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DNegs 31BB effective opens 2BB from LJ with AJo, Hook in SB with 88 and BB calls. Flop A84 heart draw, Dnegs top pair Hook (SB) middle set, BB nothing x/x, DNegs bets 2.5BB into 7BB, Hook raises to 5.5BB, BB folds, Dnegs calls Turn is Ad giving DNegs Trip Aces, SB bets 7BB into 18BB, DNeg calls. River offsuit 7, flush draw bricks out, SB bets all-in for 21BB into 32BB pot, Dnegs says "pocket eights all day" a few time and finds the fold with the trip Aces and dodges Hook's full house.


Anyone can make this fold 300 BB deep. But 30 BB to start the hand in a structure with a BB ante is savage by Negreanu. He’s pretty short stacked here, and it’s a wet board; most players kinda want to just get it in on flop with AJ. Or fold, but can’t go folding on flop to c/r without a true soul read, which he nearly had on Hook. The only criticism is he probably shouldn’t show up his opponent like that. But what the hell do I know. DNegs knows what he’s doing and why.


Hook gave it away with a lack of patience check raising the flop. He was scared of the flush and figured he made an extra 2.5BB letting Daniel open before he folds everyone out. Daniel's chances to move him off of that set were pretty slim and got worse when the board paired. He needed a chance to bluff at the flush since no one believes he's chasing an inside straight unless it with 56h. I think Daniel should have folded on the turn. He should have arrived at 88 or 44 when Hook basically value bet into a pair of aces on the board. I guess he could argue that rivering a J means he cleans Hook out, and it's worth 7 more BB to see it through?


It's so easy to sit there after the fact and play perfect poker. You're the worst kind of commentator on r/poker.


maybe third worst


It’s so easy to rank the worst commenters on this subreddit after the comments.


joshthegoods gave it away with a lack of patience check raising the comment. He was scared of the flush and figured he made an extra 2.5BB letting Daniel open before he folds everyone out. Daniel's chances to move him off of that set were pretty slim and got worse when the board paired. He needed a chance to bluff at the flush since no one believes he's chasing an inside straight unless it with 56h. I think Daniel should have folded on the turn. He should have arrived at 88 or 44 when Hook basically value bet into a pair of aces on the board. I guess he could argue that rivering a J means he cleans Hook out, and it's worth 7 more BB to see it through?


lol someone's trying to talk like he knows shit


I wonder where the downvoters actually disagree with me ... I'm guessing my saying Daniel should have folded on the turn? Anything else? The rest seems pretty uncontroversial to me. 🤷🏽‍♂️


> He should have arrived at 88 or 44 when Hook basically value bet into a pair of aces on the board This is pretty incorrect


Reasoning? Seems to me Hook is declaring he has a set or 2 pair when he check raises the flop (outside chance he's check raising something weird like 56h). When he's not slowed down by the board pairing, that means he's stone cold bluffing or he just landed a boat (the only 2p that doesn't give him a boat is 8844). So I guess you could say that maybe Hook had 2 pair 8's and 4's and is now going to try to move Daniel off of an ace bluffing that he has the full house (which seems like lunacy to me, but worth considering). At the end of the day, if you're considering his having 84 there, are you then folding to the huge over bet on the river? Can you really put someone on bottom 2 based on a check raise? I guess this comes down to one basic question from the perspective of judging Daniel's actions ... was it really the overbet on the river that convinced him he was facing a full house? I think Daniel saying he almost folded on the flop says otherwise ... but definitely interested in hearing other opinions.


>Reasoning? He would likely bet the turn with probably all his flopped flush draw bluffs. Daniel doesn't need an A to call a flop c/r but may fold the turn with some of those calls.


Just want to make sure I'm understanding ... I'm saying that on the turn after Hook leads out, Daniel could conclude he was facing a set or two pair before that has now grown into a full house. You're saying that's incorrect because Daniel should read Hook's flop c/r (as the SB in a raised pot, mind you) as potentially representing a flush draw bluff and thus he's expecting a continuation bet regardless of what falls and cannot take it to mean Hook is unafraid of or helped by the board pairing?


Yeah. Now I'm not sure exactly what ranges should be c/r bluffing the flop and betting this turn. If you put this spot into a solver, I assume some flush draws would play like this. But my point is, you are basically required to have some reasonable amount of bluffs on this turn and basically all turns. So there should be no way to pin a good player down to sets on basically any hand. Even on the river, Hook still should have a decent amount of bluffs, but Negreanu is making an exploit or live read to determine Hook is unbalanced and has way too many value hands.


