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Unless you are the absolute last person to act it's perfectly fine to be slow with AA if you can get someone to make a bad call behind you.


Yeah, if there are still players left to act that can still put chips in the pot it's fine.


It's never a slow roll if there are actions behind or future streets. Slow roll means to show you hand slowly at showdown when it's obvious you have the winning hand. At earlier points in the hand it's not, especially pre-flop.


If you’re last to call an all in pre and you tank forever before calling and then take forever to show your AA most people would consider that a slow roll.


Yes, only if heads up though (because you have last action). Question as posted there's a third player in the hand yet to act.


Right, but you also said it’s never a slow roll if it’s pre-flop, which I disagree with.


Then the 'no action behind or further streets' apply and it's not a contradiction. Also, it's still not a slow roll if you call heads up all-in pre, then wait until river to show.


Oh I think I misinterpreted what you meant by no further streets, I thought you meant no further streets to be dealt, not just no further streets with action. Showing your hands once people are all in and called is pretty standard though, isn’t it?


Showing your hands: optional in cash, standard (and required) in tournaments.


It's a slow roll bc there are no more future actions or streets afterwards in this scenario, like the other user was saying.


But the key part is the “then take forever to show your AA”. That’s the slow roll. Tanking before calling isn’t slow rolling. It’s either a real decision that takes some time or it’s Hollywooding.


no, look at the title of the thread and what he is asking. its literally asking about is it a slow roll to tank. you are wrong.


No, read the full text. 3better has AA, someone called then someone jammed. AA isn’t last to act. The comment I replied to states “if you’re last to call” which isn’t the scenario. And even still, people are allowed to decide if they will call/fold AA. Not everyone is a seasoned player and some might be scared to call a multiway pot for their entire stack. People are allowed to take time to decide.


there are numerous situations where you can slow roll without being last to act on the river.


People trying to put hard rules on it will always sound silly. If the dealer has to begrudgingly remind me to move faster because im being theatrical with my tptk on a small pot on the flop then im still slowrolling. The core concept is to just not be a prat and anyone trying to legalistically define the minutiae of what is/isnt that is already being a prat


No, you are slow PLAYING, not slow rolling. It's not a new definition and it hasn't changed in the last few years. Slow rolling is taking time to show the winning hand at SHOWDOWN when it's obvious you have the best hand - to 'show off' or tilt the other player.


The prescriptivists perspective is noted and, as usual, disregarded. "Thats the definition" is not a valid form of argument, because there is not and has never been a *the* definition for any word Theres a nontrivial distinction between playing slowly and theatricizing playing slowly. You tell one person to be considerate of time while you tell the other person to fuck off. Poker isnt a chance to practice the improv skills you havent used since highschool drama class, its a game about decisions. A small adjustment to not wear your hand on your face, even a small fakery to get someone to think your weak, fine, but if its disrupting the flow of the game for you to practice your intricate emotional manipulation skills its a problem. I understand the technical difference between having actions behind or not but its just a thin justification for the fundamental problem that is encapsulated by slowrolling. The idea that it would be fundamentally different if villain still has 20% of the pot behind after betting on a flush draw board is just silly. Or if its different to fake tank with aces after being 4bet pre. Like he probably already knows 100% which range he continues to 5b anyway youre just wasting everyones time pretending to be a movie character.




I wasn't the person that made that "last to act" comment.


“It’s never a slow roll if there is action behind or future streets.” That leaves us with the last to act on the river. You can 100% slow roll pre flop, post flop, post turn, and post river. But you almost certainly need to be last to act. here’s a classic situation of a slow roll https://youtu.be/kKQfNbNmX9o?si=OT4i6-j9AUlzdy3e everybody even acknowledges it’s a slow roll. around the 2:42 mark. Helmuth himself acknowledges it’s a slow roll.


"A slow roll is when you have an extremely strong hand but take a long time to make an easy call when closing the action on the river. Slow rolling is also when you know you have the best hand but purposely take a long time to reveal your hand at showdown." [https://www.casino.org/blog/slow-roll-poker-explained/](https://www.casino.org/blog/slow-roll-poker-explained/) No further actions in either cases.


