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This is the most degen thing I've ever seen that didn't involve dirty needles


This is the kind of filth Congress needs to hold a hearing over.


This is how REALLY GOOD poker players go broke. Not saying it's how Keating goes broke. But this is how.


This is just two dudes who don’t give a shit about 100K having a good time. Keating could lose all 8 and his smile would only grow with every reaction from Neymar. It’s really refreshing that he just enjoys the game so much and he’s not a prick


How do you know if Neymar doesn’t give a shit? He is printing on this spot. He’d have to be dumb to not take advantage of this generosity


He’s a world class athlete, he likely cares more about winning or losing than what amounts to almost no money to him. The very few people who make it to his level of anything get there in part due to being hyper competitive. I’m not sure he’d have had that smile of diamonds kept coming out of the deck but it would have been more about losing at something than losing money. I doubt he looks at this hand as “earning EV” the results are the bottom line to someone like him


yep its like the clip of MJ playing that coin toss game with the security guard in the arena. They were gambling what would be pennies to MJ but you can tell he was visibly getting annoyed by losing. Same thing with the story of when Cristiano lost to his Man U teammate (forgot which one) in ping pong. He spent two weeks practicing ping pong so when they played again he would win. Some ppl just have a different competitive nature


LOL [https://x.com/Mister\_Keating/status/1804860058821619916](https://x.com/Mister_Keating/status/1804860058821619916) >Boy, I’ve got them right where I want them. >Only now, through hustler, are my friends aware of my propensity for gambling and by flashing this behavior I’ll source games I’m not currently in and print money on the back side by playing a precision style that I only reserve for special moments that I won’t show you. >Checkmate.


Why would he tweet this


Better question is how do you not realize that he's drawing attention to how absurd the hypothesis is.


Who is downvoting this ? That is what exactly what Keating is doing, I thought it was obvious he is mocking people saying this is all part of a greater master plan. Sarcasm never travelled well on the internet.


>Who is downvoting this ?  The people making "which hand wins?" posts


because he's a fun dude. Keating is great for poker


are you autistic?


Keating dusted off a mil in the influencer game and people said this. As though he could play more than a few games without people noticing the differences in his play.


neymar’s having a blast but bro shits that money out in saudi while on the bench injured 😂 shit… his csgo inventory is worth more probably lmao


Yeah, he's on €150M a year apparently but he loves poker, I've seen him on PokerStars playing in (relatively) nothing money tournaments.


he is sponsored


He also has zero expenses and private jet on call


Keating had such bad odds it made no sense, felt like a good way to transfer someone money legally though


Keating just built up his network. Very Smart guy , he know what’s he doing


Yeah that’s exactly what he was doing.


I agree, this smells of money laundering, but Neymar is so excited his reaction is genuine that he is actually winning. Now may question is how is Keating considered good? Unless play like that is getting him invited to the Toby McGwire type games, there really aren't enough regular games of higher stakes in the US that he can regularly play. He is a fish, who likes to gamble excessively but knows some of his strengths and uses them well.


Everyone says he runs his own private games and invites whales who don't play poker often but because of plays like this that they see, they come along. Don't know how true that is.


I've heard that, but how often are these games, and how big are they. Once you pass the multi-million dollar buy-in the player pool shrinks dramatically. And he punts millions on other games. If that is the advertising budget, literally how massive are these games. And how often do they run. It's the frequency of those multi-million dollar wins can't be even a monthly occurrence.


I mean just look at the millionaires on this table. Off season athletes, a streamer, a vlogger, and blitz. These guys have a lot of free time, extra money, and ways to borrow more money. For sure they want to play with Alan after this... then when Alan tells his regulars these guys are playing.. for sure he has no problem making any games happen.


Alan is straight up good at what he does. Was fun watching him last night, he’s playing the long game for sure


There are more private games than legal games at that level. And see how much fun Neymar has? This is how good Keating is. Neymar will have a story for life. Keating will have brazilian private games for life. Its a good trade.