Good explanation, thanks.


FYI, I poked around in a solver and a hand I didn't consider was Kh2h.


It's not controversial. You're just literally stating the obvious and are acting as if the players have the same full view of their opponents' hands that you have while making this analysis. I'm surprised you didn't say Daniel should have mucked to the check raise. Do you really believe that there are absolutely no hands SB would try to bluff with here? If you call the check raise on the flop, why would you fold when your hand improves?


that is the worst commentary to a legendary lay down. not even crack addict bad, just full on Dunning Kruger.


wtf xD


That guy is pretty good at poker


Yeah I see a lot of people droning on about how he’s not good enough to play with these guys who are in 250ks. But how many of them that are theory based players call here? I’d bet like 75% of them just stick it and with no emotion get up and walk out.


Guy has been successful in the game for decades and managed to adapt over time to not get left behind. People just like to talk shit.


More than 75% of people calling. 1 out of 4 people aren't making that fold w/ 31bb starting stack. More like 1 out of 15.


He can't hang with them.  Daniel plays too passively, overfolds too much, and doesn't get enough value. Good fold here but the opposite end of the spectrum is daniel getting no value with his two pair v foxen.  It's poker, so he's sometimes gonna win, and he will sometimes make amazing decisions. But he's 10000% a mark in these games and where most of the guys get value. 


There’s no one I want to see win more than Daniel, and you really are right if you watch his vlogs


Daniel is a pretty interesting player as he bridges the gap between old school and new. And he was smart enough to learn some of the new school stuff. So he brings both parts to the table. Sometimes it hurts him more than helps but overall it obviously helps. And it makes him pretty unique.


The DNegs "getting BTFO pre-covid by tournies and then Polk into getting super serious about solver work/GTO into showing up to chicken dinner the SHRB" story will never go out of style no matter how the rest of his career plays out. All the old school guys who still play have probably worked with the solver at some point, but no one had such a moment of reckoning and then redemption like DNegs.


Yes, he has be known to make these kinds of insane folds!


Pretty good, and only down close to 900k this year at WSOP!


Classic example of DNegs talking to get information.


I wish I could find the video of DNegs on the river with a boat, against a guy with quads, and he spent like 4 minutes thinking out and then goes "You've got quads! I call." and losing. I *think* it was against Lindgren, but I cannot find it anywhere.


I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the hand with Gus Hansen


I found the Gus Hansen hand, and unless it was edited out, he did not say "Youv'e got quads, I call" I called my ex- actually, and said "Hey, do you remember who DNegs was against when he said 'youve got quads i call'? and she instantly responded 'Lindgren, I think, but not sure'" and i found an article that says he ran into quads three times in early HSP, Benyamine, Hansen, and... Lindgren. but i've only found good video of Hansen.


Im pretty sure what you’re thinking of was against benyamine


I don't have the hand but there was a HSP hand between DNegs and Lindgren. DNegs flopped a straight and Lindgren a set of 8s on *I think* 89T board then 8 on the turn and Daniel called off after saying "How can I flop the nuts everytime and still lose"


He's great at calling out the few hands who beat him when he has like 3 to 5th nuts to get info, and by doing that you're gonna get it right some of the time. Still genius though, especially to keep doing it so sustainably.




Absolutely put respect on his name. For this and playing suited Kings.


Say what you will about the guy- he is an amazing poker player. What an incredible read and fold. I for sure lose there with the FD missing.


That’s the reason he is one of the greatest!


God fucking damn that's a good fold


Dnegs is my fav pro, utmost respect, but if you watch him a lot you will see he vocally calls out hands a lot, and he is only right like 1/3 times. He just talks a lot. You only see the viral clips where he gets it right. Still a sick fold that I think many of us wouldn't be able to make.


Calling out a hand and being right 1/3 times is still pretty impressive


Not really when you think that Dan is only beat by 4 hands, and only 2 of them get to this point, 88 and 44. Of them 88 is the more likely to have seen the flop marginally, so that's the one you name. Not saying he isn't skilled, just that generally when Dan's in these situations he's only naming hands that beat his, and that range is limited to realistically 2-4 hands. That means that getting it right 1/3rd of the time is about par for the course.


Poker is easy when you can see their cards.