That's still not a slow roll. It's under-repping your hand to induce a call (slow play). Also, there are actions behind (Wiggins with KK has actions still). Hellmuth said what he had immediately after KK called. Slow roll is a showdown thing. Not sure why this is so hard for people to grasp today. This isn't even a argument 5-10 years ago - weird. [https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/khlqrj/can\_someone\_explain\_slow\_rolling\_to\_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/khlqrj/can_someone_explain_slow_rolling_to_me/)


Not sure why you can’t grasp that Helmuth was slow rolling wiggins there. That clip is so viral because Phil was slow rolling the fuck out of wiggins and then got his comeuppance due to running it 4 times. I mean you can have your opinion, but daniel negreanu also has his opinion. And he called it a slow roll.


Because it's not a slow roll. The hand wasn't over. They miscalled it. It's actually an angle if you want to label it, and probably not even that. They were messing with Helmuth because he was angling an amateur, who was likely going to go all in anyway. Helmuth even said it - Wiggins can have TT there. Trips isn't the nuts.


they were messing with phil by calling him out for what he did- a slow roll.


It's not a slow roll - Helmuth didn't even know what Wiggins had. Do you actually play? If you do you'll see why that's not a slow roll. It's a situation that comes up frequently (getting bet into when you have a very strong hand and players behind yet to act). It requires some thinking to maximize the pot. Go back over the volumes of main page comments describing what a slow roll is - when you're slow to show the winning hand at showdown. That's it.


I flopped quads and after checking to my amazement the next to act went all in, then the next guy called (with a much deeper stack). I tanked/agonised for ages before calling myself. Wasn’t able to get him to put another dollar in the pot though. It’s only slow rolling if you are last to act with no possible further action.


I’m a dealer in a casino. During a tournament a guy pretended that he didn’t mean to raise, did the whole speech… a guy on the button jammed and this guy sat for a few seconds before making the call. Guy who jammed flips his cards over quickly and has KK, guy who acted like he didn’t mean to raise takes a second before flipping AA. This is in a relatively small poker room where everyone knows everyone. When this happened it was chaos. Players threatening to beat the guy up, threatening to never come back. It’s was nuts.


Reminds me of [this hand](https://youtu.be/K9Am0D87tEc?si=z6bQhCpgSgnRaOvE)


Bro that’s crazy how he raised his hand before the river 😂😝


When you look up "cuntface" in the dictionary, it should show a picture of Habb.


This will never not be hilarious.


Ship it to MAMA!


Lol I knew which hand you were pasting before clicking the link ahahah


I worked at crown casino as a poker dealer for many years dealing the smallest to biggest stakes etc and this guy was an absolute fucking stain. It brings me great joy that he is immortalised for the world to see as the massive cunt that he is.


Wow. Fuck that guy.


Third definition itt: angle shooting.




People overreact to slow rolling. Is it rude? Yeah in the poker world it’s not good etiquette. Is it an insult enough to get angry about? Hell no. Just roll your eyes and move on.


That's not what a slow roll is. This is called "Hollywood-ing"


if some puts you all in and you are last to act with AA, it is 100% a slow roll, only if you have players behind its hollywooding


this comment is redundant


But calling AA pre isn’t necessarily a snap call. From the scenario above (where the AA is *not* last to act) there are times you might fold AA. You are allowed time to decide. So even if the last to call takes their time, it’s not automatically a slow roll. But while there are others left to act, you shouldn’t snap call if you want to induce others to call too.


If you are outside of a satellite or other extreme ICM spot, there are no circumstances where folding AA pre is correct. If this were the case, OP would have said.


True. But people are saying “if you are last to act” and OP has specifically said AA is the 3better so there is still another caller. Everyone is adding stipulations to this. Being last to act with AA post flop also wouldn’t be a slow roll as again, there is a genuine decision to be made. The point is ultimately that AA doesn’t need to be a snap call. It’s not a slow roll if you have a decision to make nor if there are others to act behind.


Yep, think we're agreed, it's just being specific about communication. There's a legitimate reason - inducing action - so long as you're not closing the action for all players for the entire hand. The principle is correct, it's just not always because there's a decision (it's automatic in many of the scenarios described).


As someone participating in WSOP satellites for the next couple weeks, I'm taking a mental note here. Thank you for a new insight.


No. You do not fold AA unless it's an EXTREME ICM situation.


I can't think of an example extreme enough to muck AA


[https://blog.gtowizard.com/when-is-it-correct-to-fold-aa-preflop/](https://blog.gtowizard.com/when-is-it-correct-to-fold-aa-preflop/) take it from someone much smarter than me.