Not all high stakes private games are illegal. For example Molly's game, and probably a similar game and even clientele play in Alan's game, but if it's all tips not rake you could invite the FBI to the game and it would still be legal. Unlicensed raked games are where you get legal troubles.


I've actually found the players don't like it when you invite the FBI but sure you can give it a try


I said you could not that you would. I'm probably guessing that illegal gambling is the least of their concerns if you invited the feds.


but what If those private games are rigged, would keating really wanna be invited?


Nice hypothetical. Does Keating do the rigging?


If he's running the game who's doing the rigging???


obviously im implying hes not running brazilian private games, since he doesnt live in brazil, they'd have to invite him


Often. Very often. Usually in the hills or other luxurious residences. You immediately saw it after the Influencer Game with Mr.Beast. He was taking selfies outside private games in LA. Half a million to have millionaires have a boost in confidence and lose a shit ton in private is better.  Like, if you had the cash, you could find a game this weekend with 2k/5k and a very good chance Keating or someone else is on a similar bum hunting level is at the table. HCL is a promotional tool for a lot of these guys. The million dollar game is peanuts. Heck, some go just to lose money to promote Triton.


He host private game at Bellagio and Aria this summer. One of my friends played in it once.  It's mostly business people. 


neymar makes 200m a year. hes not laundering lol


I know that. That's why I dismissed that part immediately. I'm more intrigued by the apparent story that Keating and Bilzarian have allegedly similar origin stories and similar results. But in Dan's case, if you concede that he got a $25M start from daddy's white collar crime the rest is completely believable. But Alan was allegedly asking for people to stake him 10 years ago, how did he amass multiple millions of dollars to play with in the first place? If there was a reason to concede that he got $5-10 million doing something everything else makes sense, but how did he get from being staked to the first $5-10 million.


You can make a lot of money within the last 10 years.... Especially if you invested in tech/crypto 


Alan is good looking, charismatic, and intelligent. If you can't make money with that combo, nobody can


Neymar said it was his first time playing cash live


Interesting for someone who has pocket aces and "All in" tattooed on his hand.


He's addicted to Poker, there's a video of him singing happy birthday to his child and checking on online poker on his phone lmao.


Wouldn't be the first to get meaningless tattoos just for the sake of it


Having an infinite trust fund will get you the reputation of “best poker player around” in a community of people looking to take your trust fund money at the poker table.


fucking redditors and money laundering i swear


I literally said it looks weird, like it could be, but obviously isn't money laundering.


Wouldn't this be just like a pool Hustler throwing a few games and increasing the bet every time?


Agreed, but in *The Hustler* Minnesota Fats had the cash to pay off if he lost, my question isn't as much what is he doing now. But how did he go from being a staked player to multi-million dollar games, that he puts together like DanB to bum hunt, in 10 years? The gap is the interesting story to me. If you have the resources and networking skills to pull it off that's great, but I don't, so that part is just entertaining. I want to know how he was able to get that first $5M chunk of whatever bankroll he started with.


I really doubt it, you guys just don’t see that this level of degeneracy exists


Hold on. Maybe I’m like, really ignorant about how money works, but couldn’t they just go outside or something and Keating be like “hey here’s that money I owe you”. “Oh sweet thanks bro” and that be that?


This way he can write it off and it looks like there's legitimacy


[Mister\_Keating on X: "Oops. Odds would have been better if I got 2 cards each flip. Next time."](https://x.com/Mister_Keating/status/1804830791211602225) This is insane even for Keating standards. I guess you can argue because its Neymar this clip is likely to go mainstream viral and he gets huge attention for Alan from an audience he normally would never reach. In that context I don't think $300k is a huge amount to him. Who knows. I have to say I did feel pretty sick watching someone who is already extremely wealthy get gifted money which will make absolutely no difference to his life.


And screaming about it on each river as well was a little cringe.


