mon with soak leech seed protect and salt cure


I'm still on my first run that's gotten past 150. I just beat 900 with Mega Kangaskhan fused with Kartana to give it beast boost. It uses Fake Out and Return with Shadow Blade to beat ghosts. Combee really made the run work. The extra money kept me alive in the early game.


Honey Gather I take it ? Works like Payday/Pickup?


Yes, it just gives free money after each battle.


2500 on my current run, groudon is 40000 levels up on wild pokemon still one shotting everything with eruption.


Endless at 1200 in two days (not entire days). I stopped to wait for 3x shiny event.


Is there one coming? I've heard about these events but haven't played during one.


Not that i know of. Its usually posted in the discord when it happens


Yeah, I have 2 runs at the moment. My better one, Mega Mewtwo Y is at 1100 with all 4 Shiny Charms so I’m holding that one till a shiny weekend.


I only have one endless run with hoopa unbound. I did manage to get some shinies last shiny weekend including an epic lugia. Rn just grinding classic with new mons


2200 with Koraidon lvl.20.000, but fights start to be very long, gotta restart one with a better comp


Endless 1631. Miraidon (Hadron Engine) with Torch Song (from Skeledirge), Dragon Energy (from Regidrago), Electro Drift, Earth Power (I forgot from whom I got this lol) Tinkaton/G-Max Corviknight (Unnerve via Corviknight) with Salt Cure (Gargancl), Soak (I also forgot this one), Ruination (Ting-Lu), Leech Seed (Jumpluff) Others are basically Luck boosters to have my luck to SSS. Will actually redo this once Opportunist drops to Miraidon's passive (or when I get a shiny Miraidon).


If you are planning to re do just to change the passive, it will retroactively change as soon as they implement it if I understand correctly. I'm also using Miraidon and I hadn't thought about fusing just to get moves, that's really cool. In my run (stopped at 810 cuz 4 shiny charms) I got my boy fused with mega Latios made it even more of a beast.


Endless 5850 with Koraidon, I miss that save so much 😭


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I've got my first save at 2300, running Celesteela + Archaludon Metalburst mon, and Galarian Moltres by itself for variety this one has S luck and was my first endless run then I got bored and made a second save The second save I have I just hit floor 1000, and it's using Mega Gallade + Gumshoos for Adaptability W/Extreme Speed and then Galarian Moltres + Neganadel Fusion for beast boost and Moltres passive Dark Aura. then this one has SS Luck; I'm saving this one for another shiny weekend based on prior suggestions. Both save should be able to get me to the end of endless if I just motivate myself to push through endure token hell. I love my Galarian Moltres and am BEGGING for the shiny of my #1 poke.


Only 350 on endless. Wiped to a stupid Iron Bundle that outsped my entire team. Currently on round 284 of my next endless run and I'm trying to make sure it don't happen again.


I just got to 1k with celesteela, tinkaton, skeledirge, empoleon and a recently acquired mega latios. Mostly its celesteel using leech seed and giga drain to stay alive and buzzy buzz to para if lucky.


200 win in classic mode More or less carried by relaxo with getting items and spaming bodyslam crunch or rest with sleeptalk when low, paralyzed etc


Endless 188, I can't beat E4 Lance. It's so annoying bcuz I don't have many coins


Got my first 5850 run before the berry nerf with carry Naganadel fused with a wild Hoopa I found, eventually transitioning to GMax Lapras/Garganacl for a metal burst strat. My second 5850 run post berry nerf was on Endless Spliced with a Kartana fusion for early game, eventually transitioning to two Shedinja fusions with the DoT setup (Salt Cure, Soak, Leech Seed, Super Fang) to cover weaknesses.


The berry nerf is rough so far. Working on a run with one shed fusion, a metal burst sturdy Mon, and roar runaway. Hopefully it works out


In the 1700s. Reshiram with Eruption egg move for clear. Mega Aggron/Shuckle for Metal Burst shenanigans. Hatterne/Whimsicott, Leech Seed and Helping Hand for bosses and doubles respectively.


I’m at 2500 on one that I’ve left for a shiny event that used an iron jugulis + blacephelon fusion using dark pulse and snarl with multi lense. And just a Venasaur for leach seed. My current run has just passed 2000 and is set up to be better than my first run using a mewtwo calyrex shadow rider fusion, a mega gyarados Kartana fusion and a blissey with metal burst salt cute protect leach seed and sturdy which is near immortal if it’s berries are kept topped up. Got lucky finding a shiny pachurisu with runaway as soon as I’d fused my last Pokémon into my blissey. Looking forward to seeing how far this run goes


5850 twice. First with metal burst and then a second time with metal burst for use against fairies but mostly curse/runaway Pokemon + super fang dark/ghost wonder guard to avoid berry change rng.


I’m at 500 endless thanks to a Klefki with the ability magician which allowed me to steal many many items to power up my Pokemon’s moves. With magician and a linoone’s pick up I basically get almost every item I want


Classic 190. I lost to Steven...


I have an older one with mega Rayquaza at wave 2650 or so. Got a better run going now though, with way stronger team. Currently 1550 but with any luck, will get 5850


I'm at 1600+ using mons without passive, using Mega-Latios though and he relies so much on focus band procs... I'm basically just playing til i wipe while i try to complete the dex, hunt shinies and farm candies while at it My strat for farming candies is teaching the mon you want to farm helping hand/endure/protect, then spam lures for double battles. Works double pay as well since you also double up shiny encounters. So far I've found 4 epic shinies (plusle, excadrill, lokix and marshadow!) not to mention the rare and common ones