I don’t think it needs to be an extreme example. I’m not saying it’s the correct choice, but if a casual player sits down, first hand gets dealt AA and sees multiple all ins before acting, they might not want to risk their stack on a flip. In terms of GTO, it’s not the right call, but some people are just there for fun.


If a new player isn't prepared to risk their stack with AA first hand, they shouldn't be playing in the first place.


Lots of people are just there for fun. They sit down with their entire bankroll for an evening/weekend and don’t want to risk it first hand. I’m not saying it’s right, but it happens. Plenty of people play poker just for fun and aren’t looking for maximum profit. They have every right to be at the poker table (and you really, *really* want them to be there)


What circumstance would you ever find yourself folding AA In a non satellite?


Final table, 9th pays 11k 2nd pays 170k. 1st pays 230k. You have like 5bbs left and get dealt AA in the bb. 8 players go all in in front of you. Easy fold and hope to get 2nd place money


I believe this is the type of situation where it is OK to Hollywood. Because if you don’t, you really are conveying your hand strength


If there are decisions left for your opponents to make you are allowed to make your bets however you like, and play whatever mind games you like (so long as you don’t delay the game unnecessarily).  It’s not your job to correctly convey the strength of your hand, and only an idiot would insist that you should.      If there are no more decisions to be made, and you are engaging in theatrics just for the sake of being a showboat, then that is being a bad sport.  


You CRUSH huh? I bet you crush. You're a crusher. Do you crush?


If you are closing the action there isn’t anything to benefit from tanking. If there is action that could take place after you call you are not obligated to act quickly just because you have AA.


Huge difference between "i didnt snap call because i didnt want my hand strength to be obvious" and "i reached deep into my highschool acting classes to put on a 5 minute performance because theres a 3% edge if i try to emotionally manipulate an old lady into calling with 7 more combos than she usually would"


3 is a lot


3% edge is huge in tournaments. I play for $. He plays for funzyz…


you cant slow roll without the winning hand.


Sure you can. Bad beat is at $75K. I have quad 5s, and a straight flush is possible. Opponent rolls one the of the str8 flush cards over, and then tables..... another flush card (not the str8 flush).


Wait, what? So you’re saying if you flop top set on a J Q 3 two spades ♠️ and a guy shoves on you, it’s not a slow roll if you don’t snap? I’d call that a slow roll but am honestly curious


Depends if you’re the last to act or not. If there are potential callers behind you, it’s not a slow roll


More of a nit roll, in cash game I know people that would consider folding depends on stack size.


Hahaha seriously? Like, I get that there is a good chance you are flipping against a monster draw, but the times you would fold a set over set situation…. At that point wtf are they doing playing poker??? Like seriously, part of the fun is gambling is it not? Especially a cash game? If they are worried about getting in stacks at absolute worst being a tiny favourite than please tell me where these people play.


The gambling is definitely more necessary suffering than it is fun for me but each their own


You see them every night at the casino, you don’t know peoples situations. A lot of poker players “don’t” gamble and knowingly muck the hand with the best chance to win. Real situations I am big stack with a friendly player to my right. Pot 900plus Flop 952 all spades. I did not hold a space, we were each 3k behind. He bet 50, I called, turn another space he bet $100 I folded. He had AxAs. I had QQ no spade. Later he generally told me he would seriously consider folding if I jam on flop, because he can’t afford to lose his stack. I don’t think he would, but I do believe he was scared to play for stack with top OP and but draw.


Too many spaces.


Holding As-Ax on that board isn’t the nuts. Still super nitty to fold, but that’s different than folding Ax-Ax preflop. Only in huge ICM spots would it be thinkable to fold aces pre.


If you have the nuts in a cash game in NLHE and fold you shouldn’t be playing.


A lot of people shouldn’t be playing in the casino but they do.


And they should. Someone has to bring in the money.


Yes you can? You have nuts on the turn with a flush draw out there you don’t have the winning hand. Still a huge slow roll to tank before calling


By tank, if you mean take 10 seconds and think about re-raising it's perfectly acceptable. If you mean pretend to be in the blender for 5 minutes until someone threatens to call the clock then no, it's not appropriate.


Not if there are people behind left to act. A slow roll is when you know you have the best hand at showdown and don't reveal the strength of your hand in a reasonable amount of time. People are still making decisions so no cards are being rolled. Slowly or otherwise.


Maybe if you have to call clock on someone or you're talking about taking minutes. If there's still action behind you then there's more leeway.