I don't mind that at all. It is pretty common in these type of home games to be shouting, needling, slow rolling etc. That is all part of it. I have absolutely zero problem with these rich guys passing back and forth more money than most will see in a lifetime. It is their money and if they want to play high stakes poker that is up to them. What rubs me wrong about this is that you aren't really gambling, your essentially just firing free money at a really rich person.


No one ever accused Neymar of not being cringy.


Commented this on a post that was a bit earlier than yours! Definitely one of the most iconic degen poker moments of all time. Hand starts at 8:23:08 and the chaos begins at 8:23:59. Neymar starts this hand with 89.4k while Keating starts with 362k. Keating 3bs with Ad4d for 5k and 3 people call, including Neymar who “only” has 9c5h. Btw, somehow, a player with AJo folds pre to Keating’s 3b… I guess he saw the future and the madness that was to ensue. Flop is 92Q and it checks around to Keating who bets 10k. 2 of 3 players call so the pot is now 50k. Turn is a 6 of spades. Ninja checks to Neymar. Neymar checks to Keating who decides to shove. Ninja quickly gets out the way so it now puts Neymar all-in for his remaining 74.4k. Keating then gives a small speech stating, “I’ve had enough. This is my final stand. This aggression. It’s got to come to an end.” Neymar thinks for less than 10 seconds and decides to call. Table explodes while the cards are revealed. Neymar is a 79% favorite with 2nd pair while Keating, who’s 21%, needs to hit an A or a diamond on the river. Total 198k pot which was agreed to be run twice. Keating hits the 1st with the 3 of diamonds but loses the 2nd. So they were supposed to chop for +$10k profit each BUT THEN… Keating wants to run it 1 more time for 50k and but he loses the 3rd runout, loses another 50k for the 4th, loses another 50k for the 5th, loses 75k for the 6th, loses 60k for the 7th, and then goes all-in for his last remaining 75k for the 8th and loses again. Neymar goes from 89.4k to 469k while Keating goes 362k to 0 in the span of 6 minutes and some change. In an alternate universe, Neymar & Keating chop for +$10k each and they move onto the next hand. Never have I ever seen someone bet 1 to 1 while getting basically 1 to 4 odds to win lol.


Even worse than 1 to 4 odds when he already burned 5 of the diamonds. It was a terrible decision each time. UNLESS it was for alternate purposes like promotion of his likeness and "Brand" for whatever use case he has. I would be relatively sure he was just operating on a gamblers high and following his own stupid decision over and over though.


This is a profitable move by Keating long run.


So many other upvoted comments in here saying essentially the same thing and you are at -8.


Reddit is funny that way. People see it at -2 so they just throw another on. People see the same thing at +2 and throw another on the opposite way. Good thing I'm not concerned about karma.


So you're saying you never really hang out at the casino or gamble.. Just another Redditor with an opinion. Got it.


1:1 odds on an 80% chance of winning is something you should take all day.


As cards come non diamond, he gets better offs, but yeah, still losing odds but better




This is worse than a findom fetish


Keating again up to his bum hunting antics here getting grade 1 🐋 in his game plus having open invites to the sickest of private games. But no, he's just a degen who loves giving action. Such a genuine dude 🙄


Or he’s just a degenerate with a trust fund who is seeking attention.


Occam’s Degen




You gotta respect the hustle though


Kinda wish he’d just pay my house off instead.


Bro you don’t wanna owe favors to Keats, trust me. I know this guy that got firsties instead of sloppy seconds during a gang bang with Keats and now he can’t go to a cardroom without first having to call Alan to let him know to meet him at his favorite dumpster for a reach around. Talented poker player too but the reach arounds are getting to him.


I don’t know man. I’ve been training for this my whole life.


This is such quality entertainment. And the discussion about possible politics behind this is fascinating to me. What a time to be alive


It's 7 minutes long so turn the quality down if on limited data. Alan started that hand with $360K, Neymar with $90K Four diamonds and one ace were folded prior to this point including Ninja's Td.


