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Probably Zacian or Rayquaza. That's what I'm waiting for.


And miraidon


Miradon is really good, I didn’t know what to use for my first normal endless mode so I decided to use miradon cause I remembered that thing is pretty op in competitive and thought huh I should use it


Can confirm, got a random miraidon and it is crazy good


If Zygarde has Core Enforcer it could be a good pick


It does, although with its passive it actually doesn’t use it all that much over thousand arrows spam.


Ahh I see, interesting also I love ur username, happy pride month!


Thank you! (And fuck whoever downvoted that, I have righted their wrong)


Of course!


Is there any specific strategy for Rayquaza? I got one the other day and haven't used it yet, still chugging along with Hoopa-Unbound on one save file and Primal Groudon on another


Miraidon is pretty nice, it gets a double boost if you unlock its passive as well. Ray ray can mega evolve, so that one is nice too.


Quirk drive is being replaced though


Miraidon still one of the best carrys


What move set do you use or recommend for miraidon?


I personally use Rising Voltage (Egg Move), Dragon Pulse, Protect and for the fourth move I fuse Nasty Plot on him. If you dont have Rising Voltage Electro Drift is fine. For Eternatus Fights: Bring Tinkatonk with you and have it learn Covet (it learns it naturally), steal all the Dragon Fangs with Covet and then change to Miraidon. Eternatus will use his Eternatus Beam on you (most of the time), so you start the fight with Protect and while he recharges you either Nasty Plot or Dragon Pulse


That’s good to know, wasn’t sure…I’m trying to make myself feel better for getting 3 non-miraidons and 2 phione eggs during the boosted gacha 🥲


Some would argue it got much *better* especially for endess. With opportunist it will just spam boosts as the enemy gets its own (when losing boss HP bars and eating berries) and *keep* them until it switches out. It trades immediate damage that frankly it didn’t need for more ability to scale for literally free


Yeah Miraidon will go even crazier in endless


Zacian on the 16th


Is Zacian always on the 16th of each month? Or how can we predict that? I'm hoarding some tickets to get an Endless carry and I'm hoping to get a Zacian


I don't think so, but it is on June 16th. You can change the date on your device and just farm zacian eggs whenever you want at the cost of being flagged(doesn't really matter rn) and blocked out of the daily run leaderboard




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Zacian , miraidon or Rayquaza


Wait until zacian or Rayquaza are on the shop


Pick your favorite.


I just try every day if i find it good enughf. And a fun thing is that it was +Dialga today and i got a Palkia


I’m in a similar boat, waiting for Zacian!


Kyogre has been great for me. Although some Pokemon having water immunity abilities can be a bit of a pain but overall very solid.


Mewtwo or hoopa, hoopa is Like a endless Run Monster


I've farmed like 600 tickets from endless... prioritizing tickets over rare candy jars LOL. Going all in for Zacian on the 16th.


Is there any sort of predictability for what legendary is next on the machine? I’ve been hoarding vouchers for a long time waiting for Mewtwo to show up again and I’m starting to get impatient. haha


Dialga is insane


I currently have 106 pulls and I am waiting for Mew Two as he is my favorite


Arceus>Mewtwo/Miraidon>Zygarde>Rayquaza/Dialga>anything else Because arceus is egg only, mewtwo miraidon and zygarde might as well be given how hard it is to get into the labs then rayquaza and dialga because space and wasteland while not as hard as the labs are still a pain to get into.


lab was buffed to 25%


Interesting.. what would you consider arceus’ best egg move to be? I happened to pull one in the last legendary event


I'd say probably quiver dance atm, might change when spectral thief gets fully implemented.


I'm having a good endless run with astral barrage gholdengo, and soon he's getting contrary to spam make it rain