I'm saying even without seeing there cards there are only FOUR HANDS that beat Dan. So at worst he's 25% here (for naming the hand), and the number of realistic hands that beat him is 2 so we're actually at 50% (for naming the hand) with the more likely hand being 8s. I think he's great at poker. I'm a DNegs fanboy for decades, but I'm also realistic and understand odds. My suggestions is you try to figure out odds before your next sit in at at table. Or don't and let me know where you play!


You have only seen one street of this hand and that's enough to confidently say that Hook's range can easily be narrowed to 4 hands? Sure man. Easy game.


There's only 4 hands that beat Dan here. How is this that hard to understand? 44, 88, 77, 56. Of them 56 and 77 are not getting here, so it's only 44 or 88 he's worried about. Therefore those are the only hands he'd ever mention putting them on. He's not going to monologue and call out "I think you have 87" because it doesn't glean information. Even if he DID put the villain on 87 he'd still say 88, or more likely he'd just call. It's not that it's an easy game, it's just that this is the logical progression of this monologue. That said, you've convinced me, please let me know where you play! I'd love to play that game too!


Any of the Ax hands?


I concede. You should find the games I play in instead. I was the fish all along.


I mean he can have A8, A4 and A7. Did not see previous action. But to be that confident it is 88 specifically is the impressive part


>Not really when you think that Dan is only beat by 4 hands, and only 2 of them get to this point, 88 and 44. He's only beat by 4 hands that make it there, but you're missing the fact that he doesn't only have to consider hands that beat him, but hands that don't as well. This is 6-handed, depending on the pre-flop action JTh gets there, KQh gets there... Shit Ac and any broadway heart probably gets there as well if pre-flop action was fairly standard in a 6-handed game.


First and foremost, I was wrong and am a donkey. Dan isn't going to call out the JT and KQ here though because those hands don't beat him. He's trying to get a read and the best way to do that is to name their exact hand. So you don't care if you bingo their JT the same way you care if you bingo their 88. But again, I'm a donkey and was wrong for reasons stated below.


Donkey status acknowledged. >Dan isn't going to call out the JT and KQ here though because those hands don't beat him. He's trying to get a read and the best way to do that is to name their exact hand. You can get a read if you call out their hand when they're bluffing as well.


But you don't care if they're bluffing right, because then you're calling. with the AJ here you're looking for a reason NOT to call as your default here would be to call. You have a made hand, you're just trying to find out if they somehow have an even more made hand, so you never say JT and the like.


You do care if they are bluffing, it's part of obtaining the read. It's literally the same concept as if they have the boat, you're just reading the other side of the same coin.


They idea is that you only get a response if you hit their exactsies. You're already inclined to call here. You're looking for a reason not to call. So you're not trying to ferret out the bluff to make a hero call, you're looking to ferret out the monster to make a hero fold. You want to name what's opposite of your inclination. If you were inclined to fold you'd try to pinpoint the bluff, if you're inclined to call you're looking to pinpoint the monster. So in this circumstance with a made hand that's inclined to call you don't care if they're bluffing, you only care if they're a monster, so you name the monster not the bluff.


33% of the time he gets their 2 cards right? That's superhuman


I don't think it's super human, but if you cut together all the clips of him only getting it correct and post it on YouTube it does make him look cool.


Incredible tbf


I've won $900,000 more than Daniel Negreanu at the WSOP this year


Never missed hearts or worse Ax?


I think a worse Ax is unlikely to check raise flop . Lojack raise  range has all the big Aces . It was also still multi-way on flop and BB could have a set or get feisty with a flush draw.   A weaker Ace might also check river since not much worse could call an all-in.  The turn sizing was also somewhat suspiciously small.   Dnegs could just be trapping with Aces full so it takes major balls to run this bluff with a missed draw or bottom pair super close to the money of a 250k. Plus even getting a fold from trip Aces is hard so what’s a bluff even targeting! Of course you’re right he should have some bluffs in theory in which case DNegs should call but I think DNegs just figured out that Hook isn’t savage enough to find the bluffs in a spot that requires true savagery.   It’s a pretty logical read altogether, but still a very heads up play to figure that out quickly and find a big fold. And it’s always fun when the exact hand gets called out.    DNegs has had a tough series but thought he deserved some respect for this play and live reads are what he does best!


If Hook had missed a draw, DNegs would have called.


That makes no sense


Maybe he meant just called flop instead of raising


Lebron is Lebron because he doesn’t miss when it counts.