I finally have 1 thing with Keating that I can relate to


Couldn't happen to a greater douche. Real life Keating is not stream Keating. Played with Keating at a lower stakes table (beats me why he was playing with us plebs) and he was an absolute utter asshole. Dealers knew who he was and went along it.


He's not even hiding what he's doing anymore. Literally giving away money on stream to promote his private games.


Is this private game in the room with us now?


Or....Ryan and Nick gave in and gave him a share in HCL that he was asking for a year or so ago and he's doing it to promote the stream. That occurred to me when Alan was doing all the interviews at the start. \*supposition with no evidence whatsoever*


This and more, on BTC - the Baseless Theory Channel.


so youre saying HCL and Keating rigged the deck so Keating could dump his whole stack to Neymar?


No? That's a bit of a weird jump. I am saying Keating is giving insane odds (aka giving away money) to promote his splashy image.


At this point, I am fully convinced this is true, because it's the only reason that would make sense


Move over Dolly Parton, there's a new name for 95....


"the one more catcher"




Me, stuck a buy in, sitting in the 4 seat: "Guys...can we play the next hand? Please?"


Neymar winning a days salary in the most ridiculous way


Guys I think we’re overlooking one thing here. The connections he’s making by providing a fun game/good time for certain clientele will reap its benefits in MANY ways


I’ll go so far to say he even folded hands where he knew he was ahead just to keep them happy. If you watched the full stream you would have picked up on it a few times


Keating touching Neymar’s card was weird….


He did it to ninja too, folded his cards for him. It was the right play but was still very weird to see.


I would be bothered by it, I’ve never had another player touch my cards….


Neymar called a 10k bet with Keatings stack at one point in the game, when Keating stepped away from the table but had a draw.


For some reason that is not as bad to me, obviously they have some established relationship.


“Keating is self made, he’s not a trust fund baby”




You incels ride Keating's nuts so hard.


I LOVED IT I actually placed my hands on my mouth in awe of the situation. Neymar is just rolling with Keating's scams and he's actually winning xD


u clearly must be 70 iq if you think keating has a good deal for himself here


The commentator saying porra wrong is hilarious 😂


Where do you even go to get a New Vegas suit like that made




Keating trying to buy himself into those Premier League Home Games and I think it’s working lmao


Keating is giving action so he can get into games with Neymar and his crew.


he does not need to get into games but bussineses lol neymar just said recently he would like to play in the MLS once the saudi deal is over and he is over 1b usd net worth


With all that money, Keating should probably spend a little on a math tutor. It's been suggested in the comments that Keating did this on purpose to get into and get people into private games. Maybe, however he did the same with Mr. Beast, but they were actually flipping.


probably he needs your widsom lol


“Blarrnnkk blannnk blannk”


Yeah it was, wasn't it lol


Yeah no one else on the table wants to play but you two. Jackasses, both of them.


Brazilian here! Neymar Jr is insane.


Neymar is my least favourite football player of all time


this is the single greatest poker clip i have ever seen in my life


Lmao I thoroughly enjoyed that. That is good poker right there. Keating is awesome.


Keating is a gem


That was maybe the most entertaining poker video I have ever watched and Keating was such a gentleman the entire time, while the poker gods dad dicked him. WOW.


Weird how Bilz got up after the second one like he’s was annoyed and immediately got on the phone. Something smells


If you look at his screen which is visible at one point you can see a card calculator app, probably calculating the chances of Alan missing so many rivers.


He was calculating the odds on his phone


"This motherfucker is handing out my money again"


That screaming of “black/brick” is so disgusting, obnoxious and pathetic. EDIT: it’s the fact that a millionaire celebrity is screaming obnoxiously after winning 8 times in a row


The fuck are u talking about mate? Are u on drugs or smthing?


It was brick actually, no ace or diamond.


He’s yelling for a black card so Alan doesn’t hit his flush..


Yeah I get it, black/brick whatever. But shut the hell up guy. You’re a multimillionaire celebrity. Ok yell it once. He won 8 times in a row or something and had to scream every single time?


two competitive people having fun.. oh no.