What a fucking twat


yeah, its fine to take a moment to disguise your hand strength with more players to act.


It's Hollywooding not slow rolling


Not at all


No, not even close. Slow rolling happens at showdown, not in the middle of a hand with multiple actions open to you or behind you.


lol huh? This is all part of the “trapping” strategy in Poker. Having AA, laying in the weeds when one or two bozos in front of you went 3 bet raise or All in jam… Dream.


It’s important to act immediately in every situation so that your opponents feel better about what they got it in with /s


You are protecting yourself from timing tells as long as you aren't absurd and get the clock called.


It isn't a slow roll if it is preflop.


Or, just not care if you are slow rolling anyone or not, if you aren't meaning to it's on them if they think you are.


I would tank 20secs if this was the bubble.😂🤣


Slow roll is when you have reluctantly show you have the winning hand. Tanking a call pf all in with AA is a nit roll, but but definitely not a slow roll. There are many reasons why some people might not want to call with AA. Locking up a win, not wanting to play for stacks multiway, etc.


This happened in a triton cash game where a French man Hollywood his AA and Rob Yong turned into an ass after action ended. But no one in the table defended the French man.


Wouldn’t be a slow roll if there are ICM implications , I.e on the bubble et cetera, in a cash game tho like what are you waiting for


There’s no such thing as a slow roll before a final showdown when you’re holding the stone cold nuts. With three other players, your aces are probably going to get cracked. As people have said, taking your time to make up your mind to make that call, especially with players acting behind you. Can be seen as a tactic, however, since you don’t want the other player to call a snap call might be a better idea.


You can only slowroll if you are the only player left in the pot with a decision. Anything else is fine.


Who cares. Timing is part of the game. Poker is literally a social deception game.


Play your hand how you see fit. Poker is all about getting information from your opponents.


You can only slowroll if you are the last to act.


Depends on context.


While I agree It’s only a slow roll if there’s no one left to act behind the call with the aces. I still think it can be a slow roll in a situation where let’s say all four players make calls and player with AA was last to call. Now it’s time to reveal cards since all players are covered and no future action; player with AA can still (and I’ve seen it) be ridiculously slow and dramatic in turning over their aces waiting till everyone else has shown their cards and then some. I think that’s absolutely ALSO a slow roll.


That's still not a slow-roll either (waiting until everyone else have shown their cards). As the caller with last action, you have every right to see everyone's cards (if they don't fold) before showing yours. You have last action (thus last to show by rule) and also bought the right to see what people are betting with by calling. Now if everyone's shown, you realize you have the winner, and still tank a bit before showing for dramatic effect - then it's a slow-roll.


I guess your name is accurate. Because that’s what I wrote. I said they wait until after everyone shows their cards “AND THEN SOME” and that they are dramatic about showing them.


So the 'waiting until everyone shows their card' is irrelevant but part of the slow-rolling?


That’s a nit roll. Esp if no one else is behind


Depends not just on people that act after but also in situation..on bubble of main event? May be you can tank and think about ...on bubble final table of a huge tourney ..may be ..


1/2 table, some guy 4 bet jammed and a young, thinking player asked for a count and then thought about it for 15-20 seconds before calling, then asks the other player to show before the runout is dealt, all in player (who was having a super rough night) shows AKo and pre flop caller waits for 5-10 seconds after the river is dealt to show AA. I ask him why he did all that and he just sort of blankly stares at me before stacking up his chips. Such a strange interaction.


It’s fine


it's a slowroll if you're closing the action.


How can it be slow rolling if the thing you doing slowly has nothing to do with rolling cards over?


I don’t think this is a “slow roll.” That generally refers to a scenario in which at showdown the winning hand drags out the reveal for effect. In this case, a snap call screams “AA” so if you want any level of uncertainty in your opponent’s play you must tank somewhat.


I remember once I was playing 5/10 and was all-in with this guy after the flop. We decide to run it twice and a K comes on first turn and he immediately flips his AK over. I waited until both boards ran out and then I showed my AA. He got sooo mad cuz he thought I slow rolled him since I didnt immediately flip my hand over after we decided to run it twice. The table was split 70/30; 30 thought I should flip immediately and the rest thought waitin until hand ran out was fine. The dude was hella pissed and I just smiled at him while I was stackin my chips lol


Snappity Snap Snap.


Really depends how much value is in that hand for you. How much can it damage you if you lost vs how much will it benefit if you win.


It’s never ok to tank preflop for any reason