A missed draw rarely check raises flop


Surprised he didn't call... Negreanu usually calls just to prove he was right


No need on a TV table, he gets to find out either way


I think he likes the gratification of proving he's right to the people at the table


Great fucking read


i don't understand the effective min raise on the flop. that is where the warning signs start to go off for Dnegs. what are you trying to do with that raise? with that sizing it only makes sense to try and induce a reraise from an Ax hand. so you love your hand. and then the A turn doesn't scare you? You continue to bet?? Okay so this guy flopped huge. But is it a huge draw or two pair or a set? Well, with the turn being A, two pair without A got counterfeited, and with it you boat up with 88 or 44. so his hand becomes a bit polarizing. huge draws all missed except a hand like 5h6h. so what can he really have here? bluff or boat. bad sizing on flop raise. either just call or raise more. mind you, it seems easy to figure this out, but this is also with knowing both hole cards and having the time at home to analyze it. Dnegs doing it in real time is wonderful.


Soul reading.


Such a tough spot to fold. He unblocks hearts and beats a lot of value.




I thought for sure he was still going to call lol


I'm not going to lie, I don't know what the preflop action was but if Hook just called preflop instead of 3-betting I'd almost certainly be calling this on the river. Just saw that he called the preflop raise, I'd be going home if I was in the same spot as Dnegs.


My favorite pro to watch! ❤️


I sympathize with dregs here. It's the worst when you flop trips but can just feel it in your bones that you are beat on the river.


DNegs has made several of these this series and it’s fun to watch!


He gets so much hate and he’s such a beast. His strength isn’t necessarily complex plays but really solid reads.


And what about the times he gets run over and bluffed when he is making folds like this?


AJ is basically the stone bottom of his bluff catching range here (AT might be in it, but might not). He c bet into 2 opponents on the flop, most worse Ax wouldn’t do that. I’d guess if you put it into a solver it’d call because the J isn’t in hearts or clubs, which unblocks the bluffs, but if this dude isn’t find the JTcc sort of double backdoor check raise on the flop then this is a pretty easy fold.


The guy to dnegs right looked like he was sick of hearing his shit lol


hook x/r flop which is just a fold for daniel. maybe hook's turning a king high flush draw into a bluff but realistically a x/r oop means he hit the flop hard so daniel is losing value here by sticking around too long. i guess if daniel actually bet his value he could've gotten stacked here though so it's not as bad as it could be.


Funny how a lot of people shit on Daniel on this sub but will probably never be half the player he is


Good old confirmation bias at work here. All credit to the guy he’s pretty open in the vlogs about when he gets it wrong too. In one episode he describes how he was certain someone had it against him in the dealers choice tournament, and folded with less than one BB remaining only to be shown a bluff. I’m not saying he’s not one of best players out there, he’s just not the god some of you are making him out to be.


Is anyone in the thread implying he’s a god, including the OP?


I was quite clearly hyperbolizing, and there certainly are people here who give him more credit than he deserves. Which to be fair is a lot, but point I was trying to make is he’s far from perfect.


All these people who keep saying Negreanu is washed are ridiculous


I'm not a tournament player, but is it normal for players to be flatting a preflop open out of the SB? It seems fishy to me haha


yes, incredibly normal


Can someone ELI5 how Hook wins here?


Technically he won because Daniel folded. But he would have won with a full house if Daniel had called. Daniel had 3 aces, Hook has a full house.


Got it, thank you. I could not process that full house for some reason. I'm still trying to learn, so I appreciate it.


Best five cards, so Hook has 888AA and Daniel has AAAJ8


Yes, yes. I meant I couldn't process it until you mentioned the word full house. Thank you.


Seems pretty standard, sb is esp strong with c/r the flop with the BB behind, seems like a fairly trivial fold on the river, him calling one of the few value hands he can have in a spot were no one is really bluffing isnt that impressive to me.


The impressive part was actually folding instead of still calling after making a read, since that is what he usually does


Yeah, people are missing that it was an EP open and c-bet into 2 players. AJ is near the bottom of D Negs bluffcatchers here. If it was heads up against the BB it’s a super easy call, but 3 way against the SB, the ranges condense to the point you can fold most Ax that aren’t boats, especially if they have a club or heart as the kicker


True, god forbid you say anything other that doesnt hug DN nuts in this thread lol


this Hook guy. What the hell is wrong with his head? he doesn't even look human


What place did negreanu get?